Elsewhere in the forum I have a topic about sound echo, and a fix was to render a clip using the same project properties it was recorded with, at least regarding audio.
When I load X5, without a project or clip in the timeline - the project preference audio format is LPCM even tho the camcorder I use records dolby audio. I can open and edit the project preferences to change LPCM to dolby, and I can also check settings/enable 5.1 surround sound which does the same thing, but that setting won't survive an X5 program close. One would think that editing the properties like that and selecting OK at the end, the changes would have been saved and become the default. But when I next open X5, the project audio is again set LPCM.
As part of investigating the echo issue I uninstalled and re-installed X5 without any impact on the audio issues, which includes this one.
How can I set the project settings for audio so that the default is dolby and it lasts thru a close and the next X5 open?
I would like to send images from LR3 to Photoshop Elements 10 for editing and would like the copy sent to PSE 10 to be distinguished from the original by having 'Edit' added to the end. I believe LR3 does this by default (have been reading Scott Kelby's book) but I must have done something to change this and don't know how to get back to this default.
Also at the end of doing some editing, the instructions in Scott kelby's book, are very clear, just press Command-S to save the image and Command-W to close it. He's very specific about not doing anything else like choose 'Save As'. But when I pressed Command-S, a box appeared and I had to choose Save As or Cancel. Is that because his instructions work with full Photoshop but not Elements 10 or am I just not understanding something fundamental here?
I have just installed trial of VideoStudio Pro X4 and have owned the X2 version for some time already. Although I can always save a video file in HD format (1920x1180) I think it's best if the 'Project Settings' are already at this resolution. I was always able to set project resolution in version X2 but seems I can't in the new version X4. I think it's because I can only set the 'media type' to DVD in version X4. see attached picture. Is this because I only have trial version or is there less functionality in the new version?
I'm trying to use the Video Studio X4 MPEG Optimizer. My problem is the Optimal project settings is grayed out. How do I get that option to work on my project. I am going through this book "Picture Yourself Making Creative Movies with Corel VideoStudio Pro X4". In Chapter 13 under Using the Mpeg Optimizer the instructions say to use that option. The project has been built in previous chapters as an ongoing project.
Best practices for setting up systems in a lab environment. We have a lab enviroment of about 200 systems that access AutoCad, Inventor, Mechanical and others.
We need to have a customized interface come up when Autocad is opened by students.I have read that you can do this with profiles and workspaces and also with loading a acad.lsp file.
In the past we have just copied the Windows admin profile used to customize AutoCad to the default profile. In AutoCad 2013 that does not seem to grab everything. It doesn't seem to be the best way to do what we need.
We will also be moving to Windows 7 soon which will also cause an issue.I want to find the best way to do this with out having to deal with the Windows profile.
I notice that the PS default for on screen resolution - in the Preferences dialogue - is 72ppi. Is there any advantage or disadvantage in setting that to 96ppi which is the Windows default?
Where to set this preference in Camera RAW? This note is from the Lightroom 4 ReadMe. I can't seem to fine prefs for "Camera RAW."
Viewing Lightroom settings in Camera Raw
Before working in conjunction with Lightroom and Camera Raw please set the Camera Raw preference to: Save image settings in: Sidecar ".xmp" files. By default Camera Raw will display the image adjustments exactly as performed in Lightroom‟s develop module.
My adobe manual suggests restoring default preferences before each tutorial by deleting AIPrefs in the appropriate folder. While I have done so succesfully before, for some reason it does not work this time. Panels, etc are still in place, even after restarting my machine.
I am using a classroom in a book tutorial for cs6 and stuck on one directive that gets me nowhere: "Start Photoshop, and then immediately hold down Command+Option+Shift (MacOS) to restore default preferences." When I do this, nothing happens -- no prompt as promised. What am I doing wrong and where can I go to get the default settings in preferences restored?
Tools and preferences reset to default every time I quit Illustrator (cs6)? I spend so much time setting up my tool pallet "just so" but every time I have to close down and re-open they just resent to default . . . same is happening in photoshop??
I recently had to delete my preferences file and I had forgotten how much I had customized my Photoshop (CS5).Now, however, I can't remember how I changed some of the default settings, such as the location of brushes, gradients, patterns and shapes, that I keep in a central location. Used to be, that if I wanted to replace the brushes, It would open to this location where I actually store all my brushes, not the default location on the C drive.
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
where the preferences are saved for items like in the postscript tab. Automatically increase Flatness
Auto increase Fountain fill steps. Optimize Fountain Fills
Confirm to DSC
As far as I can see the default behavior for these should be ON, it used to be this could be saved as the Defaults until after version 9, now they turn off. However is there any reason to ever have them off? I think not but just in case there is I will allow as to leave them there for people to turn off.
Yes I am aware I can save those settings as Print styles and have in fact got 2, one with crop marks enabled and because crop marks are 100 % CMYK unless greyscale is chosen I have one with no cropmarks so Xerox doesn't charge me color clicks on mixed black and color prints. Of course one has only to forget to use one of these 2 preferences to have all the problems associated with not having those items checked such as dropped out complex items.
