Illustrator SDK :: Progress Bar As Flash Extension Possible?
Nov 29, 2012
Try to realize the progress bar as a flash extension?
i tried to realize a progress bar as a flash extension, but the flash ui with the progress bar freezes, because my time consuming process ssems to block the flash ui.
In the first step I moved the time consuming algorithm into a separated thread. At first I used a dummy time consuming algorithm to keep the tests simple and the progress bar worked fine. Then I replaced the dummy algorithm with the real algorithm, but the algorithm did not work. I could not invoke Suite functions of the Illustratok SDK. I assume that after the plugin main thread had invoked my worker thread and returned, some resources are released.
In the next step I tried to move the flash extension handling to a separate thread, but then loading the extension by the SDKPlugPlug hangs. I assume that the extension handling is an event based process. Since my new created thread has no event loop, the extension can not communicate with my thread.
I'm learning how to create extension (flex - extension builder) for Illustrator and how to make it communicate with a plugin.
The samples provided in the SDK detailed how to load /unload extension from a menu item from Illustrator, and how to add / remove EventListeners to make the magic happen.
to sum up, this is something like that: 1- click on the menu item 2- load extension 3- add listeners 4- do your stuff...... 5- remove listeners 6- unload extension
Basically my plugin is a module/service which is in charge of dealing with / modifying artwork tree. It has no User Interface.
My extension will have a user of this service.
What I would like to do is to load my extension as soon as my plugin is loaded, and unload the extension when the plugin will be unloaded.
I am using export action to generate artboard images in JPEG from my plug-in. The "Exporting Artwork..." progress bar is shown when the images are generated. I want to disable this progress bar. I've tried using AIAppContextSuite::AllowProgress (error = sAIAppContext->AllowProgress(false);) but this doesnot disable the progress bar. I'm I using this correclty? Is there any other way to disable progress bar?
in my plug-in, I want to show the progress bar of a operation.I used AIUserSuite(AIUser.h) like ----
sAIUser->SetProgressText(ai::UnicodeString("Progress Bar")); sAIUser->UpdateProgress(currentOper + 1,max); // in a loop where currentOper is increasing
since both function does not return any error code so I am enable to get know what is being wrong . Is there other way to use this? Is this require multithreading?
I perform certain actions within its handler menu goМenuItem - delete some objects; do other invisible; run through certain actions by PlayActionEvent(), e.t.c. then export the file again through PlayActionEvent("adobe_exportDocument" ...) and see that after all my activities were canceled - a document recovered to the initial state, and after each export and save the need to repeat the entire sequence again. Moreover, on some computers to export certain actions randomly do not work.
Upon saving, usually there is a progress box in the middle of the screen. It appears after the save begins. Usually the box shows the progress is about half way along, and shortly, it gets to the end, then after a few moments, it eventually disappears and all is saved. However, occasionally, the toolboxes turn black and even flash during the saving process!
It's very strange. I have dual monitors on the computer; the left monitor is for the main application and the right is where I keep all the tool panels, mainly layers, appearance, glyphs, navigator/info, transparency, character/paragraph/opentype, document info/attributes, brushes, graphic styles, gradient and stroke with appearance. I have the UI set to light grey to work with.
I am planning to buy Illustrator and a MacBook air / pro, but the macs comes with a flash drive, and it is stated that Illustrator cannot be installed on flash drives.Can this really be true? It must be the way all new laptops are going.
i have just made a 3D biljart ball and i should like to use it in adobe flash proffesional but once i import it it looks like it has lost its 3D properties and that is just somewhat a plain 2D image.
how can i use 3D shapes from illustrator in Flash?
My co-worker spent all day trying to export a Flash file to open and edit in Illustrator. Is this possible? She feels that it is because when she exports as .fxg into Illus if she turns the preview to outlines the art looks like vector art. Im not so sure. You cant select anything. It still has all those outer boxes aroud it like when you "Place" artwork. Is it possible to do this?
So I have done many hours of animation in flash over the years. And what I am trying to do is import some of the characters I have created in Flash into Illustrator and convert them to PSD. This is for a print project that I am working on. The reason I want to get the images to photoshop is so I can add some effects and coloring techniques I simply can not do in Illustator or Flash.Here is the method I am using.
1) Select the vector image in Flash and Export Selection to Adobe FXG. 2) Open FXG in Illustartor 3) Export to PSD 4) Open in Photoshop and Color.
The problem I am having is the line art that was drawn with the pencil tool in Flash simply vanishes when imported to Illustartor. Also a lot of the line art that was draw with the pencil tool is gradient filled or the image I am trying to export may have multiple color Pencil Lines. So just trying to outline the images in AI does not provide the look or effect I want.
I am very new to Flex/Flash/Illustrator. Using Illustrator CS5.1, Flex 3.6 SDK in Flash Builder 4.5, and Visual Studio 2010.I am developing a hybrid plugin for Adobe Illustrator. The plugin is C++ and interfaces with a hardware device and an UI extension built on Flex/Flash. It uses the CSXS library (version 2.0 based on Flex 3.4 SDK) to perform the communication between the extension and the plugin.
When the UI extension closes, I need the plugin to perform some tasks. These tasks might be related to Illustrator and/or to the device it communicates with. If the UI is closed using a button I add to the UI, the plugin runs the tasks as needed. If the UI is closed using the 'X' button in the corner of the window, I can not get the CSXS interface dispatch events to carry over to the plugin. This is the same dispatch events used from the UI button that I manually created and works fine.
