AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Up Libraries In Project Setup

Feb 21, 2012

I have a folder under libraries in my project setup where I plan to keep my library parts. Once there the parts are read only. my questions is should I not have them there. I cannot modify then if i need to and if I copy it out to change it they do not update in the library.

What is the best way about setting up libraries in my project setup?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project File Changes Related To Switch Local CC Libraries

Mar 24, 2012

For the last few years I had my content center libraries running as part of the vault server. I have not made any customizations.

I want to try to have the content center libraries on my local machine to see if that speeds things up.

Is that possible while still using the vault server for our regular data?

Do I need to make any changes to my project file?

IV210 Professional Suite

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Best Technique For Setting Up Project / Main And Subassembly

Sep 21, 2011

Currently I m wokring on fairly large assembly of (as it feels to me) 14441 (Total Occurances in Active Document) and 1765 (Open Documents in Session). Its a complex Jump Form system for a sky scrapper.

Now as I went on with the assembly and saving all the parts, bolted connections and subassemblies in network drive - few of them were accidently saved in my local drive. I have setup a project files for this project and other projects and any one in my team changes the project file to open certain model assembly. So now when i open the assembly it goes fine but if someone else in my team opens that up they get errors of unresloved stuff. Now the things for which I need guidances are,

1. If I pack and go the whole assembly to remove the reslove errors - what will happen to my 100s of drawings (idw)?

2. Few of subassemblies had to undergo pack and go so that they can be changed to suit requirement at some other places after being renamed through design assistant. But now when i open my main assembly after setting up my prjecting file - it gives errors of multiple instances for the subassemblies obtained by performing "pack and go", in relation with the orginal sub assemblies.

3. What is the best technique for setting up project, main and subassemblies?

4. What steps I must need to follow performing pack and go? the destination folder can be a folder in project? if it is outside, how to grab it back in project (simple copy, paste)? After Pack and Go do I have to rename even the bolts before i bring the Pack and Go folder back to my project???

4. Can Autodesk Vault solve my problems? How difficult it is to setup and use Vault?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Code Failure Setting Active Project Across A Network

May 9, 2011

I am trying to write code to set the active project across a network.  In the code below I have hard written the address in to our main server named "Rusk" .  It fails with an error message "The parameter is incorrect".  I have tried this using a mapped drive as well with no luck. 

I think it may be a permissions error, I am running Vista 64bit.  Inventor version 12.  If it is a permissions error, are there any sample code snippets out there I can use to set the permissions?

Public Sub SetActiveProject()
Dim ProjectID As String 'variable to hold Project ID
Dim ProjectAddress As String 'variable to hold an address path
'Verify the project ID is entered
If UserForm1.TextBox3.Value = "" Then


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AutoCad :: Setting Up 2 Page Setup For 1 Drawing?

Nov 9, 2012

I want to setup two different page setup for one file. For example, when I type publish command, I want to have option of either selecting pdf or selecting actual printer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revert Back To Standard Setup Or BOM Setup From Scratch?

Jun 7, 2013

In our drawing office we use Inventor in a mining materials handling environment.  Our output is mainly structural drawings where we require a bill of materials as part of creating a drawing.  Whenever I insert a BOM in the drawing environment I get this table which is labeled in a foreign language (it looks like an Eastern European language) and the format is not as per the standard Autodesk installation setup.

How do I either revert back to the standard setup or do a BOM setup from scratch?

We use IV 2013 Professional on Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD :: Setup METRIC Project That Uses Meters Instead Of Millimeters

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to set up a METRIC project (that I want to make template) that uses meters instead of millimeters.

So I created a new project, without the use of any template. I copied from the default Autocad templates folder the Model and Sheet templates to the new project folder and I set the units, scale and grid to meters and changed the path in project properties to these files.

Everything seems to work fine, except creations of sections/elevations. 

I edited the SectionStyles (Metric).dwg file in default styles folder and It works fine.

But I donțt want to change that file in the default folder, but to change the path of the section styles in the project. The only way I could do that was to change it in the tool palette - right click on callout. 

So how can I make the SectionStyles to load from a specific location for a project without having to right click on every callout that I want to use and change it manually?

There are some other things to do/change for making the project template that I want? (I am referring to the units setup).

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AutoCAD .NET :: Compilation Error During Build Project Setup

Mar 4, 2013

I am trying to deploy my DLL and during compilation , I got the below error.

------ Build started: Project: Practice, Configuration: Debug x86 ------

vbc : warning BC40010: Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Practice': Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor

vbc : warning BC40010: Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Practice': Referenced assembly 'System.Data.dll' targets a different processor

Practice -> C:VBProjectPracticePracticeinx86DebugPractice.dll
------ Starting pre-build validation for project 'mySetup' ------
WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'ACMNUPARSER' (Signature='(null)' Version='') of assembly 'AcCui.dll'
WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'MANAGEDMC3' (Signature='(null)' Version='') of assembly 'AdWindows.dll'
------ Pre-build validation for project 'mySetup' completed ------


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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Locate Project Tab And Title Block Setup Tab

Oct 4, 2011

I am attempting to create my first Title Block with Attributes.  I came across this online demo that suggests navigating to the "Projects" Tab - then selectign the "Title Block Setup" tab.  I am using CAD 2012 and spent the last hour searching for this command.  It does not appear on my navigation or tool palletes.  URL....

