I am using export action to generate artboard images in JPEG from my plug-in. The "Exporting Artwork..." progress bar is shown when the images are generated. I want to disable this progress bar. I've tried using AIAppContextSuite::AllowProgress (error = sAIAppContext->AllowProgress(false);) but this doesnot disable the progress bar. I'm I using this correclty? Is there any other way to disable progress bar?
in my plug-in, I want to show the progress bar of a operation.I used AIUserSuite(AIUser.h) like ----
sAIUser->SetProgressText(ai::UnicodeString("Progress Bar")); sAIUser->UpdateProgress(currentOper + 1,max); // in a loop where currentOper is increasing
since both function does not return any error code so I am enable to get know what is being wrong . Is there other way to use this? Is this require multithreading?
Try to realize the progress bar as a flash extension?
i tried to realize a progress bar as a flash extension, but the flash ui with the progress bar freezes, because my time consuming process ssems to block the flash ui.
In the first step I moved the time consuming algorithm into a separated thread. At first I used a dummy time consuming algorithm to keep the tests simple and the progress bar worked fine. Then I replaced the dummy algorithm with the real algorithm, but the algorithm did not work. I could not invoke Suite functions of the Illustratok SDK. I assume that after the plugin main thread had invoked my worker thread and returned, some resources are released.
In the next step I tried to move the flash extension handling to a separate thread, but then loading the extension by the SDKPlugPlug hangs. I assume that the extension handling is an event based process. Since my new created thread has no event loop, the extension can not communicate with my thread.
I perform certain actions within its handler menu goМenuItem - delete some objects; do other invisible; run through certain actions by PlayActionEvent(), e.t.c. then export the file again through PlayActionEvent("adobe_exportDocument" ...) and see that after all my activities were canceled - a document recovered to the initial state, and after each export and save the need to repeat the entire sequence again. Moreover, on some computers to export certain actions randomly do not work.
Up until mid-December of 2013, I was able to copy vector art out of Illustrator CC and paste it in a non-Adobe application (Comic Life, by Plasq). No hitches, worked great.
Since then, I've upgraded to a new MacPro and downloaded fresh copies of all apps, inclucing Illustrator 17.0.2. Now, when I copy vector art, it pastes code, not art:
So something has changed in how Illustrator manages its clipboard, and specifically, it seems to now copy out SVG, not postscript. And by the way, I've tried checking and unchecking, in various combinations, the Clipboard on Quit preferences, and the result is always the same.
Can SVG clipboard format be turned off? Can I control what format the clipboard uses? And to be clear, I'm not talking about Save As... SVG. I'm talking about how the clipboard copies.
It seems there is no way to stop illustrator (CS5) from snapping to the edge of the artboard. Even if you hide the artboard, it still snaps to the invisible artboard.
is it possible that the brilliant folks at adobe missed this one and there is no way to disable this snapping to the artboard?
Whenever I make a stroke with my brush tool, it smooths out. I have checked everywhere to try and find a place where you can "disable" the autosmooth on your brushes, and have found nothing.
I'd like to use the "Jump into Group" feature, but I don't want the background artwork to be grayed, or washed out. Is there any way to disable the default action by AICS 5?
I understand the reasoning, but when working with elements that interact with elements outside the group, the effect is not useful.
I should use the right term… I talking about "Isolation Mode".
How can i disable the automatic move command? when i choose the move command it automatically moves whatever element that's selected, using the previous dimension used to move something. Big Problem.
Groups are an excellent way to design encapsulated objects, but when editing color in Isolation Mode all other groups/layers are desaturated which makes it impossible to edit color in respect to the entire illustration.
I'd expect a way to disable the dimming effect somewhere in a menu option or preference setting.
Is it possible to disable screen updating in illustrator whilst running a script and if so how?
I have developed some scripts to create artwork in Illustrator but I would like to speed them up and presumably avoiding having to watch it happen on the screen would work with this.
I'm creating SVG icons, and due to the removal of SVG as an output format for Save for Web, I've switched to having a series of 16x16 artboards for my icons. Problem is, no matter what snapping features I disable, my artwork still snaps to the artboard edges when I move it around (regardless if I use the mouse or the arrow keys). This makes it impossible to align artwork to such a small artboard, and it also seems like pixel snapping shuts off, causing mis-aligned artwork.
