AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get Data To Excel / Get Tables Of Can't Tabular Editor

Mar 19, 2013

I want to export data from AC3D to Excel; I've tried to do it with copying directly the tables I made, but it isn't text or number format.For example, I want to get the data from this table:

I know that with previous versions of autocad it could be done.In addition, I also want to get value table of the calculated cant of the "Cant Tabular Editor":How can I get a table of this data? I need it because I have a lot of curves and I want to do some verifications of the standars of my country. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tables With Linked Excel Data

Sep 25, 2012

I have set up some autocad tables that are linked to excel data( using relative path) in an Autocad Architecture project template. In the xref dialog box, the data links are show as relative path e.g.   ..Standards excel file

After creating a new project from this template and right-clicking in one of the cells which have linked data and selecting "data links" and "open data links file" it opens the template excel file, not the excel file within the project folder.

If I use the xref command, select and right click one of the excel data links and select "open" it does open the correct excel file located in the current project folder.

The xref dialog box does show all the data links as relative path e.g.   ..Standardsexcel file.

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AutoCad :: Data Tables Linked To Excel Spreadsheets

Apr 19, 2012

I have a new issue that I am unsure what to do about.

This has never occurred with previous version of ACAD and this is the first time I created data links with Autocad 2012, and I am using the same procedure that I have successfully used in the past.

I have data tables linked to excel spreadsheets. I used the "TABLE" button on the ANNOTATE ribbon to place the table, and the layout of the cells assumes the layout of the excel spreadsheet, which is what I want.

As long as I don't Scale the table, I can Update the data table links just fine.

However when I scale the table and then update table links, the table layout changes drastically, and is undesirable.

I have tried locking the cells' but that will not fix the problem.

I want to keep the layout of the table that is assumed when I place the table originally. Is there any way to lock it as such?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Inserting Excel Tables Into 3D 2013

Oct 14, 2012

tried to insert Excel tables into 2013 3D?  It worked fine in 2012 but we just upgraded to 2013 and it no longer works.  We get an error message that Excel is not supported.  Is this a new feature or a bug?  Also, our old drawings with the table already inserted does not plot normally.  The table characters print at diffent sizes.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using Fields In Tables Linked To Excel?

Dec 6, 2012

I just began messing around with linking excel and autocad (disappointed that you can't link to .xlsm but that will go on the wish list). I was wondering if there was already a post as to how to not lose your fields when you download from source. I have a table that has fields from my sheet set with drawing names etc...but everytime I click download from source it converts the field to plain text.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Deleting Data From Pipe / Structure Tables

Jul 19, 2013

I am trying to delete a few rows in both my pipe table and my structure table but the 'remove items' button doesn't work.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Alignment To Excel As XYZ Data?

Jun 19, 2012

I was trying to export my alignment, at certain intervals, to excel (or text) as xyz data. I tried searching and found... Alignment to xyz

But it didn't really work. I can export the XY but not the Z in the report manager.

So my questions are.... How can I create a new report to incorporate the Z? Or is there another way to do it?

I should add I also tried the "Incremental Stationing Reporting" from the Profiles Report... However it doesn't recognize the profiles I've created? I get the "No FG profiles in....." even though there are?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Import Excel Data For Hydrograph Into SSA

May 20, 2013

How can I import excel data for a hydrograph into SSA for a sub basin? I have 10 subbasins each with their own hydrograph.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Linked Excel Table

Mar 15, 2012

How to insert a linked excel table into my drawing, however I have not figured out how to add rows to the table, the option is greyed out.  I can insert rows above and below the (inserted) table but not anywhere in the middle.

I've tried everything I can think of, even removing all the formatting in the .xls spreadsheet to no avail.  The cells are unlocked, I can manipulate the data, but not being able to insert rows is really hindering the efficiency of using a data linked table.

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AutoCad :: Importing Point Data From Excel To Civil 3D?

Jul 4, 2013

I have an excel sheet containing alignment coordinates i.e

Station Number
Eastings and
Tangential Direction

I wanted to export these into Civil 3d so that I can work with the info. What format would I save my excel document? is it 'text (tab delimited)' or 'csv (comma delimited) or formatted text (space delimited)?

I've tried all the above but I keep getting an error message from AutoCAD that point files not in right format

NB: Am using MS Office 2010

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import Excel Data In Templates

Nov 19, 2013

I am creating a template for my company with associated description keysets. The codes and attributes have already been created in an excel spreadsheet. Currently I am typing these all individually by hand but would like to import the excel data if possible.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Remove Excel Data Links From Reference Manager?

Jun 26, 2013

I am using Rel 2013 C3D

How do I remove excel data links from my Reference Manager (see attached image). What I have been doing is AutoCad erasing the graphics from my drawing but the link still remains in the xref manager window.

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AutoCAD LT :: Linking Excel And Tables

Aug 1, 2012

Well I had a day and a half trying to figure out how to bring Excel data into LT.  Again. Here is what I have found out:

Running Excel 2010 I have a xls files (of type '97-2003 xls - file includes VBA).  The file spits out a ton of data that I want to put in a schedule in AutoCAD.  The schedule format needs to match our standard format  -  RomanS in white and blue.

