GIMP :: How To Set Keyboard Shortcut For Brush Opacity
Sep 8, 2011How to assign keyboard shortcut for brush opacity in GIMP...
View 1 RepliesHow to assign keyboard shortcut for brush opacity in GIMP...
View 1 RepliesWell, so far I"m zero for four in trying to get LR to let me do trivial things the way I'd like, but let's give it yet another try........
I ALREADY KNOW you can use the "[" and "]" to change the size of the spot removal circle. BUT, I'm trying to get LR to work as much like Photoshop as possible 'cause the inconsistencies on small things is a surprisingly large hit to productivity.....
In PS I can change the size of the clone or heal using Alt and the mouse. Change both size AND opacity.
Is this buried somewhere in LR? If not, is there a way for me to define this command in the translatedstrings file?
How can I limit the keyboard shortcut 'b' to only the brush tool (excluding pencil, mixer, and replace)?
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhat's the shortcut, if you're working w/ the brush tool?
View 3 Replies View RelatedGerman shortcut to select new source for existing circle or brush spot (forward slash key (/) on US keyboards) ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI like to use keyboard shortcuts in GIMP to select different tools or to nudge an image, but I frequently click on the layers window, which causes keyboard shortcut commands to then be directed to the layers window. So whenever I click to select a different layer or do anything with layers, afterwards I always have to have to click on the image window again to regain use of my editing keyboard shortcuts.
Because of this, I also often forget that layers window has focus and end up messing up my layers with key-shortcut commands intended for the image window. Is there some change I can make to my workflow or keyboard bindings to avoid this problem?
Any way to make the "click" function into a keyboard shortcut in gimp. I use a mouse, but the clicking interferes with my strokes (I like to hover my mouse gently. This way is faster and more presice for me.) I ould like to know if I can use a key like backslash or "v" to replace the clicking action when using brushes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Gimp 2.8 and I am using Single-Window Mode. I have about 15 images open at the same time and I am doing repetitive tasks on each of them. I made keyboard shortcuts to do the tasks themselves but I still have to use my mouse to go up and click the next tab to start work on the next image. It would save time if there were a keyboard shortcut. I see that under the Windows menu I can use Alt+1 through Alt+0 to select any of the first 10 images, but I have 15 open.
I wanted to know if there is a keyboard shortcut to just switch to the next tab or the previous tab.
I completely reinstalled GIMP 2.8 and put Andrew's Script (found here: URL....) into "C/USER/ADMIN/GIMP 2.8/SCRIPTS" (I'm stuck with Windows Vista Home Premium) running on an Acer laptop. Now the "Opacity" and "Brush Size" sliders have shown up where they're supposed to have been on the first install.
My middle mouse wheel used to control brush size - I recently reinstalled my updated Logitech mouse drivers and I'll bet if I go to "Setpoint" in my system tray, I'll be able to configure the mouse wheel from there. That's where I had to go in order to fix the tilt control in Google Earth after I updated the mouse drivers.
I just installed GIMP 2.8, with Andrew's GIMP Script FU and now I can't find the brush opacity slider anywhere (EDIT: Or the brush/eraser/pencil etc SIZE slider - there also appears to be no way to set my middle mouse wheel as the controller for the brush size). I've used GIMP for awhile and I know how to move around but I'm not very good with it.
Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut to put focus on the image window? I see how to create shortcuts to select every window except the image window, and it if I could just select the image window with a keyboard shortcut, GIMP would be much easier for me to use.
Also is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer?
I was trying painting with gimp and there is a shortcut in gimp to change the size of the brush/opacity my moving the stylus like you can on photoshop or sketchbook pro.
ALT+ctrl on a mac
This would be an incredible time-saver for us artists and not very complex. If not I will suggest this feature to the gimo developers.
there's a way to setup a keyboard shortcut to adjust pressure and rate for airbrush and smudge tools? I swear I've been up and down the whole shortcuts list... and perhaps I'm just missing something...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a shortcut for the brush size on gimp.
When I use photoshop with my tablet I can use my secondary of my pen button to quickly change size. But in gimp for mac it's a nightmare (secondary button doesn't acces brush settings) to change quickly brush sizes. Specially as a painter.
Is there any shortcut for gimp (MAC) ?
I have been looking for a way to toggle which brush is selected with a custom key but I cant seem to figure out how to do it. Perhaps even better would be to select specific tool presets with custom keys.
