AutoCAD LT :: Program Crashes When Making A Block?
Mar 24, 2012
I was trying to make a block of an elevation, no more than 150 objects and the program had a FATAL ERROR; I tryed again and again and always the same fatality.
I'm making a layout of 2 inch squares, 20 wide and 5 tall, to make color swatches for matching a target color. I'm then taking a starting value and using the edit colors>blend vertically, and blend horizontally to blend the color in the direction I think it needs. But every three or so blends i make it crashes the program, and even when I save my progress it crashes half the time. its a simple file just 2 inch square with color files.
I'm using CS6 on a osx10.6.8 ALL other jobs I've been working on have been fine.
I'm in Autocad if I use the "open" command and go to a file directory there are several subfolders that we have to save drawings in before we make changes to them. If I copy and paste from one folder to the next while in the open dialog box it copy the file fine but the next time I try to open any drawing file the program goes unresponsive and crashes.
I have a program where I am inserting blocks at specific points in model space. I have successfully been able to create a subroutine that will accept a block name, a point3D Location and a layer name and and insert the specified block at the specified location on the specified layer. What I need to do now is to cycle through model space and find all of the pipe objects in model space. I then find the endpoint of each pipe and insert a block at that location. The problem that I am having is that the program crashes when I try to find the objectid of modelspace. I am using the technique discussed in this thread by Jeffrey_H.
VB.NET Access to Styles
Below is the code that I am trying to get to work.
'Test Command to insert the some blocks into the drawing <CommandMethod("TrimbleTestBlocks")> _ Public Sub TrimbleTestBlocks() 'Get the editor object Dim doc = AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db =
This is the line that crashes on me
'Get Model Space Block Table Record Dim mdlspace As BlockTableRecord = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db).GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
why this is crashing the program? I just started programming dotnet this weekend and my head is starting to explode.
My end goal is to cycle through every pipe in model space. If the pipe belongs to a specified system definition then find the pipe size and insert a corresponding block on the endpoint of the pipe. I then want to export the blocks to a new drawing to be imported into a trimble unit for locating inserts on a deck.
Inserting an image (sid, tiff, geotiff, etc) using the image insert command in Map 2012, Or Raster2012 causes program to crash. Have reported to Autodeak, no response....
s3 = New DimStyleTableRecords3.CopyFrom(vz)s3.Name = nazovtst.Add(s3)_trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(s3, True) _trans.Commit()
Then, in another part of the code, I open the new style and change a property:
Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction ds = trans.GetObject(ds.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite) ds.Dimtxsty = s2TextStyle.ObjectId trans.Commit() End Using
this works OK for the first time, but when I run the code again, I don't create the new style, I just take the existing one and changing the Dimtxtsty property to the value it already has causes AutoCAD crash
My program crashes when attempting to edit a pipe network. specifically when trying to draw a pipe the program crashes the instant I select the second point to place the pipe.
After successfully using VideoStudio X2 for quite a while now, I’ve just updated VideoStudio X4.
My laptop meets the minimum specifications, however, I have just one problem with X4.
I can output to every file format including HD, but if I choose the 3D option, anaglyph or side by side, the program “crashes“.
I get 'the program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning' and 'the memory could not be read' errors. Both messages show 3 times each. The program will eventually close when I’ve OK’d all six messages.
I’ve tried different lengths of video, from short to long, but it makes no difference.
I don’t plan on doing loads of 3D videos, just the occasional short one for fun. Even though I find red/blue 3D video tiresome to watch, I would like to have a fully functioning program as everything else on X4 works like a dream.
I have a project with only photos (about 200) and 3 songs. Total length is about 16min. I have successfully created a .MPG (2.3GB) and .WMA (474MB) HD files.
My problem is when I create a MPEG-4 HD files. It kept crashing the program while "Creating File..."
Error message, "The program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technical Support and send the dump file for analysis."
I tried another project with photos and music only and encountered the same problem. Shortening the project yielded the same (one song and a few pictures).
I tried using "Custom" and using the HD settings resulted in the same error. Nothing works.
My patches are up to date. How to create Hi Def movie files that I can playback with and Apple computer (Quicktime).
I was recently doing a job where I was tethered onto my Macbook Pro. I was using a layout overlay for the project as the images were going into a specific packaging layout. However, everytime I brought up the layout onto the monitor, the program would crash.
Im running AC LT 2012 version #F.51.M.310 on a Mac Pro 3,1 and a MacBook Pro 6,2. The Mac Pro 3,1 is not a supported machine. I have no issues on the MBP 6,2.
