is there a way to get the 'classic' SAVE progress bar behavior under Ps 13..i usually save large files and can't seem to get the hang of spotting the tiny % in the title bar...
I had a situation where I had to quit Photoshop immediately, but it wouldn’t let me because a background save was in progress. I don’t like killing a program with the Task Manager during a write operation, but that’s what I had to do.
If there’s a way to cancel a lengthy background save or to view its progress, I haven’t found it yet. There needs to be a way to do this.
When I am done working on a project for the day if I save it (save or save as) the next time I open the Vsp file, it is all in the main timeline. Can't edit titles, transitions or anything. Basically, it is like flattening an image. Using VS Pro 5 Ultimate.
Using Lightroom's new book feature? I can't find where to save a book that I am in progress with in Lightroom 4.2. Why doesn't LR have a "Save as" feature like 99% of all other programs on the planet? !"{}#@!!!
I have encountered a problem when attempting to save my DWG. A message appears quickly then the program closes, or the program will just instantly close when I hit save. I am using Cad 2012 on a macbook pro. see the attached file that is a screenshot of the pop-up that I receive.
In older versions of PSP, auto-save would automatically save a copy of the work in progress every X minutes (depending on what was set by the user) and overwriting the previous version, including the original if not working on a copy of it.
In PSPX4, auto-preserve added the functionality of saving a copy of the original to avoid overwriting it, but it also has autosave setting.
Questions :
- what does the autosave do except save the image when changing from Edit to Manage to Adjust?
- does autosave automatically save a copy (even if overwriting) of the work in progress?
- if so, where do we set how frequently a save should be?
When ever i insert a gradient or a photo it comes up with a progress bar which takes ages to load and it used to load in 1 second but now it takes ages , i have looked every where but there was no results, I am currently editing a Wedding Movie in a different Program but i also need to make a menu for when the DVD is in the DVD Player but i went to Photoshop to edit a photo but this happened and i have reinstalled it but nothing has changed. I have tried the Edit then Performance solution but that did nothing.
To open a 200meg PSD file in CS3 takes about 20 secs, I get this progress bar come up saying Reading Photoshop Format... is this normal?
I have a fast P4 processor, 2 gigs of Ram and large separate hardrive I'm using as the scrtch disk.
I am curious becuase my friend has a less efficient system running CS3 and he gets no progress bar or delay when opening this same image or any large image for that matter?
When I was working in Photoshop CS2 yesterday, a "Progress" Folder appeared at the bottom of my screen in the taskbar area. What is this? Never seen it before. When I clicked on the Progress folder, nothing happened.
I have successfully installed Photoshop CS3 onto Windows XP SP2. However, I do not want my install to be completely silent: I want to see a progress bar.
For silent install I use the following switch: setup.exe --mode=silent The next line in cmd says"UI:Silent"
If I use no switches (only type in setup.exe), the next line in cmd is: "UI:Full" Also, "setup.exe --mode=gui" will initiate "UI:Full".
What are other install switches? I want a silent install with a progress bar only.
The lighting effects classic plugin from the optional downloads page crashes both the 32 and 64 bit versions of photoshop cc (version 14) on a windows 7 x64 system when invoked from Filter>Render>Lighting Effects Classic.
where I can find a vector download like the base of this classic surfboard logo? I am working on a simular logo and really like the curved diamond outline. I'm pretty sure I can accomplish the fill, text and such, but I'm having a great deal of trouble trying to create the basic diamond.
I have CS6 installed on a Mac Pro desktop, 3.3 Ghz dual-core processor, 6 GB RAM, several physical drives configured as scratch disks, and no other applications running. I CAN'T be running out of RAM.
The files I'm cropping are .PSD files, no larger than 34 Mb in size. I can't even crop a web-res image - the progress bar grinds to a near halt half way through a simple crop. The machine has not locked up and PS does respond to "cancel" commands.
