AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Navigator Continuously Loading?

Nov 15, 2012

In my office of about 30 computers and over the course of about 10-12 months we have been experiencing a problem with project navigator. When opening ACAD or changing projects about 60% of the time it gets hung up and the load bar perpetually loads over and over again. If just left to run it takes 5-10 mins to load the project then ACAD will crash after a couple of commands. If opening the task manager and ending the program it will often freeze the computer for about 5-10 mins as well. 

   We have been actively using the project navigator for years and not until the last yr have we been having this problem. We bought pretty much the whole office new computers a few months ago and the problem still exists. We are running AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and our machines are window 7, intel core i7 3.5 GHz, 8 GB ram, 64 bit operating systems, with a Nvidia Quadro 2000 graphics card. So our machines are solid.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Use Project Navigator

Dec 11, 2011

Does it make sense to use PN for a residential project. This house is in  a location that requieres the living space to be 36" above the garage level. In addition the LR ceiling is 18' higher than the other rooms. How shouuld I  set up the levels in the construct tab of PN. I am thinking that the garage is level 0, and the other rooms other than LR would be level 1 and the LR to be level2. Or is it that the whole house is one level with 3 divisions?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Error Using Project Navigator

Sep 30, 2011

i"m trying to use architecture 201.  I'm getting booted out of the software when I try to select a file using Project Navigator. as soon as I hover over the file name it kicks me out.

INTERNAL ERROR: !dbobji.cpp@7316: eNotOpenForWrite

Using windows 7 currently but it happened with xp pro also

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Navigator - File Name

Aug 12, 2013

Had file "weirdness" when users place "odd" characters in filenames?For example, I have several users that use the ampersand sign in the file name as in: FF&E HT.dwg.

I'm wondering if this causes an issue with the corresponding XML file since the ampersand is kind of a special character.

These users were able to open different versions of the "same" file at various points in its generation. One was the current version, another was several days old and the third version was a month or so old. Each time the file was opened (on the same day and time), the users did not get a warning stating the file was already opened and they both opened the file from Project Navigator.

We are currently running AutoCAD Architecture 2011.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Insert Drawing In Project Navigator?

Jun 12, 2013

Is it possible to include an existing drawing into a new project I created so it shows up in the project navigator?

I'm running ACA 2011.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Moving Project Navigator Projects To Another PC

Dec 27, 2012

I am new to the project navigator, I have several projects I would like to move to another computer and I am not sure how to do this. I have searched but must not have used the right words in the search. What is the correct way to move or export these project and import them into the other PC?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Navigator - Inaccessible - Jumped Behind Background?

Sep 21, 2011

Co-Worker was in the process of moving his mouse, accidentally clicked, catching PN and began draggin it.  Upon unclicking, PN moved to what I can only describe as the background.

Currently have MdiTab18.arx loaded in my applications to provide drawing tabs.  PN appears BEHIND THAT.  Toolbars and pull down menus are in front of it.  unloading app, moving toolbars,....nothing allows me access to it to drag it back.

Tried restarting, but PN stays put.  Tried different work space, but PN doesn't move.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sheet List Insertion From Project Navigator To Architecture Sheet

Jun 15, 2011

Often when I attempt to insert a sheet list from the project navigator to a sheet, nothing happens.  The sheet index will not insert.   Why does this happen?  Better yet, how can I fix it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Project Navigator - Change Project Number

Jul 17, 2013

I have to set up a project in Navigator so we can get started on it but I will have to go back and change the project number when we get it.

My question is how do I change the project no so that it re paths everything and reorganizes itself numerically in Windows Explorer...or should I just create a new project in Navigator and copy the files I need into the new project?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy Everything That Is Set Up In Project Navigator?

May 8, 2012

is it possible to copy everything that is set up in the Project Navigator (Sheets, Views etc) and use it for a complete new Project?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Aren't Same In New Project As In Project Template?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a Project Template that is used when creating a new project.  I noticed that the Tool Palette in the Project Template and the Tool Palette in the new Project are not the same.  How do I get the new Projects to pull the same Tool Palettes from the Project Template?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loading VBA Project Is Displayed At The Bottom

Jun 20, 2011

Recently we have switched from VBA to iLogic code. We have stripped out all of the VBA code, but when parts and assemblies are opening there is a big delay and the words "Loading VBA Project" is displayed at the bottom of Inventor.

