GIMP :: How To Create A Keyboard Shortcut To Put Focus On Image Window
Apr 15, 2012
Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut to put focus on the image window? I see how to create shortcuts to select every window except the image window, and it if I could just select the image window with a keyboard shortcut, GIMP would be much easier for me to use.
Also is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer?
Is there any way to create an action or keyboard shortcut to set the Crop tool to the front window size in Photoshop CS6? I find that I use that several times a day. I got used to it being the top choice in the Crop tool presets menu.
I've got a Macbook Pro running X11(ver 2.3.6) and Gimp 2.6.11 and have had no problems with either until recently. I'm a professional artist with about 5 solid years of experience using Gimp and I love it. I actually own Photoshop and spend more time overall in the Gimp. But now, all of a sudden, I have no ability to do anything it it except rifle through the menus. Absolutely nothing works in the image window because the mouse will not click anywhere inside it. Its the same whether I use the build in touch pad, a USB 3-button mouse or my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. I know, or at least strongly suspect, that its a focus issue because I can click on a menu item and drop the menu, but clicking outside the menu onto the image area does not collapse the menu! I've searched and searched and I'm at a loss. My Gimps BROKE!
If I'm editing an image and I click the toolbox (or, say, the docked layers dialogue), if I hover my cursor back over the image and press and hold spacebar so I can scroll around the image, currently I have to click within the image window before it registers my keystroke.
The more intuitive behavior and what I want to be able to do is just hover my mouse cursor over a window and and keystrokes or scrolling I perform happen within that window. This currently happens if I scroll using my mouse scroll wheel, but not with keystrokes.
I'm using single window mode in Gimp 2.8, though I've also experienced this issue in non-single window mode when using Gimp 2.6.
I'm not sure if Gimp developers are able to assist, but running Gimp inUnity seems to be a bit problematic at times. Because of the global menu,focus on the correct toolbox / area is needed. Furthermore, Unity / Gimpseems to apply the focusing a bit unintelligently. For example, if I moveto another workspace and return to the Gimp workspace, the focus is nolonger on the main window, but rather on the toolbox.
I like to use keyboard shortcuts in GIMP to select different tools or to nudge an image, but I frequently click on the layers window, which causes keyboard shortcut commands to then be directed to the layers window. So whenever I click to select a different layer or do anything with layers, afterwards I always have to have to click on the image window again to regain use of my editing keyboard shortcuts.
Because of this, I also often forget that layers window has focus and end up messing up my layers with key-shortcut commands intended for the image window. Is there some change I can make to my workflow or keyboard bindings to avoid this problem?
Any way to make the "click" function into a keyboard shortcut in gimp. I use a mouse, but the clicking interferes with my strokes (I like to hover my mouse gently. This way is faster and more presice for me.) I ould like to know if I can use a key like backslash or "v" to replace the clicking action when using brushes.
I have Gimp 2.8 and I am using Single-Window Mode. I have about 15 images open at the same time and I am doing repetitive tasks on each of them. I made keyboard shortcuts to do the tasks themselves but I still have to use my mouse to go up and click the next tab to start work on the next image. It would save time if there were a keyboard shortcut. I see that under the Windows menu I can use Alt+1 through Alt+0 to select any of the first 10 images, but I have 15 open.
I wanted to know if there is a keyboard shortcut to just switch to the next tab or the previous tab.
Is there a way to go to the next image with a keyboard shortcut?
Sometimes i have like 10-20 images open and having to move my mouse and scroll with that little arrow each time i want to edit one is annoying.Also is there a way to make the tabs smaller?
rotate image? I scan in several pictures at a time and having to click edit image rotate CW Right or CCW Left is too time consuming. I do not see a shortcut for this?
I discovered Paint Shop Pro many many years ago, and have been using version 4 (that's not X4, but the old Shareware version 4.12, from 1996!) to do the very basic image manipulation that I need to do. Basically: open up a jpg, crop it, resize it, sharpen it, save it. That's pretty much all I need to do 90% of the time, and I love PSP, because it's such a tiny program that it opens up really quickly. I've been thinking about trying a bit of website creation, so I decided to splash out for a decent graphics program. Not being able to afford Photoshop (and I wouldn't know what to do with 99% of it), I thought it made sense to stick with something I know: Paint Shop Pro.
I hate the mouse. If I can avoid using it, I do. But I'm stumped at how to go about sharpening my cropped image, since the keyboard "hotkey" for Sharpen is the same as Skin Smoothing - ie, S. So when I go Alt+A (to open the Adjust menu) and S (to get the Sharpen sub-menu), I get the Skin Smoothing tool.
there's a way to setup a keyboard shortcut to adjust pressure and rate for airbrush and smudge tools? I swear I've been up and down the whole shortcuts list... and perhaps I'm just missing something...
I am having a serious problem with gimp on my mackbook pro, running os x mavericks, but the problem also existed in mountain lion.