Failed solution: View menu >> Snap to Pixel disabledView menu >> Snap to Point disabledView menu >> Smart guide disabled Transform palette >> Align to Pixel Grid disabled
Workarounds: Set Keyboard increment to 0.5px, which will round up to 1px in Pixel Mode. Keyboard nudging now behaves as expected, but mouse behavior is still erratic.Use the Free Transform tool. It behaves slighly less erratically than the Selection and Direct Selection tool.
Steps to reproduce: Create a new document, 16x16 pxVerify that you're in pixel modeCreate a 14x14 px squareTry and position it in the center of the artboard using the mouse or keyboard incrementsObserve the artwork snapping to the edges of the documents, or bypassing snapping altogether.
In CS6, when you apply an effect that somehow expands the appearance of an object, for example by making multiple clones, all of these clones become selectable. If you click on or drag-box an area that includes these clones, the original object will be selected.
is there a way to make CS6 only select an object if I click on the original vectors?
I have an azerty laptop and a qwerty external keyboard. Switching from any application to illustrator changes the language and therefore also my keyboard layout.
I am using cs5.5 and i can't find any option in the print window to switch double sided printing on/off. The default printer settings on my Mac have already been set up for 1 sided printing.
illustrator scripting but have some knowledge in indesign scripting using javascript.In Indesign we can disable menu item thru menuActions.. Is there any object available like that to disable a existing menu (eg. File>Save).
I was wondering whether we can disable/enable any menu item/group in Illustrator? I am working on Illustrator CS4, 5 on windows. To be more specific, can we disable the kSaveMenuGroup, so that the save options appear disabled..?? I tried using the methods described in AIMenuSuite structure reference. But, this only disabled the pre-defined groups added by the plugins.
Is there a way to disable the keyboard shortcut which opens Adobe Bridge from Illustrator? Often when I'm working quickly I accidentally hit this (option command o) instead of (shift command o) to outline type. It halts everything to open Bridge, which I never use. Is there any way to disable this command?
Every time I start up Illustrator CC 17.1.0, I see this annoying, grammatically incorrect message. To top it off, when it disappears, the invisible notification area icon remains. And the kicker: when I close Illustrator, the icon still remains until I hover the mouse cursor on it.
Windows 8 Pro N x64 Illustrator CC 17.1.0
What does this notification even mean? That I can change DPI in Windows settings?
I have recently output a job to print that was supplied .AI with a simple .TIFF image placed on an artboard at its desired crop.
After referring to the original TIFF file I have realised whilst inside illustrator my image suddenly has a clipping mask attached to it, and a lot of it is missing. (however in outline, illustrator only see's a single TIFF bounding box)
Looking more closely at the TIFF in Photoshop, i've found it has x3 paths inside it!) Illustrator is picking these up and masking my photo. Is there a default function or process that can stop this from happening in the future, so it ignores any paths within the file?
When ever i insert a gradient or a photo it comes up with a progress bar which takes ages to load and it used to load in 1 second but now it takes ages , i have looked every where but there was no results, I am currently editing a Wedding Movie in a different Program but i also need to make a menu for when the DVD is in the DVD Player but i went to Photoshop to edit a photo but this happened and i have reinstalled it but nothing has changed. I have tried the Edit then Performance solution but that did nothing.
To open a 200meg PSD file in CS3 takes about 20 secs, I get this progress bar come up saying Reading Photoshop Format... is this normal?
I have a fast P4 processor, 2 gigs of Ram and large separate hardrive I'm using as the scrtch disk.
I am curious becuase my friend has a less efficient system running CS3 and he gets no progress bar or delay when opening this same image or any large image for that matter?
is there a way to get the 'classic' SAVE progress bar behavior under Ps 13..i usually save large files and can't seem to get the hang of spotting the tiny % in the title bar...
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
When I am done working on a project for the day if I save it (save or save as) the next time I open the Vsp file, it is all in the main timeline. Can't edit titles, transitions or anything. Basically, it is like flattening an image. Using VS Pro 5 Ultimate.