AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Locate Project Tab And Title Block Setup Tab

Oct 4, 2011

I am attempting to create my first Title Block with Attributes.  I came across this online demo that suggests navigating to the "Projects" Tab - then selectign the "Title Block Setup" tab.  I am using CAD 2012 and spent the last hour searching for this command.  It does not appear on my navigation or tool palletes.  URL....

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Setup Own Template Drawing With Title Block / Layers

Apr 2, 2012

I was presented with a little renovation project and need to setup my own drawing.  I've worked on CAD for a number of years while at a structural firm, an engineering firm and took classes in school but one thing I never had to do was setup was my own professional drawing from scratch.  I know enough that it's crucial I start off on the foot.  The engineering firm I worked at had everything ready so whenever I used CAD it was in an existing drawing or preparing a detail which the drafters imported.  When I did some drafting work for an architect, he also had the drawing setup for me.   

Since I'm now on my own I need to setup my own template drawing with a title block, layers, etc.  Whats the best route for setting up my own sheets?  

At my firm we always worked in a 1:1 scale & engineering units but since I'm doing floor plans for renovation work I plan on using the industry standard.  

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Fields In Title Block Sheet Template

Jun 26, 2012

I've created a sheet template that includes Fields to populate the sheet with the Project Name and location among others like scale, etc. When I create the new sheet in the project navigator most of the fields populate with the correct information based on the parameters set in the project. However, it consistantly does not populate the Project name and location. When I click the field and ensure that the attribute is set correctly then it renders the correct information. The problem is this ends up being a manual operation yet it still reads as a smart tag. Why do these not populate automatically?

Here's my process:

Create dwt for sheet file and include xref of title block.

Create a block with attributes that link to AEC Project, CurrentSheetTitle, etc. and insert into dwt.

In project navigator I create new sheet and select my template.

Information does not populate.

But when I view the block and close (no edits) it then links.

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AutoCad :: Attribute In Title Block Exists In Block Editor But Not In Project

Sep 6, 2012

Autocad 2011, Electrical package,

I have an existing title block a few text attributes, to which I wish to add a watermark. I have added it in the block editor as a normal attribute, with the same details as the other attributes that work, only a different tag name. It has a default value, "DRAFT" and is tagged "WMARK". It works fine in the Block Editor, and If I test the block I can edit it to display whatever I want, but if I save the block and open it from Autocad proper, the attribute is not in existence, either as a default value, or editable from block properties, attribute editor or title block editor, whereas all of the other attributes are there. I have used BattMan to verify the settings of the attribute, and the only difference is that the others all have "L" in the "Modes" column, but I think that means that their position is "locked" whereas my new attribute is justified "aligned" therefore cannot be "locked" (This is some assumption on my part, as the documentation on the "Modes" column is almost non-existent). I cannot afford to waste much more time on this issue, as the boss is breathing down my neck, but editing watermarks on every drawing after every revision is frustrating, when it could be an attribute that is editable from the title block editor.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Setup Text In Title Block

Feb 6, 2013

AC 2012, Win 7 64 Bit..I sent up this template a while ago, and for the life of me, I can't remember how I setup the text in the title block.I had it set so some text would only have to be changed on the first sheet, and the remainder would automatically populate on a regen.

When I tried to duplicate it, in the field dialog box I can't seem to find out how I got the block reference. Field category=Objects, Field names=Object, Object Type=Block reference.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Setup Title-block For Everyone At New Place Of Business

Feb 11, 2013

I'm trying to setup a title-block for everyone at my new place of business.

In this new job, 98% of our drawings are done in a single file with multiple layouts. I would like to set my template up so that things like Rev numbers and drawn by, and checked by etc., are updated in all layouts by changing just the first sheet. I also want to include a field for the drawn date so that it takes the current date (they want the drawn date to reflect the print date rather than the actual drawn date...)

I would like to incorporate attributes for things like checked by, engineer check, and such but make them so they don't appear unless you open the attribute editor.

