AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Create One Title Block That Fits All Paper Sizes
Mar 28, 2012
(again): how to create one title block that fits all paper sizes?
In the ArcGIS, the same layout can fit all paper sizes and there is no need to customize the layout for each paper size manually. For example, if the map is set up based on A4 paper size and then needed to be printed in A0 size, then all the lay out elements will be automatically proportionally changed to fit the new paper size.
I’m not sure if there is an equivalent features in the AutoCAD that handle this issue
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Oct 28, 2013
I am trying to create a single layout with title blockandviewport to save as a template for future. Right clicking on the layout tab does not produce the menu.
I create a new layout by selecting page set up manager in the file menu, create a new layout, but the tab does not show up at the bottom.
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May 15, 2012
I need drawing borders in special formats - can't use the DIN or ANSI formats. How do i create these special paper sizes / layouts in auto cad 2007?
Example: i need a paper size / layout 56 in wide and 22 in high.
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Mar 7, 2012
I'm having issues with plotting. I have my page setup as 17 x 22 (Landscape) and am designating the plot area to plot extents. I am trying to plot to 22 x 34 (size "D" portrait). The current paper loaded is 22" in a HP Design jet T770. When I do a plot preview, the drawing looks correct. However, when it plots it trims off the top part of the drawing. I'm trying to figure out what is causing this. The drawing is orientated correctly when it comes out of the plotter so I know it's not a portrait/landscape issue.
I just tried plotting a 30 x 42 titleblock to the same size paper "D" portrait, and get the same problem. This happens if I use extents and window.
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Jul 3, 2011
I created a Title Block in Model Space with a Scale of 1:100. When I copy it with Base point and paste it in Layout Paper space it do not fit with the default paper space. What will I do?
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Feb 15, 2012
We have a title block and border which is used in MS. If this is referenced using AMTITLE then it acts as expected. We issue these to some external people to create our drawings but they have been using CTRL-C and V to place them in a new drawing. ACAD does now not see them as a Title block or border but as blocks. We have a process to bring DWG's into SAP and this will check for a title block and border.
The issue is we need to fix these drawings and currently this means removing the borders and title blocks and placing new ones then adding all the attributes again. Is there a way to convert the blocks back to how they should be?
AutoCADM 2011 SP2
XP 32-Bit SP3
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Oct 26, 2012
Is it possible to create a block to insert on our title block that will populate itself with a list of drawings and names?
I know this is possible through the use of LISP and the Sheet Set Manager, but could this be done through a combination of attributes and fields (we want the same functionality in LT).
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Jul 11, 2011
I just started a new job and am struggling to set everything up the way my old company had AutoCad configured. My old company actually had people that were involved in writing the code for AutoCad on the payroll, so hopefully what I'm looking for isn't some intense computer programming issue.
In short, I am trying to be able to create a generic title block in model space, and reference that title block into paper space of a new drawing without having to create a new tab or anything first. A new paper space tab is automatically created upon attaching the new title block. My old company had its own custom menu bar with lots of custom commands, so the work flow would go something like this: "Old company name" in menu bar -> "Insert" -> "Title Blocks" -> "24x36 title block" (or whatever size we wanted to use obv). Once the desired title block size was selected, a new tab would be created in paper space with the title block as an xref, and a copy of the generic title block was saved to the main folder containing drawings of the project, and could be edited with the specific project info from there.
Is there a semi-easy way to do this, or is this a coding issue that a non-programmer such as myself might have some difficulty doing?
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Nov 19, 2012
I am tying to create a Dynamic Block of a steel angle of multiple sizes and thickness. I used Dynamic Blocks before and live the idea of changing sizes on the fly with out having to delete and recreate an object.. I got as far as creating an angle of different sizes, i.e.. 4x4, 5x5, etc. and different thickness but can't get the thickness to work with the radius of the angle.
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Mar 21, 2013
I know how to insert title block in a layout tab. i want the title block to be the same block in all the tabs i am using. if i have 10 tabs i would like each layout tab to have the same title block. i will also need properties to where i change the date on the cover sheet, all layout tabs will be changed at the same time.
this also needs to be 1 file and not a base file and xref.
i know this works because i am working in autocad where it is implemented. this was done by an individual before i started at this job.
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Feb 25, 2013
Ok I was able to build a title of my needs but what I'm not able to do is when I insert it to a new drawing i can't put in new text to the title block like (title, scale, job no., date, approved, check, job and so on) but i'm able to put in add text to the templates on auto desk so how do i get my title block like that.
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Jun 5, 2012
I'm having some difficulty in deciding how to go about creating a title block for my drawings. I have attempted to create the title block with Document fields from the drawing properties custom properties tab, and creating the same fields with information from the Sheet / Sheet Set fields. Both title blocks used attributes inside the block to house the fields, and both were .dwt files.
Is there a way to take the properties from the .dwt drawing into a newly created drawing, or is there a way to link custom sheet set properties with a newly created sheet set? The main goal is to not have the user manually input multiple custom fields either in the drawing properties or the sheet set manager of the new drawing.
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Aug 27, 2013
Q) A user will enter information for a new drawing into the Excel file, this will generate an autocad drawing (title block and attribute information) and fill in the title block based on the information in excel file.
Q) a user will create a new autocad drawing from the new templates and fill in the title block. This information will automatically fill in the Excel file.
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Mar 3, 2011
i am trying to set up templates at a new job and i want to create templates with an xref for the title block so when we start a new drawing, we use the template, save to the project file and everything is there with our title block already xref'd. my problem is, the path on the xref'd title block stays the same and is still referencing the location of the file i used when creating the template. if possible, when i save the new drawing to the project foldeer i want the xref to also move to the project file and the path to the xref to change.