If I copy and paste as a link the font remains stuck as Arial (regardless of source font) and can't be relaxed unless you go one cell at a time in the text editor.  Also the resultant table size is tiny -   

If I save the file to .XLSM (macro enabled '10 excel file) the results are the same.  If I save the file to .XLSX ('10 excel file and ditch the VBA project) the results are sublime - the font is ok and I can go back and forth from AutoCAD to my now broken spreadsheet because VBA IS MISSING!   The resultant table size is tiny but I can deal. I don't see how AutoCAD can work with xlsx but not xlsm.   

I also found that if I save the sheet (values only) as a .csv file I can use that to create a table from file without font overrides screwing everything up.   

I'm running AutoCAD LT 32bit on a Win7 32bit OS.  My Office version is 2010.  I would like to link data to a '97-'03 version of an xls or an xlsm without having the font overridden to Arial.  

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AutoCad :: How To Insert Tables From Excel

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to insert tables into AutoCad from excel the problem that I have is with the text style.

Every time I copy and paste as a linked AutoCad entity the text does not come across as the correct text style - for example if I want the table text to come out as ISOCP it comes across in a bolder text, requiring me to enter in the cell and select ISOCP I don't have to highlight the text in the cell i only have to enter inside the cell.

See the attached video.

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AutoCad 2D :: Fields And Tables Over Excel?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm trying to do a spreadsheet inside a drawing. Trying to use fields because I believe they behave better with feet and inches than excel (without jumping through hoops)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Source File And Path In Data Shortcuts Editor

Sep 18, 2013

I need to update both the path and the Source file name in Data Shortcuts editor.  If I update the path, it looks in the new path for the old file name, and throws an error.  If I update the File name, it looks in the old path for the new file name, and throws the same error.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Offset / Elevation Data From Cross Sections To Text File / Excel

Jun 9, 2010

I am using Civil3D 2010. I am trying to export the offset/elevation data from my cross sections to a text file or excel file so i can paste the info into another program. so far i've been labeling the offset/elevation info on the section and typing it into excel by hand.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Section Editor Data Overrides Not Displaying In Cross Sections?

Jan 9, 2014

I have added intermediate sample lines in my corridor.  These sections appear in the section editor and I can make changes to the data.  The changes show correctly in the section editor and section view, however, when I plot the cross sections some of these added stations do not show the overrides.  They are showing the original assembly group parameters.  How do I get all the cross sections to reflect the edited data from the section editor?

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AutoCad :: 2010 And Creating Tables And Linking To Excel Spreadsheet

Jul 9, 2012

I've previously used Autocad 2008 Electrical. I've just started a new job and I have been asked to update some electrical drawings from a recent project. My current employer use Autocad 2010 as opposed to Autocad Electrical which I have previously used.

The problem I have is that I have a drawing with a table linked to an Excel spreadsheet that displays an I/O table.

Since the drawings have changed the amount I/O has increased.

I have a new excel sheet with the new I/O list which is larger than the old I/O list.

When I "point" the Table to look at the new spreadsheet in the "Modify Excel Link" Dialogue and alter the "Link to Range" Tab to my new desired excel sheet and apply the changes the table. The new excel sheet populates the table correctly until the end of the old table used to stop then the format goes all to hell and the new part of the table is way out of scale and at 90 degrees out to the original table.

I think I am possibly missing a step somehwere when updating the Data Table Links!?!?....Do I need to alter the table properties somewhere too?.

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AutoCad :: More Accurately Import Excel Tables Using AC Entities With Datalink?

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to import an excel table into AC as an AC entity with a datalink so I can update the excel file. However the AC entities import looks like a disaster! (see picture)

How can I import it in a way that will more accurately maintain more of the formatting of Excel? I'd rather not use the MS spreadsheet import because then it looks distractingly unnatural...

I imagine there isn't really a solid answer for what I'm trying to do, just looking for some tips and tricks to make it slip in a bit better


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AutoCAD LT :: Use Excel 2010 Into Drawings To Set Up Tables - XData Handle Unknown

Jun 20, 2013

I have LT 2012.  I use Excel 2010 into my drawings to set up tables.  When I opened the drawing I've been working on, I had lost all of yesterday's data.  Command History shows dozens of these notations, "AcDbLine(41859) XData Handle Unknown, Null"   In Help it says you can no longer turn handles off, so it should be ON.  How can I point the drawing to my Excel data?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Tables Linked To Excel Changes Format When Sheet Edited

Sep 16, 2013

I've started using tables linked to excel files for drawing index on cover sheets. My problem is when I delete or add lines on my excel sheet it changes the format on some of the cells changing font size and justification on some cells of my table. The changes to my table seems random.

