AutoCAD Architecture :: Sheet List Insertion From Project Navigator To Architecture Sheet
Jun 15, 2011
Often when I attempt to insert a sheet list from the project navigator to a sheet, nothing happens. The sheet index will not insert. Why does this happen? Better yet, how can I fix it?
I would like to copy a sheet from one project to another. Nothing changes from one to the other. Much like copying a view, I would like to copy a sheet. Is this possible and how?
I am insert a sheet list table - Two Columns "Dwg #" and "Sheet Title" under the first category (building 1) each column works fine) then under category 2 (building 2) it gets the file name under the dwg #.
I have two problems. I want to change the text size, font, and color to be consistent with my office standards. However I can not find where the Sheet List Style is stored or edited. Which brings me to the second issue, the HELP in Exchange is bogus. Like MANY of the help entries, it refers to incorrectly named or non existent features and commands. In this case it says to "Select the sheet list in the drawing, right-click, and click Edit Sheet List Table Settings." which would be fine, except there is no option in the right click menu named "Edit Sheet List Table Settings".
Clicking on the Manage tab on the ribbon and selecting style Manager, the selecting Documentation objects, then schedule table styles, yeilds...nothing. How can I edit something that has no options?
Hiding the style manager so that all you get when you click on help is a ding that tells you there is a command open, but does not bring the command window to the fore.
I've created a sheet template that includes Fields to populate the sheet with the Project Name and location among others like scale, etc. When I create the new sheet in the project navigator most of the fields populate with the correct information based on the parameters set in the project. However, it consistantly does not populate the Project name and location. When I click the field and ensure that the attribute is set correctly then it renders the correct information. The problem is this ends up being a manual operation yet it still reads as a smart tag. Why do these not populate automatically?
Here's my process:
Create dwt for sheet file and include xref of title block.
Create a block with attributes that link to AEC Project, CurrentSheetTitle, etc. and insert into dwt.
In project navigator I create new sheet and select my template.
Information does not populate.
But when I view the block and close (no edits) it then links.
One to Five people has the same project loaded into their Project Navigator.
One of the people opens a plot sheet while using the Project Navigator.
ALL computers with that project loaded experience an Autocad 2011 Crash.
-No Error Message appears.
-Autocad shuts down completely with no warning.
This only occurs with DWG files located under the Sheets Tab of the project navigator.
It is not Project specific. This has occured for different users in our office with different projects open. However Autocad only crashes for the users with the specific project accessing the plot sheet loaded.
We recently made the switch from 2009 to 2011. So far this is only a problem for projects where the plotsheets were created in 2009. We can't go back to 2009 to plot since the walls etc have now adapted to 2011.
Does it make sense to use PN for a residential project. This house is in a location that requieres the living space to be 36" above the garage level. In addition the LR ceiling is 18' higher than the other rooms. How shouuld I set up the levels in the construct tab of PN. I am thinking that the garage is level 0, and the other rooms other than LR would be level 1 and the LR to be level2. Or is it that the whole house is one level with 3 divisions?
i"m trying to use architecture 201. I'm getting booted out of the software when I try to select a file using Project Navigator. as soon as I hover over the file name it kicks me out.
Had file "weirdness" when users place "odd" characters in filenames?For example, I have several users that use the ampersand sign in the file name as in: FF&E HT.dwg.
I'm wondering if this causes an issue with the corresponding XML file since the ampersand is kind of a special character.
These users were able to open different versions of the "same" file at various points in its generation. One was the current version, another was several days old and the third version was a month or so old. Each time the file was opened (on the same day and time), the users did not get a warning stating the file was already opened and they both opened the file from Project Navigator.
We are currently running AutoCAD Architecture 2011.
I am new to the project navigator, I have several projects I would like to move to another computer and I am not sure how to do this. I have searched but must not have used the right words in the search. What is the correct way to move or export these project and import them into the other PC?
In my office of about 30 computers and over the course of about 10-12 months we have been experiencing a problem with project navigator. When opening ACAD or changing projects about 60% of the time it gets hung up and the load bar perpetually loads over and over again. If just left to run it takes 5-10 mins to load the project then ACAD will crash after a couple of commands. If opening the task manager and ending the program it will often freeze the computer for about 5-10 mins as well.
We have been actively using the project navigator for years and not until the last yr have we been having this problem. We bought pretty much the whole office new computers a few months ago and the problem still exists. We are running AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and our machines are window 7, intel core i7 3.5 GHz, 8 GB ram, 64 bit operating systems, with a Nvidia Quadro 2000 graphics card. So our machines are solid.
