Illustrator Scripting :: Regain Keyboard Focus From Extension
May 9, 2013
Have a lovely extension. Such a pretty panel. Useful. Except there is a bug using FlexUI. If you click a flex panel it grabs up keyboard focus and will not let it go unless you click somewhere else. This may be a Mac thing. You can see this behavior in the built in "Kuler" extension. Select object. Click on Kuler panel. Hit delete. Object doesn't go away.
Now scouring the intarwebs I've seen a few posts describing this issue, but no fixes for Illustrator. If people know, they ain't telling. I aim to fix that, but first I need to find that answer.
Actionscript is just plain slow anyway, so I have my extension logic running from a Javascript. If there was some command in that script to give Illustrator back keyboard focus, even if it's a hack (such as invoke action), now that would be something.
Test it by using Kuler and running the script from Illustrator. The act of switching between ESTK and illustrator will fix things, but obviously you don't want to switch applications in the middle of a task.
But the values I save do no persist and I can't find the prefs file. I am checking in: /Users/mitya/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEPServiceManager4/preference
if I run this same extension in CS6 everything works fine.
Photoshop CS6 constantly setting the keyboard focus to the menu bar? This makes it difficult to use shortcuts.
Typical examples: I want to switch to the Move tool, so I press V, but instead, the View menu drops down. Or I press T for the Type tool, but instead, the Filter menu drops down. This happens often and it's very annoying.
This also happens in Premiere Pro CS6, and happens on both my Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 machines. Doesn't happen in other applications, and is not related to actually using a menu, i.e. if I choose something from a menu, then press V, Photoshop will often work correctly and activate the Move tool. This behavior seems to happen randomly.
Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut to put focus on the image window? I see how to create shortcuts to select every window except the image window, and it if I could just select the image window with a keyboard shortcut, GIMP would be much easier for me to use.
Also is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer?
I'm learning how to create extension (flex - extension builder) for Illustrator and how to make it communicate with a plugin.
The samples provided in the SDK detailed how to load /unload extension from a menu item from Illustrator, and how to add / remove EventListeners to make the magic happen.
to sum up, this is something like that: 1- click on the menu item 2- load extension 3- add listeners 4- do your stuff...... 5- remove listeners 6- unload extension
Basically my plugin is a module/service which is in charge of dealing with / modifying artwork tree. It has no User Interface.
My extension will have a user of this service.
What I would like to do is to load my extension as soon as my plugin is loaded, and unload the extension when the plugin will be unloaded.
I'm try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn't seem to work. Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5). And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library
Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)
'Open the file and import the datasets Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & "") 'docRef.Datasets.RemoveAll docRef.Variables("Yearbook").Delete
Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing The script then exits with 'No Datasets in this document'
docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & "Lumber_200-500.xml") 'appRef.DoJavaScript "alert('Template:" & strTemplate & strRange & ".ai | XML file:" & strXMLFolder & "" & objFile.Name & "^')" If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)
If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.
It's simply not loading. What do I need to do to get it to load?
I hope soemone knows how to regain access to the rendering dialog box.
I was operating on a 2560x1600 screen and I guess I happened to have the rendering dialog box at the far right. I had a hard drive failure yesterday, so while that is being fixed, I'm running on another computer at 1920x1200 and that dialog box isn't visible.
How to reset the dialog box or force it back onto the visible screen?
(It would be really sweet if the software was programmed to recognize the current desktop setting and ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen.
I had a problem with a tool in my Photoshop 6.0 and decided to completely uninstall it and after that, I rebooted my system and reinstalled the program. That specific tool (paint bucket) and all others work great now. I did notice a problem afterwards though, where if I navigate to MY DOCUMENTS in the bottom toolbar and scroll through my various named folders in that vertical list, no JPEG files are visible.
Is there some kind of setting in PS I need to tweak so I can see / access them directly? The other head-scratcher is if I go to START>MY DOCUMENTS and access those same various named folders that way, ALL the jpeg files are visible. I have a Maxtor USB drive connected to my CPU and that did not want them to reappear either, if it's within Photoshop?
