AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 Window Looses Focus When Using Functions

Jul 10, 2012

When i use standard Acad-functions or even simply select an object like a polyline from land-survey,the "ribbon" changes to the corresponding Topic of the object,and the Map3D window looses its focus. (normal windows-mouse-cursor is displayed, not the AutoCAD crosshair). After clicking in Map 3D window again, crosshair reappears,and work can continue.

It doesn't matter if Map3d-windows is in windowed mode or fullscreen,it also doesn't matter if the windows is only on one of my 2 monitors or on both.

didn't have this problems using Topobase Client 2009,2010,2011...but since 2012 few problems evolved... (drawing-order-bug, memory-leak problem etc. etc.)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Set Focus To Main Window From Form?

Dec 7, 2013

How to switch focus to AutoCAD document window from my form of C# .NET plug-in.

After user pressed the button, I invite him to input a point, but my form still on top.

And it is nessesary to press minimize button, next to set a Focus on Autocad window, then to pick a point.

It is not handy enough.

I did not find a property to set a focus in class of Application.MainWindow.

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GIMP :: Focus Is No Longer On Main Window

Jul 8, 2011

I'm not sure if Gimp developers are able to assist, but running Gimp inUnity seems to be a bit problematic at times. Because of the global menu,focus on the correct toolbox / area is needed. Furthermore, Unity / Gimpseems to apply the focusing a bit unintelligently. For example, if I moveto another workspace and return to the Gimp workspace, the focus is nolonger on the main window, but rather on the toolbox.

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GIMP :: 2.6 Has Lost Focus In Image Window

Apr 26, 2011

I've got a Macbook Pro running X11(ver 2.3.6) and Gimp 2.6.11 and have had no problems with either until recently. I'm a professional artist with about 5 solid years of experience using Gimp and I love it. I actually own Photoshop and spend more time overall in the Gimp. But now, all of a sudden, I have no ability to do anything it it except rifle through the menus. Absolutely nothing works in the image window because the mouse will not click anywhere inside it. Its the same whether I use the build in touch pad, a USB 3-button mouse or my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. I know, or at least strongly suspect, that its a focus issue because I can click on a menu item and drop the menu, but clicking outside the menu onto the image area does not collapse the menu! I've searched and searched and I'm at a loss. My Gimps BROKE!

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Maya :: Cannot Use Any Browsing Functions In 2012

Oct 8, 2011

I've installed the student version of Maya 2012 on my computer (windows 7). At first, it was working fine but one day, I tried to Save As and Maya wasn't responding anymore... Had to go in the Task Manager to shut it down and when I did, it told me that the program wasn't responding. Later on, I found out that the problem wasn't only with the Save As function, but with every function that requires Maya to browse on my computer (Set Project, Open Scene, New Project, Create Reference, browsing textures, etc). I tried to uninstall and re-install Maya, did not work, delete the Maya folder in my documents, did not work, allow Maya in my firewall, did not work, even deactivate my firewall, did not work..

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GIMP :: Switch Focus To The Image Window Without Having To Click It

May 19, 2012

If I'm editing an image and I click the toolbox (or, say, the docked layers dialogue), if I hover my cursor back over the image and press and hold spacebar so I can scroll around the image, currently I have to click within the image window before it registers my keystroke.

The more intuitive behavior and what I want to be able to do is just hover my mouse cursor over a window and and keystrokes or scrolling I perform happen within that window. This currently happens if I scroll using my mouse scroll wheel, but not with keystrokes.

I'm using single window mode in Gimp 2.8, though I've also experienced this issue in non-single window mode when using Gimp 2.6.

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GIMP :: How To Create A Keyboard Shortcut To Put Focus On Image Window

Apr 15, 2012

Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut to put focus on the image window? I see how to create shortcuts to select every window except the image window, and it if I could just select the image window with a keyboard shortcut, GIMP would be much easier for me to use.

Also is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer?

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Photoshop :: Scanned Picture Covers Whole Scanning Functions Window?

Jun 27, 2013

i can't highlight it and thus finish scanning. The worst part is that i've tried all the buttons and screen size changes but nothing works except terminating the whole photoshop proccess and starting all over again.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - How To Get Array Window

Apr 28, 2011

Just installed CAD 2012 can i get the array window we use to have on previous editions to work again on this edition? When i used to select array on the ribbon, a window was opening, and i choose what i wanted to do...but now,

No window appear, i tried to follow the command.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Image Looses Transparency

Jul 1, 2012

I have a map of town area, because i need to color some area (and use see through color) i needed to make this in autocad 2011, because in 2004 i cant do this. Ok, but when i want to make an image (dwg to jpg) it looses transparency??

