I have in my project a lot of video clip that I did a slip of the audio track.
If I need to delete one clip, by example in the middle of the project, the audio track corresponding is not deleted...and if I delete it manually, all the other audio track at right do not move to the left...so the audio track and the video clip are not sync anymore.
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
If you wanted to locate and delete identical instances, not knowing if there are actually identical instances only concerned that there may be some double counting in your schedules, how would you do it?
I made a project in after effect and it has alot of pictures. I'd like to delete the pictures from my project folder but when i do the pictures are deleted in the after effects project. Is there a way i can embed the pictures so i can delete them from my folder?
I am learning to make an envelope and the tut calls for me to make little sewed rectangles around the edges which are to be colored red and blue every other rectangle.
Draw the Rectangle > Ctrl + T > Right click > Skew > and then
Ctrl + Alt + T to Duplicate > press right arrow key to move and repeat until the end of the envelope > and then
Duplicate Layer > change color from blue to red
Here is where I am lost:
I am suppose to select every other rectangle and delete them in order for the rectangles to be blue, red, blue red . How to go about doing this and I have been unable to find a solution in faq's or other posts within the forum(s). I'm not even certain how to ask the question so, that may be part of my quest denied
In Inkscape I would just ungroup them so that I could manipulate/delete them as individual shapes and then (if needed) use the rubber band to recollect them and click a regroup button. I cannot seem to find anything similar to this in PS.
I just started using Xara and have been doing some sketches in Xara Photo & Graphics 7.0 Once I am done my sketch I often want to delete a line (inner line I used to draw but now needs to be deleted to make sketch look right). Is there a way to erase part of a line. If I try to highlight and delete the line I lose the whole thing. I just want to delete part of a line (in the center of the line not at the end of it). So far I have been importing into photoshop and erasing my lines with the eraser tool but it takes so much time!
I have an assembly of pallet racking, it is one complete frame which can be modified in all the desired ways by the ilogic i have in place. I wish to be able to put this frame into a new assembly but have different dimensions for each frame. I used to do this by copying all the files to a new folder so that each frame had its own parts. This has stopped working and now once one frame is altered all the other frames change to rather than having there own dimensions.
If I want to make artwork for a clock by drawing a black circle and then putting 12 white lines on it for each hour, how do I then cut out the parts of the circle where the white lines are so that if I put it on a blue background, all I see is a black circle with 12 sections missing where the white lines used to be? CS6, Windows 7.
How do I delete work plane 1 from the attached part, 'test derived'?
create a part, pattern a plane, save as 'test deriver'
create new part, derive work plane 1 from 'test deriver' sketch onto work plane 1, save as test derived
go back to 'test deriver, delete the pattern and create a new pattern, work plane 2, (i couldnt just edit it because the real life case was a series of patterns at different distances)
open part 'test derived', edit the derived part to include work plane 2, (work plane 1 doesnt exist in 'test deriver' anymore) redefine the sketch onto work plane 2
I made a fillet earlier and then continued to work on the part. Now when I try to delete the fillet (to replace it with chamfer) Inventor gives me a box: "delete features" and the middle box can be selected which says "dependent sketches and features". If I check the box and hit ok, some of the unreleated holes and chamfers gets deleted and the fillet I wanted to delete doesn't get deleted. If I uncheck the box, different chamfers and threads dissappear, fillet I wanted to delete stays in place again and yellow box appears on the corner of the part. So what should I do to just delete the fillet and keep everything else?
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..
In the past I've used a Panasonic SDR-S7 video camera which produces MPEG files with no problem.
I now have a Panasonic Lumix still camera which also takes AVCHD video. The individual files play perfectly in VS12, but as soon as I try to play the project to preview it, the picture keeps freezing. I thought this could be due to the new video's being HD but I don't think the individual files could be played either.
I have been doing this project in X5 and was putting a still picture at the end. When I review the project it stops about a second or so from the end. I thought it was the song, so I took that out.
I changed the picture, did the same thing. I lengthen the time on the picture, it will place and stop about the same time from the end. Doesn't matter how long the picture is playing. If I take the picture out, the video just before it plays fine. I put a picture back in, and it does the same thing? I thought the project time may be set someplace? Doesn't seem to matter because I change the timing on the picture at the end. Stops the same place?
Certainly couldn't open an X3 in X4. If I wanted to edit/burn my X4 in the "faster" X5, why should I essentially start from scratch to take advantage of X5?
Project would be SAVED as an X5 project file, of course.
I add a video to the timeline video track (not the overlay track), and with 'clip' selected and playing... I have audio just fine, for the most part... sometimes the audio jumps and skips, and sounds garbled. With 'project' selected and the video playing, either the same thing happens as the 'clip' or there is no audio at all.
What I have discovered, is that this is common with AVI files. Other files, such as WMV, don't seem to have this problem. It affects only AVI files. The video plays just fine in WMP and VLC, as well as other video editors such as PowerDirector... so why dos VideoStudio have this odd sound issue? And I'm sure as Hell not gonna convert all my videos to WMV just to edit them.
This is on a fresh install of VideoStudio Pro X4 (as well as Windows), no updates, no Service Packs, no nothing... even WITH SP1 it's still does it. I've also removed and reinstalled my codec packs (from K-Lite to Shark007) with no difference.
I've also hear that people are now having this issue with VS Pro X3 as well (I have X3 to) so I assume it's pointless to install X3 as well. I really do NOT like using any editing software other than X4, since it's the best one I've used... so I do not want a reason to use something else.
I've recently upgraded the PC and re-installed VS10 onto the new, improved, beast in front of me now, but have hit a hurdle.
Whether I'm looking at an imported project or starting a new one from scratch, I seem not to be able to get the audio tracks to play when playing the project as a whole.
I can select the music track and play it from within the timeline without a problem, but select the project and all I get is the sound of silence.
after scanning and searching the forum I can't find anything that fits my bill so far.
Drivers have been checked and updated where found wanting. I'm at a loss to explain why. I never had this problem back on the old slow-coach...!
For info I'm running Vista on a dual core 2600Ghz machine with Asus P5K Pro 'board (on-board audio) and a GeForce 8600 GTS graphics card.
I'm green with Videostudio as i use pinnacle before.
The version I use is X5, I want to make a very good quality photo album with the videostudio, I want to make the blu ray, what do I need to set before I start the project? What resolution should I set and where can I set? someone said the AVCHD is the same as bluray, I don't know!
I recently upgraded to x6. My question is, there were some hd project templates that came with x3 that id like to use with x6. How to do this, or import or find the files?
I want to burn my project I have created on VSX4 to a DVD. I don't want to create a menu or add chapters or anything else, I just want to burn my project to the DVD. I have followed the instructions in the user guide to bring my project in to be burnt, but the next button remains greyed out so I can't go to the next step to enable it to be burnt.
I finished the DVD, looks great, now I want to make another DVD the next day. How do I recover the project? In VSX3 made it really easly to recover DVD projects with all the menus, chapters and any other setting. Where does VSX4 save the finish project at?
I have VideoStudio X4 pro, think the sales man did a great job as i'm a beginner and man o man this isn't what i thought it woud be I'm trying to save my pictures to cd, it burns in and when i go to play it on the video, it won't work, just comes up black? Have slected create disk image, have used the cd-r before to do a similar thing and it won't work.