AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Converting CTB To STB Plot Tables
Nov 8, 2012
I am doing a little trial and error on possibly converting a drawing from .ctb to .stb. When we start a new drawing, it will be started using named plot styles so it shouldn't be an issue. But there are times when we receive a drawing from someone else and need to convert it.
The first thing I did was convert ctb to create a conversion .stb. Then I used convert pstyles to convert the drawing to named plot styles. For the plot style table I chose the conversion .stb I just created because it needs a color mapping table.
But I don't want to use the converted .stb table, I want to use my company plot style. So when I am in layer properties manager, Plot Style is still grayed out and I can't change it.
When I type in pstylemode, the default is 0 (read only). How do I change it so it's not read only and I can use my own plot style table?
How does one convert an stb file to ctb. I have tried using the CONVERTPSTYLES command to no avail. After selecting the stb for conversion, i am getting an error message stating that the stb does not contain a color mapping table and cannot be used to convert drawings.
I've plotted many drawings and I've always just taken it for granted that the plot style table that I typically use, monochrome.ctb, would be there to select in the plotting window. Usually, the drawings from my customer, have this option available to me in the plot style table when I get ready to plot. However, a few have come to me recently in which it was not available. Instead, the drawing had a monochrome.stb which does not plot out with a true monochrome appearance. I do not want this. I do not know how to get the monochrome.ctb style from my other drawings to work in my new drawings that only have monochrome.stb. I know very little about the different plot styles and how to modify them or import/export them. From what I gather by browsing this site is that you might be able to save plot styles to a folder in your computer and then import them to your drawing. Is this true? How I can get this monochrome.ctb to work in my drawings that only have monochrome.stb??
I just completed a new drawing from scratch and I'm ready to plot. Problem is that the plot styles are missing. I tried opening another drawing to see if the plot style would show up, and it did. For some reason this new drawing is missing most of the plot styles.
Is there a way to load them into this new drawing? Also, is there a way to avoid having to load them everytime I create a new drawing?
is it possible to have multiple plot style tables in one drawing ?
The purpose would be to plot xrefs with plot style table x while maintaining the company's plot style table for the drawing itself. The output would then be a plot in proper style for all parties involved.
This would save us the job of converting the layerstructure we get delivered by external parties to our own.
all of a sudden in AutoCAD 2013 and C3D 2013 my printing dies on me. usually it won't even print anything and when it does it prints WYSIWYG, no effect at all from the color table.
Some toggle I accidentally hit? (That Gizmo thing is suddenly showing up too)
Recently found another bug in X6. This time it is in the Pantone conversion tables when converting to cmyk. I had a job that had been updated over the years and the file was last used in X5. The colour in question was PMS 7406. The file opened fine & was converted to cmyk and sent to the printer unchecked. What could possibly go wrong - this file had been used countless times before without incident. Pantone 7406 breaks down to 18% magenta and 100% yellow (as per Pantone's own specification). X5 converted it to 17% magenta and 100% yellow. Near enough - I'm not going to quibble over 1%. However, opening the X5 file in X6 caused it to use the 'Pantone previous version' colour table (and you don't get any notification that it is doing it). Result is that it now converts the colour to 18% cyan, 24% magenta and 100% yellow. Where the #@**# did it get the cyan from? We are now talking about a completely different color!
It gets worse. If you create a new object in X6 and fill it with PMS 7406 (using the Pantone + colour table) and then convert it to cmyk, you get 6% cyan, 22% magenta and 100% yellow. Again, this is not the correct break down of this colour. Pantone is a world standard with known conversion to cmyk figures. InDesign can get it right, Illustrator can get it right, then why can't Corel? And how many other Pantone colours are wrong? I have used Draw for 20 years and this is the worst bungle yet (apart from version 4). For a program that tells the world it is a professional program to screw up like this beggars belief.
If we have to check every single Pantone to cmyk conversion against the Pantone specifications, then it just isn't worth using Corel in printing. Add this to the font problems in Font Navigator and the scale error in Barcode Generator and it make X6 pretty much useless in the print industry. Throwing in freebies like fonts, second rate web creators and Photo Paint are not much use when the flagship program is sinking.
When I convert a DWG file into a PDF file I end up losing image quality on the PDF. The PDF file produced is not of the same quality that is on screen of the AutoCAD.
The difference is also very noticeable when printing the two files. On a hardcopy of both files, the printed PDF file is of noticeably lesser quality than the printed DWG file.
Lines become jagged and there are subtle breaks in the PDF compared to the DWG.
I have a stationing line. I've used the block PTTICL to make ticks. The ticks display perfectly. I'll run through a plot preview and the ticks show on the plot preview. I push plot go to the printer and the ticks are not plotted.
I've checked the layer. They are on a layer that should print.
I've checked the block. The block is created on a layer that should print.
I've run through a number of options regarding the alignment label properties and found "display" to be equal to "true."
Everything else plots just fine. Only the station label ticks refuse to plot. My project is fairly short so the work around was to put a poly line right on top of the tick mark.
I have 4 corridors on same alignments (pics1). I created materials for each corridors (pic2). Then I created multiple section view for each corridor (pic3) ( for all corridors in section view table tab, i added corridors own materials). but cumulative material volume reset to zero at each new corridors beginning. In my project, corridors cumulative material volume value should continue from the previous corridor's value. Can i connect this volume tables or can i merge corridors ?
