AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Converting Corridors To Solids?
Dec 13, 2013
I am trying to convert my corridors to solids and under toolspace-settings-corridor-commands there is a command called export corridor to solid but this option is not coming up in my toolspace.
I made this original file in civil 3d 2013 but am working on in in civil 3d 2014
I've been trying to convert 3D dwg models to 3D dgn models without success, using AutoCAD 2012.
The DGN either displays the solid, which isn't visible in a Microstation extraction or it just exports the centrelines/linework and not the solids.
Is this possible in newer version ? i.e. 2013/2014.
I've tried the export to ACIS .sat file and that works fine, but it moves everything to the same lavel/layer which defeats to object of seperatng the items in the first place.
I have several IGES files that I need to make into solid models. I have been searching for days on how to do it in Inventor 2012 and everyone says how easy it is, but yet I have no luck. This file was created from a scanned mold and then made using a point cloud.
I have a proposed road with a varying curb line. There is a minimum 5 foot tree lawn between the back of curb and sidewalk. I have used a lane transition and attached it to an alignment to get the curb to follow. Also used the urban sidewalk with buffer widths.
How do I connect the back of curb to the sidewalk and keep the sidewalk in the same offset from the baseline. In the attachment, I have used a zero inside boulevard width and slide the sidewalk over from the curb line in my assembly. Will this work?
what is the benefit of using corridors rather than simply using all of the things that go into a corridor--alignments, surfaces, profiles, sections, assemblies (which I don't understand yet either)--independently?
Is it just for design visualization? Does it have any benefit for developing construction plans?
I'm designing a single 2% cross flow blke path. I wanted to reverse the cross flow so I created two corridors, one flowing to the left and one flowing to the right along the same tangent centerline. I want to add a 50 foot warp transition in between them. I'n not sure how to do that. I thought of the intersection design but that won't work.
I have a decent understanding of how corridors work, and I am able to generate material volume tables for earthworks, I can edit my corridor and everything is all synced up as far as I can tell. Where I am having trouble is removing topsoil (with a volume generated) and then using that new 'section' to calculate cut and fill.
The project is a new road for a subdivision. Topsoil is to be stripped only within the limits of the back of curb, and anywhere the fill is greater than 300mm (a foot).
What I was trying was to use the stripping topsoil subassembly, with a foreslope of 0:1 and a width based on my corridor. I would have this subassembly on the let and right, and the attachment point would be the crown of the road. Then I would create a surface using the stripping feature lines and the stripping link to calculate the topsoil removed. Then I would use this surface as the Base to compare for my Earthworks.
The problem I was having is the Topsoil surface wouldn't follow the actual topsoil feature line in the sections, and would get some pretty wonky stuff happening with regards to the TIN lines of this surface. Flipping the TIN lines seems very difficult to do properly and efficiently.
What is the advantage of creating a seperate corridor for an intersection? Doing so requires leaving gaps in the road corridors at the intersections which creates a mess in the surface triangulation through the gap. I know we can clean it up by creating a composite surface and pasting all the pieces together but how tediious that is!
I was wanting to keep the intersections as seperate corridors because if we add them to the road corridor we end up with numerous duplicate baselines which makes editing and data management a nightmare.This whole process is a huge time consumer. I can't understand how Autodesk expects DOT's to adopt this software with this workflow.
I was happy to get my Data Shortcuts set up (1) for myself: to create corridors of different design scenarios in separate drawings, and (2) to share data with my project team members.
Referencing and viewing them seems to be ok.
But I haven't been able to model a Corridor along an alignment, profile, tying to surface referenced from data shortcuts. I think I did once, then had problems after removing and re-creating, maybe re-naming some Data Shortcuts. Is that a "No, no" ? I didn't mess with any of the XML files, created everything from Civil 3D. I might have to delete everything and start with a fresh Data Shortcuts folder.
When I re-select Alignment and Profile for Corridor, then OK - it locks up. I created new sample lines along the new alignment. Maybe need to start with fresh corridor. How much am I going to have to re-create? Possible hang up locations?
Trying to add slope markings on my corridors, and the only way I can find is to do it in the Corridor properties > Slope markings, then click add slope pattern, which asks you to select featurelines top and bottom of slope. Surely there is a way to simply switch on or off slope markings where in cut or fill?