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VideoStudio :: Setup For Blu-ray Project

Sep 3, 2012

I'm green with Videostudio as i use pinnacle before.

The version I use is X5, I want to make a very good quality photo album with the videostudio, I want to make the blu ray, what do I need to set before I start the project? What resolution should I set and where can I set? someone said the AVCHD is the same as bluray, I don't know!

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Setting Up Units In Project?

May 13, 2013

What is the correct procedure to set up units in a project. I want to work with meters, ant the metric template is in milimeters. if I change the mm in m, when I make views the callouts are displayed incorrectly. 

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Archive Setup Recovery Into A Project

Jan 16, 2014

Using Smoke EXT1 and a previous user archived his project using the old school method; media and setups seperatly instead of just selecting the project as a whole.
I've draged the media into a library and restored that easy enough but can not find the details of how to recover the setups from the tar file in the archive. It does not show up in the media pannel at all, just an emply folder. How to get these setups loaded into a project?

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Revit :: Extract Export To DWG Setup TXT File From Project Model?

Jan 17, 2014

How do you extract an Export to DWG setup .txt file from a Revit project model?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Libraries And Folder Structures

Jul 24, 2012

We've just made the switch from Acad to IV and I'd like to get some feedback about how to structure my non-vault single user projects.

Presently, our network drive setup is like this:

Working Files & Customer Prints:  Z:Customer Prints<Customer Name><Customer Contact><Description or PN>

In some customers' folder, I may also have a folder with a path like this "Z:Customer Prints<Customer Name>General Design" where I would keep things like mating parts, existing fixtures that new parts may need to mate with, etc.

Then I've also got a place for vendor CAD like this: "Z:Vendor DocumentsVendor CAD<Company Name><Part Types>" etc. for commonly used components, like tooling hardware.

In any project, I'd need to be able to access files from these directories.  So when I create a new project, I can obviously reference the workspace folder for the new part files and I can add the paths for the other two examples.  But if I need to quickly edit a file in one of the paths (like to show a work plane or something), I can't do it because library files are not editable.  Plus it seems like it's a bit repetitious to add these paths manually every time I create a project.  Is there a better way to do this with my current file structure?

Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - List Materials From All Libraries?

Nov 8, 2013

is it posible to list all the materials from all libraries and catagories from Inventor 2013?

I am using this at the moment: Dim oMat As Inventor.Material For Each oMat In oApp.StylesManager.Materials            comboMaterial.Items.Add(oMat.Name.ToString)         Next

This works but only pulls through and lists the "Inventor Material Library" materials by default. 

What is strange though is that when I apply a material from another library to a part then its almost like that library is now active and if the routine is run again it only pulls through materials from that library and not the "Inventor Material Library" again.
I know in 2014 its better supported but is there a way to get all materials in 2013?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Checking Out Parts From Custom Libraries

Aug 8, 2013

I have a lot of custom libraries for purchased items for my projects. When I bring them into my assemblies I cannot turn on or off surface planes or make any changes.

I get the message that the file is not checked out to me. How can I make it so they are always checked out to me. The libraries are mine on my system.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Libraries On Network

Jul 16, 2012

First off, we're not using Vault or ADMS as it's simply not an option at the moment. Possibly down the line - we'll just have to see, but no time in the forseable future.

I had a custom library I created on my local machine, no problems, full read/write access works fine.

Turns out there are a couple of us that need to share the library. I figured, no big deal, we'll just go out on the server and create a folder and copy them all there. I did this and configured inventor to look the server for the files. All seemed OK. It saw the files and I can insert parts into assemblies, etc. Problem is, my custom library is no longer set to Read/Write. It will only do Read Only. If I create a new library to that location, it gets created, but still only lists as Read Only.

In searching here, my guess is it has to do with permissions, but what permissions are required on the file/directory to enable Read/Write access? I already have full access to that network folder and it's contents. Does some sort of system account need added to it? Unless it's simply not possible on a network location, i'm at a loss.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Content Center Libraries

May 16, 2013

I did a (I think) standard install of product suite premium 2013 a while back and am trying my first flexible hose run.

When I hit populate I get an error message saying something like "your request cannot be fulfilled because parts can"t be fetched from the content centre"

Now I see a whole lot of libraries are not available. My only other experience with this was when the mold libraries were not part of the installation and I had to do a huge download.

