Photoshop :: Lost Metadata In File After Attempt To
Apr 18, 2009
I open RAW pictures from my Canon 5D (but same happens with pictures from Canon 10D) in PS and than try to save them as JPGs, I loose majority of my metadata from the files (after right click on filename in. I can still Windows Explorer and clicking Properties or simply adding additional columns in Win XP Windows Explorer detailed view.So same picture, without any editing at all, just opened as RAW file (which it is a CR2 or CRW file in Canons), and then saved as JPG, suddenly does not show the date of picture taken, focal length or exposure time are all gone. Does not matter if I try Properties in Win Explorer or say Properties in MS Office Picture Manager.Was trying to look for any setting in PS that would set the ability to save or abandon saving of this type of information in JPG file but could not find anything of this kind.What is interesting I went back to my pictures I have saved from RAW to JPG using same PS years ago, and I this was not a problem. Everything was saving OK.So in summary:1. This would not be a problem related to camera (it is unlikely that same problem would occur on two different models at the same time - even though both are Canons)2. It must be a way to force the Photoshop to do that, I f I was able to do it successfully, almost without knowing, before.Therefore, I would think that either:1. There is some set of defaults somewhere in PS that I have accidently turned off causing my PS not to save this metadata properly or in full, or2. That it came as some kind of bug with some of the updates to PS CS3 that I was getting over last year from Adobe.
This happens repeatedly as I open the program and attempt to open a file. The "open file" dialog box flashes for a split second then disappears and the Photoshop program freezes up.
When I attempt to load xref the dialogue for file attachment does not appear. This has only started happening the past day or so. The same applies to image files etc.
- I open a .jpg file in PS CS5, - I change one or several metadata, using the XMP embedded panel (File -> Information) - I apply the changes, - I close the file.
At this moment, PS ask me if I want to save the changes. Again... A little bit curious, because I already did it, but... I agree. Then, PS ask me now to choice the jpg quality (you know, the scale from 1 to 12). But changing metadata never affect the image itself... So, it should be useless to do that (of course, I made no modification on the picture itself).
I must say that (if I remember well) sometimes I was able to close the file directly.
Is there any way GIMP can batch or copy metadata from one file to other file(s)? Specifically, a list of keywords from one image to other images that would use the same keywords.
I was surprised that opening a jpeg and looking at meta info, if I just added a word. PS ask to resave the file at what setting. Too much of a nuisance.I know I could go back to the tiffs or psd, but these are watermarked already
I'm transcribing some of the metadata from image files to build a simple catalog. Included are things like dimensions, resolution, and photo date. Is there a way to extract this data other than manually?
I am finding that going to File>Save Metadata to File is not really needed. I changed some metadata like the caption and notes and I don't choose that option in the menu. I then examine the file in Photoshop, and the metadata has already been updated. The metadata gets updated by itself for JPG files, and the XMP file in RAW files gets updated too without me doing anything extra.
What is Save Metadata to File good for then? Am I missing something?
I have put metadata into my CS3 Illustrator 'file info'. When I 'Save for Web and devices' the metadata disappears. Is there any way the metadata can follow the file from .ai file to .jpg?
Upon entering File Info and saving the image in Photoshop, all metadata disappears. However, If I apply a metadata template in Bridge, the metadata stays. What may be causing the File Info to not save with the image in PS?
Usig Bridge would be okay, however, I want to create layered images and keep all the metadata. If I attempt to do so in PS, the metadata for all image layers disappear.
We have two related issues we're trying to solution.
(1) If we create a blank Photoshop file ("template") that is merely a size, resolution and color profile, when we add an image (that does contain metadata), the image's metadata is not retained in the template metadata. We need to be able to transfer that image's metadata, automatically, to the template. (We do not want to have to copy/paste.)
(2) Let's say we now have a template with 1 image and associated metadata. We now need to add another image(s) to this template and have the second image's metadata also transfer automatically. (This auto-transfer of metadata would occur for any subsequent image added.)We are using CS4 v11.0.2.
So, after many hours of work, and many saves, it seams I have lost a PSD file. After the program was responding very slowly, I decided to close and restart. While saving my file, there was a save error. I don't remeber exactly what it said, but it was something similiar to the filename was invalid. I thought nothing of it, since I had saved just prior, and closed the file without saving. When I go to reopen what I though would be the most recent saved file, it is missing. It's not there at all. There is nothing in the autosave folder either. I have yet to restart Photoshop, hoping there is something in the memory I can recover.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
Something corrupted my installation of CS5 a month or so ago after it had been working correctly and I lost all the image file associations. Photoshop worked fine but only if I directly opened files from within. Also all the other image packages were missing from the file association list in the Windows 7 file associations tool, not just Photoshop. Using the Windows tool to find the programmes dot exe file and create an association also locked up at the select the right package phase.
I have fixed this now and my reason for posting is that several previously suggested fixes in both the MS Windows fora and elsewhere on these Adobe forums were either very complicated requiring direct registry editing or didn't work. It has taken me a while to find a work-around that worked, hence this post.
1) Firstly - as is stated elesewhere the obvious answer of simply reinstalling Photoshop over the existing copy doesn't work! Unfortunately it was a while before I found this out, with several time wasting retries of this as a fix attempt.
2) Not saying this is guaranteed to work in every case but I ran a 3rd party free Registry Cleaner tool, this appears to have fixed the bug in the registry allowing the Windows 7 File Associations tool to work properly again. Once that was fixed linking up each graphic type was simple.