How can i just paint one area of map, make it transparency (see through) and than save it as an image file (jpg, png or whatever).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Save As Window Not Showing Up - 2012?

Jun 21, 2012

All of a sudden and out of the blue this window fails to apprear when trying to save a drawing to another location or to a different file name.

AutoCAD 2011 still has this funciton so have had to go back to using the earlier version.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Graphics Window Goes Blank - 2012

Nov 23, 2011

I have a problem with the graphics window in Inventor 2012, it happens once a week now, but getting more frequent the graphics window turns white and i cant see anything, i need to re-boot to get it back.

its a new PC, Inventor 2012
Quadro FX 1700, driver 265.70
windows professional 7, 64 bit (service pack1)

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AutoCad :: C3D 2012 - Open And Save As Window Not Showing

Dec 24, 2013

I am using civil 3d 2012 when i click open and save as not show a window its show command line choose file <c:folder location like this.

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AutoCad :: SAVEAS Looses File Name When Saving Through Shortcut Key

Feb 27, 2013

I have a folder on a my desktop with shortcuts to my active projects in my company's network. When I run SAVEAS in AutoCAD, I browse for the respective file using the shortcuts folder. However, the file name is now changing to the name of the shortcut folder. For example, a file is named PreliminaryPlat.dwg. I want to SAVEAS PreliminaryPlat.dwg in P:/111-05-02/Plats. Rather than go through hundreds of folders in the P:/ drive, I click on a shortcut in a FOLDER on my desktop for P:/111-05-02/Plats. When I run the SAVEAS in AutoCAD, the window is prompting me to save the drawing as P:/111-05-02/Plats. I found this error happens when I SAVEAS using a folder shortcut.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Quick Access Toolbar Looses Customization?

Apr 21, 2009

Inventor Pro 2010, XP Pro SP3, Compaq nw9440 laptop with NVIDIA FX 1500 VIDEO. why tools added to Quick Access Toolbar will disappear. they were here yesterday, gone today. I've reset them to see if I can duplicate the problem.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Get Dimension / Door And Window Styles From 2011 To 2012

Sep 7, 2011

How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012?  I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: While Displaying Animation In Autodesk 2012 Window Get Frozen?

Jun 10, 2012

While displaying animation in autodesk inventor 2012, inventor window get frozen. Is there any solution to this problem like onIdle event where we can do the calculation for what next animation shown?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Turn Off Apply To Layout Button In Plot Model Window?

Jan 19, 2012

How do I turn off the apply to layout button in thi window

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Photoshop :: Doc Looses Link To Original Smart Object Document

Jun 19, 2013

I am having trouble with my PScs6 wherein the layered doc I am working on looses it's link to the source file within the smart object "container" layers refering to it. I opened up a saved version from timemachine and the same thing happened. At the same time ALL the masks all went nuts and presented with lined artifacts instead of white (in the case of adjustment clipped layers to the smart object. The original file was not moved to a new location or deleted. I closed PS6 and reopened to find the problem did not go away. It started when I used the rotate tool to do some fine work on the smart object's mask with brush and wand. I was using the fill command to fill the wanded areas in the mask. I believe it was a problem with the rotate tool because it became more and more jerky and resizing over 100% caused the image within the smart object to dissappear on all layers using that source image in the doc. PS6 has been buggy and crashing more frequently recently in general, especially after using plugins that have worked flawlessly for years.  I run a macbook pro with snow leopard. 10.6.8
this one show the smart object now emptied of it's source image after using the rotate (R) tool for a while and zooming in over 100%..this one shows the mask artifacts (on the topmost "wash" layer mask) that also developed after using the rotate (R) tool for a while and zooming in over 100%.

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Illustrator :: Live Trace Image Looses Quality In After Effects

Dec 19, 2013

I created an image using live trace and saved it as a ".ai" file. I thought that saving it like this would allow to have the same quality in After Effects. However the After Effects image looks pixilated. I am still new to both programs. Attached are two images, one from After Effects and the other from Illustrator.

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AutoCAD LT :: Getting Array Window In 2012 To Open With Array Command?

