GIMP :: Lost Progress DMP File
Jan 13, 2010
I was working on a picture; I had no other programs running and out of the hundreads of photos Ive edited, nothing like this has ever happened.
It was going to my best edit ever and the file size in GIMP was a little over 1.02GB which is fine. Right when I added some HVS Noise to a portion of the image the little green loading bar froze at the end but the effect sti'll worked. I go to move the layer down and everything just stopped.
I cannot re-make that image. I loaded the task manager and created a DMP in hope that I may be able to read it.
Is there anyway to get all that progress back? the DMP file is 290MB so I'm thinking that it saved everything but I could be wrong. I have not loaded GIMP since.
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Oct 21, 2013
I mistakenly installed CorelDRAW and found out not what I hoped for, uninstalled, but now a bunch of Gimp file associations are gone!! like patterns and gradients and other things are no longer associated with Gimp! how do I get those file association back for Gimp?
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Oct 10, 2012
When I try to open a PSD file in GIMP, it breaks - the color is lost.
Here is what it should look like: [URL]....
This is how it appears in gimp: [URL].....
Here is the original, how to convert it to a format that actually works??? [URL].....
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Dec 8, 2011
how to use layers, and how to get the colors under the black ink-lines. The results are so good, I am able to do professional-level work with this excellent coloring/image-manipulation program. Yes, I'm doing paid work with GIMP 2!
However! As I am still experimenting with several techniques [I found that scanning in at 600 on my scanner produces good-enough quality linework to color etc], I tried one cartoon frame at 1200 and although the resolution is excellent, the higher res has meant the program is slow in shutting down/flattening layers, etc. GIMP works fine in 600 resolution and I will stick to this in future.
Is there any way I can convert the resolution down from 1200 to 600 halfway through, which would save me from starting the color from scratch again? I may also have a problem e-mailing the finished pro cartoon artwork at 1200.......The image is in xcf format.
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Aug 10, 2011
Not a big deal, but, when I'm saving a file in X3, there's no progress bar. Is there anything in Preferences that I can click to show the bar? I haven't been able to find anything. It would be nice, especially when saving large files.
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Nov 12, 2013
I'm running GIMP on a Mac.So I was happily editing a photo, everything going perfectly great, when I must have inadvertently hit a certain key, and now the bottom half of the toolbox is gone.In its place is a message that reads "You can drag dockable dialogs here."
If I want to use the clone tool, I can't see where to choose a brush and select its size. If I zoom into an image. I don't have the Zoom Out tool to click on. I want it to be the way it was, with the Toolbox Option located directly below the toolbox, the way it was when I first got it.
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm trying to put a GIF into a Kindle book. The GIF itself looks great, and I'm pretty darn good at formatting books if I do say so myself.
For some reason, the black in my GIF images are becoming transparent once loaded to a Kindle mobi file. Now I've used GIFs from Gimp like this before, so it doesn't really make any sense... I've not done anything (as far as I know) to make it transparent, and it's definitely not transparent in the GIF itself.
I tried changing the color of the text, but that hasn't made any difference, so I'm led to believe it's something I'm doing wrong with the text tool, but what that could be.
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Sep 7, 2013
I have lost the ability to see my layers. I created an image and when I open it, I can see by the text displayed at the top of the image that it has five layers. However, when I click "Open the Layers Dialog", the five layers don't show. Perhaps I've locked it somehow? It was saved as a .xcf. Am very new to GIMP.
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Sep 13, 2013
I just instaloe GIMP a few days ago and was working with a simple project when, somehow, I lost the dialogue box for layers (the one that usually appears on the right of the work space). I am running ubuntu if that makes a difference. I can still see the layers tools in the application bar at the top but can't do what I need to without the actuqal tool box for layers.
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Oct 26, 2012
I've been using GIMP for a large image file over the last few weeks. It has many layers, and the file size itself is 1.3 G. The program has crashed a number of times while working on the image, though I have never had any problem with loss of data.
I opened it today to find that only a few of the layers within the image are there. I'm missing the bulk of the file. None of the layers are hidden.
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Apr 26, 2011
I've got a Macbook Pro running X11(ver 2.3.6) and Gimp 2.6.11 and have had no problems with either until recently. I'm a professional artist with about 5 solid years of experience using Gimp and I love it. I actually own Photoshop and spend more time overall in the Gimp. But now, all of a sudden, I have no ability to do anything it it except rifle through the menus. Absolutely nothing works in the image window because the mouse will not click anywhere inside it. Its the same whether I use the build in touch pad, a USB 3-button mouse or my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. I know, or at least strongly suspect, that its a focus issue because I can click on a menu item and drop the menu, but clicking outside the menu onto the image area does not collapse the menu! I've searched and searched and I'm at a loss. My Gimps BROKE!
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Jan 21, 2011
My layers dock has gone missing. According to the list in my 'Windows' tab, it claims to be open. I have looked all over the screen. I have switched on and off again etc. I have even deliberately thrown other docks off the screen to see if they come back to normal screen area if I close and reopen Gimp- and they do. so it isn't lost off screen.