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AutoCad :: Data Extraction Tables

Sep 18, 2013

Here at the office we use a template I created using Data Extraction. After creating the table and inserting it, it works just fine. Then, if you make changes to the door or window you can click the "Download Changes From Source File" and it will update the table ... However, after saving it and trying to work on it the next day, it somehow unlinks the table I have in my drawing and I cannot "Download Changes From Source File" to update the table ... I checked under XREF and it shows it is loaded and I have it reading from the same path I saved it. I would like to know if there is a way to re-link the table to the .dxe file or how to prevent from it un-linking new tables?

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AutoCad :: Managing Data Between Tables?

Aug 13, 2013

I have Acad 2011 and Excel 2010 on my computer. What I would like to do is to create a list of materials in my autocad that will update from an excel table. The only problem is my Acad Table needs only some materials from that large spread sheet. For example when I write in my Acad table a piece number(col A) I would like to have a description coming automatic from excel (in col.b).

There will be hundreds of drawings with tables taking data from the same excel table.

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Photoshop :: Linking Excel Tables

Nov 20, 2012

I'm really in trouble at work on linking Microsoft excel tables to Photoshop. I have some excel tables. I want to import them into Photoshop (not as an image) that when i changed the values in cells (excel) i want the Photoshop file to update.. Should i use a script or any programs?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Combine Object Data Tables?

Jun 12, 2013

A large combined file in our GIS format corrupted. I dug out all the old files that were originally used to create it but they are too old and will not combine in the GIS.

I exported each one to SHP, and then imported all of them into civil 3d as shp files, creating object data. This meant that I could correct the corrupted sections, which I have done, but now I need to get it back into the GIS program with the object data intact.

The problem is that the object data, coming from several combined files, is in several tables. Each table contains the same identical fields. (eg every table has a field called drawing)

I need to combine those tables so that I can re-export the shape files. I need one table with all of the object data in it.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Read Only Data View Tables

Oct 17, 2011

I have an Excel spreadsheet I am testing to see how to edit table data in Map 3D and see the changes back in Excel. I have created the .udl file from my Excel file, which AutoCAD stores way down in the Data Links folder. I attach the .udl file as a Data Source. It shows the named range and I can view the table but it is always Read Only. I checked the Access permissions under Properties and none of the boxes were checked. So I checked ReadWrite but I still can't edit the table.

Then I tried just attaching it as an FDO provider. It links and displays the table just fine, but when I perform an edit (which it allows), the whole program crashes out without a single warning. Like I never had Map open.

This may be a Windows 7 permissions thing but since Map won't let me change the folder location where I save the .udl file, I can't test this out by putting it in a folder I know I have full access to.

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AutoCad :: Data Extraction Tables And Fields

Jun 10, 2011

I have created a data extraction table based on attributes placed on blocks. The data table is in my layout and it includes part number, dimensions, and cost. What I need to do is total the cost of all the items at the bottom of my table. I added in a row for the total cost which is not linked to the table but when I try to add a field in that cell to sum the cells above it (the costs), I get ###. I already tried unlocking the cells, but that didn't do anything.

How can I add a field summing these costs?

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AutoCad :: Merged Cells In Data Linked Tables

May 17, 2011

Table styles / Data linked tables. In particular when re-syncing the table from excel, cells that should be merged become unmerged.

i have unchecked excel formatting, as i am using table styles used in autocad, i did try getting it to work starting with excel formatting, but couldn't get styles consistent, and text was much fainter.

As it is now the tables are working well except for the merged cells!

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AutoCAD .NET :: VB / Map 3D - Reading Object Data Tables From DWG Inside Database

May 23, 2013

Would you have a solution to accessing ODTables for a dwg object only loaded into memory? I have 1000+ dwgs that I want to return a string with the names of the various ODTable names for auding purposes that I would prefer to just side load rather than full load for performance reasons.

 I'm attempting to use something like this (which works fine on an open drawing):

 Public Function ReturnOBJData(acObjIDIn As ObjectId, intOffset As Integer) As String   
 'Don't forget that table is 0 based offset so....plan accordingly    Dim strRet As String = ""    
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument    
Dim acDb As Database = acDoc.Database    Dim acEd As Editor = acDoc.Editor
[Code] .......

In a fashion along the lines of

Public Function GetTables(strFileIn As String) As List(Of String)    
Dim lstReturn As New List(Of String)    
Dim acMapApp As MapApplication = HostMapApplicationServices.Application    
Dim acActiveProject As Project.ProjectModel = acMapApp.ActiveProject    
Dim acTableList As Tables = acActiveProject.ODTables    Dim acTable As ObjectData.Table   

[Code] ....

The problem is that I can't seem to link the ODTables object off of the memory database object. In this sample, the msgbox always returns a count of 0 where I would expect it to be in the range of 1-4.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Messages - Conflict Between Data Tables In Open Drawings

Feb 6, 2009

Whenever I open a drawing in a certain project this error message always pops up.Some of the message details are:

-Parameter ERRCODE; Value 786433
-Error 786433 - Conflict between data tables in open drawings (57 consecutive occurrences)
-Parameter: APPLNAME Value: ad
-Parameter: CLASSNAME Value: airfield

this message box stops popping up when I open the drawings?

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