AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete Work Features From Derived Part?
Nov 10, 2011
How do I delete work plane 1 from the attached part, 'test derived'?
create a part, pattern a plane, save as 'test deriver'
create new part, derive work plane 1 from 'test deriver' sketch onto work plane 1, save as test derived
go back to 'test deriver, delete the pattern and create a new pattern, work plane 2, (i couldnt just edit it because the real life case was a series of patterns at different distances)
open part 'test derived', edit the derived part to include work plane 2, (work plane 1 doesnt exist in 'test deriver' anymore) redefine the sketch onto work plane 2
try to get rid of work plane 1 from the part?
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Jan 12, 2014
it's possible to create a derived part using only some of the features of the base components i.e. I've got a funny shaped part with a bunch of holes in it, and I need another part with exactly the same shape but totally different holes (location and size)I know you can do this with the different solids in the part (only use some of the solids) but I haven't been able to figure it out with features, if it's possible at all.
I could probably create one base part (just the shape) and derive both parts from that, but then I've got a part lying around doing jack.using IV 11.
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Jan 21, 2013
I have attached a simple model to detail what I am having trouble with.
I have constructed a sheet metal tube by first creating a flat sheet face and then by folding the sheet with two, 180 degree bends and large radius. I am doing it this way in order to simplify the drawing of the cutouts that are required in the "real" sheet (with many more cutouts than in the sample I have provided.)
When I try to add work points or work axis to the holes shown in the sample, only the holes on the second bend will accept the work features, the holes on the first bend will not - giving the error:
TEST.ipt: Errors occurred during update Projected loop failed because of multiple vertex solutions Work Point8: Could not build this Point Copy Point Zero or multiple solutions for Point Copy Point. Use Redefine Feature to change its definition.
I am using the work point as reference to the center of the hole in order to position a rod.
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Jun 24, 2012
I've derived an assembly into a part file. On inserting an i feature, Why can't I select a face of the single composite body?
You can create a sketch on a face, but not insert an i feature on a face.
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Nov 18, 2011
Looks that in Inventor 2012 apperead few errors with coloring when we apply any feature on derived part. Situation:
1. Design Multi body Part with few bodies
2. Make components from it
3. Open derived component
4. Apply new material for this part (for example Copper)
5. Make Hole on any component surface
6. You will get Default color of Hole surface and surface which contact with Hole Color
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Aug 21, 2013
After I have created new part by derive from assembly, it have some part moved don’t likely assembly master.
I’m used inventor 2013 with windows 7 (64 bits)
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Jul 17, 2013
is it possible to get the material of the derived part in vba ?
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Apr 11, 2006
We have written an add-in that allows you to specify position and non-uniform scaling while creating a derived part.
Some potential uses of this add-in include:
1.. To simulate an iFeature where you add or remove material - use Sculpt to add and Split to remove material. Unlike iFeature you could edit the source and make the changes be reflected in the derived part.
2.. To simulate an iFeature that places a sketch - useful for designing frames.
3.. To design a progressive die - you might want to place, with relative displacements, multiple parts representing different stages (or configurations) of a formed sheet metal part
4.. To realign (rotate) a part - sometimes skeletally driven parts (for example, four-bar linkage members) are not aligned with their "natural" coordinate system, causing skewed drawing views
5.. To derive a part with different scaling factors in X, Y and Z directions, which is useful in mold design
6.. To integrate two skeleton systems that do not share the same coordinate system
7.. To create scaled sketches (this should become useable after R11 SP1)
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Sep 27, 2011
Possible to have more than 1 derived part in a part.
And is it possible to select on which plane and location the derived part is to be?
I have a part with a derived part but now I want to add another part to it. is this possible?
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Jul 19, 2012
I have a vba project that can extract an assembly BOM.
However, it does not output derived parts. What is wrong with my code, shown in the attached file?