Sep 30, 2011

How does one get the array window in 2012 to open with the array command like it does in 2007

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AutoCAD .NET :: Force Modeless Form To Keep Focus?

Mar 20, 2011

how I could force a modeless form to keep focus.  There is a sample on the ObjectARX docs but I can find anything for Dot Net.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Windows Focus During Batch Processing?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a VBA program that I'm converting to VB.Net.  The program is a batch process that opens a an excel file, opens a template drawing, adds blocks (listed in the excel file), plots and saves the drawing, then moves on to the next drawing, and so on.  In Autocad 2008 and previous version, the program ran in the background, i.e. I could see what was happening, but it didn't affect the running of other programs (like email).  However, since switching to Autocad 2009 (and 2010, and now 2011), the very same program now steels focus every time a new drawing is created (every few seconds).  We've been running this program for years during normal business hours, but have had to change to running them on a remote VM (which is slower) or at night.

I have since converted the program to, but I get the same results; windows or autocad keeps returning the focus to the autocad interface.  When I originally started to covert this program, I was going to do everything in the database only (not the user interface), it appears that to plot, though, the drawing must be opened in the interface. 

I can still run the same VBA program in 2008 or 2007 (if I re-install them) and it will run without steeling focus, but the 2007 file format is slightly larger and adds up with the thousands of drawings we are dealing with.  And I want to move to and 2011.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Force Command Line Focus

Jun 28, 2012

How does one programmatically set the command line to have keyboard focus?

I'm programmatically setting an active/focused PaletteSet's visibility to false.

_paletteSet.Visible = false;

I would like to follow this line with code that sets the command line to receive focus.

The PaletteSet for other reasons has KeepFocus = true.

I've tried various Win32 APIs (SwitchToThisWindow, SetForegroundWindow, SetActiveWindow) to no avail.  I also tried SendCommand() and SendStringToExecute(activate=true,..) , etc.

I imagine there's a way to do this with the native APIs.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cursor Focus Not Stable?

Jun 17, 2012

Ever tried filleting a model and noticed this annoying behavior. You want to type in 0.25... So you typed 0 first, then typed point, then 2. You are now going to type the remaining part 5. You notice that 5 replaces all the numbers in the dialog box. All of a sudden now inventor thinks the fillet value is 5.

Bad part is that this is a huge casting model and 5 is too big and inventor is now frozen.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD LT :: PDF Underlay Will Slow Down Its Functions

Nov 27, 2012

I understand that a pdf underlay will slow down AutoCad and its functions.  My company just switched from AutoCad 2010 to AutoCad LT 2010, while maintaining the same computer and it has become astronomically slower.  Is this an issue I have to deal with or is there a way to improve its efficiency?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Search Bar Functions

Jan 11, 2013

in autocad there is a search bar in the upper right. is there anyway that i can make that search for dwg files? I open up about 70 dwg's a day for work.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Turn Off 3D Functions

Feb 1, 2012

We never use 3d.  Is there a way to turn off all of these features?  I feel like it makes my Auto CAD lag and my drawing size (and PDF sizes) too big.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Changing Document Focus While Executing A Command

Sep 30, 2012

I am occasionally developing with ObjectARX 2013. The problem: A command being executed from a document needs to focus on another document. I am doing that as:

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument = aGeneratedDrawing;

After this line, the focus is taken by the other document. But the command execution just stops without producing any visible error or catchable exception. Apparently, the document focus cannot be changed during execution of a command.

A solution: What worked in the end was displaying a .NET form inside the command, like:


Then, performing the very same set of actions on a button click works flawlessly.

The question is: can using the form as a mediator be avoided? It is redundant there. I tried hooking to CommandEnded, executing the code as a separate command via Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute, and also executing the code in a separate delayed thread. So far, only triggering the code via the form worked.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Install 2012 And LT 2012 On Same Computer?

Mar 29, 2012

Is this supported by Autodesk, and will installing both products create any issues?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Steals Focus While Visible Is False And WindowState Is Minimized?

Dec 10, 2012

I am running some background automation on AutoCAD (2012 if it matters) and I am running into an annoying issue where even when AutoCAD's visibility is set to false and it's window state is minimized it still grabs focus when a drawing opens.

Me.autoCadApplication.WindowState = AcWindowState.acMinMe.autoCadApplication.Visible = False

It makes my computer unusable when the automation runs.

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