AutoCAD Architecture :: 2012 Crash With Empty Error Message On Exit?
Jun 27, 2012When a user closes ACA 2012 (sp2)he gets an empty crash message.
We are running win7 64bit.
When a user closes ACA 2012 (sp2)he gets an empty crash message.
We are running win7 64bit.
When trying to cut a section in ADT 2012 I get the following message:
Command: _AecVerticalSection
Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application.
How can i get ADT 2012 to cut the section i need?
have the problem of the Tool Palette not staying docked when you shut down ACA 2012? I have to reload it every time.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am using Inventor Product Design Suite 2012. When I try to exit Inventor 2012 it just hangs there indefinitely every time. I have to use task manager to shut down Inventor. It doesn't matter if I use Inventor during that session or not. It was installed with all default settings and most current patches installed. It was also installed with administrator privledges and UAC turned off. This ia a clean install on a new hard disk drive.
The AutoCAD products in the bundle will hang sometimes on exit if plotting was the last command in that session.
My system is:
HP XW 8400
Dual Zeon 3.0 GHz CPU's
4 GB Ram
NVidia Quadro FX1800 Graphics Card
Windows 7 Professional with all current updates
All drivers are current
There are no anti virus software packages on this system. The hard drive still has 120 GB free space.
Whenever I launch 3dsMax 2012, it crashes without any kind of error message, apart from the Windows one that gives no details at all.The launcher goes up to the "Starting 3ds Max" step and then stops.I tried to desinstall/reinstall, different languages (I'm French but I'd rather use the English version). I also deleted the .ini just so the program could recreate one but it did nothing.
In fact it worked once or twice, I could launch & use it normaly, but then it stopped working..I'm using Windows 7 64bits SP1 on an Intel i5 2410M, GeForce GT550M, all my drivers seem to be updated, etc.
Just trying to clean up a surface. I can swap edges fine. This project was a 2009 project.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am running acad lt 2012 on windows 7- at acad startup I am receiving a fatal error message
"unhandled access violation reading 0x008 exception at 4135104h"
Windows updates are all current.
We have AutoCad LT 2012 version. We encounter fatal error when we save the drawing. we cannot finish our job because everytime we save our work it will show a messsage FATAL ERROR.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOK then update. I select never show this message agian ever (my favorite ) - but guess what a it pops back up. Nothing is wrong with the assembly
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am getting an error message when I am trying to insert a schedule room tag. It does not matter which room tag out of the content browser I select, I get the same message. the message is as follow: "No symbol has been specified for the tag" All of the tags have worked up until today. Nothing has changed that I know of on our network and all of the paths seem to be pointing to the correct directories. We are currently using Architecture 2008. This problem is only coming up with these specific room tags.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen i open outlook i get error message
" Error:: Installation of Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2005 requires Administrator Privileges. Please log in with administrator rights before attempting installation of Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2005. "
I have 2 computers on the network with the same issue (one use outlook 2003 and other use outlook 2007)
why I get an exclamation point error message upon closing an AutoCAD file? And it can be two or three of the same error. That is, I close one error message and another follows it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to finish someone else's half finished project done in acad 2007. I'm working in Architecture 2009. I just opened a sheet template, xreffed the file into a viewport, and whenever I switch from model to paper space or back I get this message-
Cannot find the resource string number 25900 in resource AecXDisplayPropsData50-
One of the users in my office is getting the "AutoCAD cannot continue" error in AutoCAD Architecture 2012. I've read a few of the discussions concerning this issue in earlier versions.
View 2 Replies View RelatedProblem with AdobeOwl.dll according to debug report. Also Variations not working.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOn occasion when on a layout tab and making a few changes in model space and I preview while model space is still active, crosshairs disappear when I exit preview. So I then save, close and reopen, it is then back to normal.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
When working on an animation project our company has faced a strange problem. When switching from one network task to another 3dsmax is closed with an error, as shown in the screenshot. Since there are a lot of tasks, a number of such messages grows frightening.
Trying to get outside of a problem, we have tried all the combinations that came about. Backburner 2008 and 2012, 3dsmax 2012 with the service pack and without it, different versions of Vray, various workstations with Windows 7 and Windows 7 SP1, to no avail. As it turned out, the problem is not in the network rendering, but in the file itself.
There were no problems noticed when working with the file, but when one closes 3dsmax, there’s an error message again. Even if we clear the scene from objects, materials, and settings completely - the error remains. But most of all we were surprised by the fact that the saved cleared scene weights 86016 bytes, but an absolutely empty scene, saved right after the program was opened, takes 73729 bytes.
i have one dll i been making for many years with many programs inside. works fine and all. however when i close civil 3d i get the following message box (see attached)
i checked the load civil 3d app and release stuff no msgbox mentioned. all commented out.