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Apr 23, 2012
I already build sheet system ,and I found when I revise title block template,my sheet not update automatic,I must create new sheet,and double-click it to open it, then you can see update,who know why?
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Feb 6, 2013
AC 2012, Win 7 64 Bit..I sent up this template a while ago, and for the life of me, I can't remember how I setup the text in the title block.I had it set so some text would only have to be changed on the first sheet, and the remainder would automatically populate on a regen.
When I tried to duplicate it, in the field dialog box I can't seem to find out how I got the block reference. Field category=Objects, Field names=Object, Object Type=Block reference.
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Apr 25, 2012
So I have all my layouts in paperspace that are exactly how I want printed. The print preview shows everything properly but when printed the top and bottom of the title block does not print- it gets cut off for some reason.
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Jul 19, 2012
way I can link my AutoCAD title block attributes to excel and make changes in either excel or AutoCAD and then be able to run an update? The attributes would be “REV” “DWG_NO” “TITLE” “LOCATION” “DRAWING_SIZE” and “FILE NAME”.
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Jul 10, 2012
Is it better to implement the title block of an electrical drawing in the model space or paper space? I have a co worker who implements it in the model space as shown below. On the other hand, I was taught to implement it in the paper space and then bring in the drawing via viewport.
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Aug 29, 2013
Working in Autocad 2010, needed to insert my title block into my design, I know how to insert, but I can't get design to work in the middle of title block.
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Aug 8, 2012
I have searched high and low and still could not find a tutorial to really explain how to create a drawing title with attributes (Detail Number, Sheet Number, Detail Title, Detail Scale). All I find are on creating dynamic block, which I could achieve, but I need one for a block that has (or will have) attributes.
I was able to find a tutorial on attributed door numbers, but it does not work for drawing titles that has attributes. GOAL: I would like to have all my seven drawing titles in one file and to be able to stretch the leg of any selected title to a desired length.
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Mar 13, 2012
Is it possible to create a 'drawing scale' defined attribute inside my title block when brought into paper space? I tried setting it up using 'plotscale' fieldname with various formats and it keeps coming in as 1" = 1' or 1:1 rather than 1" = 20' because that's what my plot scale is inside paper space but my drawing scale is 20 scale. If I bring the title block in model space, it adjusts, but I don't plot from model space. Surely there's a way to make this automated inside paper space.
Also, I just setup a 'Date' attribute inside my title block today. What's the difference between Date, Saved Date and Plot Date? Will 'Date' update if its in a drawing and opened up a month from now and saved or do i need to take 'Date' out and replace with 'Saved Date' or Plot Date'?.
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Jul 2, 2012
Right now i am using model space only i didn't use the layout but i want create the A3 layout. And I need to attach our customized title block into the layout, how to make it the A3 lay out size and how to attach the title block into layout ?
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Aug 9, 2012
I am attempting to attach a title block into a layout. This is my process:
1. Go to Building1 drawing, and go to layout. Without any viewports created, I attach a dwg file named titleblock1.
2. When I specifiy the location and scale, I cannot find the attached drawing.
why can't I attach files larger than 1.5 KB? I can't attach anything useful!
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Mar 19, 2012
I have just finished my design and I wanted to insert a title block and annotations with pictures using the paperspace option. I want to print the design out onto A1 Paper (80000mm x 56000mm) to a 1:100 scale.
What I want to know is what is the dashed line, how do I make the paperspace A1 size and a 1:100 scale, as well as wanting to know how to make the title block and add annotations to the design.
One problem I am facing is that any line I do create comes out bold as well as when I zoom into the drawing itself every line is bold. Why is this?
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Sep 16, 2011
I am creating a title block in Revit Architecture 2012. I am trying to create new labels for my title block and cannot seem to get it to work. I created a shared parameter and added the parameters I wanted to add to my title block. I chose the "common" discipline and the type of parameter as "text". I added these parameters to the label parameters I wanted to insert into the title block. When I do so they show up in the edit family, but when I load them into my project they don't show up.
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Jun 27, 2012
How to create a 'No/Yes' or visibility parameter for a title block? I have my Architectural Seal as an image inserted into my title block family. I want to have that as a parameter for visibility so I can have it turned off until I am ready to print for final building department submission filing.
If possible, this would be a global adjustment so I would operate this parameter once and will affect all the sheets in the project instead of having two title block families and swapping those out at the time of filing.
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Apr 26, 2013
The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.
I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a title block inside my drawing and i want to link my title on the title of the file itself, so that if the title of the file was change, it will be change also inside the drawing.
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Sep 23, 2004
I`m using AutoCAD2004 with HP Designjet 800 Plotter.
The Plotter is connected to network.
I want to add some Custom Paper Sizes, however, when I open the options for the plotter(User-defined Paper sizes&calibration), I can`t add or modify paper sizes. The `Add` button is not available.
I set my computer to `Power Users` but still cant add. How to make the `Add` or `Delete` buttons usable?
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Mar 21, 2012
Trying to change the printable area of custom paper sizes?
I've plotter that allows me to create 5 custom paper sizes for each pc3 file, however after create them, i cant always access to change their printable area, you know adjusting their margins, and the strange thing is that this error doesn’t happen all the time,sometimes after a while trying they work, but just for a couple of times, after that the problem remains.
To be more clear, you can see on the image that it doesn’t recognize the custom paper size i have selected, however it works from time to time, allowing me to edit those margins, and after save them, they work just fine and i can use those paper sizes with no problems.
I've tried to edit the pc3 file through windows, and a message appears saying that an unknown error has occurred.
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