While I am at it another default should be NOT to treat all objects as filled - the first thing needed to be changed during a install. I can however live with it as is as it is not a item that needs to be changed with every job.
As I see it the most common reason for Adobe users to complain about Coreldraw is the problems that come by not having Auto Increase Flatness as a default postscript behavior and their not knowing to turn it on.
And while I am at it an addition for creating PDF's would be the option of creating as a Bitmap, this being the preferred proofing method so providing a proof doesn't provide the artwork to the client, it could also be a useful method of supplying Web artwork.
I hide some tools and rearrange them to different places within the toolbox.
I also drag some dockable dialogs together under the toolbox.
When I quit the Gimp and reopen it, the toolbox and dialogs are set to default and the tools that I've hidden are back in the toolbox. Gimp is ignoring my preferences.
Is it possible, using Visual Basic.Net to set the "Printing Preferences" for the default printer?I need to change the paper size (A4, A3) and orientaion (Portrait or Landscape) before I send a file to the printer.
What is the correct procedure to set up units in a project. I want to work with meters, ant the metric template is in milimeters. if I change the mm in m, when I make views the callouts are displayed incorrectly.
I have a folder under libraries in my project setup where I plan to keep my library parts. Once there the parts are read only. my questions is should I not have them there. I cannot modify then if i need to and if I copy it out to change it they do not update in the library.
What is the best way about setting up libraries in my project setup?
Currently I m wokring on fairly large assembly of (as it feels to me) 14441 (Total Occurances in Active Document) and 1765 (Open Documents in Session). Its a complex Jump Form system for a sky scrapper.
Now as I went on with the assembly and saving all the parts, bolted connections and subassemblies in network drive - few of them were accidently saved in my local drive. I have setup a project files for this project and other projects and any one in my team changes the project file to open certain model assembly. So now when i open the assembly it goes fine but if someone else in my team opens that up they get errors of unresloved stuff. Now the things for which I need guidances are,
1. If I pack and go the whole assembly to remove the reslove errors - what will happen to my 100s of drawings (idw)?
2. Few of subassemblies had to undergo pack and go so that they can be changed to suit requirement at some other places after being renamed through design assistant. But now when i open my main assembly after setting up my prjecting file - it gives errors of multiple instances for the subassemblies obtained by performing "pack and go", in relation with the orginal sub assemblies.
3. What is the best technique for setting up project, main and subassemblies?
4. What steps I must need to follow performing pack and go? the destination folder can be a folder in project? if it is outside, how to grab it back in project (simple copy, paste)? After Pack and Go do I have to rename even the bolts before i bring the Pack and Go folder back to my project???
4. Can Autodesk Vault solve my problems? How difficult it is to setup and use Vault?
We were updating the wall finish schedule in our template. Now using the template, if we create a new room, it's number is 3. Where is the setting that controls what the next available room number is?
This is linked to me previous door query. We are working in a bit of a vacuum here and I am really interested to see how people set up their door families / types / instances for scheduling - as we are struggling to identify a 'best practice' approach.
At present we have set up a host family for the doorset that contains the opening and framing, with a nested doof leaf family in which is nested a door furniture family (and possibly vision panel face hosted family as well). It seems quite complicated, and in the current setup all the door / frame / leaf parameters are established in the door Type, and we have no Instance parameters other than Mark, level etc.
We are trying to set up a system where we will have Types for:
Main Door Assembly Type (dictates the frame type, overall fire and acoustic resistances) Door Leaf Type (Thickness dictated by the fire resitance set in the host) Door Furniture type (Door furniture set on the door leaf type)
We intend to have 'Door Furniture' nested in the 'Door Leaf' Nested in the overall 'Door Assembly'
There is another potential set of Types for the Door Frame / Architrave - which for the moment we have only as Profiles with their own parameters.
It does seem to be getting very complication, with lots of Types and I'm not sure whether that approach is worth the time in setting it up.
I was chatting to someone who says they deal with most of the parameters as instances within a handful of Door Types (1 Type for each main elevation appearance for a door, so 1 type may have instances of FD30, FD60, FD00, Veneer Finish, Laminated Finish etc.) This seems far simpler than our approach, but I'm not sure on the trade offs in flexibility.
I was hoping to set up a door family set that we could use from project to project that has quite a bit of flexibility. How do you arrange your doors / schedules in a typical project ?
I have Photoshop Elements 6, and I'm an animator. As you all might have guessed, I have to save a TON of frames! And every time I save a frame, I have to change the default format to .png (that's my preferred format anyway...) way that I could change the default for saving to PNG? Because changing this every single time is getting to be monotonous...
I am trying to write code to set the active project across a network. In the code below I have hard written the address in to our main server named "Rusk" . It fails with an error message "The parameter is incorrect". I have tried this using a mapped drive as well with no luck.
I think it may be a permissions error, I am running Vista 64bit. Inventor version 12. If it is a permissions error, are there any sample code snippets out there I can use to set the permissions?
Public Sub SetActiveProject() Dim ProjectID As String 'variable to hold Project ID Dim ProjectAddress As String 'variable to hold an address path 'Verify the project ID is entered If UserForm1.TextBox3.Value = "" Then