I am finding that going to File>Save Metadata to File is not really needed. I changed some metadata like the caption and notes and I don't choose that option in the menu. I then examine the file in Photoshop, and the metadata has already been updated. The metadata gets updated by itself for JPG files, and the XMP file in RAW files gets updated too without me doing anything extra.
What is Save Metadata to File good for then? Am I missing something?
I wonder when, and if, it is necessary to save metadata to the file? I copy RAW images from the camera card to DNG data type. I once accidentally deleted an edited image with unsaved metadata. I discovered the image I re-imported from my recycle bin was the original image without the updates I applied. I assume if I had saved the metadata for the image, the edits would have been brought back. Other than losing edits and other metadata when accidentally deleting an image, is there any other reasons I should save metadata to the file?
In a related question, is the original image without the metadata accessible in any other software except Lightroom if the metadata has been saved to the image file?
I've got a whole bunch of files in a catalogue that have had the metadata changed locally. I want to overwrite with the metadata thats in my LR cat. When I select them all and choose metadata>save metadata to files the little "!" dissapears from only file ata time. I matters not which module I'm in or if I go library > save metadata.
EDIT: I tried deleting the local XMP files and I get the same result
how the "save metadata to file" works. I had a corrupt catalog and thought I lost all my edits. I then read about this save feature and how it can protect me from a corrupt catalog by saving my edits. Does doing this overwrite my original file? Does saving the metadata destructively save the edits to the file? Is there a way to retrieve my original file after "saving metadata to the file" or do I need to save the orginals on a seperate harddrive?
I got the message, "Photos have read-only access," when trying to save the metadata into a DNG file. I'm on windows 7, and just upgraded to Lightroom 5. The files in Windows have full write and read ability. What am I doing wrong? Or what box do I need to check or uncheck to be able to save my metadata into the DNG files. My catalogue is on an internal drive. The actual images are on an external drive.
URL....I am using PSE 12 as a photo editor for Aperture 3.5.1 and the photo is duplicated (as a tiff) in Aperture and PSE editor opens with the image. When I close the file and say to save the file it brings up the save as window.
I tell PSE 12 to "on first save -- save over current file" it now brings up the "save as" window and won't save over the file (changes the file type from .tiff to .tif)
I have Photoshop CS6 and Elements Premiere 11 and both were showing estimated file sizes properly up until a couple of weeks ago, and both stopped at the same time. Using Image, Mode I have verified on both that the images I am trying to save are 8 bit and not 16 bit images. I am on Window 7, 64bit.
I created a file for someone using the Photoshop CS6 software, and he has just now informed me that he uses Photoshop Elements 10. The only thing he will need to do with the file, at most, is add layers on top of it. How can I save the file through CS6 for him to open and use in Elements 10?
I created a collage in Photoshop Elements 11. I can save the file as a PSE or PDF. How do I save the file as a JPEG in order to send the file to an online print service? Which online print service to use for square prints?
If I want to edit most shots in a folder, how do I save the new changes in a photo, then return directly to the file and continue with the next picture? Now, I do changes, hit "done" and then can't figure out how to get back.
I have an Photoshop Elements 8, where I created a flyer in A5 size. Includes a logo and text and a background.
The print shop wants the image in PDF format to print the flyer. When I press "Save As ..." and choose to save the file in Photoshop PDF, select the image quality, fileformat (JPEG or ZIP), etc, I press the Save button. When I then go into the folder where I saved the file in there that is not there.
Question: When I have a photo open in Eleements 11, and make any change Elemets wants me to "Save As"as opposed to just Save the photo, what this does is creats another photo of the same thing, This occurs when the photo is both JPEG and PSD. Sometimes I just want to save my work and come back to it later not create yet another file. what I need to do in order to just make the changes I want save the work and keep it on the one file.
I am using Elements 11. I can get the watermark on the photo but there is no: save, enter, submit or anything. Needless to say it doesn't get saved in the new watermarked file. I have also watermarked a single photo and set it to be added to all the files i selected, but the only photo that end up with it in the new file is the one i watermarked.
I want to use for an application's icon, and I was hoping that I could create the icon in PhotoShop Elements 6.I do not see any way to do this, however. That file-type option is not available in either "Save As" or "Export."
I did a Google search and saw where I would need to download a plug-in.
I've loaded and reinstalled photoshop elements 3 times. I can not save any files. all i get is cannot save file do to program error message' this is a brand new product with a program error and they want me to pay them to fix there problem. it ain't right.
When I try to save a picture, I get this error: Could not save as “xxx.jpg” because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to unlock the file or change permissions on the file or enclosing folders.
I am trying to save the metadata tags I have created, but I am not given the option to do so. I tried CMD + S, but that does not work and when I go to Metadata -> Save Metadata to files is not an available option. I am using Lightroom 4.4 and working with .mov files.
How can I save my picture with the border information to a file? I want to be able to my picture with the border so that I may paste it on my FB page and other places. I am using Elements 9.
I want to know if the metadata for each FOLDER I add can be stored separate from all the metadata file, so I could delete just a folder for later recuperate it individually and have it´s metadata?
I've just had a problem with LR4. Instaled the full version a few days ago on my old computer. Just got a new computer where I instaled LR4 and imported all my latest work and noticed that all video (.mov) metadata were not saved on to files (Photos are OK!!!) So all editing and rating/flags/color filter I've done is gone.
Thought that I forgot to save Metadata on my old computer and did a couple of tests.
I did some rating and some color filters on my actual catalog then saved the metadata a couple of times. Removed from the Library and re-imported and the metadata were not there again. Did the same to Photos and is fine!
LR4 does not write XMP to video files?
Just lost hours of work on cuting and rating a video Job since my old computer is gone.
I have not recently been saving my metadata to file. I decide to turn this option on in preferances and it took a while for it all data to be written to the files. Most of my files start in Lightroom and get worked on with Photoshop layers, saved as TIFF, and reimported into Lightroom from other folders. My question is, if I went back to Lightroom and made some changes to develop settings to see what it would look like with different settings in Lightroom, didn't use the settings in the previously exported file but left them there in Lightroom since the file had already been exported and saved as TIFF..... can now saving the metadata to file change the way the finished file looks since the settings are different than those originally used to process the file (of note, I do not have save develop metadata to file for TIFF, PSD tyurned on).
Is there some way to save a standard set of metadata (photographer name, copyright status, website, other unchanging stuff) that I could apply to new/old sets of photos?
I imported many files that were tiff & jpeg pairs (with the import preference box checked 'Do Not treat as seprate files when file names are the same') into LR3. Since then, i have been unable to write new metadata, such as captions, keywords, etc., to both the JPG and Tif files. LR3, and now also LR5 both only seem to want to write to the tiff files. How do i get the metadata easily saved onto the jeg files as well? (preferably without re-importing as separate files).
Recently I used PS 11 on 250 pictures without problems. Now I can't save a picture to a file. Also I cannot rename a file or picture as it just pings at me.