I have unistalled and re-insalled and it has not come back.
1. Go to Windows>recently closed docks - Mine says 'empty'
2. File>create docks - I don't have this option- mine choices are 'new', 'create', 'open', 'open as layers', ''open location', 'open recent'... then a few which pertain to having an image open that you're working on... then 'quit'.
3. I went to Youtube and the tutorials on how to make your Gimp like Photoshop and how to get back closed windows also haven't worked.
I'm on Gimp 2.6.
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Nov 8, 2012
I've lost the layer box in single window mode. I can get it back if I re-install, but I do not want to loose and the added scripts. How does one get it to load back into the window. (running mac).
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Jan 4, 2014
Recently I have shifted to Gimp 2.8. I also use picasa to createdescription and upload purpose. Image descriptions created by picasa isgetting lost if I export (after edits) in gimp. Gimp is replacing existingdescription with "x-default".
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Jul 29, 2013
Gimp 2.8, Windows 7
After I open a create new image, the cursor disappears and the last tool I choose (rectangle...) appears and the cursor (arrow) disappears. Is this standard or is there a way to exit from the tool box and use just the arrow cursor?
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Aug 15, 2013
you've zoomed in to start this painstaking freehand selection withlots and lots of points, and when you get to the end, nothing getsselected. Then you notice that, once again, you had done a Select Allsome time ago (invisible because you zoomed in) and forgotten to SelectNone before clicking the lasso.
What do people do to avoid this? (I know the obvious answer is "rememberto check what your selection is all the time", but that's seriouslyflow-disruptive.)
GIMP could blink the image or something when you add selectionpoints that don't increase/decrease the already selected area, but Iguess that might take some time to implement.
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Jun 4, 2013
So, after many hours of work, and many saves, it seams I have lost a PSD file. After the program was responding very slowly, I decided to close and restart. While saving my file, there was a save error. I don't remeber exactly what it said, but it was something similiar to the filename was invalid. I thought nothing of it, since I had saved just prior, and closed the file without saving. When I go to reopen what I though would be the most recent saved file, it is missing. It's not there at all. There is nothing in the autosave folder either. I have yet to restart Photoshop, hoping there is something in the memory I can recover.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
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Jul 17, 2012
Something corrupted my installation of CS5 a month or so ago after it had been working correctly and I lost all the image file associations. Photoshop worked fine but only if I directly opened files from within. Also all the other image packages were missing from the file association list in the Windows 7 file associations tool, not just Photoshop. Using the Windows tool to find the programmes dot exe file and create an association also locked up at the select the right package phase.
I have fixed this now and my reason for posting is that several previously suggested fixes in both the MS Windows fora and elsewhere on these Adobe forums were either very complicated requiring direct registry editing or didn't work. It has taken me a while to find a work-around that worked, hence this post.
1) Firstly - as is stated elesewhere the obvious answer of simply reinstalling Photoshop over the existing copy doesn't work! Unfortunately it was a while before I found this out, with several time wasting retries of this as a fix attempt.
2) Not saying this is guaranteed to work in every case but I ran a 3rd party free Registry Cleaner tool, this appears to have fixed the bug in the registry allowing the Windows 7 File Associations tool to work properly again. Once that was fixed linking up each graphic type was simple.
Reason for posting is I wasted lots of time thinking the issue must have been a legacy from my earlier instal of a trial version of Master Suite or the older Photoshop 7 being replaced even though my CS5 edition had been working Ok for some time. because this is what is given as the usual cause. However I think in my case it was after loading and then deleting other graphics software, possibly Real Player, which had grabbed the associations and corruped registry settings somehow at uninstall. It appears registry cleaner restored the corruption and allowed the standard Win 7 tool to work again.
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Sep 30, 2013
I am using autocad 2013 and I face a serious problem
when I was working in file sudden it hang and say automation error file is busy
after close file and reopen again I found nothing in file
and size of file become small
and backup file have nothing also
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Apr 18, 2009
I open RAW pictures from my Canon 5D (but same happens with pictures from Canon 10D) in PS and than try to save them as JPGs, I loose majority of my metadata from the files (after right click on filename in. I can still Windows Explorer and clicking Properties or simply adding additional columns in Win XP Windows Explorer detailed view.So same picture, without any editing at all, just opened as RAW file (which it is a CR2 or CRW file in Canons), and then saved as JPG, suddenly does not show the date of picture taken, focal length or exposure time are all gone. Does not matter if I try Properties in Win Explorer or say Properties in MS Office Picture Manager.Was trying to look for any setting in PS that would set the ability to save or abandon saving of this type of information in JPG file but could not find anything of this kind.What is interesting I went back to my pictures I have saved from RAW to JPG using same PS years ago, and I this was not a problem. Everything was saving OK.So in summary:1. This would not be a problem related to camera (it is unlikely that same problem would occur on two different models at the same time - even though both are Canons)2. It must be a way to force the Photoshop to do that, I f I was able to do it successfully, almost without knowing, before.Therefore, I would think that either:1. There is some set of defaults somewhere in PS that I have accidently turned off causing my PS not to save this metadata properly or in full, or2. That it came as some kind of bug with some of the updates to PS CS3 that I was getting over last year from Adobe.
