Photoshop :: New Keyboard Shortcut Tool?
Mar 21, 2013Here's on online tool to memorize PS keyboard shortcuts better:
keycommands (dot) info.
The entire Creative Suite seems to be there too.
Here's on online tool to memorize PS keyboard shortcuts better:
keycommands (dot) info.
The entire Creative Suite seems to be there too.
What is the keyboard shortcut again from the type tool to the move tool?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I limit the keyboard shortcut 'b' to only the brush tool (excluding pencil, mixer, and replace)?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow to programmatically find the key assignment for a tool?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Adobe user who is somewhat new to the Corel world. In CD12, I was able to successfully create a workspace and workflow that mimiced AI. In CDX4, I've run into a snag assigning the "v" key to the Pick Tool. I get a msg. in the dialog box that describes it being already assigned to a nebulous "tool modifier". Because of this, I am unable to re-assign "v" to the pick tool.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a keyboard shortcut to close the Tiltle Tool after creating text?Having to mouse-click the red "Close" button is not an efficient process after typing text..
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to create an action or keyboard shortcut to set the Crop tool to the front window size in Photoshop CS6? I find that I use that several times a day. I got used to it being the top choice in the Crop tool presets menu.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWell, so far I"m zero for four in trying to get LR to let me do trivial things the way I'd like, but let's give it yet another try........
I ALREADY KNOW you can use the "[" and "]" to change the size of the spot removal circle. BUT, I'm trying to get LR to work as much like Photoshop as possible 'cause the inconsistencies on small things is a surprisingly large hit to productivity.....
In PS I can change the size of the clone or heal using Alt and the mouse. Change both size AND opacity.
Is this buried somewhere in LR? If not, is there a way for me to define this command in the translatedstrings file?
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using Win2000 and photoshop CS. When I'm going to use shortcut, there is no response at all. After I check the keyboard shortcut preferences, it's normal. What's wrong with my computer?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen you're cropping an image in Fireworks (or any other type of selection box) you can use the keyboard to move the box around, increase or decrease it in size horizontally or vertically all using the keyboard using CTRL + SHIFT + (arrow keys) in 1px increments.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to record an Action where the dialogue box for Flatten/Cancel/Don't Flatten comes up. Flatten is the default selection but I would like a keyboard shortcut that allows me to select "Don't Flatten".
View 7 Replies View RelatedI updated my Mac and everything was fine until i had to restart it. My Photoshop's keyboard short cut became all random like this:I tried restarting my computer again but it has not changes.
The most weird part is that when i tried to change the short-cuts, it won't work even though i clicked on accept and "ok". Is there a way i can turn this back? It wasn't like this when i first got this back at November.
I want Ctrl+Shift+S to do SAVE AS. I set it as such in the keyboard shortcuts, but when I do that key combo, all I get is this: The mouse pointer changes to this. I can move it around and draw a box (in the background of PS, outside any open images). I want it to go away and do SAVE AS instead.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter 5 action (shortcut) my keybord block all my shortcut, i have to press 5 times the option key..
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone make a laminated cheat sheet of Photoshop CS 3 keyboard shortcuts? I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to do something that I could not find in any of the menus. Finally I found a reference to it in one of my books as a keyboard shortcut.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have my primary tablet pen button bound to alt for the eyedropper tool, and often press [ and ] to change the brush size. Sometimes I hit alt and [ or ] together, which causes the active layer to switch up or down. It happens a lot and gets frustrating, especially if I don't notice immediately notice the active layer has changed.
The question is, how do I remove the alt+[ and alt+] bindings? They're not listed under the Edit - Keyboard Shortcut options and I can't find them anywhere else either.
I've tried a number of ways round it but the only one that remotely works is to change the brush size keys themselves.
In PS CS6 you could hide a selection with command h. In PS CC that no longer works. What is the new keyboard equivalent.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to reassign "command=option-shoft-g" to an action I have created that will speed up my workflow tremendously. All my function keys are allocated already.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHave tried at least three different key combos using workspace, keyboard shortcuts.Have set them up successfully but they don't seem to want to close tab groups.I have set up other special keyboard shortcuts (like flatten image) which work great
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I go into "Save for web and devices" the buttons where save, cancel, and preview should be are cut off. Expanding the page doesn't work either. I checked Adobe's resolution requirements and mine are up to par as far as I know. Escape takes me back to my window and enter/return will save it, but so far nothing to preview it. It's frustrating because I use the preview in browser feature often. I just switched to Mac from PC about a month ago and never had this problem on my Dell. I'm running CS.5 on the Lion OS.
Also, is there a way to create a new keyboard shortcut for this if one doesn't already exist? I tried exploring it for myself but I didn't see an option to create one for the preview in browser feature, or even how to make a new one.
How do I create a keyboard shortcut for underlining text? I am using a Mac with CS6 Photoshop.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm on a Win7, 64bit, with CS6 (13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00). The keyboard shortcut to bring up the Canvas resize menu is ctl+alt+c. That combination does nothing. If I add the Windows key to the combo, then it will bring up the Canvas resize menu. Could others check to see if it works for them or have I found another bug?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have changed the crop shortcut to ctrl + >, and it works fine until i restart!when i check the shortcut i previously changed, it is now ctrl+&???Why?????I used to have this same shortcuts since cs4.(PS 64bits, latin keyboard)
View 6 Replies View Relatedrotate image? I scan in several pictures at a time and having to click edit image rotate CW Right or CCW Left is too time consuming. I do not see a shortcut for this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've searched around and can't find an answer to this one.
What's the keyboard shortcut to access the contextual menu?
For example, when I select a text layer and press T, how can I change the font, size, anti-aliasing, etc. without using the mouse?
I installed the CS3 Master Collection that included Photoshop CS3 Extended. I've used Photoshop for going on a decade and I find the ALT+CTRL+I keyboard shortcut really handy to pop open the Image Size window.
Now, in this new version (done after a clean format, reinstall of my XP OS) the shortcut no longer works. I check and it still has ALT+CTRL+I listed next to Image Size in the drop down menu as the proper keys, but it does not work.
I tried resetting the preferences but to no avail. I have also recently tried creating custom Keyboard Shortcuts and applying the "Working with Text.
and not just a brush tool? im looking through the menus and only see keyshortcuts for the tools themselves,
i am (beginner) digital painter, so being able to switch from the different types of brushes by pressing one key on the keyboard would speed up my work flow an unspeakable amount.
I find text very tricky to select. Is there a keyboard shortcut for that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am unable to use the keyboard shortcut for "select inverse" (ctrl+shift+I).
I've tried re-installing as well...
I installed the CS3 Master Collection that included Photoshop CS3 Extended. I've used Photoshop for going on a decade and I find the ALT+CTRL+I keyboard shortcut really handy to pop open the Image Size window.
Now, in this new version (done after a clean format, reinstall of my XP OS) the shortcut no longer works. I check and it still has ALT+CTRL+I listed next to Image Size in the drop down menu as the proper keys, but it does not work.
I tried resetting the preferences but to no avail. I have also recently tried creating custom Keyboard Shortcuts and applying the "Working with Text" set of Keyboard Shortcuts from the "Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts" menu, but still no luck.
ALT+CTRL+C seems to work fine for selecting the canvas, as does all my other other shortcuts (IE: CTRL+N for new canvas, CTRL+A to select, etc).
It seems the ALT+CTRL+I is the only thing giving me an issue.