I should also note that I am aware of the shortcut action "Select Brush by Index", however it always selects the first brush. Is there a way to change the index number?
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen in brush mode, clicking "ctrl" switchs to color picker until yourelease. Is this shortcut editable? What if I want this to be set onAlt instead, for instance?
I could not find any shortcut which looks like it would do this in thekeyboard shortcuts list. Is there one? How to change this shortcut?
In past versions of Photoshop, when using the Clone Stamp, you could change the opacity by hitting the 1 through 0 keys. This shortcut still works with other brush tools - Brush, Spot Healing, etc. But now, when using it with the Clone Stamp it changes the Flow and not the Opacity.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using Win2000 and photoshop CS. When I'm going to use shortcut, there is no response at all. After I check the keyboard shortcut preferences, it's normal. What's wrong with my computer?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen you're cropping an image in Fireworks (or any other type of selection box) you can use the keyboard to move the box around, increase or decrease it in size horizontally or vertically all using the keyboard using CTRL + SHIFT + (arrow keys) in 1px increments.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe UI method to pan down the viewport (e.g. Front view) is to use the hand tool and drag. This much we all know. However, I am drawing a shape with the line tool and, because it will be a large shape with many vertices, I am zoomed in and need to continually extend my line out of the viewport. I can't zoom out because I need to see the detail. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this panning? Obviously I can't use the hand tool without letting go of my line.
In Photoshop, the viewport pans with you if you extend your lasso tool (for example) way outside the viewport. Max does not do this..
Is there way to assign keyboard shortcut to do same thing as holding left mouse button over the ViewCube and movng mouse? E.g. hold Ctrl + MMB (middle mouse button) and move mouse.
Reason i dont like Alt + MMB or Ctrl + R (orbit view mode) is because it rotates view around the center of viewport, cube does same when no object selected, when object selected cube rotates view around that object!
Its such a time waste to look at cube then move mouse to it aim exactly at cube ... with keyboard modifier all needed to do it to hold button.
I am trying to record an Action where the dialogue box for Flatten/Cancel/Don't Flatten comes up. Flatten is the default selection but I would like a keyboard shortcut that allows me to select "Don't Flatten".
View 7 Replies View RelatedI updated my Mac and everything was fine until i had to restart it. My Photoshop's keyboard short cut became all random like this:I tried restarting my computer again but it has not changes.
The most weird part is that when i tried to change the short-cuts, it won't work even though i clicked on accept and "ok". Is there a way i can turn this back? It wasn't like this when i first got this back at November.
I want Ctrl+Shift+S to do SAVE AS. I set it as such in the keyboard shortcuts, but when I do that key combo, all I get is this: The mouse pointer changes to this. I can move it around and draw a box (in the background of PS, outside any open images). I want it to go away and do SAVE AS instead.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter 5 action (shortcut) my keybord block all my shortcut, i have to press 5 times the option key..
View 7 Replies View RelatedHere's on online tool to memorize PS keyboard shortcuts better:
keycommands (dot) info.
The entire Creative Suite seems to be there too.
Does anyone make a laminated cheat sheet of Photoshop CS 3 keyboard shortcuts? I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to do something that I could not find in any of the menus. Finally I found a reference to it in one of my books as a keyboard shortcut.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have my primary tablet pen button bound to alt for the eyedropper tool, and often press [ and ] to change the brush size. Sometimes I hit alt and [ or ] together, which causes the active layer to switch up or down. It happens a lot and gets frustrating, especially if I don't notice immediately notice the active layer has changed.
The question is, how do I remove the alt+[ and alt+] bindings? They're not listed under the Edit - Keyboard Shortcut options and I can't find them anywhere else either.
I've tried a number of ways round it but the only one that remotely works is to change the brush size keys themselves.
Well ive searched and i cant find one. this as typing REGION repeatedly is annoying
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm using Max 2008 at work. I'm trying to set a keyboard short cut for Connect (with the dialog box popping up) and the same with Chamfer.
So what I have done so far is: Customize User Interface > Keyboard Tab > Connect (With Dialog) (Poly) and assigned a short cut and saved the UI.
It doesn't work even after restarting max, just wondering if there's anyway around this? Same happens with Chamfer options.
I find myself typing quite a bit of text that has the ® and ™. Many times the font, when it has that typed, is too big, so I have to use the type panel with the flyout menu to then change the character to superscript. In InDesign there is a keyboard shortcut for this. Is there ANY way to do the same thing in Illustrator?
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