Revit :: How To Create Adaptive Family (concrete Bleacher / Bench) That Mitres To Its Adjoining Instances
Dec 23, 2011
I'm trying to create an adaptive family (a concrete bleacher/bench) that mitres to its adjoining instances when placed in a project (see attached images).
The family is not acting as I intend it to when loaded into the project (bottom right image). I've created six adaptive points which are intended to correspond to refeence points in the project.
I think the problem has to do with the faces of the extrusion, they don't seem to be able to align to an angled reference plane. How the extrusion can expand/contract in a linear fashion and have ends that mitre adaptively?
What's the best way to create tilt up concrete panels? In the screen grab bellow, I used an extrusion, gave it concrete material, and left a 10mm gap between each panel to create that illusion.
Can this be done as a wall, if so how do I add those gaps/voids?
I am looking to create an irregular concrete slab, with barrel vaulted ceilings on a small radial section of a circular slab, and a a parabolically curved upper section to the slab, and a large punched hole in the middle of the slab. To this point, I have been able to achieve this using multiple components and masses, but I was wondering if there was a way to make a single object with a single solid material that may be able to achieve the same effect. I have attached a section for ease of explanation.
Is there any way to separate a sweep into all its adjoining pieces? I really want to get all the pieces and their miter angles in order to dimension properly, in order to make an assemble manual.
Is there a Family Category that allows me to create an Extrusion that will then work with the “Attach Top/Base” tool?
For example, instead of using a structural column, I would instead like to use a Model In-Place Extrusion, then be able to attach these columns to my roof.
I’m noticing you don’t get the option to “Attach Top/Base” when you use a Model In-Place Extrusion.
We are developing a multistory housing project that will have 5 unique unit plans. What I would like to know is the best approach to implimenting the unit plans in revit?
In autocad, we would create an xref of the unit, then xref as needed on base plans. Thus the ability to place multiple xrefs of the unit on various levels while maintatining the ability to make one change to the original unit plan and have it update thru out the project....How would we do this in Revit?
I'm trying to create a titleblock family that has an image or dwg of my site. The easy way to do this is save a new family and import a cad file or jpg of the site plan.
However, I'd like to avoid creating a new titleblock family for each project with a new imported site image.
I thought I would be able to just make the image's "Loaded from file" address an editable field that could be updated in the project info like all the other parameters, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
I assigned my students to create lighting fixture family. I wanted them to create a drop-down list of materials within the family to allow a user to select from the list of materials. This is accomplished by using a nested family - the inserted family has the materials defined. The drop-down list appears just fine in the properties, but we aren't able to apply it to the extrusion. I have tried inserting each family type and using the Label parameter, but Revit won't allow the link.
I have a situation where I need to place a curved door in a curved wall, I do not want to model in place or look for a work around but would like to create a family template that that could be used frequently.
In previous versions I was able to copy the metric door.rft and rename it to i.e. Metric Door_Radial Host.rfa. I would then be able to edit this template to suit my requirements, save and rename to .rft. This template would then be live.
In 2013 it seems that I cannot open a .rfa file for editing.
I am trying to create an Island family with cabinet components nested into the island family. I have included both a 3D view of what I want the island to look like and a floor plan of what I have right now. I want to be able to adjust the size of each of these cabinets with a parameter. But I am not sure how to get them to stay lined up like they are right now.
If I change the size to a larger size the center cabinet overlaps the cabinet on the right. but if I add another reference plane to the right side of the center cabinet, when I try to adjust the size I get an error message saying "Constraints are not satisfied".
I am using Revit Architecture 2013 and am trying to create a window family that has different grid options built into the family. I have included a copy of one of my window families I am working on and an image for an examples of what happens when I load all my windows into a project and place them. Some of the grid families do not automatically adjust to the size it should be. But if I click on the window (lets say it as no grids) and then select the no grid parameter again then it will adjust. How I can get these windows to adjust automatically so I don't need to do an extra step to make them look right!?
I am trying to create a parametric seating row with a Generic Line Based family.
If you check the file for the Length (default) parameter, I am multiplying it by the Arm Distance (600mm) so that the pattern repeats while I stretch out the line.
=Chairs * 600 mm
I want to add a parameter for the Arm Distance linked with the actual seat so that if I make the chair wider the pattern would adjust accordingly.
=Chairs * Arm Distance3
This way I could adjust the chair width and Line Based family all at once. However, I am finding that when I add "Arm Distance3" to the equation the Line Based feature stops working.
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
I've had a request from on of our users to replicate something that has been done for years in 2D CAD. They want a marker to show changes in floor levels that look something like this:-
The annotation needs to be able to read the slab on either side of the step marker and hopefully if possible the difference be represented as text. The datum levels are secondary and it is really the depth of the step that seems to be more important. I do however want to avoid these being just dumb text as if/when the design evolves someone will forget to modify the text.
Here is an example of a few showing two steps in the slab and the results we would want.
I have tried loading/nesting a standard spot level in thinking if I had two in an annotation that this might work, but I was unable to even place a spot marker within the family which makes some sense I suppose.
Is this even technically possible...? I realize the origin usually determines what hosts the family and how, but I guess we are looking for something with a double origin, which is why I think this may not be possible...?
I have created my model, and have placed the floor assembly in. It is concrete and I see the concrete pattern on the floor. How do I hide or turn that off? I cannot find anything in Visibility Graphics or in the actual floor family...
How to use a 6" concrete curb under exterior walls for California schools? are you using a stacked wall, and if so how do you get the exterior finish to cover up the concrete curb. Or if you are using basic walls stacked upon one another, I seem to have trouble getting my wall joins to look correct in plan.
it is possible to use the Align command on an adaptive point (once inserted in the model). It seems that when I try to align an adaptive point to something, it moves the entire family. However, when I attach dimensions to each point, the points move independent of their context.
Is there a quick way of profiling topography under a undulating concrete floor slab? In other words so that the topography follows the underside surface of the slab. I know this is possible by adjusting each point on the topo surface but is there a quicker way?
I use all the time L shape and U shape winder stairs in combination with the Monolithic Type.
We use to concrete the monolithic part of the stairs and then dress the stairs with treads and risers. The new tool looks that working very nice.
So OK I draw the U shape winder stair and of course i want to construct the stairs.
I want to prepape a detail plan view with dimensions only for the Monolithic Part (Concrete) of the stair but i can't find a way to dispay only the monolithic part without Treads and Riser.It is possible in 3d view but no in plan view. The news tool that calculate winder stairs is "half job done" if i can't print with dimension the concrete part of the winder stairs.
I'm trying to build a wall that has the concrete block pattern that's offset by 1/2. If I build a wall using mass then I can make it into a pattern that I want but then I can't paint it so that's it's clear or see through. On the other hand if I build a wall just using the walls then I can't find an option for the block pattern.
How to set 2 adaptive points (AP) to control the position and diameter of a circle. Have tried setting a ref plane driven by circle dia param but justs results in overconstrain when flexed. Is it possible to a) lock the centre to an AP and lock redius to AP?
Is it possible also to lock a ref plane to an AP so that the AP drives it rather than the other way round?