Is it possible to create a block to insert on our title block that will populate itself with a list of drawings and names?
I know this is possible through the use of LISP and the Sheet Set Manager, but could this be done through a combination of attributes and fields (we want the same functionality in LT).
I'm trying to insert our company logo (a DXF file) into the a title block definition however the insertion point seems to default to 0,0.How can I insert it with a user defined insertion point?
You will see from the attached screen snipe what I mean about being forced to insert it at the 0,0, coordinates. I'd like to insert it into clear space then scale it and move it into replace the existing logo.
I'm trying to edit an architectural Title Block. I've went into block editor and did attribute definitions. However, when I save it I can't insert it into a drawing. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?
1. I want to all selected profiles or blocks set to one object, than continue to select second object,(see attached drawing file). How to write the "ssget" lisp.
2. Command "line" ask me specify next point.
3. Found object boundary prompt me to "select oblect", when i selected profile, with the error: bad argument type: consp.
I have just finished my design and I wanted to insert a title block and annotations with pictures using the paperspace option. I want to print the design out onto A1 Paper (80000mm x 56000mm) to a 1:100 scale.
What I want to know is what is the dashed line, how do I make the paperspace A1 size and a 1:100 scale, as well as wanting to know how to make the title block and add annotations to the design.
One problem I am facing is that any line I do create comes out bold as well as when I zoom into the drawing itself every line is bold. Why is this?
We have a title block and border which is used in MS. If this is referenced using AMTITLE then it acts as expected. We issue these to some external people to create our drawings but they have been using CTRL-C and V to place them in a new drawing. ACAD does now not see them as a Title block or border but as blocks. We have a process to bring DWG's into SAP and this will check for a title block and border.
The issue is we need to fix these drawings and currently this means removing the borders and title blocks and placing new ones then adding all the attributes again. Is there a way to convert the blocks back to how they should be?
I have an existing title block a few text attributes, to which I wish to add a watermark. I have added it in the block editor as a normal attribute, with the same details as the other attributes that work, only a different tag name. It has a default value, "DRAFT" and is tagged "WMARK". It works fine in the Block Editor, and If I test the block I can edit it to display whatever I want, but if I save the block and open it from Autocad proper, the attribute is not in existence, either as a default value, or editable from block properties, attribute editor or title block editor, whereas all of the other attributes are there. I have used BattMan to verify the settings of the attribute, and the only difference is that the others all have "L" in the "Modes" column, but I think that means that their position is "locked" whereas my new attribute is justified "aligned" therefore cannot be "locked" (This is some assumption on my part, as the documentation on the "Modes" column is almost non-existent). I cannot afford to waste much more time on this issue, as the boss is breathing down my neck, but editing watermarks on every drawing after every revision is frustrating, when it could be an attribute that is editable from the title block editor.
I'm having some difficulty in deciding how to go about creating a title block for my drawings. I have attempted to create the title block with Document fields from the drawing properties custom properties tab, and creating the same fields with information from the Sheet / Sheet Set fields. Both title blocks used attributes inside the block to house the fields, and both were .dwt files.
Is there a way to take the properties from the .dwt drawing into a newly created drawing, or is there a way to link custom sheet set properties with a newly created sheet set? The main goal is to not have the user manually input multiple custom fields either in the drawing properties or the sheet set manager of the new drawing.
Q) A user will enter information for a new drawing into the Excel file, this will generate an autocad drawing (title block and attribute information) and fill in the title block based on the information in excel file.
Q) a user will create a new autocad drawing from the new templates and fill in the title block. This information will automatically fill in the Excel file.
i am trying to set up templates at a new job and i want to create templates with an xref for the title block so when we start a new drawing, we use the template, save to the project file and everything is there with our title block already xref'd. my problem is, the path on the xref'd title block stays the same and is still referencing the location of the file i used when creating the template. if possible, when i save the new drawing to the project foldeer i want the xref to also move to the project file and the path to the xref to change.
I have created a dynamic block with a stretch, flip and rotate. Everything works great in its file. When I insert it in another file, the grips move but the block does not change.
I'm editing a title block using the Block Editor. Unfortunatelly after closing the block editor the linse & Polylines reflect the changes apported in nodel space, but the text did not mouve?
I am learning autolips and i found a problem that i can´t solved.
(vl-load-com)(defun c:pmb ( / ss ent pt )(prompt " selec block : ")(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) (setq ent (ssname ss 0)), (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))) (command "point" pt)) wich this code you select one block and insert one point at insert point´s block.
which this other code yo select all block and insert all point.... but in one block
here a little of my code i want to use for insert a block :
BlocDef = tr.GetObject(BlocDef.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite)For Each ent As Entity In CollObject BlocDef.AppendEntity(ent) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ent, True)NextCollObject.Clear() BlocDef is a BlockTableRecord CollObject is a DBObjectCollection.
