Illustrator :: Creating FXG To Use In Flash App

Jul 29, 2012

I am using AI for creating FXG to use in Flash app.

My question is, is it possible to mark objects in FXG that should not scale?

For example, if I have two rectangles Rect1 and Rect2, I want to scale only Rect1 while Rect2 stays at the same size when scaling.

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Illustrator :: AI CS6 - Panels Flash On Save

Dec 8, 2013

win 7 SP2; AI CS6.
Upon saving, usually there is a progress box in the middle of the screen.  It appears after the save begins.  Usually the box shows the progress is about half way along, and shortly, it gets to the end, then after a few moments, it eventually disappears and all is saved.  However, occasionally, the toolboxes turn black and even flash during the saving process!
It's very strange.  I have dual monitors on the computer; the left monitor is for the main application and the right is where I keep all the tool panels, mainly layers, appearance, glyphs, navigator/info, transparency, character/paragraph/opentype, document info/attributes, brushes, graphic styles, gradient and stroke with appearance.  I have the UI set to light grey to work with.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Be Installed On Flash Drives

Feb 24, 2014

I am planning to buy Illustrator and a MacBook air / pro, but the macs comes with a flash drive, and it is stated that Illustrator cannot be installed on flash drives.Can this really be true? It must be the way all new laptops are going.

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Illustrator :: Importing 3D Shape To Flash?

Oct 27, 2012

i have just made a 3D biljart ball and i should like to use it in adobe flash proffesional but once i import it it looks like it has lost its 3D properties and that is just somewhat a plain 2D image.
how can i use 3D shapes from illustrator in Flash?

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Illustrator SDK :: Progress Bar As Flash Extension Possible?

Nov 29, 2012

Try to realize the progress bar as a flash extension?
i tried to realize a progress bar as a flash extension, but the flash ui with the progress bar freezes, because my time consuming process ssems to block the flash ui.
In the first step I moved the time consuming algorithm into a separated thread. At first I used a dummy time consuming algorithm to keep the tests simple and the progress bar worked fine. Then I replaced the dummy algorithm with the real algorithm, but the algorithm did not work. I could not invoke Suite functions of the Illustratok SDK. I assume that after the plugin main thread had invoked my worker thread and returned, some resources are released.
In the next step I tried to move the flash extension handling to a separate thread, but then loading the extension by the SDKPlugPlug hangs. I assume that the extension handling is an event based process. Since my new created thread has no event loop, the extension can not communicate with my thread.

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Illustrator :: Export Editable File From Flash

Apr 21, 2011

My co-worker spent all day trying to export a Flash file to open and edit in Illustrator. Is this possible? She feels that it is because when she exports as .fxg into Illus if she turns the preview to outlines the art looks like vector art.  Im not so sure. You cant select anything. It still has all those outer boxes aroud it like when you "Place" artwork. Is it possible to do this?

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Illustrator :: How To Export AI Layers As Flash Movieclips

Jun 1, 2012

I have an AI CS4 file with all of the countries of the world, each on it's own layer, named according to the country's name..
My goal is to have each country in flash as an individual movieclip.

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Illustrator :: Importing Flash Vectors / Missing Lines

Dec 24, 2013

So I have done many hours of animation in flash over the years.  And what I am trying to do is import some of the characters I have created in Flash into Illustrator and convert them to PSD.  This is for a print project that I am working on.  The reason I want to get the images to photoshop is so I can add some effects and coloring techniques I simply can not do in Illustator or Flash.Here is the method I am using. 

1) Select the vector image in Flash and Export Selection to Adobe FXG. 
2) Open FXG in Illustartor
3) Export to PSD
4) Open in Photoshop and Color.
The problem I am having is the line art that was drawn with the pencil tool in Flash simply vanishes when imported to Illustartor.  Also a lot of the line art that was draw with the pencil tool is gradient filled or the image I am trying to export may have multiple color Pencil Lines.  So  just trying to outline the images in AI does not provide the look or effect I want.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Text Frames To Be Converted As Flash Text

Oct 17, 2012

I am working on a project which needs..Text frames to be converted as flash text >property changed to dynamic text > writing instance name “_txt”.so how can i write scripting on above process.

