Revit :: Locate And Delete Identical Instances In A Project
Jun 21, 2012
If you wanted to locate and delete identical instances, not knowing if there are actually identical instances only concerned that there may be some double counting in your schedules, how would you do it?
i have an assembly with 100+ parts that i have to show in my parts list.
my question is :
how can i add identical sheets showing identical view of the assembly but the ist page will show the first 50 parts and the second page will show the rest of the part list?
I am attempting to create my first Title Block with Attributes. I came across this online demo that suggests navigating to the "Projects" Tab - then selectign the "Title Block Setup" tab. I am using CAD 2012 and spent the last hour searching for this command. It does not appear on my navigation or tool palletes. URL....
Have been using Inventor for 6 months or so after being on Solidowrks for many years.
With the settings I have from the start I have been avoiding using adaptivity because it causes more problems than it seems to fix. Just ran into this problem a few minutes ago.
Basic rect angle iron frame, put holes in them for fasteners. Created the cover and constrained it to the frame assembly. Used project geometry to locate all the holes in the frame onto the cover. Use the "Hole" feature and everything is good with the world.
Then changed the side pc of the frame, shortened it by 1.25 inches. Would not update until I deleted the cover and the fasteners. Even then I had to go thru all the constraints I used, edit them back to the number I had used. Once I did all that the frame was the correct size.
I must be missing something serious, it has to be easier than this to use adaptive parts.
I used railing tools and created railing in the project files. i want to change rail and Baluster.i created metric baluster and rail from family and saved in the local drive. i used in to my project also it is working fine.
i want to use this railing to some other project. how to get it either copy past or revit link or any other way because the railing created in project file.
I need to modify a curtain wall mullion profile and a plumbing fixture for a model created by another firm. I see the family (e.g Rectangular Mullion) on the project browser window, but I cannot locate the actual rfa file.
For the the Plumbing fixture, I can click on the fixture, and select "edit family", but it saves a new family instead of telling me where the orginal rfa is located.
Obviously, since the model is from another firm, the rfa file is not located on the server where our firm typically stores family files. It's not on the C:// Program Data/ Autodesk/ RAC2011/ Imperial Library...
I'm trying to create an adaptive family (a concrete bleacher/bench) that mitres to its adjoining instances when placed in a project (see attached images).
The family is not acting as I intend it to when loaded into the project (bottom right image). I've created six adaptive points which are intended to correspond to refeence points in the project.
I think the problem has to do with the faces of the extrusion, they don't seem to be able to align to an angled reference plane. How the extrusion can expand/contract in a linear fashion and have ends that mitre adaptively?
I have in my project a lot of video clip that I did a slip of the audio track.
If I need to delete one clip, by example in the middle of the project, the audio track corresponding is not deleted...and if I delete it manually, all the other audio track at right do not move to the the audio track and the video clip are not sync anymore.
I made a project in after effect and it has alot of pictures. I'd like to delete the pictures from my project folder but when i do the pictures are deleted in the after effects project. Is there a way i can embed the pictures so i can delete them from my folder?
Revit has a propensity to locate a lay-in ceiling grid with a grid intersection in the center of the room. You can use the alignment tool to align the grid with a wall. But I see no way to center a tile in a room. This is often a necessity in a narrow room, to keep the lights centered. Also, installers, when not given specific instructions to the contrary, will often locate the ceiling grid to minimize narrow tiles at the wall. We need more control over the position of the grid.
I was trying to rotate the entire model to align with the grid of another building. I need to do that in order to export to Navisworks easily without any adjustment.
After I select the entire model in 3d view, and going back to the plan view, the rotate tool is ghosted. What's the reason of it? See attached file.
I am trying to create a custom planter based off some line work that I did in my project. It has a curve. basically what I have done is created the line work on plan but now I want to use that curved line to create my family. which I am thinking I can create a profile and then sweep it on those lines. The problem is I can get the line work to the family.
If i delete a family from the project browser, under families expanded folder group, will this delete them from the project and reduce the file size?
Best way to delete just unwanted families that have been loaded into the model?
I know of purging the model but i believe this will potentially delete tags i may want and other information that just not being utilized at the time of purge.
Quite simple what I want to acheive in ACA but not in revit. I want a line elevation view from file A (with shadows if possible) to insert into another file (B) sheet (so it shows another option variant without the complexity of setting up phases to show that option in file B. I can insert from file a render - managed that successfully but I dont want full renders as the the recipient (a planning authority) will plot from a pdf non-colour.
Is there any way of rendering so that the result is mostly line with a bit of half tone? I do elevations within a project this way by setting up a 3D aligned to elevation then sort out what I want shaded / colour / line by graphic overrrides.
I am wondering if there is a way to insert a template that I have created into a project that already exists. I have created a template for the company I work for and we already have all of our plans for our homes drawn up. So I either have to redraw these homes starting with the new template or if it is possible load in a template.
I am currently working with a point cloud inside of revit. But, The point cloud comes into revit in a geospatialy correct position. Therefore, it is skewed and not near the origin where you would normally model in revit. I need to be able to rotate my project without actually changing the position of my objects.
I use CAD alot as well so the best way to describe this would be, in CAD, being able to set your UCS to an object, and then later on reseting your UCS to world.
The main purpose of all this is to be able to bring my floor plan into a sheet without it being rotated to the same orientation as the Pointcloud.
Our template has many view types for floor plans but we don't need them all on every project. I know you can duplicate, but I don't see a way to delete.
I'm creating a Construction Template in Revit 2014. When I create new levels these appear in Floor Plans and automatically generate a new Structural Floor Plan view with the new levels but the previous levels don't appear (those that come in Revit by default).
I dont want to delete the level 0 which comes by default.
When creating custom materials and utilizing them within your Revit project, are the image files embedded within the RVT file and thereby increasing file size? I was needing to know before we load down the project file (.rvt) with many custom materials. Hopefully it is just a pointer to a separate material file.
I've just downloaded the student revit-architecture, however even after reinstalling I cannot find the elevations in 'Project Browser'. I only have floor plans and ceiling plans. Is it hidden somewhere?
I just opened two separate projects in Revit Architecture 2014 and the Properties window and the Project Browser Window will not dock. When I double click on the top tab of each one, it will expand in width to the full width of my screen. I recently upgraded from 2013 to 2014. Is this a 2014 glitch?
I have created new levels e.g T.O.F. & T.O.G. but they will not show up under the existing Floor Plans section in the Browser. All I get is a new section Titled: ???! How do I get these new levels to show with the rest of my levels under the floor plans category. Using Revit Ultimate 2014.
I wanted to know about the effects of adding a lot of custom images to the Project Material Library and assigning these materials to objects in the project. Does this bring the entire image file, and therefore it's size, into the Revit project file. Can this create a file size and performance issue when fully utilizing many custom material images? I know that Renderings themselves within the project will add to the file but what about assignments.
why it seems that Revit ignores the Project Units setting in the template file when opening an IFC file? Even when the template is targeted in the IFC open dialogue?
The IFC was exported from ACA 2008 with the Imperial units set.After opening the IFC file in Revit 2012, the project is set for Metric, even though the referenced template (.rte) is set up with Imperial.