Graphics card is an nVidia GE Force 8800 GT, and the drivers are the latest from nVidia.I've restarted the machine and restarted PS. Delete Photoshop preference file and try it again?
I have a question about photoshop cs6 crop tool not classic i really like the not classic crop tool but i have a problem the classic crop tool if i drag it to left photoshop moves the crop to the left , and if i drag to the right it moves to the right but in the new version if i drag it to the left it moves to the right
ok ,it's just like lightroom i tried to get used to the new behavior with no luck is there a way , edit the registry or other way to change this behavior? i mean i really love the new crop feature , i would love to use it and drag the crop to left and see photoshop moves to the left just like every other version of photoshop
In V12, for the large Catalog that I have converted from V8: After closing in the PSE Editor the edit of a photo, the horizontal red bar with the text "Edit in Progress" takes typically much too much time to disappear from the PSE Organizer. I am seeing this problem wrhen using the large V12 PSE Catalog (around 70'000 cataloged folto files, including the multiple versions within Version sets), that I have converted from PSE V8. With V12, typically for the jpeg photo Files that i have shot this year with my Nikon D5000, it takes around 16-18 seconds between
- the time where I complete within the Editor closing the edit - and the time until the red bar disappears from the Organizer.With V8, this took only a couple of seconds.
I noticed that for my older photos shot in 2004 wih a Canon compact camera (and originally cataloged with PSE Version V3) , in V12 this is much faster: a couple of seconds (I will need to measure that more precisely), even though I use the same V12 PSE Catalog, the same PSE Preferences and the same Windows 7 based PC for the tests with the recent photos of my recent D5000 cameras and for the tests with the old photos of my old Canon compact camera.
I do not understand, why these timing differences between the photos shot with my modern NIKON D5000 and the photos shot with my old Canon compact camera. There is a difference in the file size (around 3.4 MB vs around 14.MB ); but I doubt whether this can be the explanation.
Also, I noticed that in "Information --> Metadata --> GPS" the Organizer sjows me for my Nikon D5000 photos (just) the following entry: GPS Version (something that is not shown for the photos shot with my old Canon compact camera). Myself do not use GPS datza (at least: not concsiously). There are probably also other differences in the Metadata.
I remembder that many years ago, I was seeing similar long times for some activities (I do not fremember which ones). After some investigations, it turned out that the reason for these long times was a component that was trying to adccess rersouces that were not located on my PC but were instead located remotely on the Laptop of my wife (which was in the same Windows Home networjk)
Sees in V12 long time for the red horizontal bar to disappear? Do you have an explanation for that?Some Notes about my current environment:
In the Preferences of the Organizer: All Media Analysis Options are disabled/unckecked: in the Preferences of the Organizer: Adobe Revel Agent is disabled and none of the Dialog fields in the "Adobe Revel" panel have been set..Thumbnails are all built (at least, this is my impression)t Watch Folder is diable. Killing the Elements.I have deactivated the Adobe Active File Monitors of all PSE Versions that I have installed - this did not work..I have not installed PRE V12 (but have previous Versions of PRE installed)
I am using export action to generate artboard images in JPEG from my plug-in. The "Exporting Artwork..." progress bar is shown when the images are generated. I want to disable this progress bar. I've tried using AIAppContextSuite::AllowProgress (error = sAIAppContext->AllowProgress(false);) but this doesnot disable the progress bar. I'm I using this correclty? Is there any other way to disable progress bar?
in my plug-in, I want to show the progress bar of a operation.I used AIUserSuite(AIUser.h) like ----
sAIUser->SetProgressText(ai::UnicodeString("Progress Bar")); sAIUser->UpdateProgress(currentOper + 1,max); // in a loop where currentOper is increasing
since both function does not return any error code so I am enable to get know what is being wrong . Is there other way to use this? Is this require multithreading?
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
I was working on a picture; I had no other programs running and out of the hundreads of photos Ive edited, nothing like this has ever happened.