But how i can insert in the CollObject my inserted Block with attribute and dynamic ?
i can easy add rectangle or circle but i dont know how for block. to do that actually i add directly in database with a transaction.
I have a block that i want to insert several times and revised each one to be different to do this i would have to insert it and rename the blocks that come in and then reinsert i would like to insert and have a lisp explode the main block and rename the other 2 blocks with a suffix at the end depending on how many times its in the drawing... can this even be done? My original block name that will be first inserted is "BENT PULLEY NOTES" it needs to explode after i drop it in and then there are 2 blocks within that called "Bent Pulley" and "Bent Pulley DYN" that i was hoping to keep the names but add a number at the end depending on how many are in the drawing already...
here is a lisp that i have found... it would work if i didn't have nested blocks and only wanted the one block to be insert and not explode...
(defun c:Test (/ e i name Bname ) (setq e nil) (command "_.-insert" "Drawing1.dwg" pause "" "" "") (if (setq e (entlast))
I have a pallete button that inserts a block then a drag jig to position it. The block is first inserted at 0,0 and dragged.
The block at 0,0 remains visible while a "duplicate" block is dragged. Is there a way to hide the original?
Insert block then calling the drag jig.. AddViewBlock(New Point3d(0, 0, 0), 0, ColorIndex, trans) psr = ed.SelectLast() DragView(psr.Value, "Bar Insertion Point")
In the DragView procedure I have:
Public Sub DragView(ByVal SS As SelectionSet, ByVal sPrompt As String) '.... Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.Drag(SS, vbLf & sPrompt, New DragCallback(AddressOf MyDragCallback))
I am trying to insert a dynamic block and position and stretch the block, using the linear parameters, depending on values entered into a form.
I managed to create a form that would draw a series of boxes. And i managed to create a routine that would insert a block and size it depending on fixed values but i can't link the 2 together.
I am using Autocad 2007 I made several blocks with att. And I use this drawing and copy it to the samples/design center folder so that I can see the blocks that I created on the Design center window for use on different other drawings.
My problem is that if I make a cange on the ORIGINAL block drawing how can I update the inserted blocks on the other drawings? I try to delete the block from the local drawing insert block list (is this possible?) to paste the block again with the new changes, but somehow even when I grab the new modified block to inserted again when I do it, it takes the shape of the old version!
I have searched high and low and still could not find a tutorial to really explain how to create a drawing title with attributes (Detail Number, Sheet Number, Detail Title, Detail Scale). All I find are on creating dynamic block, which I could achieve, but I need one for a block that has (or will have) attributes.
I was able to find a tutorial on attributed door numbers, but it does not work for drawing titles that has attributes. GOAL: I would like to have all my seven drawing titles in one file and to be able to stretch the leg of any selected title to a desired length.
(again): how to create one title block that fits all paper sizes?
In the ArcGIS, the same layout can fit all paper sizes and there is no need to customize the layout for each paper size manually. For example, if the map is set up based on A4 paper size and then needed to be printed in A0 size, then all the lay out elements will be automatically proportionally changed to fit the new paper size.
I’m not sure if there is an equivalent features in the AutoCAD that handle this issue
I'm trying to chnage the text of the sheet number and total sheet number attributes for each layout in my drawing. I have code that adds and deletes the specified pages, now I need to edit the attributes to reflect the correct page and correct total amount of pages. Here is my code, based on my old VBA version.
I know there is a problem with the line:
For Each item In myBTR.ObjectId
I've used a number of websites and books, but I would really like to find something that teaches about block tables, block table references, block table IDs so I can get a better understanding of breaking stuff down to get the info I need.
Public Sub updatePageNumbers() Dim myDWG As Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Document Dim myDB As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database Dim myTransManForPageNumbers As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager Dim myTransForPageNumbers As Transaction
I am creating a title block in Revit Architecture 2012. I am trying to create new labels for my title block and cannot seem to get it to work. I created a shared parameter and added the parameters I wanted to add to my title block. I chose the "common" discipline and the type of parameter as "text". I added these parameters to the label parameters I wanted to insert into the title block. When I do so they show up in the edit family, but when I load them into my project they don't show up.
Drawing contains a block with "BlkName". I want to insert blockreferences of this existing block using .Net. All shows how to insert a new block and then use the BlockID returned by the insert function. In my case I only have the block name and there is no Block id. How to get it or how to create a block reference of an existing block?
How to create a 'No/Yes' or visibility parameter for a title block? I have my Architectural Seal as an image inserted into my title block family. I want to have that as a parameter for visibility so I can have it turned off until I am ready to print for final building department submission filing.
If possible, this would be a global adjustment so I would operate this parameter once and will affect all the sheets in the project instead of having two title block families and swapping those out at the time of filing.
I am trying to create a single layout with title blockandviewport to save as a template for future. Right clicking on the layout tab does not produce the menu.
I create a new layout by selecting page set up manager in the file menu, create a new layout, but the tab does not show up at the bottom.