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Mar 12, 2014
Illustrator crashed in the middle of working on a file. Looked around for a recovered file on the desktop. Nothing. Can't seem to find any option to set my Preferences for auto-save.
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Jul 28, 2013
The external hard drive with wedding photos was corrupted. I still see the thumbnail in program(LR4) but it will not let me do anything with it. How/where do I use the memory of thumbnail to make a new file so that I can save my marriage?
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Feb 1, 2013
While evaluating a few "Instant Effects", the orginal image file was overwritten with one of the altered images. The original image file, which I need, cannot be found.
I did not "Save" the altered image. Autosave is turned off.
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Dec 11, 2011
I have been using Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 recently. I split a number of video files on a daily basis. This is what I do:
I take an Avi file that has a duration of about 30 minutes. I drag and drop the video into the "video track" area in the program.
Then I use the little "slider" thing and drag it to 15 minutes and click on the "scissors" symbol. which results in making the video split into 2 parts.
I delete the first part on the "video track" are and then I click on "share"-->"create video file"-->"custom"-->I choose Avi .
The compression I choose is Xvid Mpeg-4, 24 Bit RGB, and the Audio Format is Mpeg Layer 3, 8 Bits, 11.025 Hz Mono
The resulting video does not have any sound . This does not happen if I delete the 2nd part and create the video file with the first 15 minutes only. This happens with almost all of my videos (all of them are avi).
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Aug 8, 2012
i have lost a file and cannot find it anywhere on c drive. where can it be stored.?
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May 16, 2013
I was at work today and opened a Ps document that someone else had created. I don't know what I did (I'm a relatively new Ps user) and I don't even know how I ended up saving it. The document is floor plans overlaid on a site plan with logos, text. etc. (so, it's too complicated for my limited time and knowledge to be able to re-import the source document and re-format the entire thing). When I first opened the document, all the floor plans looked normal, but now, one no longer has a white background. The black outlines of the rooms are still there, but there's nothing underneath (I see the gray and white checkerboard background between the black outlines). I need to know how to make that area white again. It seems to me like maybe I deleted a layer... maybe... I don't know...? I can't just use the fill tool to fill white into the background space because (a) the entire shape is not closed, so applying a fill to one area fills the entire document and (b) I know that's not the right way to do it... I'm trying to get it back to the way it's supposed to be, not just make it look right because other people from work might still use the electronic file.
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Sep 10, 2013
We are facing strange issue with all different versions of AutoCAD (2007, 2011, 2013). While users are working on the file, all of a sudden the contents (work done) are lost and it becomes all blank. The file size is same but when we open the file all the work done is not displayed, but just a blank screen.
It happens occasionally and there is some Automation Error in the command line below. The software is not hanging but the open file is in hang state and we have to close it. While closing whether we select yes/no the content (work done) is all lost. The temp location where the files are saved in one of the computer is become huge around 40GB will many Autocad autosave and temporary files; if it has anything to do with it !
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Mar 18, 2013
I think this should be an easy thing to do, but I am having problems figuring it out. I need to repath the location of a point file being used in a surface. My surface will not rebuild because it can't find the point file originally used. Drawing was used on a different computer system, so the point file directory is now pointed to the wrong path.
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May 12, 2011
When I migrated to 2012 form 2011, it only migrated a partial list of the support file search locations. So, I reset the ones that were missing and exported out my profile.
Next I saved my workspace to my name and checked the box to "automatically save workspace".
I shut my computer down for the night. When I restarted my computer, then AutoCAD 2012 the missing support paths are missing again. I am not the only one in the CAD department that is having this issue. It is so annoying to have to reset my profile every time I shut my computer down.
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Dec 5, 2012
I defined alignments and a surface in Civil 3d, then reopened the same drawing in Autocad 2012 to amend some line work (just because I like drafting in this better). When I next needed to do an inquiry off the surface, I opened the drawing in C3D, but all the alignments and my surfaces were gone! Why doesn't C3D retain alignments/surfaces after you've opened a drawing in Autocad 2012? Would you recommend keeping a separate C3D base drawing for the design work, and another for the drafting? and just xref-ing between the two?
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Feb 24, 2013
I have a multi layer in my timeline , full graphic motion and long render. The base layer (layer 1) is a SOLID LAYER.
1. i select all that segment (multi layer) that has been rendered (yes, it's rendered). Now i drag it into my desktop (thumbnail view), but what happen is new clip is unrendered. So i have to re-render that clip. Why ?
2. i select all that layer, and collapse it ( contain selected). It collapse into a single clip but also i lost my render in my container. why ?
3. i mark in/out and create subclip. again i got the subclip but it's unrendered.
4. i mark in/out and drag into other timeline (same setting). and the pasted segment has no render file.
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