What I am trying to do is create a ipt file of a "Laser-Cut" component. Use this component to make another component with drilled, tapped holes in it. Then use this plate, containing the drilled and tapped holes in an assembly.
I need to output this "Laser-Cut" part in my vba created BOM. Is it possible?
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Feb 17, 2010
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit
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Jan 28, 2013
I would like to be able to add iproperty values to a derived part from the assembly..!
Breaking it down..:
When i run the rule, it creates a derived part from the Assembly i have open.
The iproperties from the assembly should be copied to the new Derived Part. or just set direclty from the rule, doesn't matter...
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Sep 21, 2012
I´m trying to measure the base dimensions of simple geometric shapes. I started out with plates since they are easy to measure as long as they sit in 90°, 180° and 270° positions relative to the origin. Then Measure.ExtentsLength, Measure.ExtentsWidth and Measure.ExtentsHeight will give me the base dimensions of a plate.
However, if the plate sits abitrary relative to origin this will obviously fail, since Measure.Extents only measures in x,y,z
Is there any way how I get positions of the geometry that is in the part, like corners surfaces on the B-REP so I can calculate the dimensions properly for a plate. I´m not sure if this is possible with iLogic. I have a strong suspicion would be needed for this.
Another problem I have is that derived parts don´t get triggered to run a script when I change the geometry in the Multibody Part and the rule is set to run by any modelgeometry change.
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Feb 8, 2012
I created a derived part and I broken the link with its parent. Is there a way to relink the two parts?
Autodesk Inventor 2011
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Jan 27, 2013
I got this code earlier from Curtis_Waguespack, and i would like to add a setting... When i run this rule it Derives the assembly, but LOD is set to Master, i would like it to be set to my own (Configurator) LOD...
I don't seem to be able to find anything in this code, that defines LOD...
So far im doing ok with the standard ilogic code, but when it´s API or VBA code im lost.. which leads me to this.. i've been searching the forum back and forth to find a code that performs the feature "Shrinkwrap", and somehow everything i have found so far does not work... even the code example in Inventors help menu under programming, Therefore im trying to solve this with Curtis's code as staring point..
'set a reference to the assembly component definintion.'this assumes an assembly document is open.Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinitionoAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition 'define the path and file nameDim sPathandName As StringsPathandName = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False)
[Code] .......
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Jun 26, 2012
Create part 'A' with a sketch containing a block e.g. the block might be a circle.
Derive part 'A' into part 'B'.
Create a feature in part 'B' using the derived circle e.g. an extrusion.
Delete block from part 'A'.
Open part 'B' & update.
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Jul 25, 2013
Is there a way to change the orientation of a derived part in the "new" part file?
Inventor 2012, w/SP2
Dell Precision T3500, Intel Xeon CPU
W3680 @3.33GHz, 16.0 GB of RAM
Microsoft Windows 7 Pro, 64 Bit Edition
Version 2009, w/SP1
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Sep 12, 2012
I have created a very simple yet effective tool for starting a new manifold assembly using iLogic. The rules and windows essentially fill out the size of the block, material type, description, project and part number.
Below I have a hydraulic manifold I have designed and from that I created the final .ipt of the internals. The way I did this (which may not be the best method) was to create a second .ipt matching the LxWxH of the original manifold, next I inserted and aligned both into another .iam file, lastly I derived a third .ipt from a subtraction resulting in the third image below. This is a bit time consuming to create, but has been very useful in error checking our designs. I would like to see if iLogic is capable of allowing me to automate this so we can easily create these internal flowpath .ipt's for every manifold we design.
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Jan 26, 2011
Is it possible to change the derived part link to another part like you would replace a component in an assembly? My issue is that i created a part and used a derived part within. Well this part number changed and it just so happens that the derived part needs to change as well. I tried the design assistant, and changed the link there but it didnt seem to want to take. I tried renaming the derived part, and opening the file...i get the error but i still am unable to change the link that way either.