I have tried capturing the exiting event from the NativeApplication and I do see myself entering the associated function to that capture. The dispatch events run but I do not enter the corresponding functions in the plugin.Below is one of several attempts at making this work (believe this was found on the Adobe forums):
public function init() : void { NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.EXITING, windowedapplication1_closingHandler); } protected function windowedapplication1_closingHandler(event:Event):void { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopImmediatePropagation(); CSXSInterface.getInstance().dispatchEvent(new CSXSEvent("", CSXSEventScope.APPLICATION)); }
Again, windowedapplication1_closingHandler will process but the dispatched event is not seen by my plugin (when the 'X' is clicked).Is there a way to disable/hide the 'X' in the corner of the window?Am I not properly "capturing" and "halting" the exit event?Should I move away from the CSXS Library and use sockets to perform this communication (though the closing of the extension may have the same affect on the socket communication)?I am currently working on Windows 7 64-bit (if that matters) but the plugin will have to work on Mac too.
Converting some Javascript to Actionscript for an extension.
Have a selection. Need to iterate through selection, and then when finding groups, iterate through groups to get geometricbounds.
in Javascript GroupItem.Pageitems[i] will allow me to access properties of items in the group. Actionscript is a big fat 1009 NULL error. Probably some type error since GroupItem is Object?
This simple code throws the error. I have two rectangles grouped. That is what is selected.
var mySelItem:Array = app.activeDocument.selection as Array; if (mySelItem[0] is GroupItem){ var myPath:PathItem = mySelItem[0].PageItems[0] myPath.remove()
Line of code that will allow me to access children of GroupItem and get properties?
But the values I save do no persist and I can't find the prefs file. I am checking in: /Users/mitya/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEPServiceManager4/preference
if I run this same extension in CS6 everything works fine.
Have a lovely extension. Such a pretty panel. Useful. Except there is a bug using FlexUI. If you click a flex panel it grabs up keyboard focus and will not let it go unless you click somewhere else. This may be a Mac thing. You can see this behavior in the built in "Kuler" extension. Select object. Click on Kuler panel. Hit delete. Object doesn't go away.
Now scouring the intarwebs I've seen a few posts describing this issue, but no fixes for Illustrator. If people know, they ain't telling. I aim to fix that, but first I need to find that answer.
Actionscript is just plain slow anyway, so I have my extension logic running from a Javascript. If there was some command in that script to give Illustrator back keyboard focus, even if it's a hack (such as invoke action), now that would be something.
Test it by using Kuler and running the script from Illustrator. The act of switching between ESTK and illustrator will fix things, but obviously you don't want to switch applications in the middle of a task.
I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and I can't figure out how to set my dimension settings so it breaks the dimension extension lines automatically when crossing over other dimension extension lines. I saw that others say it just happens, but it is not "just happening" for me. how to set my dimensions so when dimension lines cross each other one of them automatically breaks?
I am working on a project which needs..Text frames to be converted as flash text >property changed to dynamic text > writing instance name “_txt”.so how can i write scripting on above process.
When ever i insert a gradient or a photo it comes up with a progress bar which takes ages to load and it used to load in 1 second but now it takes ages , i have looked every where but there was no results, I am currently editing a Wedding Movie in a different Program but i also need to make a menu for when the DVD is in the DVD Player but i went to Photoshop to edit a photo but this happened and i have reinstalled it but nothing has changed. I have tried the Edit then Performance solution but that did nothing.
To open a 200meg PSD file in CS3 takes about 20 secs, I get this progress bar come up saying Reading Photoshop Format... is this normal?
I have a fast P4 processor, 2 gigs of Ram and large separate hardrive I'm using as the scrtch disk.
I am curious becuase my friend has a less efficient system running CS3 and he gets no progress bar or delay when opening this same image or any large image for that matter?
is there a way to get the 'classic' SAVE progress bar behavior under Ps 13..i usually save large files and can't seem to get the hang of spotting the tiny % in the title bar...
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
When I am done working on a project for the day if I save it (save or save as) the next time I open the Vsp file, it is all in the main timeline. Can't edit titles, transitions or anything. Basically, it is like flattening an image. Using VS Pro 5 Ultimate.
When I was working in Photoshop CS2 yesterday, a "Progress" Folder appeared at the bottom of my screen in the taskbar area. What is this? Never seen it before. When I clicked on the Progress folder, nothing happened.
I have successfully installed Photoshop CS3 onto Windows XP SP2. However, I do not want my install to be completely silent: I want to see a progress bar.
For silent install I use the following switch: setup.exe --mode=silent The next line in cmd says"UI:Silent"
If I use no switches (only type in setup.exe), the next line in cmd is: "UI:Full" Also, "setup.exe --mode=gui" will initiate "UI:Full".
What are other install switches? I want a silent install with a progress bar only.
I was working on a picture; I had no other programs running and out of the hundreads of photos Ive edited, nothing like this has ever happened.
It was going to my best edit ever and the file size in GIMP was a little over 1.02GB which is fine. Right when I added some HVS Noise to a portion of the image the little green loading bar froze at the end but the effect sti'll worked. I go to move the layer down and everything just stopped.
I cannot re-make that image. I loaded the task manager and created a DMP in hope that I may be able to read it.
Is there anyway to get all that progress back? the DMP file is 290MB so I'm thinking that it saved everything but I could be wrong. I have not loaded GIMP since.
Using Lightroom's new book feature? I can't find where to save a book that I am in progress with in Lightroom 4.2. Why doesn't LR have a "Save as" feature like 99% of all other programs on the planet? !"{}#@!!!
Not a big deal, but, when I'm saving a file in X3, there's no progress bar. Is there anything in Preferences that I can click to show the bar? I haven't been able to find anything. It would be nice, especially when saving large files.
If I manipulate any point, or select a point group, or perform ANY action involving points in my drawings, a "Sorting" progress bar appears in the lower left hand corner of the screen, and if it's a drawing with a substantial amount of point data, it can/will lock my computer up.