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AutoCad 2D :: Setup Multiple Viewports On Title Block - Text And Dimensions In Annotative Style

Nov 28, 2012

I've completed my drawing (Autocad architectural 2012) and set-up my multiple view-ports (at 1:50 and 1:5 scale) on my title-block.

I'm now going to add my text and dimensions im model space....and that's when the problems start!

I've created text and dimensions in annotative style.

The issue I have is when I change annotation scale from 1:50 to 1:5 my text and dimensions in model space automatically changes (as can be seen on attachment) to a huge scale but is perfect in layout view for differing scales.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Title Block Properties Based On Project File?

Mar 21, 2013

As I am creating drawings for parts/assemblies, I have to fill out the customers name and the job number which I currently do on every drawing I create by right clicking on the Drawing name in the tree, going to iProperties, and then filling out the fields I need.

I have to do this for every sheet. Sometimes over 100 sheets per job.

Is there a way, within the project file maybe, to have these fields be already filled in with the customers name and job number? 

Every new project file I make is a new customer. So I'm wondering if there is someway to tweak the project file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block Creation - Picture Not Located In Current Project

Dec 6, 2011

Age old question; Title Block Creation.

I took an existing title block out of another document and pasted it into my 'standard.idw' file, modified it, made it the default title block and it looks pretty good. Problem is, having saved the 'standard.idw' file it saved it under a project header and now everytime I open said new drawing I get the error that it is not part of my existing project. Obviously.

Is there a way to create this file, with my new title block and not get this error, supress or have it projectless?

Also, with that in mind my other problem, which I am sure is related, is that I put an image in my title block, which gives me e error that my picture is not located in the current project. Currently I bypass that one by hitting skip and it still retains my image, which is fine.

These two things together are slight annoying but I can live with it until I deduce a way to kill these errors.

Inventor 2014 PDS

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can’t See Title Block

May 11, 2013

Why I can’t see this title block, it opens fine with no errors, but I cant find it in drawing, when I open it separately then it’s all fine but when I importing it to other drawing I cant find it. 


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AutoCAD Architecture :: Title Block With Scale Field?

Jul 6, 2011

One of the guys here has created a title block which has a scale field in it, this field reads the scale at which the title block is brought in, by use of an invisible attribute (he used the block in model space so that's why I scale them up). When he xref the dwg into my main drawing all is fine and the scales are as they should be but when he prints, the scales all show 1:1 on the print and in the main drawing. Could this be due to the fact that the xref is brought in at 1:1? But we can't see why this would change it as the block is obviously still at e.g. 1:50 in the xref.


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Revit :: Title Block Family - Editing Text On Project

Nov 22, 2011

I've created a Title Block Family and when I bring it into the project I want to be able to edit the text on the project without having to go into the Family and edit it from there, how do I do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project Geometry To Locate All Holes In The Frame Into Cover

Mar 20, 2013

Using Inventor 2012 SP2

Have been using Inventor for 6 months or so after being on Solidowrks for many years.

With the settings I have from the start I have been avoiding using adaptivity because it causes more problems than it seems to fix. Just ran into this problem a few minutes ago.

Basic rect angle iron frame, put holes in them for fasteners. Created the cover and constrained it to the frame assembly. Used project geometry to locate all the holes in the frame onto the cover. Use the "Hole" feature and everything is good with the world.

Then changed the side pc of the frame, shortened it by 1.25 inches. Would not update until I deleted the cover and the fasteners. Even then I had to go thru all the constraints I used, edit them back to the number I had used. Once I did all that the frame was the correct size.

I must be missing something serious, it has to be easier than this to use adaptive parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Retaining Title Block Prompted Entries When Changing Title Blocks

Apr 26, 2013

The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.

I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.

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AutoCad :: Link Title Of File To Title Block Inside

Jun 11, 2012

I have a title block inside my drawing and i want to link my title on the title of the file itself, so that if the title of the file was change, it will be change also inside the drawing.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Aren't Same In New Project As In Project Template?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a Project Template that is used when creating a new project.  I noticed that the Tool Palette in the Project Template and the Tool Palette in the new Project are not the same.  How do I get the new Projects to pull the same Tool Palettes from the Project Template?