Co-Worker was in the process of moving his mouse, accidentally clicked, catching PN and began draggin it. Upon unclicking, PN moved to what I can only describe as the background.
Currently have MdiTab18.arx loaded in my applications to provide drawing tabs. PN appears BEHIND THAT. Toolbars and pull down menus are in front of it. unloading app, moving toolbars,....nothing allows me access to it to drag it back.
Tried restarting, but PN stays put. Tried different work space, but PN doesn't move.
Can a sheet set itself contain AEC data, where a reference via a field to any element within the sheet set would cause AEC modules to load upon opening a drawing?
When I do a drawing I have about 20 different paper space tabs. I then use these tabs for floor plans, sections, details, elevations, etc.
I've tried to set up some sheet sets to use A1, A2, A3, and A10, these 4 pages go into one drawing set.
I setup a new sheet set to use A4, A5, A6, and A10, but the sheet set manager won't allow me to use A10 again because it was used already in a previous sheet set.
The sheet set manager works great for for printing all sheets into one set. But this shortcoming has forced me to use the publish command and save my sheets to .dsd files.
Any way to print sheets from AutoCAD onto one sheet of paper, side-by-side?
The reason this came up is because yesterday I printed a half size set on our new plotter using twice the paper I needed. Each sheet printed on half of a 36”x12” sheet of paper (print is 18”x12”). I was throwing away 18” per print. What would be awesome is to be able to get another print onto that wasted 18”.
how to get two (or more) prints on one sheet of paper?
ACA2011 (I've been on 2008 for years until very recently...)
How do I create a sheet index on my Title Sheet? Do I create a Table? If so, how? I've never created one before. I kept seeing references to the Sheet Set Manager...I don't know what that is or where to find it...
I'm pretty adept at scheduling, etc. and feel confident that I can do this, but I just need the initial steps.... I thought that I could just grab a piece of text on the title sheet and insert a field that references the Sheet Set...clearly that ain't the way!!!
We have recently had some network issues (complete system crash, network rebuilt from backup), which have been resolved over the last couple days. Now, when we access our existing projects through Project Navigator we get an alert message 'Sheet set is being edited by another user' when we try to add sheets or rename/renumber views on the sheets. It does work occasionally if you try repeatedly, but doesn't seem follow any pattern.
When I create a model space view; then drag it on the sheet; shouldn't they be linked? I mean if I go into the View drawing, move the drawing in question, then update the model space view, shouldn't that update the sheet view automatically? Theoretically speaking of course; we are talking AutoCad.
I am using ACA 2012 and when I insert a view into a sheet, the text and dimensions in the view do not display. I have checked the view and the text and dimensions are on layers that should display in the sheet. The layers are on and thawed in the viewport on the sheet, but do not show up. I have turned on all layers and only the model (building information) shows, no text or dimensions.
I cannot seem to make the clng-grid appear on the "sheet." It is visible in the construct, and the view, but nothing I do makes it appear in the sheet once the view is placed.
I did modify Display Manager to show the grid on "medium detail" along with the other floor plan items in all 3 DWG's. Works fine in construct and view, no joy in sheet.
It won't even appear when I flip the vport to "reflected" or "reflected screened."
In ACA 2012 there was a nice feature that did the following:
When you finished creating a new Sheet Set in the SSM, it would then immediately open the new Sheet Set in the SSM. (a few seats of ACA 2012 were in use in the office) In ACA2011, it didn't do this. You had to browse for the newly created .dst file to open it. (I was using ACA 2011 at the same time as those others were using ACA 2012).
Now we've all upgraded to ACA 2013 in the office. However, that nice little feature appears to be gone again. Any way to turn that back on in ACA 2013?
I have created a live section in a view drawing, but when I drag the view drawing onto a sheet file, it does not display. Reading up on this from Autodesk, it states that I must apply a display configuration override on the sheet, to that xref, to show the live section URL.....However, I right click on the xref as asked, but it does not give me the option to do this...
I have a question about sheet name field, can it be broken into 2 or 3 lines?
Our office has huge text size for drawing name, which can not be changed to a smaller one (you know the politic craps about standards).
So I wonder if there is a way to break the Sheetname field to 2,3 or 4 lines to accommodate this. So far the field is set to have one single line at best. It was good for "floor plan" but not good for "floor plan and etc, etc...."
I have set up a view with a stair that goes from the first floor to the second floor. The stair has been asigned to the first floor level only. It appears as I want it in the view. However, when I drag the view into my sheet file, the stair disappears and only the path shows, without the individual nosings.