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Illustrator :: Creating A Pattern 64 Bit

Sep 10, 2012

Having trouble saving a pattern in 64bit Illustrator? Seems to work fine in 32bit but only saves the original symbol (1 time) in 64. Follow the same procedure in each case, drag symbol (or place own symbol) to library then to document, make pattern (all works fine) but then "save a copy" in 64 only saves the original symbol not the pattern(in my case).... 32bit saves the pattern.

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Illustrator :: Creating Fillets In AI

Jul 8, 2013

We do technical illustrations and are switching to Adobe Illustrator from another software. One function we find very necessary is creating rounded fillets with specified radii between two lines. Is there a way to accomplish this with AI or is a script required?

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Illustrator :: Creating PDF In Color

Sep 23, 2013

When I try to create a pdf file from a color illustration in Illustrator CS5 (print Adobe pdf printer) I get only black and white version? How can I get the color version?

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Illustrator :: Creating A 3D Sphere In AI

Feb 13, 2013

I'm having a challeng with creating the look I want using 3D Revolve. The sphere is part of a logo, and needs to essentially match the color of part of the logo, but I also want it to have a smooth 3D quality. To start, here's the color I want to be predominant in the sphere: Here's what I've come up with thus far:This is as close as I've been able to get to the original color, but there's no gradation between the shades. Here are the 3D Revolve settings:
Surface: Plastic Shading
Light Intensity: 50%
Ambient Light: 70%
Highlight Intensity: 95%
Highlight Size: 95%
Blend Steps: 256
Shading Color: Black
And here's another experiment: This has the blend from dark to light I'm looking for, but the base color has become much more purple, and doesn't really match the original. Here are the settings for this version:
Surface: Plastic Shading
Light Intensity: 40%
Ambient Light: 0%
Highlight Intensity: 100%
Highlight Size: 100%
Blend Steps: 50
Shading Color: None
I've played around with diffuse shading, but haven't even come as close as these two samples. So basically, what I'm looking for is the base color of the first sample (maybe a little lighter), with the blend from dark to light of the second.

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Illustrator :: Creating A5 Brochure In CS5.1?

Jun 17, 2013

I have been trying for hours to create an A5 Brochure in Illustrator (I have version CS5.1)
lot of them say select 'A5' in the new document option, but there ISN'T an A5 option!

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Photoshop :: Creating Web Graphics - Illustrator

Dec 3, 2006

I'm currently using v10.I have created several images that I want to use on a web site. How should I save these graphics files? When I save them out of Illustrator (either as a gif or jpeg) the image looks like crap when I put it on a page.

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Illustrator :: Creating Many Of Same Graphs / Infrographics

Mar 1, 2013

I have created reports with infographics (bar charts/pie charts etc.) where the raw data and charts were created in Excel and then I copy it into Illustrator and tweak the design (color, text, etc) and then drop it into InDesign.
I am now in the process of creating several (30+) reports that will use the same design template from InDesign - but all of the garphics will be uniqe. 
What is the best approach to create all of these graphs? Is there a script or macro that I can create and save when I tweak one graph, and then apply it to the subsequent graphs?
I know Illustrator has the graphing function but I havent had too much luck with and, and some of the graphs that I will create, such as donut graphs, cannot be created in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Creating An Outline Around Text

Jun 18, 2013

im after creating an outline around some text basically as a background prepared ready for cutting two layer vinyl..I so far can create text, create outlines, i can add a stroke giving a nice outline around the text,
next stage when i send to winplot and send to cutter it seems to cut numerous lines within the vinyl...What im want i just one line around the whole text following the profile of the main text.

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Illustrator :: Creating Transparent Background?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a hand drawn picture scanned as a jpeg file and I want to convert it to a vector image with a transparent background, but it keeps saving with the white background.

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Illustrator :: Creating Shape From Symbols

Jun 20, 2012

Alright I am trying to create a shape made up of tons of instances of a symbol (best example of what I am trying to achieve is here )
I hoped I could just use draw inside mode and the symbol sprayer however I am not able to ensure the instances don't colide and that they actually completely fit inside the shape without being cut off.
I am obviously going about this the wrong way but have searched for unsuccessfully for any instruction on how this could be achieved.

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Illustrator :: InDesign  - Creating EBook With PDF

Nov 7, 2013

I am looking for publishing an Ebook through Indesign.  I have the original PDFs which I have imported as XML into InDesign. How to use the XML to make a complete document. 

