AutoCAD Architecture :: Setting Up Units In Project?
May 13, 2013
What is the correct procedure to set up units in a project. I want to work with meters, ant the metric template is in milimeters. if I change the mm in m, when I make views the callouts are displayed incorrectly.
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Jul 21, 2012
I have just installed my autocad 2013 software. I've set the units to millimeters. But the workspace is still in inches. Even the dimentions are coming in inches. How to set the unit in millimeters?
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Sep 22, 2011
What system variable changes the Drawing Units Precision?
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Dec 6, 2011
I have a Project Template that is used when creating a new project. I noticed that the Tool Palette in the Project Template and the Tool Palette in the new Project are not the same. How do I get the new Projects to pull the same Tool Palettes from the Project Template?
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Sep 19, 2013
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do the following:
set my units to inches so I can enter dimensions in inches and see them displayed in inches.
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Aug 27, 2013
I'm having trouble with getting my polygons to be the same sizes. My units are set to inches but for some reason when I build a cylinder it is way larger than the scale of a cube, even though the x,y,z inputs are identical.
The cube's measurements are: x 10 y 108 z 10, as are the cylinder. As you can see the cylinder is much larger.
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Sep 26, 2013
Just wondering what the best way is to set-up my units and scale preferences in 3dsmax. I would like to have my units in mm or cm so that when I import an object with known and precise measurements, it will stay consistent in 3ds max. So that I can visualize the objects in the correct scale and make measurements with the right numbers.
Of course I dont want to mess with results ofmy textures, animation, camera and anything else in 3ds max and would want to have everything behave normally if my units were in cm or mm in stead of the default.
Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000
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Oct 14, 2013
I am using Autocad Architecture 2013. When I type in "units" and hit enter, two Chinese characters show up in the command line. If I continue to hit enter, it allows me to change some values but a dialogue box never displays.
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Aug 14, 2012
I have revived an old project that was started about 2 years ago. I went to attach my title block in paper space and the drawing was itty bitty.
Seemed unusual because in another layout the title block is there with the same page setups etc.
Then I looked at the block units and they were set to mm. Can it be changed? If so how? Or am I completely hooped?
Win7 64
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Sep 9, 2013
I am working on AutoCAD 2014 and every time I receive and open a new file from our collaborators in Italy, the file units "turn into" inches.
This means that I have to go to Drawing Utilities, Change the units to cm, and then have to Scale everything so that the measurements make sense again.
I've gone into OPTIONS and have set CM as thed default measurements, but this problem persists. I know that the office in Italy can't possibly be working in inches, so I'm assuming there's something that's "lost in translation" when it comes to opening the file on my end.
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May 15, 2011
how do I go about determining the drawing units that are being used in a drawing? I want to be able to determine whether the units are set to feet, inches, millimetres, metres etc but can't fathom how to get this info using lisp.
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Nov 16, 2011
why it seems that Revit ignores the Project Units setting in the template file when opening an IFC file? Even when the template is targeted in the IFC open dialogue?
The IFC was exported from ACA 2008 with the Imperial units set.After opening the IFC file in Revit 2012, the project is set for Metric, even though the referenced template (.rte) is set up with Imperial.
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May 6, 2012
I just installed autocad architecture 2012. when i opened it to start creating a new drawing/project the unit of measurement was in Millimeters.. i needed the Unit of measurement to be in architectural units, so i used the units command to change it to architectural units. the problem i am having now is that i think the Grid Scale is still in MM. when i tried to draw a line on the grid the line appeared to be tiny. the length of the line was 36'-5". i adjusted the scale to 1/4"=1' but that didnt change anything. in order to see the line that i drew i have to zoom in so much..
How do i adjust the grid scale to be the same as the units?
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Jul 25, 2013
I have just downloaded Revit 2014 and I can change my project units to metric from imperial but all my families are still in imperial, I was wondering how to change those to Metric too.
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Sep 2, 2013
I am using Autocad Architecture 2013 and I am having an issue with Property Set Data. Whenever I create door or window tags, the Property Set Data is in the wrong units.
I have two separate projects, on in Imperial units and another in Metric. When I add a new door/window tag, the units for that particular door or window are incorrect. The drawings are setup in the proper units, the dimensions are as well. But when I create these tags and subsequently the schedules for them, they are in the wrong units. The tags/schedules for the metric project are in feet and inches and the tags/schedules for the imperial project are in millimeters.
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Feb 21, 2012
I have a folder under libraries in my project setup where I plan to keep my library parts. Once there the parts are read only. my questions is should I not have them there. I cannot modify then if i need to and if I copy it out to change it they do not update in the library.
What is the best way about setting up libraries in my project setup?
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May 24, 2011
Reviewing the ACA 2011 Curriculum for next year, I notice that Units 1 and 2 .dwg files are missing for the first two units. Is there a link to download the missing files?
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Sep 21, 2011
Currently I m wokring on fairly large assembly of (as it feels to me) 14441 (Total Occurances in Active Document) and 1765 (Open Documents in Session). Its a complex Jump Form system for a sky scrapper.
Now as I went on with the assembly and saving all the parts, bolted connections and subassemblies in network drive - few of them were accidently saved in my local drive. I have setup a project files for this project and other projects and any one in my team changes the project file to open certain model assembly. So now when i open the assembly it goes fine but if someone else in my team opens that up they get errors of unresloved stuff. Now the things for which I need guidances are,
1. If I pack and go the whole assembly to remove the reslove errors - what will happen to my 100s of drawings (idw)?
2. Few of subassemblies had to undergo pack and go so that they can be changed to suit requirement at some other places after being renamed through design assistant. But now when i open my main assembly after setting up my prjecting file - it gives errors of multiple instances for the subassemblies obtained by performing "pack and go", in relation with the orginal sub assemblies.