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AutoCad :: Setup In Dynamic Type Block That Would Allow To Select The Block

Jun 22, 2012

I have a series of logos that we use. I would like to have them setup in a dynamic type block that would allow us to select the block and choose from a pull down that logo to use.

I have see it done before just don't know how to replicate it.

As you scrolled through the choices as each one was highlighted it would display that one on the screen.

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Revit :: Locate And Delete Identical Instances In A Project

Jun 21, 2012

If you wanted to locate and delete identical instances, not knowing if there are actually identical instances only concerned that there may be some double counting in your schedules, how would you do it?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Locate Text Near Block Reference

May 24, 2012

I have tried to use intersectwith to locate text (MText or DBText) near a block reference. Some times it works and some times it does not. The hard part for me is understanding why it occasionally works when most examples are just duplicates with modified text and attributes.

My block reference has 4 attributes  to the left (Right Justified) of a circle and 2 attributes inside the circle. The text objects are used by some CAD operators instead of the upper 2 lines of attributtes. (Guess they dont know how to modify attributes) I want to locate these texts and insert text into the corresponding attribute.

Block Reference:

Att 1   |'''''''|  <-- CAD User will insert a txt over Att 1 and Att 2, 
Att 2  |       | <--  both attributes are usally left blank or contain a space
Att 3  |       |
Att 4   |.....|

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Convert Block Back To Title Block Or Border

Feb 15, 2012

We have a title block and border which is used in MS.  If this is referenced using AMTITLE then it acts as expected.  We issue these to some external people to create our drawings but they have been using CTRL-C and V to place them in a new drawing.  ACAD does now not see them as a Title block or border but as blocks.  We have a process to bring DWG's into SAP and this will check for a title block and border. 

The issue is we need to fix these drawings and currently this means removing the borders and title blocks and placing new ones then adding all the attributes again.  Is there a way to convert the blocks back to how they should be?
AutoCADM 2011 SP2
XP 32-Bit SP3

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Revit :: How To Convert Existing 2D Autocad Title Block Into Block Template

Jul 24, 2008

How to convert existing 2d autocad title block into Revit title block template?

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AutoCAD :: Setup METRIC Project That Uses Meters Instead Of Millimeters

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to set up a METRIC project (that I want to make template) that uses meters instead of millimeters.

So I created a new project, without the use of any template. I copied from the default Autocad templates folder the Model and Sheet templates to the new project folder and I set the units, scale and grid to meters and changed the path in project properties to these files.

Everything seems to work fine, except creations of sections/elevations. 

I edited the SectionStyles (Metric).dwg file in default styles folder and It works fine.

But I donțt want to change that file in the default folder, but to change the path of the section styles in the project. The only way I could do that was to change it in the tool palette - right click on callout. 

So how can I make the SectionStyles to load from a specific location for a project without having to right click on every callout that I want to use and change it manually?

There are some other things to do/change for making the project template that I want? (I am referring to the units setup).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Up Libraries In Project Setup

Feb 21, 2012

I have a folder under libraries in my project setup where I plan to keep my library parts. Once there the parts are read only. my questions is should I not have them there. I cannot modify then if i need to and if I copy it out to change it they do not update in the library.

What is the best way about setting up libraries in my project setup?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Compilation Error During Build Project Setup

Mar 4, 2013

I am trying to deploy my DLL and during compilation , I got the below error.

------ Build started: Project: Practice, Configuration: Debug x86 ------

vbc : warning BC40010: Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Practice': Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor

vbc : warning BC40010: Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Practice': Referenced assembly 'System.Data.dll' targets a different processor

Practice -> C:VBProjectPracticePracticeinx86DebugPractice.dll
------ Starting pre-build validation for project 'mySetup' ------
WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'ACMNUPARSER' (Signature='(null)' Version='') of assembly 'AcCui.dll'
WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'MANAGEDMC3' (Signature='(null)' Version='') of assembly 'AdWindows.dll'
------ Pre-build validation for project 'mySetup' completed ------


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AutoCad :: Inserting Title Block - Design In Middle Of Block?