I am very new to Flex/Flash/Illustrator. Using Illustrator CS5.1, Flex 3.6 SDK in Flash Builder 4.5, and Visual Studio 2010.I am developing a hybrid plugin for Adobe Illustrator. The plugin is C++ and interfaces with a hardware device and an UI extension built on Flex/Flash. It uses the CSXS library (version 2.0 based on Flex 3.4 SDK) to perform the communication between the extension and the plugin.
When the UI extension closes, I need the plugin to perform some tasks. These tasks might be related to Illustrator and/or to the device it communicates with. If the UI is closed using a button I add to the UI, the plugin runs the tasks as needed. If the UI is closed using the 'X' button in the corner of the window, I can not get the CSXS interface dispatch events to carry over to the plugin. This is the same dispatch events used from the UI button that I manually created and works fine.
I have tried capturing the exiting event from the NativeApplication and I do see myself entering the associated function to that capture. The dispatch events run but I do not enter the corresponding functions in the plugin.Below is one of several attempts at making this work (believe this was found on the Adobe forums):
public function init() : void { NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.EXITING, windowedapplication1_closingHandler); } protected function windowedapplication1_closingHandler(event:Event):void { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopImmediatePropagation(); CSXSInterface.getInstance().dispatchEvent(new CSXSEvent("", CSXSEventScope.APPLICATION)); }
Again, windowedapplication1_closingHandler will process but the dispatched event is not seen by my plugin (when the 'X' is clicked).Is there a way to disable/hide the 'X' in the corner of the window?Am I not properly "capturing" and "halting" the exit event?Should I move away from the CSXS Library and use sockets to perform this communication (though the closing of the extension may have the same affect on the socket communication)?I am currently working on Windows 7 64-bit (if that matters) but the plugin will have to work on Mac too.
Try to realize the progress bar as a flash extension?
i tried to realize a progress bar as a flash extension, but the flash ui with the progress bar freezes, because my time consuming process ssems to block the flash ui.
In the first step I moved the time consuming algorithm into a separated thread. At first I used a dummy time consuming algorithm to keep the tests simple and the progress bar worked fine. Then I replaced the dummy algorithm with the real algorithm, but the algorithm did not work. I could not invoke Suite functions of the Illustratok SDK. I assume that after the plugin main thread had invoked my worker thread and returned, some resources are released.
In the next step I tried to move the flash extension handling to a separate thread, but then loading the extension by the SDKPlugPlug hangs. I assume that the extension handling is an event based process. Since my new created thread has no event loop, the extension can not communicate with my thread.
Converting some Javascript to Actionscript for an extension.
Have a selection. Need to iterate through selection, and then when finding groups, iterate through groups to get geometricbounds.
in Javascript GroupItem.Pageitems[i] will allow me to access properties of items in the group. Actionscript is a big fat 1009 NULL error. Probably some type error since GroupItem is Object?
This simple code throws the error. I have two rectangles grouped. That is what is selected.
var mySelItem:Array = app.activeDocument.selection as Array; if (mySelItem[0] is GroupItem){ var myPath:PathItem = mySelItem[0].PageItems[0] myPath.remove()
Line of code that will allow me to access children of GroupItem and get properties?
I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and I can't figure out how to set my dimension settings so it breaks the dimension extension lines automatically when crossing over other dimension extension lines. I saw that others say it just happens, but it is not "just happening" for me. how to set my dimensions so when dimension lines cross each other one of them automatically breaks?
I have an aluminum blu tooth mac Japanese keyboard. The tilde key is shift+^. I tried to use the tilde key in illustrator to duplicate the drawing of a shape. But shift constrains the shape to be drawn from the center. So I remapped the tilde key to be on top of the ^ key so I didn't need shift, and still no go. I tried all the keys on my keyboard and can't get the effect of multiplying what you are drawing.