How do you merge a ramp on to the main highway using corridors? Also how would you make that surface with two different alignments? I have my main road alignment and a ramp that comes on to it so the problem I'm having is making my 3d model with the road and surface combine.
I've changed my workflow slightly and have created 4 junctions via the wizard but kept them all in the same Corridor (previously I kept each one in its own corridor).
I now need to create the formation surfaces for the corridor (in the way I always have done it) but only one of the junctions has a surface. I then added a show boundary and the "missing" surfaces appeared but with many connecting triangles and superfluous triangles in the curved areas.
How to get a nicely shrink wrapped surface or is it a matter of brute force removal of triangles etc?
I've created a T intersection and have created the surface for the T corridor and the entering side road. The surfaces appear correct. When I create a surface for the main road, which has been split into two regions, the surface goes thru the T corridor. How do I create a surface that simply goes up to the T intersection and picks up again after the T intersection?
I have a mainline corridor which is intersecting with a side road corridor that is curving towards the mainline. After the PT of the curve, the two alignments are parallel and I am using an offset assembly here for the sections. What is the best way to handle the area where the two corridors are coming together. As far as I've been able to tell, I cannot use an offset assembly through the curve. There will be a ditch between the two that needs to be shown someway or another. I've attached a screen shot.
I'm thinking of creating separate corridors for my stripping calculations and then using the stripping datum surface as my main EG surface for a more accurate Cut/Fill quantity. In this instance I have 10 corridors for my primary roads, and adding another 10 corridors for the stripping seems like a lot of effort, but it's probably necessary.
I am new to Civil 3d, and have just completed the first pass on a design that includes several corridors. I am confused on the best way to prepare actual drawings.
I initially thought that plan production would be useful, however it seems that these are fixed. It seems odd that draft drawings cannot be present for review and editing. Is this correct or am I missing something?
It also seems like a huge task to generate the styles required to present the corridor in an appropriate format for a drawing, let alone several drawings that may have different requirements - in particular for a new comer who would not have set up the range of styles.
Therefore I consider two approaches are feasable - XREF the corridor or Extract Polylines.
I now think the best way to prepare drawings is to export polylines of the key components of the corridor and prepare drawings using this. This would be combined with the alignment, pipe and surface data, that can be used in the drawings via Data Short Cuts.
Is there a way to toggle visibility of a corridor in a drawing where the model has been Xref'd into? The problem I am having is that we have one Model drawing that has a corridor.This Model is xref'd into multiple drawings. Not all drawings should show the corridor.
The only way I have found so far is to go into model and toggle the corridor on and off depending on which drawing I want to print or view. It creates problems when you want to run a Publish of multiple drawings because you always have to goof with the Model file. This seems a bit of a step back from being able to toggle visibility of objects in a drawing file with an xref atached and leaving it that way and ready to be printed at any time.
I have a main road corridor and a small access road corridor that intersects the main road. I don't want the intersection to have curb returns because I just want the access road to act as a driveway enterance (main road curb will run straight through and just get depressed at the access road enterance). However, I want the daylighting for the main corridor and the access road corridor to match up at this intersection and I'm not sure how to do this.
Is it possible to change the parameters of a subassembly - for example in an assembly comprising several subassemblies, can I change a parameter in Subassembly.LaneOutsideSuper, for example, to vary the Lane Width from 4m at CH90 to 3.25m at CH160m and keep it at 3.25m for the rest of the corridor.
I'm modeling a hydro scheme access track about 4m wide that meanders down a steep hillside at 1:8 with a couple of hairpin bends where the gradient is 1:20, what is the best way to model this?I have got polylines to define the hairpin and also offset alignments but I need to ensure that the outside edge of the hairpin at entry is used as a level target for the inside edge on exit for the length of the hairpin.
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I've created a few subassemblies with the SAC and I'm having problems with creating corridors.
When I import the subassemblies they always show up named "Subassembly2". Is this due to some installation problem... it wouldn't be a problem but I will be importing a lot of subassemblies and wouldn't mind cutting down my workload...
Another problem is that when I try to reimport an edited subassembly it will not update in ACC3D2010. I read somewhere that one has to restart civil in order for the changes to take place and that DOES work but is there perhaps another, more functional way, of updating subassemblies?
My third question is about corridors. When i try to make corridors with previously mentioned assemblies all goes well, untill (pause for dramatic effect!)... I add regions to the corridor. What happens is that the corridor doesn't model the different assemblies and only uses the assembly I first assigned to the corridor when creating the corridor.
