I have not recently been saving my metadata to file. I decide to turn this option on in preferances and it took a while for it all data to be written to the files. Most of my files start in Lightroom and get worked on with Photoshop layers, saved as TIFF, and reimported into Lightroom from other folders. My question is, if I went back to Lightroom and made some changes to develop settings to see what it would look like with different settings in Lightroom, didn't use the settings in the previously exported file but left them there in Lightroom since the file had already been exported and saved as TIFF..... can now saving the metadata to file change the way the finished file looks since the settings are different than those originally used to process the file (of note, I do not have save develop metadata to file for TIFF, PSD tyurned on).
I am trying to save the metadata tags I have created, but I am not given the option to do so. I tried CMD + S, but that does not work and when I go to Metadata -> Save Metadata to files is not an available option. I am using Lightroom 4.4 and working with .mov files.
I wonder when, and if, it is necessary to save metadata to the file? I copy RAW images from the camera card to DNG data type. I once accidentally deleted an edited image with unsaved metadata. I discovered the image I re-imported from my recycle bin was the original image without the updates I applied. I assume if I had saved the metadata for the image, the edits would have been brought back. Other than losing edits and other metadata when accidentally deleting an image, is there any other reasons I should save metadata to the file?
In a related question, is the original image without the metadata accessible in any other software except Lightroom if the metadata has been saved to the image file?
I've got a whole bunch of files in a catalogue that have had the metadata changed locally. I want to overwrite with the metadata thats in my LR cat. When I select them all and choose metadata>save metadata to files the little "!" dissapears from only file ata time. I matters not which module I'm in or if I go library > save metadata.
EDIT: I tried deleting the local XMP files and I get the same result
how the "save metadata to file" works. I had a corrupt catalog and thought I lost all my edits. I then read about this save feature and how it can protect me from a corrupt catalog by saving my edits. Does doing this overwrite my original file? Does saving the metadata destructively save the edits to the file? Is there a way to retrieve my original file after "saving metadata to the file" or do I need to save the orginals on a seperate harddrive?
I got the message, "Photos have read-only access," when trying to save the metadata into a DNG file. I'm on windows 7, and just upgraded to Lightroom 5. The files in Windows have full write and read ability. What am I doing wrong? Or what box do I need to check or uncheck to be able to save my metadata into the DNG files. My catalogue is on an internal drive. The actual images are on an external drive.
I want to know if the metadata for each FOLDER I add can be stored separate from all the metadata file, so I could delete just a folder for later recuperate it individually and have it´s metadata?
I've just had a problem with LR4. Instaled the full version a few days ago on my old computer. Just got a new computer where I instaled LR4 and imported all my latest work and noticed that all video (.mov) metadata were not saved on to files (Photos are OK!!!) So all editing and rating/flags/color filter I've done is gone.
Thought that I forgot to save Metadata on my old computer and did a couple of tests.
I did some rating and some color filters on my actual catalog then saved the metadata a couple of times. Removed from the Library and re-imported and the metadata were not there again. Did the same to Photos and is fine!
LR4 does not write XMP to video files?
Just lost hours of work on cuting and rating a video Job since my old computer is gone.
Is there some way to save a standard set of metadata (photographer name, copyright status, website, other unchanging stuff) that I could apply to new/old sets of photos?
I imported many files that were tiff & jpeg pairs (with the import preference box checked 'Do Not treat as seprate files when file names are the same') into LR3. Since then, i have been unable to write new metadata, such as captions, keywords, etc., to both the JPG and Tif files. LR3, and now also LR5 both only seem to want to write to the tiff files. How do i get the metadata easily saved onto the jeg files as well? (preferably without re-importing as separate files).
I have a couple of users who are saving a render job to a network share using After Effects. Towards the end of the render, they get a warning saying "failed to write xmp metadata" It does not ruin the render or anything. It just shows the warning. They have full access rights to the share. What is causing this error?