3. What is the best technique for setting up project, main and subassemblies?
4. What steps I must need to follow performing pack and go? the destination folder can be a folder in project? if it is outside, how to grab it back in project (simple copy, paste)? After Pack and Go do I have to rename even the bolts before i bring the Pack and Go folder back to my project???
4. Can Autodesk Vault solve my problems? How difficult it is to setup and use Vault?
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May 9, 2011
I am trying to write code to set the active project across a network. In the code below I have hard written the address in to our main server named "Rusk" . It fails with an error message "The parameter is incorrect". I have tried this using a mapped drive as well with no luck.
I think it may be a permissions error, I am running Vista 64bit. Inventor version 12. If it is a permissions error, are there any sample code snippets out there I can use to set the permissions?
Public Sub SetActiveProject()
Dim ProjectID As String 'variable to hold Project ID
Dim ProjectAddress As String 'variable to hold an address path
'Verify the project ID is entered
If UserForm1.TextBox3.Value = "" Then
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Jun 15, 2011
Often when I attempt to insert a sheet list from the project navigator to a sheet, nothing happens. The sheet index will not insert. Why does this happen? Better yet, how can I fix it?
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May 21, 2011
I have just installed trial of VideoStudio Pro X4 and have owned the X2 version for some time already. Although I can always save a video file in HD format (1920x1180) I think it's best if the 'Project Settings' are already at this resolution. I was always able to set project resolution in version X2 but seems I can't in the new version X4. I think it's because I can only set the 'media type' to DVD in version X4. see attached picture. Is this because I only have trial version or is there less functionality in the new version?
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Oct 17, 2013
I'm try to set a classification for a list of objects with .net. I'va found some discussions regarding changing and iterating classification trees, but none setting the classification for entites, similar to selecting a classification in ui.
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May 16, 2012
I can set up anno text to appear for instance at 1/8" scale, but cannot get it to change for every scale, and for it to remain centered on the original position at each change in scale. I know it's something to do with how I set it up but cannot find it in "Help".
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May 7, 2011
how do I edit the default project settings? - basically - every project starts at 16x9 - and i want it to default to 4x3
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Nov 9, 2012
Elsewhere in the forum I have a topic about sound echo, and a fix was to render a clip using the same project properties it was recorded with, at least regarding audio.
When I load X5, without a project or clip in the timeline - the project preference audio format is LPCM even tho the camcorder I use records dolby audio. I can open and edit the project preferences to change LPCM to dolby, and I can also check settings/enable 5.1 surround sound which does the same thing, but that setting won't survive an X5 program close. One would think that editing the properties like that and selecting OK at the end, the changes would have been saved and become the default. But when I next open X5, the project audio is again set LPCM.
As part of investigating the echo issue I uninstalled and re-installed X5 without any impact on the audio issues, which includes this one.
How can I set the project settings for audio so that the default is dolby and it lasts thru a close and the next X5 open?
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Feb 9, 2012
I have imported a ISO Shipping container but the scale is to large. How can I scale it down to architecture setting standard not metric. When I try to use the scale option all it does is makes it larger? I have not search yet do to time restrictions.
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Nov 18, 2013
I'm trying to set a system setting and it won't stay. I open up options, and Under User Preference, I'm checking Make New Dimensions Associate, but everytime I close out and reopen it's not checked.
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Jul 26, 2013
I have an international group that is using a VPN tunnel to access our servers to work on .dwg files. Every so often, ACAD "seems" to crash however, it is really or appears to be timing out on accessing file information. Of course, this depends on bandwidth usage and is intermittent because of this reason.
How to change the file request/access timeout in ACAD?
I'm assuming it's a registry hack.
Info: Our international group is using AutoCAD Architecture 2014 on Windows 7 64bit computers.
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Dec 11, 2011
Does it make sense to use PN for a residential project. This house is in a location that requieres the living space to be 36" above the garage level. In addition the LR ceiling is 18' higher than the other rooms. How shouuld I set up the levels in the construct tab of PN. I am thinking that the garage is level 0, and the other rooms other than LR would be level 1 and the LR to be level2. Or is it that the whole house is one level with 3 divisions?
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Mar 14, 2013
I'm using ACA 2013. I am using sheet sets and I am working on my Sheet Template.Typcially we use a 3 line project title in our standard title block and I would like to continue doing so . The problem is that the Project Data only has one line for the "Project Name".
How can I get the project name to be 3 lines that separate when I want them to, I.E.
Is this a change in the "Project Name" field in the sheet template?
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Mar 29, 2012
When building wall styles and configuring cleanup priorities for components, what is the methodology? Do I sketch out a bunch of scenarios of various wall styles meeting each other at Ls and Ts and crosses and whatever, and then try to puzzle it all out: "if I set the outer airspace to 400, then when it gets to this T, the airspace will cut through the rigid insulation with its 600 priority, but will get cut through by the sheetrock with its 200 priority....". That seems like a recipe for headaches. So instead, do I just start from one side of a wall (the wall with the greatest number of components, I guess) and assign the lowest priority number (300, say) to the structural component, the highest number (1200, say) to the finish material component, and numbers in between for everything else, and then see how it works, tweaking by trial and error? The table of priority numbers for various materials provided is useful, but I'd like to have a better understanding of how those numbers might have been derived, so I can do a better job of assigning my own numbers to components that don't appear in the list.
Also, if a wall type contains two components of the same material (I'm thinking of the layers of rigid insulation on either side of the concrete in an Insulated Concrete Foundation system), should those two components have the same priority number (probably not), or different ones (seems more likely)?
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