Reason for posting is I wasted lots of time thinking the issue must have been a legacy from my earlier instal of a trial version of Master Suite or the older Photoshop 7 being replaced even though my CS5 edition had been working Ok for some time. because this is what is given as the usual cause. However I think in my case it was after loading and then deleting other graphics software, possibly Real Player, which had grabbed the associations and corruped registry settings somehow at uninstall. It appears registry cleaner restored the corruption and allowed the standard Win 7 tool to work again.
I am going to try a cd layout. When I open the templates in Photoshop 7 do I have to choose 300 dpi (the same dpi required for the images I have saved); make all the same choices as I have to for the images, (ie) CYMK, 5x5 inches, 300 dpi etc.? When I have the template open, what is the best way to bring the image to the template?
Is the template considered a layer? Do you always see the template through the image as you are working with layers? What is the easiest way to start another layer? How do you save each layer? How do I make my jpg become a photoshop file? Some of these Qs might be dumb but if you can answer them I may be able to fly.
I wonder when, and if, it is necessary to save metadata to the file? I copy RAW images from the camera card to DNG data type. I once accidentally deleted an edited image with unsaved metadata. I discovered the image I re-imported from my recycle bin was the original image without the updates I applied. I assume if I had saved the metadata for the image, the edits would have been brought back. Other than losing edits and other metadata when accidentally deleting an image, is there any other reasons I should save metadata to the file?
In a related question, is the original image without the metadata accessible in any other software except Lightroom if the metadata has been saved to the image file?
I've got a whole bunch of files in a catalogue that have had the metadata changed locally. I want to overwrite with the metadata thats in my LR cat. When I select them all and choose metadata>save metadata to files the little "!" dissapears from only file ata time. I matters not which module I'm in or if I go library > save metadata.
EDIT: I tried deleting the local XMP files and I get the same result
how the "save metadata to file" works. I had a corrupt catalog and thought I lost all my edits. I then read about this save feature and how it can protect me from a corrupt catalog by saving my edits. Does doing this overwrite my original file? Does saving the metadata destructively save the edits to the file? Is there a way to retrieve my original file after "saving metadata to the file" or do I need to save the orginals on a seperate harddrive?
I got the message, "Photos have read-only access," when trying to save the metadata into a DNG file. I'm on windows 7, and just upgraded to Lightroom 5. The files in Windows have full write and read ability. What am I doing wrong? Or what box do I need to check or uncheck to be able to save my metadata into the DNG files. My catalogue is on an internal drive. The actual images are on an external drive.
I get, on attempt to go into extensions.Could not complete the Manage Extensions command because Photoshop was unable to find the JavaScript plug-in.Also some components of PS CC and InCopy could not be updated successfully.
I'm using an Eye-fi Pro X2 card in my D5100. At present Eye-Fi haven't been able to resolve the fact that geodata isn't added to the Raw (nef) file so I am shooting in Raw+jpeg. Is there a way to sync the metadata from the jpeg to the nef file within LR4? Will this be written to the raw file, to a sidecar file or the LR database?
I'm always getting "metadata file needs to be updated" notification for two TIFF files, not for others. I'm saving them to the disk, after two seconds they are giving the same notification ... I'm not touching my hands even to the keyboard ...
Isn't writing metadata to the XMP space of a file (jpeg or dng) altering the file? I assumed that non-destructive meant not changing the original file in any way, and this rewrites the file and thus changes the modification date. And if the Develop settings are included, then doesn't that confuse things as to which version will be displayed by an application that opens it? Do I need to store the original somewhere else? Or am I misunderstanding how this all works?
At one time I was able to export a file's original file name in the "Raw Data" area of the metadata. I seem to have lost that ability in LR 4. I find this useful when a client renames a file and then wants me to find the original. I would open the file in Photoshop (or even a word processor) and the original name would be in the Raw Data area in File Info.
When LR 4 imports the file the first time, it apparently still creates the xmp file with the file name at the end of <rdf:Description rdf:about="" field and it looks like: crs:RawFileName="_DSC6501.NEF">
At one time Lightroom exported that info. But now I seem to have lost that file name info, even with "Export All Metadata" selected.
This is how it would look in Photoshop's File Info:
I was at work today and opened a Ps document that someone else had created. I don't know what I did (I'm a relatively new Ps user) and I don't even know how I ended up saving it. The document is floor plans overlaid on a site plan with logos, text. etc. (so, it's too complicated for my limited time and knowledge to be able to re-import the source document and re-format the entire thing). When I first opened the document, all the floor plans looked normal, but now, one no longer has a white background. The black outlines of the rooms are still there, but there's nothing underneath (I see the gray and white checkerboard background between the black outlines). I need to know how to make that area white again. It seems to me like maybe I deleted a layer... maybe... I don't know...? I can't just use the fill tool to fill white into the background space because (a) the entire shape is not closed, so applying a fill to one area fills the entire document and (b) I know that's not the right way to do it... I'm trying to get it back to the way it's supposed to be, not just make it look right because other people from work might still use the electronic file.
I have version 11 of PSE and it has been operating great with one exception. Whenever I attempt to do a full back-up it goes through the regular process including reconnecting missing data but then at the end when it should start backing-up it stops responding.
Everytime I try to run the program I get an error message saying "Attempt to access invalid address". I am using Windows 7 64bit.
I have unistalled and reinstalled PSE5.02 Unistalled Google Chrome Set antivirus to silent/gaming mode Ran as administrator Ran in compatitibly mode, Windows XP service pack2
I really need this working, I need to use it for a project thats due Monday!!
I shot using an eye-fi card. The card autmatically generates a xmp file with geodata in it. LR auto imports these images and adds lens correction and a copy right tag.
What I can't do is automatically is get LR to read the xmp file and include this in the catalogue. I am having to right click images and select read metadata from file.