Is iLogic or some facet of Inventor 2012 still using VBA Projects? If not, then can I disable this to shorten the amount of time it takes to open models? If possible how would I do this?

Using Inventor 2013

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VideoStudio :: Hangs While Loading Project

Mar 24, 2013

I did a clean install of VS Ultimate 6 after completely removing VS Ultimate 5 from my system. Boy, do I wish I had not done that!

After installing VS 6 and all of its extras, it starts up fine. But when I load project (VSP) files I had created using VS 5, it starts populating the timeline with clips and then hangs hard. It never comes back … i have let it start loading before bed, and the hourglass is still spinning when I wake up the next morning. Have to forcibly close it.

Not all VSP files will hang VS 6. Just the most important two projects. Periodically, as I'm developing my project (and a separate parallel project), I will create my own work back up by doing a File Save As with a new number at the end of the file name. I am presently working on Act I v14. I have verified that v1 thru v3 work fine, but v4 thru v14 all hang VS 6, as well as Act II v1 thru v8 (which is all of them). These two projects represent hundreds of hours over the last 10 months. If I have to start over, I will kill myself or start drinking again or something.

I would remove it and reinstall VS Ultimate 5, but I am unable to locate installation disk #1. I have my serial number stored away in a CodeWallet database, but the disk is mislaid somewhere in this debris field that is laughingly called my home computer room. So, how I could download, VS Ultimate 5 disc #1,

Windows 7 Ultimate w/SP1 and all updates (64-bit operating system)
AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor 2.80 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 6450 display adapter
104 GB system drive (7 GB free)
833 GB second drive (459 GB free)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Automatic Loading Of DLLs

Oct 24, 2011

I created a dll and wanted to auto netload it upon launch of AutoCAD Arch.I have used the following instructions in URL....


However, when i typed in my commands for the dll, AutoCAD displayed Unknown Command "<Command Name>". Press F1 for help.I have tried suggestions by people comments in the above link (i.e. setting acdbmgd.dll and acmgd.dll to Copy Local = False, restarting computer) , but I have done so, and the error still persists.

I also have used the method as suggested by writing a STARTUP lisp function to auto netload the dll file in URL...But the same error persists. I have used Process Explorer to check if acad.exe has loaded the DLL, and it did! But the commands are not found.

When I manually netload the dll by typing the netload command and selecting the dll, there is no such issue. This only occurs to me when I tried the auto methods.The methods only works so far if I launch acad.exe through Debug mode in VS2008.Definitely need to auto netload the DLL for my application, when AutoCAD Arch startups.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Stop Plugin From Loading?

May 18, 2013

I have a  3D Sheet Metal fab and design plugin  software that is setup to load automatically when I open arch 2012.

( opening another version will not due ) I need to be able to toggle off when it loads due to the recent installation of a competing product. But dependant on the situation there are times when i will want both to open.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2013 Won't Finish Loading?

Nov 15, 2012

I have been using AutoCAD Architecture 2013 imperial for weeks. Then the other day I went to use it again and the program would not finish loading. The metric version that comes with the program does open.

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Photoshop Elements :: Loading Project Stuck On 100%

Mar 1, 2013

I will load a project and then have to wait and wait. and wait
Eventually the project will load, but first it will prompt with "Where is the file 0000026.MTS" . I just click skip then. This issue is probably unrelated to my loading problem though....
My PC has 16GB of RAM. Intel Core i7 - 2600 @ 3.4GHz I have a Sony camcorder that creates the avchd format
Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? So far I have disabled Antivirus scanning. I have also loaded latest drivers and firmware for all PC components. Adobe Premiere Elements 9 is also up too date with patches

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Loading Palettes From Company Catalog

Dec 19, 2013

We have company tool palettes set up in catalogs on the server. I was able on "load and existing catalog" on a users machine this morning but when I try to drag and drop the catalog palettes to the tool palette, nothing happens. They don't populate the palette and they do not show up as an available tab under "customize".