I am finding that going to File>Save Metadata to File is not really needed. I changed some metadata like the caption and notes and I don't choose that option in the menu. I then examine the file in Photoshop, and the metadata has already been updated. The metadata gets updated by itself for JPG files, and the XMP file in RAW files gets updated too without me doing anything extra.
What is Save Metadata to File good for then? Am I missing something?
Have a bit of a puzzle that's been bouncing around a bit. Is there a way to delay a object following it's parent for a few frames? For instance, I have a hook attached to a crane that rotates around, the hook following it around. If I could have it follow the crane at a bit of a lag, allowing the cable to curve slightly, it would look a deal more real. I know I could hand animate it, but is there a way to set it up so that the hook will follow the crane after a delay of say, 10 frames or so?
Just started using 2012 and noticed a delay in the mouse in the drafting space only. When I hover over the icons, the speed is normal, it only occurs in paper or model space.
We are having an issue while inserting blocks from the tool palette. Inserting a block from the tool palette takes about 5 seconds per block. Pick a block, wait 5 seconds, pick insertion point. Last week it took maybe 1 second. It doesn't sound like much, but we use alot of blocks everyday, and waiting 5 seconds every time gets annoying. Especially when it used to be almost instantaneous. We also have our blocks in our template. The template is on the server. If you type insert, and insert the block that way, it loads fast, like it used to using the tool palette.
Most of the blocks are simple text or shapes. None are dynamic. We also have some hatches in there, that are unaffected by the delay. They insert quickly.
Another thing has changed. The time it takes to change to a different tab on the palette has grown. A tab with about 10 blocks used to take about 6 seconds to load, now takes a good 30 seconds. And a tab with about 30 blocks that used to take about 12 seconds, now takes about a minute and a half! Once the tool palette and each tab has been opened for the first time, say first thing in the morning when cad is first opened, the delay is gone. They switch between tabs with no delays.
The only thing that I know of that has changed that coincides with this is last week we made a few changes to the template. We removed a few sheets that we no longer use. Could this have done something? The blocks are still in the template. We have 3 pc's that are affected in the same way, at the same time.
I've tried a few things to remedy this. I am by no means a cad guru. I created a .dwg with all the blocks in it. Made another tab on the tool palette using the blocks from the .dwg. Still the same delay. I tried creating a new palette using the design center and the blocks .dwg I made, but cad locks up on me and I have to restart cad. I tried that twice.
Okay so I downloaded some brushes and then my photoshop cs6 started to work a lot slower and it just wasn't working right at all. So I deleted the brushes but it didn't change.
So basically the problems are when I try and use a brush the brushing is delayed and when i switch tabs it won't let me back onto the program and when I try and make a simple picture with just text and a photo and then try and save for web this pops up 'This image exceeds the size Save for Web was designed for. You may experience out of memory errors and slow performance. Are you sure you want to continue?'
I am testing out ACAD LT 2013 I've narrowed it down the the hatch. why theres no issue with Autocad LT 2010 using the same hatch pattern. Tried making the adjustments. Turning off the hatch is really working the best
Running Win 7 , 64 bit quad core AMD 2.2 gig processor 4gig ram Gigbyte MB with on board graphics
We are having an issue while inserting blocks from the tool palette. Inserting a block from the tool palette takes about 5 seconds per block. Pick a block, wait 5 seconds, pick insertion point. Last week it took maybe 1 second. It doesn't sound like much, but we use alot of blocks everyday, and waiting 5 seconds everytime gets annoying. Especially when it used to be almost instantanious. We also have our blocks in our template. The template is on the server. If you type insert, and insert the block that way, it loads fast, like it used to using the tool palette.
Most of the blocks are simple text or shapes. None are dynamic. We also have some hatches in there, that are unaffected by the delay. They insert quickly.