As far as the missing mold libraries went, I felt that was something the vendor should really have told us about. But let me not get ahead of myself this time, even though it's midnight and I can't do at least 1 run to show for tomorrow.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Generator Content Libraries

Jan 10, 2013

I want to find a rectangular flat section of about 250x200cm and a 150x100cm.Is that possible?

I have the content library of ANSI,JIS,GB,ISO and DIN but i can't find anything in these libraries.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Iparts With Custom Parameters In Libraries

Aug 28, 2012

I want to create a library with several parts that vary only in length, I have been using Iparts with a custom length parameter, but all of the custom files are saved with my project files on my hard drive.  I want the files to save to a network drive, but do not want to move my project files.  Is there a way to accomplish this in inventor 2011? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts Added To Libraries - Checked Out?

Jan 5, 2012

I was under impression that Library (custom) parts should not get checked out.

But in our case they do - It should not be happening since we have multiple users working with the same parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sharing Content Center Libraries?

Jan 3, 2012

What is the most efficent way to share content center libraries between users? We do not use vault but do use project folders. It has been proposed to copy the CC to the server and then point the project files to that location?

Inventor 2012 Pro
Windows 7 64 bit
Core I5 2410M processor | GeForceGT 525M graphics card | 8G RAM

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Content Center Libraries?

Nov 6, 2011

I installed Autodesk Inventor 2012 which I was able to download because I am a student. The version I downloaded however, did not install libraries for the Content Center. The first thing I though was that the Content Center was a feature reserved for purchased versions of the program, but when I head to the downloads section I saw a link to download Content Center Libraries.

I downloaded the ISO and ANSI libraries to try out, and placed them in the directory where Inventor is supposed to search for them. When I started up Inventor, the Content Center was still empty. How can I use the libraries? I suspect Inventor is not reading them because they are Inventor 2010 libraries, but I am unable to use the Update Tool - it appears greyed out.

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VideoStudio :: Setting Project Settings For HD?

May 21, 2011

I have just installed trial of VideoStudio Pro X4 and have owned the X2 version for some time already. Although I can always save a video file in HD format (1920x1180) I think it's best if the 'Project Settings' are already at this resolution. I was always able to set project resolution in version X2 but seems I can't in the new version X4. I think it's because I can only set the 'media type' to DVD in version X4. see attached picture. Is this because I only have trial version or is there less functionality in the new version?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Project Number Be Assigned To Project File

May 6, 2013

Is it possible to assign a project number to a project file and have it fill in the project Iproerties field?

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VideoStudio :: Setting Default Project Properties In X3?

May 7, 2011

how do I edit the default project settings? - basically - every project starts at 16x9 - and i want it to default to 4x3

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VideoStudio :: Setting Default Project Preferences

Nov 9, 2012

Elsewhere in the forum I have a topic about sound echo, and a fix was to render a clip using the same project properties it was recorded with, at least regarding audio.

When I load X5, without a project or clip in the timeline - the project preference audio format is LPCM even tho the camcorder I use records dolby audio. I can open and edit the project preferences to change LPCM to dolby, and I can also check settings/enable 5.1 surround sound which does the same thing, but that setting won't survive an X5 program close. One would think that editing the properties like that and selecting OK at the end, the changes would have been saved and become the default. But when I next open X5, the project audio is again set LPCM.

As part of investigating the echo issue I uninstalled and re-installed X5 without any impact on the audio issues, which includes this one.

How can I set the project settings for audio so that the default is dolby and it lasts thru a close and the next X5 open?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Import Content Center Libraries From 2012 To 2013

Dec 7, 2012

we have Inventor prof 2012 lisc copy ,now we recd 2013 upgrade copy , as per discusswith local service provider of Autodesk need to uninstall whole 2012 and reload fresh 2013. i copied contenet center folder on other location and reload fresh Inventor 2013.when i installed it it is obserbed that content center libraries don't have standards which contents in Inventor 2012. To open our old projects we need this standards, the procedure to import this content center libraries from 2012 to 2013. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Appearance And Materials Libraries To Network Location?

Jul 2, 2012

I'm trying to move our Appearance & Materials libraries to a network location. But I'm not quite sure which files need to be moved. I copied all the files in the folder: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAutodesk SharedMaterials, but when I change my project settings to reflect this location they're not available in the Appearance & Materials library managers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Include Template Files And Custom Style Libraries In Deployment

May 21, 2013

Is there a way to include template files and Custom Style Libraries when creating a Product Design Suite Deployment?

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VideoStudio :: X4 MPEG Optimizer Optimal Project Setting Gray

Jan 27, 2013

I'm trying to use the Video Studio X4 MPEG Optimizer. My problem is the Optimal project settings is grayed out. How do I get that option to work on my project. I am going through this book "Picture Yourself Making Creative Movies with Corel VideoStudio Pro X4". In Chapter 13 under Using the Mpeg Optimizer the instructions say to use that option. The project has been built in previous chapters as an ongoing project.

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