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Illustrator :: Creating XML File For Import

Feb 12, 2013

I want to create a XML file to import into illustrator. From my customers I get excel files with 1000+ names and membercodes. In illustrator I ceated a template for 24 members.
How can I create a XML file which is compatible with Illustrator.
Simply saving as XML from Excel doesn't de the trick...

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Illustrator :: Creating A Rhinestone Template

Jan 8, 2012

Any ability/plug-in for illustrator cs5 to allow for creating a rhinestone template?  I make custom apparel and use illustrator to create the vector artwork.  When I need a design in rhinestones, I have to send out the art to have the template created (the template is the material with the holes in it where the rhinestones will be placed.) Rhinestone creation software lets you "place" the stones in the on screen design, choosing size of stone, etc.  and then allows that design to be sent to a cutter to cut the holes in the template. If I could do it in-house, it would save me some money.  I know there are plug ins that are compatible with CorelDraw, and there is stand alone software out there for apparel decorators, but I would rather not invest in more software if I could accomplish it in illustrator.

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Illustrator :: What Options Are For Creating Shapes

Mar 16, 2013

I was wondering what options there are for creating these shapes like celtic knots.

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Illustrator :: Creating Outline Around Text?

Aug 7, 2012

How do I create an outline around text

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Illustrator :: Creating A 3D Dome Shape?

Aug 29, 2013

Just doing my normal practise in Illustrator. Ive came across designing a dome sphere shape. And Im using the 3d revolve techniqe, So I have my symbol to map onto the 3d elipse. but towards the top of the sphere the symbol tends to get distorted, and it looks aweful. So I also tried another technique to envolope distort with top object but its hard to achieve making it look 3d, because the sphere faces dont go around.

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Illustrator :: Creating A New Document Profile CS5

Feb 25, 2013

I have created a New Document Profile that I want to use as a base when starting Ilustrator work. I  cleared pallettes colors, brushes, symbols etc and created 3 new common layers etc. When I select my file from the New Document Profiles pull down menu the Layers pallette opens with only a blank Layer1 .The work on my custom Layers that I would like as masters is gone.

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Illustrator :: Creating Artboards From Guides

Jul 5, 2012

I am working on a large wall sticker and I need to "slice" the image into pieces for vinyl printing. Is there anyways to place guides (or slices) and have them be converted to separate art boards for printing? In the past I would make individual art boards the exact size of each object and save them one at a time to send to the printer. Then once the art came in I could piece the wall art back together as I applied it to the wall or glass, But this is time consuming.

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Illustrator :: Creating String Art Design In AI CS6

Jun 21, 2013

How I can create "string art design" in AI CS6 with "Blend" technique? I did it accidentally [with line and a point] and can't remember how did  that!

Like this  link: [URL] .....

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Illustrator :: Creating Edged Shadows

Nov 5, 2012

I would like to know how to make that type of shadows. I know it can be done with the pen tool. But is there another easier way?
[URL] ....

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Illustrator :: Creating High Res PDF From TIFF

Jun 21, 2012

I have a tif with following dimensions: 38.74 cm x 28.85 cm at res 300ppi.
Now this going to be printed on canvas that is 6.43meters x 5.77meters, I will adjust the dimensions with a frame so I do not need to stretch the image in any direction.
I have placed this image in indesign and illustrator and generated a high quality print (PDF) with dimensions 643 mm x 577 mm (as printing company works at 10%).
This is a close up of the image:

There is pixelation.
My questions are
Is the original tiff resolution not enough, it is quite  a high res! If this is the case what size and res image do I ask my photographer to produce.Or do I accept the fact that there will be pixelation?Can I do anything in photoshop, Illustrator to combat this problem? 

As I will be doing more of these prints (sumner, NZ container ART project), I need to create a document with minimum specs, what do you think these specs should be.

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Illustrator :: Creating Gradient With Own Color

Sep 3, 2013

how do I create a gradient using my own colors? I've recently upgraded form CS3 where I was able to just drag a colour swatch onto the gradient slider to set the colour. Now I can't do that. If I try with one of the default colors it works no problem but if I create my own swatch then I get a circle with a line through it saying I can't do it.

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