Another thing has changed. The time it takes to change to a different tab on the palette has grown. A tab with about 10 blocks used to take about 6 seconds to load, now takes a good 30 seconds. And a tab with about 30 blocks that used to take about 12 seconds, now takes about a minute and a half! Once the tool palette and each tab has been opened for the first time, say first thing in the morning when cad is first opened, the delay is gone. They switch betweeen tabs with no delays.
The only thing that I know of that has changed that coincides with this is last week we made a few changes to the template. We removed a few sheets that we no longer use. Could this have done something? The blocks are still in the template. We have 3 pc's that are affected in the same way, at the same time.
I've tried a few things to remedy this. I am by no means a cad guru. I created a .dwg with all the blocks in it. Made another tab on the tool palette using the blocks from the .dwg. Still the same delay. I tried creating a new palette using the design center and the blocks .dwg I made, but cad locks up on me and I have to restart cad. I tried that twice, same result.
We are running AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 on Vista Business 64bit.
I use a variety of programs to edit the xmp data (mostly Lightroom and exiftool right now), so I know the importance of the "Automatically write XMP data to file setting" (ON in my case). After a few days (actually more like a week) of writing xmp data and then reading into (or synching folders in) Lightroom, I found a number of "metadata conflicts" in my catalog. Since these are basically impossible to fix for a large catalog (since there is no way to show the files that have conflicts), I started over and created a new catalog, and imported all 40,000+ images into it.
However, with my new catalog (with presumably no metadata conflicts), the first image that I tried to change the metadata on gave me a metadata conflict (presumably when Lightroom tried to save the xmp data after I changed it). This was a jpg file, so the metadata is being (or not being) written into the file. Reading the metadata from the file into Lightroom did not fix the problem. The Metadata Status field in the Lightroom Metadata panel says "Unknown" and clicking on the word "Unknown" brings up a panel saying "There was an unknown error while writing metadata to this photo. Retry?", and neither retrying the save nor importing the settings from disk resolves the conflict.
I think that the problem is that the jpeg is somehow corrupt, because if I save a copy in Photoshop, I can read and write the metadata in that copy. And, the copy has, I think, the same metadata as the original. (Of course, the image is probably imperceptibly degraded because I re-jpeg'd it).
There is no message in Console (I'm on Mac). (See PS)
I am worried that I have a number of files with this kind of problem, I guess I could "Save Metadata" for all files in my catalog (thus updating the file modified date for all 2 TB of data, and causing a massive backup issue), and then look through my catalog for those elusive exclamation points. But I'd like something better.how the jpeg could have gotten corrupted, but I do have an archived version that I could look at.
I have a new Geotagger Pro 2 GPS (Solmeta) and tried it out yesterday. The GPS coordinants are not in the metadata. I do get the elevation and the direction the photo was taken. I tried Updating & Read Metadata in the menu but I still do not get the info. When viewed the photos in the camera, they had the GPS data.
My metadata presets are not appearing in the library module. Preset None and Edit Presets appear. There are various presets in the Users/Roaming/Appdata/Adobe/Lightroom/4/Metadata Templates folder. the metadata presets have disappered from my images as well?
My original digital camera (Nikon E880 point-and-shoot) did not insert the date that the picture was taken into the metadata. How can I add the date that the images were taken with this camera in Lightroom 3?
I've made development changes in Lightroom to photos on my laptop. However, they aren't showing up when I import them to my desktop (I'm not applying any import settings upon import).
I want to display the IPTC metadata in Lightroom 4 in the same way as in Bridge CS6 so that it only displays the fields I want to use - is this possible without having to install 3rd party software? I've tried the metadata pop-up menu selections but these either omit items I want to see or include many items which I don't use. I bought Lightroom because it was designed for photographers but I am discovering that there are a number of areas where it is not as flexible as Bridge.
I am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)
If I apply copyright metadata to a client's purchased images will this in any way affect their ability to get the files printed (pro-lab or with public-lab) or print them themselves?