It was going to my best edit ever and the file size in GIMP was a little over 1.02GB which is fine. Right when I added some HVS Noise to a portion of the image the little green loading bar froze at the end but the effect sti'll worked. I go to move the layer down and everything just stopped.
I cannot re-make that image. I loaded the task manager and created a DMP in hope that I may be able to read it.
Is there anyway to get all that progress back? the DMP file is 290MB so I'm thinking that it saved everything but I could be wrong. I have not loaded GIMP since.
Try to realize the progress bar as a flash extension?
i tried to realize a progress bar as a flash extension, but the flash ui with the progress bar freezes, because my time consuming process ssems to block the flash ui.
In the first step I moved the time consuming algorithm into a separated thread. At first I used a dummy time consuming algorithm to keep the tests simple and the progress bar worked fine. Then I replaced the dummy algorithm with the real algorithm, but the algorithm did not work. I could not invoke Suite functions of the Illustratok SDK. I assume that after the plugin main thread had invoked my worker thread and returned, some resources are released.
In the next step I tried to move the flash extension handling to a separate thread, but then loading the extension by the SDKPlugPlug hangs. I assume that the extension handling is an event based process. Since my new created thread has no event loop, the extension can not communicate with my thread.
I need to do a classic cut glass tumbler somewhat similar to the one attached, any pointers on best way to model. I was thinking to start off with the simple glass form for lathe and then add the cuts to the basic model - just not sure how to project the pattern onto the lathed model.
I have just installed Autocad 2007. The screen display is the 3-D screen, even though I select the Autocad Classic display. How do I get to make the selection work to what I want displayed?
Not a big deal, but, when I'm saving a file in X3, there's no progress bar. Is there anything in Preferences that I can click to show the bar? I haven't been able to find anything. It would be nice, especially when saving large files.
If I manipulate any point, or select a point group, or perform ANY action involving points in my drawings, a "Sorting" progress bar appears in the lower left hand corner of the screen, and if it's a drawing with a substantial amount of point data, it can/will lock my computer up.
Smoke 2013, ext. 1.When rendering almost anything, I get Frame x of y. Where x is substantially greater than y. i.e., frame 1236 of 900. I also get the time as negative. Don't remember any other version doing this on a regular basis.
how to use layers, and how to get the colors under the black ink-lines. The results are so good, I am able to do professional-level work with this excellent coloring/image-manipulation program. Yes, I'm doing paid work with GIMP 2!
However! As I am still experimenting with several techniques [I found that scanning in at 600 on my scanner produces good-enough quality linework to color etc], I tried one cartoon frame at 1200 and although the resolution is excellent, the higher res has meant the program is slow in shutting down/flattening layers, etc. GIMP works fine in 600 resolution and I will stick to this in future.
Is there any way I can convert the resolution down from 1200 to 600 halfway through, which would save me from starting the color from scratch again? I may also have a problem e-mailing the finished pro cartoon artwork at 1200.......The image is in xcf format.
I perform certain actions within its handler menu goМenuItem - delete some objects; do other invisible; run through certain actions by PlayActionEvent(), e.t.c. then export the file again through PlayActionEvent("adobe_exportDocument" ...) and see that after all my activities were canceled - a document recovered to the initial state, and after each export and save the need to repeat the entire sequence again. Moreover, on some computers to export certain actions randomly do not work.
Since upgrading to InDesign CC I have noticed that all print progress dialog boxes stay on top of all windows, even after switching apps. I find this highly annoying and want it to go away. Is there a preference I can change to make it NOT be on top, especially when I've switched to a different application?
When I'm doing a large import, all I can see is the little white progress bar in the upper left. Since it sometimes gets hung up on an operation, it doesn't provide enough feedback about the processes.
I'd prefer to be able to double click that and see a full activity report in a new window of what is getting imported as it's happening, with a separate progress bar for each item. I'd like to see this for all other actions as well, but importing would be my priority.I requesting a new feature? I'm running Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 RC [858820].