When any dialog box appears where there is a text box for keyboard input, the keystrokes go to the background gimp main window instead of the foreground dialog box. So it's impossible, for example, to type in a new file name on a save as dialog box. Another example is it's impossible to type in an image width in the scale image dialog box. This is true of all the dialog boxes I've checked.
This makes gimp practically unusable on a mac, and is therefore a serious problem. I know of a workaround that involves typing in data into the mac text editor and pasting it into gimp dialog boxes, but that's ugly and unacceptable.
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
Photoshop CS6 constantly setting the keyboard focus to the menu bar? This makes it difficult to use shortcuts.
Typical examples: I want to switch to the Move tool, so I press V, but instead, the View menu drops down. Or I press T for the Type tool, but instead, the Filter menu drops down. This happens often and it's very annoying.
This also happens in Premiere Pro CS6, and happens on both my Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 machines. Doesn't happen in other applications, and is not related to actually using a menu, i.e. if I choose something from a menu, then press V, Photoshop will often work correctly and activate the Move tool. This behavior seems to happen randomly.
Have a lovely extension. Such a pretty panel. Useful. Except there is a bug using FlexUI. If you click a flex panel it grabs up keyboard focus and will not let it go unless you click somewhere else. This may be a Mac thing. You can see this behavior in the built in "Kuler" extension. Select object. Click on Kuler panel. Hit delete. Object doesn't go away.
Now scouring the intarwebs I've seen a few posts describing this issue, but no fixes for Illustrator. If people know, they ain't telling. I aim to fix that, but first I need to find that answer.
Actionscript is just plain slow anyway, so I have my extension logic running from a Javascript. If there was some command in that script to give Illustrator back keyboard focus, even if it's a hack (such as invoke action), now that would be something.
Test it by using Kuler and running the script from Illustrator. The act of switching between ESTK and illustrator will fix things, but obviously you don't want to switch applications in the middle of a task.
My Visual Studio 2010 VB.NET program creates a shortcut to an ACAD.EXE file. I want to use the out-of-the-box AutoCAD icon image. The default path to the icon image is:
I use the following methodology:
Dim objShellClass As New IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_Class Dim objShortcut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut objShortcut = CType(objShellClass.CreateShortcut(strPathFile), IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut) With objShortcut .Arguments = strArguments .Description = strName .IconLocation = strIconLocation
Everything works fine except the shortcut image is blank. When I right-click on it and select properties, then Change Icon... it is pointing to the correct icon image. If I select OK and OK the icon image appears on the shortcut.
Why does the image NOT appear when the shortcut is initially created?
When i use standard Acad-functions or even simply select an object like a polyline from land-survey,the "ribbon" changes to the corresponding Topic of the object,and the Map3D window looses its focus. (normal windows-mouse-cursor is displayed, not the AutoCAD crosshair). After clicking in Map 3D window again, crosshair reappears,and work can continue.
It doesn't matter if Map3d-windows is in windowed mode or fullscreen,it also doesn't matter if the windows is only on one of my 2 monitors or on both.
didn't have this problems using Topobase Client 2009,2010,2011...but since 2012 few problems evolved... (drawing-order-bug, memory-leak problem etc. etc.)
I'm currently using Win2000 and photoshop CS. When I'm going to use shortcut, there is no response at all. After I check the keyboard shortcut preferences, it's normal. What's wrong with my computer?
When you're cropping an image in Fireworks (or any other type of selection box) you can use the keyboard to move the box around, increase or decrease it in size horizontally or vertically all using the keyboard using CTRL + SHIFT + (arrow keys) in 1px increments.
The UI method to pan down the viewport (e.g. Front view) is to use the hand tool and drag. This much we all know. However, I am drawing a shape with the line tool and, because it will be a large shape with many vertices, I am zoomed in and need to continually extend my line out of the viewport. I can't zoom out because I need to see the detail. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this panning? Obviously I can't use the hand tool without letting go of my line.
In Photoshop, the viewport pans with you if you extend your lasso tool (for example) way outside the viewport. Max does not do this..
Is there way to assign keyboard shortcut to do same thing as holding left mouse button over the ViewCube and movng mouse? E.g. hold Ctrl + MMB (middle mouse button) and move mouse.
Reason i dont like Alt + MMB or Ctrl + R (orbit view mode) is because it rotates view around the center of viewport, cube does same when no object selected, when object selected cube rotates view around that object!
Its such a time waste to look at cube then move mouse to it aim exactly at cube ... with keyboard modifier all needed to do it to hold button.
I am trying to record an Action where the dialogue box for Flatten/Cancel/Don't Flatten comes up. Flatten is the default selection but I would like a keyboard shortcut that allows me to select "Don't Flatten".
I updated my Mac and everything was fine until i had to restart it. My Photoshop's keyboard short cut became all random like this:I tried restarting my computer again but it has not changes.
The most weird part is that when i tried to change the short-cuts, it won't work even though i clicked on accept and "ok". Is there a way i can turn this back? It wasn't like this when i first got this back at November.