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Loading Layer Key Style From Template

Oct 25, 2012

Trying to autoload and update the current & or new drawing to the most recent form or the LKS

This is what my lisp file has

(AecImportLayerKeyingStyle "D:drawingsLibraryAusContent13Aus-Layer&LayerKeyStyles.dwg" "Multi-Level")
(AecSetCurrentLayerKeying "Multi-Level")

On loading drawing, ACA returns

AutoCAD Architecture menu utilities loaded.ERROR: Unable to import the style 'Multi-Level' from 'D:drawingsLibraryAusContent13Aus-Layer&LayerKeyStyles.dwg'

The LKS already exists in the drawing. Renaming it and pasting the first line to the command line results in a nil return and the LKS is not imported.

Format seems correct.  Path is correct. It can't not import because it's already in the drawing.  Renaming existing does nothing.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Systems Are Not Loading Xrefs Automatically

Mar 5, 2009

few of our systems are not loading the xrefs automatically. it show as UNRESOLVED until reload it manually. also this systems are not able to attach / overlay xrefs as relative path.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: PR5 - Extremely Slow Loading Of Project

Oct 26, 2012

Just deleted PR4, and installed PR5.Opening an existing project takes an extremely long time (maybe 20-30 mins? guessing here)The Smoke loading screen shows something like "Connecting Control Surfaces"..

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After Effects :: How To Stop Window From Resizing When Loading Project

Aug 19, 2013

Every time I load any project (even one I saved and closed 5 minutes ago) After Effects resizes the window.  I would like to disable this 'feature' how do I do that?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Get Project Name To Be 3 Lines

Mar 14, 2013

I'm using ACA 2013. I am using sheet sets and I am working on my Sheet Template.Typcially we use a 3 line project title in our standard title block and I would like to continue doing so . The problem is that the Project Data only has one line for the "Project Name".

How can I get the project name to be 3 lines that separate when I want them to, I.E.




Is this a change in the "Project Name" field in the sheet template?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Copy A Sheet From One Project To Another?

Jan 25, 2012

I would like to copy a sheet from one project to another.  Nothing changes from one to the other.  Much like copying a view, I would like to copy a sheet.  Is this possible and how?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Setting Up Units In Project?

May 13, 2013

What is the correct procedure to set up units in a project. I want to work with meters, ant the metric template is in milimeters. if I change the mm in m, when I make views the callouts are displayed incorrectly. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Transferring Text To Another Project

Jun 6, 2012

how to transfer text (cover sheet) from one project to another. I opened legend and then put it on a sheet then went to transfer it to the next project and it wont except it.I will need the cover sheet for every project.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: VB Code To Detect If Project Is Loaded?

Dec 7, 2012

There is a way to detect is a project is loaded using PSD VB code?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Browser Has Double Entries

Jul 20, 2012

For some reason unknown to us the Project Browser has double entries for the current projects: that is, a project shows up twice, with the same job number and such.

Windows Explorer correctly shows only one project folder, and in the Project Browser selecting either entry will bring up the project correctly.So, functionally we could live with this but I'd like to clean this up and I think deleting either entry would actually delete the project.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Cannot Edit Project Properties 2014 On W8

Nov 18, 2013

I am running Architecture 2014 (PrDS-U) on a Windows8 Pro N.

In Architecture I am a frequent user of the Project Navigator.

After moving to W8, I find that I can not edit Project properties, neither from Project Browser nor the Navigator.

The project resides on my local C:VCC and the folder is being shared on my network. It is not write protected. Everyone has full access.

Others who are connected to the share can edit the project, they are running Windows 7. I cannot.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Browser Icon Missing?

Sep 9, 2011

I'm using Acad Architecture 2010, and my quick access toolbar does not have the Project Browser Icon, and my application panel has no Save or Open Project Browser either. I can only get to it by "Configure" in Project Standards panel. It is not in CUI.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Path Xrefs For A Moved Project Folder

Jan 8, 2014

What is the best method to re-path x-refs in a project whose folder has been moved. We are talking about 60-100 x-refs here.The originals were created in ACA 2009 and were not pathed relatively; nor was Project Navigator used. We are currently using ACA 2014.

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