Jul 30, 2013

How do you insert title block, so your design is in the middle of block?

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AutoCad :: Create Block To Insert On Title Block

Oct 26, 2012

Is it possible to create a block to insert on our title block that will populate itself with a list of drawings and names?

I know this is possible through the use of LISP and the Sheet Set Manager, but could this be done through a combination of attributes and fields (we want the same functionality in LT).

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AutoCad :: Editing Title Block Using Block Editor

Aug 31, 2011

I'm editing a title block using the Block Editor. Unfortunatelly after closing the block editor the linse & Polylines reflect the changes apported in nodel space, but the text did not mouve?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Block Attributes From Title Block

Sep 19, 2011

I'm trying to chnage the text of the sheet number and total sheet number attributes for each layout in my drawing.  I have code that adds and deletes the specified pages, now I need to edit the attributes to reflect the correct page and correct total amount of pages.  Here is my code, based on my old VBA version.

I know there is a problem with the line:

For Each item In myBTR.ObjectId

I've used a number of websites and books, but I would really like to find something that teaches about block tables, block table references, block table IDs so I can get a better understanding of breaking stuff down to get the info I need. 

Public Sub updatePageNumbers()
Dim myDWG As Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Document
Dim myDB As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database
Dim myTransManForPageNumbers As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager
Dim myTransForPageNumbers As Transaction


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VideoStudio :: Setup For Blu-ray Project

Sep 3, 2012

I'm green with Videostudio as i use pinnacle before.

The version I use is X5, I want to make a very good quality photo album with the videostudio, I want to make the blu ray, what do I need to set before I start the project? What resolution should I set and where can I set? someone said the AVCHD is the same as bluray, I don't know!

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Archive Setup Recovery Into A Project

Jan 16, 2014

Using Smoke EXT1 and a previous user archived his project using the old school method; media and setups seperatly instead of just selecting the project as a whole.
I've draged the media into a library and restored that easy enough but can not find the details of how to recover the setups from the tar file in the archive. It does not show up in the media pannel at all, just an emply folder. How to get these setups loaded into a project?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Page-setup Transfer Doesn't Work

Apr 5, 2012

ACA 2012

For office standards sake, I've created commands in drop menus that allow every employee to use various ‘standard’ page setups: for our plotter, printer and .dwg to .pdf. It's done with a lisp routine that basically looks up a .dwg with all those page setups already created (-psetupin).

Also, I've created 2 custom .pc3 files. The first is called 'Plotter' and the second is called 'Printer'. I did this in order to simply the task of (not) modifying our customization in the event of a dying printer/plotter. These .pc3 files are on our network and every user has access to them via an office profile, with the appropriate Printer Support File Path. We all have the same printer/plotter drivers.

Problem:Everything works fine, except for 2 employees. The lisp routine loads properly, as I can see it go in the command line and the page setup actually loads as well, as its name is in the page setup drop down menu, in the Plot menu. However, the page setup isn't 'selectable'. Also, if we try to 'preview' the plot we get this message: The selected layout has an invalid media configuration.

Every option in the page setup in as wanted (printer/Plotter name, scale, plot area, plot offset, etc.), EXCEPT for the paper size (even though the paper size specified in the lisp routine is available in the paper size list).

95% of the page setups work properly. The only one that don’t work are those for our plotter on paper sizes called ‘A1 (landscape)’ & ‘A0’.

I’ve created new .pc3 files, as I wanted to be sure they weren’t corrupted. We’ve reinstalled the printer/plotter drivers. I’ve reinstalled the office profile. I’ve checked that the paper sizes specified in the lisp routine were available in the .pc3 file.

ACA 2012
Windows 7
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
3.4GHz - 8GB ram - 64 bit

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