What I'm trying to design is a set of tunnels where the tunnel cross sections and the elevation of the bottom changes.
I've recently started working with Civil2012/2013 (bit the bullet you might say).
I attended a course on civil about a year ago but it didn't cover all the bases.
My question: stripping calculation, is there a way fro civil to perform it automatically?
One way to calculate stripping (manually) is after i have all the tin volume surfaces, is to show the fill areas in the volume tables and then do the calculation myself.
I am preparing to model a road surface for a waterline project. I would like to be able to generate sections at desired stations showing the sewer, storm drains and joint utility trench along with the proposed water line. My plan is to model the road surface using a surface created from gradings and then create the pipe networks and joint trench.
My question is whether gradings or corridors would be the way to proceed. I have preliminary design data on the road surface which is sure to change.
I am currently working on a Stream Restoration project and am really struggling to find a flexible solution for modelling natural river corridors.
My Landscape Architect has provided me with a set of 2d-Polylines representing the proposed river alignment as well as some embankment lines. (Spline.jpg)
My first attempt was to create a corridor with a cross-section consisting of some generic links targeting my polylines. see attachment (Corridor.jpg). Obviously it results in a total mess. So I tried splitting the corridor in multiple sub-corridors targeting different lines as suggested by Dana Probert in her class on Stream Restoration. (Corridor1.jpg) However, given the curvature of these lines, the corridor simply never works as expected.
Question #1: is there any way to create a ‘smart subassembly’ which would prevent those bowties? Ideally I’d like it to be able to connect to subsequent vertices of the targeted line. Maybe the subassembly composer is capable of doing such magic tricks?
Since the corridor approach didn’t work I tried adding the Polylines as breaklines to a surface without any other definition. To assign some elevation data I converted them to Feature Lines. The original 2d-Polylines have been set to Fit -> Quadratic though and Civil 3d just refuses to accept them as they are. So I’d go splineedit -> convert to spline and then Flatten to convert them to Polylines back again.
This way I can convert my Polylines to Feature Lines, assign elevations in the elevation editor and add them to an empty surface. After playing around with the mid-ordinate distance and interpolation values I end up with something usable but difficult to manage (Surface feature line.jpg). The Flatten command converts my beautiful splines to a set of interconnected lines and arcs, which aren’t that easy to control. And for all this effort the resulting surface isn’t as smooth as expected (Object viewer.jpg).
Question #2: is there a way to convert splines to feature lines, or better yet – add splines as breaklines to a surface and derive their elevation from a profile?
My current solution to this problem is converting the 2d-Polylines to splines, and then back to Polylines via Splineedit. This way I get a Polyline with tons of straight but short segments. I convert them to feature lines, assign elevations and add as breaklines to the surface definition. The resulting surface is super smooth. It just isn’t easy to modify because of the amount of vertices that have to be moved to do any adjustments.
Question #3: Do you know of any better ways to approach this subject? All of the methods I’ve tried would have worked perfectly with a simple corridor. It’s the curvature that renders them useless.
I am working on some car parks and am using corridors. There are some area's that consist of seperate regions to tie up corner areas and junctions etc.
I am using link codes to create hatch and would like to use non-solid hatch. But the hatch does not appear to line up properly between regions, as shown on the attached image.
Intel Xeon E31230 - 3.20 GHz 4.00 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional - 64-bit Nvidia Quadro 600 - 1GB DDR3
I'm trying to model a tunnel network and I have come across a problem . The problem is best described with an example:
A sort of tunnel - or shaft - has to be blasted in order to make an access between the ground surface and a certain parking cavern. This access will be an escalator and the tunnel will be blasted in a 30 degree angle to the horizontal level. Normally when I design tunnel cross sections (CS) the contractor will blast the designed CS perpendicular to the designed profile.
I drew the tunnel CS with sub assembly composer and created an assembly in civil. I then made an alignment and a profile according to our design. And here is the actual dilemma: Civil draws the assemblies so that the assemblies are vertical and what I need is them to be drawn / modeled perpendicular to the designed profile. Is there a way to do this?
I will attach a .pdf and a .dwg of a surface profile along the alignment created (and tidied up) with civil 3d, in which I have tried to illustrate the problem in case my description isn't clear enough!