It seems to run fine on the MP 3,1 except one very important issue. When I open a block attribute editor Dialogue then cancel or save, it crashes AutoCAD. If I use the Property Inspector instead it is fine. Double clicking a block to edit its text attributes is a VERY hard habit to break.
Mac tends to fix things through updates in the App Store.
Is this the most up to date AC LT 2012? I have yet to find that version # listed anywhere. Is this an issue of just being an unsupported machine? I have been searching for weeks to resolve/identify this problem to no avail.
I have reinstalled this program 3 times arlready and the Auto Music feature still does not work? Every time i make a project and want to add some music off the Auto Music feature the whole program crashes instantly? I keep getting over and over again, Unspecified Error? Everything thing else works in the program except the Auto Music.
I have been running corel x5 for about 2 years now and all of a sudden I tried to open a new blank document and it crashed the program saying that Corel Draw has encountered a problem and needs to close??
I can add an audio to my slieshow. After that I cannot run the audio nor the slide show. the program crashes. I took screenshots of the error messages.
Trying to import images as dng and crashes my computer. It writes to a temp folder and cannot delete the temp folder bc there is error in writing to it. Mac OSX. Have done this many time with no problem. I can make adjustments inside the program and when I export the modified images to another folder it writes to a temp folder as well. but doesnt crash the system.
I was working on a project in Premiere Pro 6. I had imported about 200 files and almost completed the project. I tried to import another file and the import function would not work. In addition, it disabled about 90 percent of the program. Menu selections had turned grey. I closed the project and program and restarted, opening a much smaller project. Worked OK until I tried to import. The import wouldn't work, and the program was disabled. This is not a case of actually selecting a file to import. The function crashes before you have a chance to actually select a file. On deadline.
latest updates installed correctly... cs5 and cc6 installed on same machine... now the problem... when sending an image to the printer in cc the program crashes.... but it does not crash when the image is sent using cs5 .
I downloaded a trial copy of the Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultra. Every time I click on the Create Video File button the program crashes. I get a message that the program must exit. Every time I try this, it crashes.
When I try to drag an image out of project bin to an image in the workspace my program crashes. I have reinstalled the program but still doing this. All updates are done and I'm at a loss as what to do.
Is their a protocol for making a block with visibility states? I have not done this in a long time but I know the procedure for creating the visibility states but for some reason no matter how many times i adjust this one block i cannot get the this attribute definition to stop showing in visibility states.
I have tried doing a show all and hiding this attribute manually over and over again and i cannot get the block to hold the info. it looks right in the block editor but as soon as i insert this block i can see the visibility state is not right. is their a procedure of how i set up a block like this so that the visibility states will work the way i want them too?
I am trying to make a block with text inside in it. I need the text to rotate at 0 no matter what degree I insert the block into my drawing. For example the type of blocks I use are for fire alarm in which need to go onto different sides of the walls so I need a base point in which I can insert the block at but the text to always rotate back at 0.
making a 11x8.5 title block template.I have made a few in model and paper space but when i insert them in layout they appear very small. i am using autocad 2008.
I have a problem with a drawing where I'm working with a certain number of blocks.
The other day Autocad crashed repetedlty when entering the block editor. I double-click on the block, the block definition dialogue box opens and the program freezes - I get the error message "Autocad LT has stopped running..."
I tried reopening the drawing, exploded the block and recreated it - problem solved.
Now this is happening again, except when try to explode and recreate the block using the BLOCK command, when the block definition dialogue box open - the program also freezes.
This only happens when I try to edit one particular block in the drawing.
I created a number of 3D blocks to be inserted into a 3D model of a building. I created the blocks in a separate drawing first; i defined them locally, then, when i had them the way i wanted them, I used "wblock" to save all of these blocks to a folder.
I then opened the 3D building model and tried to insert one of my new blocks. I repeatedly get the following:
I have tried repairing my installation of autocad with no improvement.
i tried opening the drawing of the block itself, copying it, and pasting it via the "copybase" command into the other drawing with the same result.
Occasionally, autocad will ask me if i'd like to debug the program (and visual studio opens) -- it mentions a "StackOverflowException" within acad.exe, and also mentioned "windowsbase.dll".
I am using windows 7 pro x64 and autocad 2011.
CPU: intel i7
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTS 250
8GB DDR3 ram
The autocad error-reporting dialog never gets launched as it is forced to close before this point.