Illustrator :: Creating Edged Shadows
Nov 5, 2012I would like to know how to make that type of shadows. I know it can be done with the pen tool. But is there another easier way?
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I would like to know how to make that type of shadows. I know it can be done with the pen tool. But is there another easier way?
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The problem that I am having is whenever I try to create a rectangle with no fill, there is a shadow on the inside of the rectangle. Furthermore, if I make the border very thin, there is an issue with transparency. I'll let the attachment pictures speak for themselves, basically I just want these rectangle borders to be solid lines.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac.
I have some shadows that I use on websites...however, the corners never come out right. The right, left and top and bottom shadows are fine, but how do I create good corner shadows...
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to create a shadow effect like the one they use on this site, especially to create unique horizontal rules to separate sections. Only when I tried to do this using gradients, it looked nowhere near as good.
way to create that effect with the white horizontal rule in the middle of the soft grey gradient?
I want to be able to do easily editable drop shadows directly in illustrator without having to import files from photoshop...i checked help and it says it should be one of the effects available to me under "stylize" but all i see there is "glowing edges"...i checked my effects gallery and not available there either. I know i can duplicate the text and put it behind original, take down transparency and maybe add a blur but i would like just a simple drop shadow that i can adjust quickly..
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to cut out a piece of an image such as with cmd shift J with anti aliasing turned on, there is a gap between the cut out and the new image about as wide as the marquee. If I turn anti aliasing off there is no longer a gap, but then I have a very jagged cut out, since may of the pieces I'm cutting out are circular. Is there anyway to still get a smooth edged cut out without the gap?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have edged faces off in my model but as soon as i select something it shows that selections edged faces, how do i turn this off any?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe company I work for bought a new vinyl cutter out of the blue without consulting us (the IT Department), and now I'm fumbling about trying to figure out how to use it properly. The cutter requires the use of Adobe Illustrator, so I downloaded the trial before shelling out money from our budget. Now, we used to use this absolutely unimaginably broken piece of software called SignGo, which allowed the creation of 3d shadows rather easily, actually. All our buses have our company name with a 3d shadow behind them, and the owner does not want to change how this looks:
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It's damn close to what I want, but as you can see, there are little extra cuts that the vinyl cutter will make, ruining the shadow. Is there any way I can either force AI to not draw those points which should be masked, or to edit the shadow manually?
I am working with Illustrator CS6 and when I save a file to an earlier version - CS3 or CS - that has a drop shadow effect, the effect gets rasterized. Drop shadows are not new to this latest version of Illustrator so shouldn't they still be editable when saving to a version above CS?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I toggle off "selected with edged faces" in 3ds Max 2014 always on startup? When modeling, I need to see the clean surface when pressing F4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn 2013 I could turn off edged faces. Now, even if I do the same thing in 2014, it actually keeps showing the edged faces on selected object.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook Pro ver. 10.6.8 i7 Core, 8 Gb Ram, and I am running Adobe Illustrator CS6.
I have a document that is 18" x 42" and contains drop shadows. It was created using CS6. When I apply a graphic style (gradient and drop shadow) It has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes. I recreated the document, and I am having the same issue repeatedly.
In order to do what I needed, I had to ungroup the letters recieving the graphic style and apply it to each letter individually. If I try applying it to more than one object, the freeze happens again.
I saved the file I created, and now I can not open it. On load it has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes.
I can open the same document in CS4 on the same system with no issues, it takes less than 5 seconds to load.
I am using CS6. I have created some text with a gradient fill. I have converted it to shapes before addin the Fill. I appear to get a slight black shadow arround the letters. This appears to get worse when I Export it to png with a transparent background. This black shadow is not a stoke that I have added.
How can I remove this black effect?
Whenever I add a stroke to text it never stays straight edged like the text, it becomes more rounded. Question is, is there a way to stroke the text with the edges staying straight instead of rounded without having to just draw a box around it or something?
Here's a picture of what I'm going for, I'm fine with making a box around the text (there are other characters, rounded characters like an "O"), but it would be a big time saver if there was a way to do it quicker.
Stroke in Photoshop is on the left, desired effect is on the right. The letter "i" might be a bad example, however the effect I'm looking for is a stroke keeping the shape of the text rather than rounding itself.
PSP8. How I make the corners of a vector drawn rectangle rounded. I can remember acheiving it once but can't remember how.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWe are working on AutoCAD Arch 2012 and there is a custom edge profile we are using but we cannot get the profile to visualy turn off. We have placed it on its own layer and still can't turn it off.
This worked fine when we were in '04 - but it isn't working in '12... is this a bug?
just attempting to customize my viewing preferences a bit.