Autodesk Inventor 2011
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a part (several actually) that I made using the mirror command. I made these in 2012. When I converted to 2013 and set up my new appearance freindly materials, I changed the appearance for my 201 S/S matl to "Stainless Brushed". The first image is of the derived part which is stuck on a "Steel" appearance, the second image is of the base model which is correctly displaying the "Stainless Brushed" appearance. I tried playing around with the appearance overrides and I can't seem to get it to update. My assembly looks like **** with the different appearances.
For chuckles sake I'll also mention that every time "appearance" appears in the above paragraph I typed color first and corrected it.
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Aug 14, 2013
I have several iParts with their respective derived parts in my library. There are not many other Inventor users here that use those parts, but they might benefit from having those individual parts. The iPart may change from time to time, and in order to keep the individual parts current, I am required to activate them one by one, exporting them to STEP, IGES, SAT or IPT files for both people here to use as well as our Pro-E and Solidworks users. Is there a way to automate that process so I can hit a button and have it save all instances to a certain file format?
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Aug 17, 2012
I am trying to patch up a bunch of small holes in a derived assembly. I've tried going to the options tab that comes up when deriving the part/assembly and plugging in values for the range of hole sizes to be patched, but I get no results when clicking ok. I have scaled down the assembly to 1/10 the original size. I set the range of holes to be patched from 0 to 0.25". The diameter of the holes in the assembly are only 0.017" after scaling down.
Inventor Professional 2013
Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU
Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
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Jan 30, 2013
I have found an strange behaviour of derivin part from assembly when position repre is used.
There are lost or moved some part. It seems that this is another bug in Inventor 2013SP1.1.
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Jun 4, 2013
I'm running an iLogic based model where I have a technical housing with 2 cover parts on top.
The first cover part is the basic part.
I use iLogic to assign a RAL-color to several parts in the assembly, also to that cover. The color is assigned to several features of the cover part.
The second cover part is almost identical to the first one.
So my first feature in the second cover part is a derived part of the 1st cover. I derived all the bodies.
When I'm in my assembly and I pick a RAL-color in my created customization form, the RAL-color only changes in the 1st cover part (the original), but it doesn't change in the second cover part, the derived body.
when I manually open the 2nd cover part, and I right click on the derived feature and click on 'Edit Derived Part' ; the new color shows up immediately!
So, my question is if there is a rule for iLogic to update the color automatically?
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Apr 4, 2011
How do I edit a derived part with a part file and include parameters I'm after?
I cant' seem to work out how to get to the reference components parameters to select whats visible and not visible.
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May 22, 2013
want to delete holes (see picture), but also to keep other features below hole.
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May 25, 2012
Is there and easy way to change the base component of a derived part?
The way I use to do it, is to rename the base component. Then open the derived part, and point to the new base component after the "error message".
In the idw environment there is a "Replace Model Reference"" which does it for 2D drawings.
btw. I use Inventor 2013.
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Feb 27, 2012
I am wondering if Inventor can generate a Derived part in Sheet Metal Design? Then we can still keep and edit the sheet metal features ? It will be a sweet convenience for the symmetric design.
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Oct 7, 2013
I am trying to unfold a part created from a derived assembly like I usually do… why in the world will it not unfold, and show a preview of the unfolded in the other direction??
At first all was working… until I added a part (see the circled item in picture), and I don’t have any problem usually!
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Jun 14, 2013
Assembly comprised of multiple components all derived from the same master sketch "4 Inch Rail Master Sketch"
Using the sketch to drive geometry, using the parameters to drive various extrude lengths.
Geometry changes seem to propogate quite well, while parameter changes do this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Generally have to open each individual part and "edit derived part" to force changes to propgate...
files attached (move end of part marker down for all .ipts).
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Feb 8, 2013
I have a part that was derived from an assembly. However now I need to make this part have different center dimensions. Is there a way to make a derived part into an iPart without creating more parts? see attachment.
I am using Inventor 2012. BTW the part is more detailed than I am showing in the attachment.
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