Public Function RunCvl() As Boolean Try Try oAcadApp = Application.AcadApplication oAcadDoc = oAcadApp.ActiveDocument Catch ex
Why my MTEXT columns become very narrow and tall after I exit and re-open a drawing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy every drawing I open a drawing it starts to scan "purging empty groups"?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been creating/editing 3 separate projects/movies over the past few weeks and lately it seems that every time I exit X4 (after saving) the program exist the screen and then I get a window displaying the following error -The program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technical Support and send the dump for analysis and it displays the location of the .DMP file.Now I now on the face of it this doesn't affect me as it only occurs when I exit X4?
Should I send the DMP file or would that just be a waste of time (ie does the Corel 'engineers' actually check the DMP file users send them and do they reply?
Odd, and infuriating, problem. PS CS 5.5, Mac OSX 7.3 'Lion'.I was working on three small, not-complex PSD files. Each had been opened, saved, closed, reopened successfully several times.
When loading some .AI artwork to rasterize, Photoshop CS 5.5 got hung up on the open-file dialog box. I got the spinning beachball. Not only did PS stop responding to any input, but the entire Finder did - and eventually even the mouse cursor wouldn't move. I had to force a shutdown and reboot of the Mac.
When I got my system back up and running, I could no longer load those three files. Every time I try to load them, I get this error:'Could not complete your request because the file is empty.'
Acorn, Pixelmator, and Preview also fail to load the files. Preview tells me they're corrupted. Acorn and Pixelmator report unknown errors.Only one of those three fiels was actually open when Photoshop froze. Yet all three files have been affected.Their filesize on disk is non-zero - 70, 105, and 70 KB (small files, I know - 300 x 250 pixels, and again, not complex).
Duplicating the files doesn't work. Copying them to another volume doesn't work. They appear to be completely, permanently destoryed. Their thumbnails render in Finder, but the files refuse to open.Again, the files arenot huge, but they represent half a day's work.
I have downloaded AutoCAD 2012 and when I try to open it my computer automatically shuts off without even openig AutoCAD. I tried downloading the newest version of AutoCAD 2013 and it does the same thing. Inventor fusion seems to open and work properly but not AutoCAD.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAdobe Update Manager says all programs up to date. Crashes most frequently occur when using Blur or other Filters. 12.0.4 says it applies to AMD Catalyst, but my PC has Intel processor. It says it applies to CS6, but I have PS 5.1.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe company I am working for has the old 2000 version of AutoCad. They send me drawings with blocks and attributes. But when I start working on them the system will lock up and not let me do anything else. I can maybe get two or three commands in then it will lock up. It doesn't even let me send a C.E.R. (customer error report) I have downloaded all of the service packs and the hot fixes but the problem persists. I don't where to go from here. My co worker thinks it may be a memory problem but I doubt it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDev env: AutoCAD 2012, VS 2010, ObjectARX.Net 2012
A simple windows form command dll to test within the VS2012 + AutoCAD 2012
Bug: when debugging with VS2012, the first command runs fine and I can debug it with breakpoints etc etc. However, after the first debugging session, if I try "File"->"Open" or "New", file dialog will popup and then my AutoCAD 2012 crashs.
It won't happen if I compiled the dll, and load directly from AutoCAD independantly running instance.
This happened 3-4 times when I was using the trial version and I wasn't sure which program from the trials that was doing it, but it started after I downloaded and used the Adobe Clound trials so I stopped using them. Eventually I went ahead and upgraded to the subcription and have been using Illustrator and Muse for a few days now and have not had a problem until today. I had Photoshop open and minimized, as well as Illustrator, and walked away from my desk. When I returned, the screen was blue with the Windows "shut down to prevent further damage" screen. I have a photo of the message. I realized that I had been using Photoshop the last few times this happened also. It never happened before I tried this software and stopped when I stopped using the trial.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen i attempt to change any value of any dimension style, i am no longer given the 'Ok' option to finish and close the dialogue box. Instead i get an error code.
I recall that it arose when using civil 3D 2013 (which i've since uninstalled) and has continued into AutoCAD 2012 (installed post civil 3D 2013 uninstall).
This crashing of ACA 2014 on start-up is getting old.
A few times we thought we had it fixed only to have it return with a vengeance.
Seems to crash after loading Project Navigator files. Error log attached.
I need to re-install my ACAD 2013. I get to the Product License Activation Options and have the activation code when I first installed. This time it dont work. I bet it something to do with multiple install. Error code is: 0015.11.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOPEN and then try to browse to another folder and ACA crashes.It first started just when trying to SAVEIMG to save a just rendered to screen image. It would crash consistently when trying to change folders. Did a reinstall and it went away.Came back again and Now it's happening on OPEN as well. Every time. Have to drag files to ACA and save to which ever folder opens and then move it afterwards.I gather that ACA is using the windows folder system and there may be a clash there somewhere. I use AVG antivirus and I guess it's possible it is doing something like checking folders and causing problems.It has caused the browsers (IE and Chrome) to crash.Added an ignore acad.exe and whole folder to AVG but it still crashes.
Win7 sp1 64bit, 16gb RAM Core7 i7-2600 @ 3400ghz