I managed to input the values of "Point Number", "Easting", "Northing", "Point Elevation" for 8 points of my CDC project that has 4 Sampling Locations with 2 Depths in each location - see the attched file for details. I also manually added the SampleID to the "Name" of each point. Now I want to do the following 2 things via the "Annotate" menu:
1) Add Labels: Instead of Point Number, I want to use the SampleID to label each point. How can I do it?
2) Add Tables: I have some chemical results/data (in Excel .csv file) for each point. I want to attach these chemical results/data to each point. Should I create an external Database? How can I designate that external Database is for the 8 points of my CDC8pts.dwg? How can use the external Database to label the chemical results/data to each point?
I have read some tutorials:
(i) I rotated my CDC8pts.dwg several times - the current view is from the Bottom of Z-axis and the Point Numbers are in the reversed mode!! How can I set the Point Numbers in the normal mode? If the Point Numbers are replaced by the SampleID, how can I set the SampleID in the normal mode too?
(ii) I saw the "Point Groups"/All Points thing on my CDC8pts.dwg, they appeared in this dwg, after I did the inputting for the "Point Number", "Easting", "Northing", "Point Elevation". Should I do something on the "Point Group" before I do 1) and 2)?
I'm working in Civil3D 2011. How to export the data from the surface volume tables to excel, or any other format outside of Civil3D?
Or maybe a better question: how to create a stage storage table automatically within Civil3D? The elevations table gives volumes per elevation class, but I'm trying to get cumulative volume stored below various elevations in my reservoir.
When i try to Add a Alignment Table for curves , and everry time i select the aligment or it's lable , it tells me that no Item Found,now what exactly i'm supposed to select ?
i use C3D 2012 Sony VPCCW26FA Intel Core i5 M 520 @ 2.40GHz 8192MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512MB Dedicated
I am doing a project and I have a lot of feature lines. I will need to be able to lable these feature lines with tags and then create tables for those. My question is, is there an easy format that I can do that will lable these lines in an order I set it up? Right now it just lables all over the place. The lines are counting the curves too. For example: L1 L2 L3 C1 L5 L6 C2 L8. I can make it work, would just think there is a better way. BTW I am using Civil 3D 2011.
tried to insert Excel tables into 2013 3D? It worked fine in 2012 but we just upgraded to 2013 and it no longer works. We get an error message that Excel is not supported. Is this a new feature or a bug? Also, our old drawings with the table already inserted does not plot normally. The table characters print at diffent sizes.
I just began messing around with linking excel and autocad (disappointed that you can't link to .xlsm but that will go on the wish list). I was wondering if there was already a post as to how to not lose your fields when you download from source. I have a table that has fields from my sheet set with drawing names etc...but everytime I click download from source it converts the field to plain text.
I want to export data from AC3D to Excel; I've tried to do it with copying directly the tables I made, but it isn't text or number format.For example, I want to get the data from this table:
I know that with previous versions of autocad it could be done.In addition, I also want to get value table of the calculated cant of the "Cant Tabular Editor":How can I get a table of this data? I need it because I have a lot of curves and I want to do some verifications of the standars of my country.
I am working on a corridor project where I have to make section views of the road. I created my sample lines by range of stations, and made all of my section views from there. Now I need to add volume tables for each section view.
I have 28 section views, and more to come when I do another set of sample lines for another road, and I don't feel like going through each section view individually to make volume tables for them.
Is there a way I can create total volume tables for all of my section views at the same time? It would save a lot of time!
I've got the Pipe Table style just as I need it except for one thing. I have all circular pipes and I would like the "size" column to display in inches rather than in feet. In the past I was able to multiply this number by 12 in the style composer but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
Anytime i have to go backwards it is such a hassle. In this case i need to convert it to 2010 with no aec objects.
I have etransmit to 2010 exploded aec, but the wipeouts become 3d faces. I feel i spend way more time then it should take. Are there any third party softwares?
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
Is there any way converting surface to 2d hatch ? I am making plan view to show materials used to make my road , to do that i need to hatch all the plan in different hatches ( for example sidewalks - green, paves -yellow, shoulders - brown... ) .
I could try hatching closed polylines made from corridor feature lines , but i get often an error that my boundaries aint closed . SO i started to think , maybe there is a way to do something from surfaces.
I am trying to convert my corridors to solids and under toolspace-settings-corridor-commands there is a command called export corridor to solid but this option is not coming up in my toolspace.
I made this original file in civil 3d 2013 but am working on in in civil 3d 2014
I have some polylines that mark the edge of roadway and around the curves there are arcs in the linework. How do I turn the polyline with arcs in it into a polyline with vertices, say, every .5' or so along the curve and turn the curve into a polyline? I tried the pedit and using decurve but it doesn't work well.
I have a project that I need to get GIS data converted to CAD so I can edit in CAD. I am not looking to convert it back to GIS. I've tried the Export to CAD but all I get is line work. The GIS data is for water, sewer & drainage. I need to get the manholes, valves, etc. Not being familiar with the GIS software (ArcGIS) Maybe part of the problem is not using a seed file in the conversion.
When using "convertpstyles" to convert from ctb to stb I am asked to select a stb file. When I do I am given an error that says the color mapping table I have selected does not contain a color mapping table and cannot be used to convert the drawing.