When I am in an editable poly, and the Viewport is set to Smooth & Highlights + Edged Faces...
When I go to make a polygon selection, the edge faces option divides each polygon into two triangles which is just annoying. Maybe I'm just used to newer versions of max where it doesn't do this.
everytime i start Max 2014 i had to untick the "Display Selected with Edged faces" in the viewport configuration there a way to untick this permamently?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just started using photoshop again. I haven't used it properly since art classes a few years back and i've forgotten bits and pieces.
i could never make picture in this style of the attached one below quickly and whatever technique i had before i've forgotten so i want to know if anyone has a quick technique of turning normal pictures into this wicked pop-art flash style. I can tell it should be easy but extracting the layers of colour seems to be the hardest.
pre 2012, if you had display edged faces on, the selected splines would turn white - so you could tell what was selected in viewport. using nitrous, this isn't possible for us. Open GL or Direct 3D work fine but not nitrous. or is this a bug?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHaving trouble saving a pattern in 64bit Illustrator? Seems to work fine in 32bit but only saves the original symbol (1 time) in 64. Follow the same procedure in each case, drag symbol (or place own symbol) to library then to document, make pattern (all works fine) but then "save a copy" in 64 only saves the original symbol not the pattern(in my case).... 32bit saves the pattern.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWe do technical illustrations and are switching to Adobe Illustrator from another software. One function we find very necessary is creating rounded fillets with specified radii between two lines. Is there a way to accomplish this with AI or is a script required?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to create a pdf file from a color illustration in Illustrator CS5 (print Adobe pdf printer) I get only black and white version? How can I get the color version?
View 2 Replies View Related I'm having a challeng with creating the look I want using 3D Revolve. The sphere is part of a logo, and needs to essentially match the color of part of the logo, but I also want it to have a smooth 3D quality. To start, here's the color I want to be predominant in the sphere: Here's what I've come up with thus far:This is as close as I've been able to get to the original color, but there's no gradation between the shades. Here are the 3D Revolve settings:
Surface: Plastic Shading
Light Intensity: 50%
Ambient Light: 70%
Highlight Intensity: 95%
Highlight Size: 95%
Blend Steps: 256
Shading Color: Black
And here's another experiment: This has the blend from dark to light I'm looking for, but the base color has become much more purple, and doesn't really match the original. Here are the settings for this version:
Surface: Plastic Shading
Light Intensity: 40%
Ambient Light: 0%
Highlight Intensity: 100%
Highlight Size: 100%
Blend Steps: 50
Shading Color: None
I've played around with diffuse shading, but haven't even come as close as these two samples. So basically, what I'm looking for is the base color of the first sample (maybe a little lighter), with the blend from dark to light of the second.
I have been trying for hours to create an A5 Brochure in Illustrator (I have version CS5.1)
lot of them say select 'A5' in the new document option, but there ISN'T an A5 option!
I am using AI for creating FXG to use in Flash app.
My question is, is it possible to mark objects in FXG that should not scale?
For example, if I have two rectangles Rect1 and Rect2, I want to scale only Rect1 while Rect2 stays at the same size when scaling.
I'm currently using v10.I have created several images that I want to use on a web site. How should I save these graphics files? When I save them out of Illustrator (either as a gif or jpeg) the image looks like crap when I put it on a page.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have created reports with infographics (bar charts/pie charts etc.) where the raw data and charts were created in Excel and then I copy it into Illustrator and tweak the design (color, text, etc) and then drop it into InDesign.
I am now in the process of creating several (30+) reports that will use the same design template from InDesign - but all of the garphics will be uniqe.
What is the best approach to create all of these graphs? Is there a script or macro that I can create and save when I tweak one graph, and then apply it to the subsequent graphs?
I know Illustrator has the graphing function but I havent had too much luck with and, and some of the graphs that I will create, such as donut graphs, cannot be created in Illustrator.
im after creating an outline around some text basically as a background prepared ready for cutting two layer vinyl..I so far can create text, create outlines, i can add a stroke giving a nice outline around the text,
next stage when i send to winplot and send to cutter it seems to cut numerous lines within the vinyl...What im want i just one line around the whole text following the profile of the main text.
I have a hand drawn picture scanned as a jpeg file and I want to convert it to a vector image with a transparent background, but it keeps saving with the white background.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAlright I am trying to create a shape made up of tons of instances of a symbol (best example of what I am trying to achieve is here )
I hoped I could just use draw inside mode and the symbol sprayer however I am not able to ensure the instances don't colide and that they actually completely fit inside the shape without being cut off.
I am obviously going about this the wrong way but have searched for unsuccessfully for any instruction on how this could be achieved.