I'm trying to set up a keyboard shortcut in Illustrator using the "control" key and I get the error message "The key pressed cannot be used as a shortcut." I really want to use the control key because, 1) it matches a similar shortcut that I use in Photoshop, and 2) all similar shortcuts are already in use. I'm confused as to why Illustrator won't allow me to use the ctl key in shortcuts, yet in Photoshop it works fine. I'm using CS6 with OSX Mountain Lion.
I find myself typing quite a bit of text that has the ® and ™. Many times the font, when it has that typed, is too big, so I have to use the type panel with the flyout menu to then change the character to superscript. In InDesign there is a keyboard shortcut for this. Is there ANY way to do the same thing in Illustrator?
i'm working in Illustrator, suddenly the Z becomes Y instead and all other signs are somewhere else - it basically changes language keyboard. I work with a swiss german keyboard but my program language is english. My regional preferences are set up correctly and no other applications give me this grief except Illustrator. I'm forced to shut it down and re-open, then the keyboard is back to its correct state, until it switches again.
I don't understand what causes it to suddenly switch keyboards while I'm working - how I can make Illustrator STOP it? It's especially unnerving since the Undo command Ctrl+Z gives you Outline mode instead.
I am working on illustrator cs6 on a windows machine and i have recently discovered this cool trick of going to the Windows menu and pressing the P key to give path finder and pressing I to give links etc. and i was wondering instead of clicking, can i acess the Menu commands like windows, view, edit etc without using mouse(or by using keyboard shorts)
i'm currently using illustrator on a sony vaio duo tablet. my question there a way to create menu items for commonly used keyboard shortcuts (cut, paste, delete) given that when using the tablet the keyboard is effectively inaccessible?
When I want to choose a tool using my keyboard (for example "A"), it responds after pressing the key 10 times or so.. It takes 2 times longer to make a drawing than with Illustrator CS6.
So, after installing CS5 in 2009, it's now 2013, and my keyboard shortcuts are gone. Well. All of the useful ones such as copy, paste, new, open, etc. Save for Web is still working, and a handful of commands I don't use are working, but not the ones I use all the time. I look in the menus for the commands for copy and group and such, but there's no shortcut assigned. And I've been looking online how to fix this, but everyone is saying go into Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts and voila. The only problem, is my Edit menu doesn't have a Keyboard Shortcuts option, and I can't figure out why.
I love using keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator but since I've upgraded to CC Illustrator on both my computers acts as if the keys are covered in glue when trying to use keyboard shortcuts.
I'll hit the keyboard shortcut for the rectangle tool for instance...hit the keyboard again harder, nothing, strange I think and hit again harder, again and again and on the 8th or 10th time it suddenly works. This is repeated on most keyboard shortcuts on and off, not every time.
This is consistent and new since CC upgrade across both machines.
I have an extensive drawing that covers many art boards. In InDesign I can jump to a page number using a keyboard shortcut. Is there something similar in Illustrator CC where I can navigate backwards and forwards through the art boards and/or jump directly to an artboard by number?
Cannot make snap to grid to work, tried the following and while trying I came across another issue. If align to pixel grid is unchecked when opening new documents then snap to grid does not work, but the smart guides don't work either. They appear only when the align to pixel grid is rechecked in the transform panel. Now no snap no smart guides either.
Is there another option other than in preferences for the snap to grid to work or the smart guides to work?
Also, I set my grid to lines every 10mm subdivisions every 1mm and my keyboard increments to 10mm so why then does my 10x10mm no stroke no fill square move 11mm with each keyboard stroke? Set this up so that the object would then snap to the grid, but it does not, whether or not the align to pixel grid is checked or unchecked either way it does not work.
Latest lion latest illustartor update, in the wishful thinking that it would fix it, but still have the same problem.
deleted the cache too still nothing.
p.s I do not know what changed, but it used to work before
When I have a graphic selected and would like to "nudge" it just a little, if I use one of the arrow keys, it moves it alot. I don't know where to go in preferences (?) to make any changes, and then I'm not sure what to look for to do so.