AutoCAD 2013 :: Icon Disappear When Use Classic View
Sep 3, 2013I found that when I open the autocad using Classic view, the icon are dimmed as attache file, however, when I open it in annotation view, it is normal.
View 4 RepliesI found that when I open the autocad using Classic view, the icon are dimmed as attache file, however, when I open it in annotation view, it is normal.
View 4 RepliesIs there a way to switch to the classic tray view in AutoCAD 2014? What I am referring to as "classic" was the tray that had the more rectangular icons with words in them as opposed to graphics. The buttons would highlight if active. To ensure I am clear on what I am referring to as the "tray": the new tray has smaller, square icons, shown below.
View 6 Replies View Relatedwe have just installed CAD2011 on a new comp... and for the life of me- I an not remember how to change the view to 'classic'.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from 2007 to 2012 and the entire look and feel of the program is different. Like Microsoft, AutoCad has "upgraded" everything so overnight i have managed to go from marginally competent to totally inept!
I really really would like to know if it is possible to switch back to the classic view with the old tool bars and commands.
AutoCad 2012 and 13- PROJECT NAVIGATOR or project browser disappears in Classic view.
We are running 2012 and like the look of the older versions. We are using the Autocad Classic workspace, BUT the Project Browser and all that jazz is missing. Where or how do i get it back?
How to change the Tool display to the classic view, like the regular view back in the AutoCAD 2004/05 etc..
View 9 Replies View RelatedAutoCad 2012 and 13- PROJECT NAVIGATOR or project browser disappears in Classic view.
We are running 2012 and like the look of the older versions. We are using the Autocad Classic workspace, BUT the Project Browser and all that jazz is missing. Where or how do i get it back?
Where can i find the "plug ins" i have added to the autocad in the classic screen, (and their symbols also)?
(In the other screens there is a special "tab" named "plug- ins").
There are different results when executing polar array using the 'classic' method and the array using ACAD's standard array. I tend to revert back to the classic array as I find this more user friendly and tend to use this one over the standard ACAD array. Which methods are preferred by other CAD users ? I was wondering if any other CAD users prefer any other 'classic' functions over the standard ones. I sometimes use 'classiclayer' as well because of a display issue, not sure if this is a common bug that other users have found too ?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI use classic interface in Autocad. After minor modifications in menu of 2014 version, window list disappeared from menu bar. See picture below:
How it can be inserted here?
I'm referring to the new array ribbon, and not the classic mode (ARRAYCLASSIC cmd). Is it possible to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLightroom 3.6 icon disappear from desktop and startmenu. The operating system is Windows 7 Home. The icon disappeare after a couple of weeks. I need to repare the installation.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSmoke classic shortcut is not working for Schematic vuew in CF, tried on three machines. Also why there is short cat for all "delete" "add" but not just plain move anymore. space M is not working. What's the logic?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi having a fully working ribbon in ACAD2013. it is a registered dll that is originally coded in
unfortunatley the functionality is only visible at the drafting & annotation workspace but is desperatly needed in classic workspace mode.
for hours i am trying to find a way to make my functionality working in classic workspace too.
is it possible to extend the classic workspace in acad2013 with my functions? if so, how, or where can i get more detailed information to solve my task.
when i open photoshop elements 11 my thumbnails are displayed but then they quickly turn into an hourglass and then disappear and turn into a torn/ripped/broken page/photo icon.. i have tried refreshing, updating thumbnail, repairing cache, erasing cache, unistalling and reinstalling.. even tried too import same folder of photos on tw different computers and had the same problem. also, i can see the humbnails in windows explorer so i know the files are not corrupt or damaged.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen i started using 2011. I have 2 viewports active; plan and isometric view. But when I try to navigate in the isometric view, the crosshair behaves in a way I don't understand. What happens is that when I zoom in the crosshair disappears over or under what I'm zooming in on.
It's hard to describe, but it seems that it have a different origo then the view represents. When I zoom out so much that the crosshairs are visible and I try to move them upwards, they stop in the middle of the screen and then the marker becomes visible in the ribbon part of the screen.
I have tried detaching all xref's, purged and audit, checked the elevation (0). This only happens in some drawings, not all, and I can't think of a common denominator in the drawings it happens.
C3D 2009. I have a style that labels the pipe diameter in section view and the type of pipe. When I label the pipe everything shows up fine. Save the drawing and re-open and my labels are gone. I can see them when is opening but after it regenerates, gone. All layers are on display set to true. Tried too many different things and no success. This issue only happens in two drawings.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have two problems with a IDW drawing.
Most of my views have been crosed over by a red line in the Model browser window (se attachment) What does this red line meen?
Also, all the views with the red line have been set to Raster View Only. I can untick it without problems, but when I click OK and reopen the dialog the checkmark is back on.
How come inventor turns this mark on by itself?
Using Inventor 2014 64-bit
Sometimes on my "Draw" toolbars, all of my icons disappear! Passing the cursor over it, than they reappear! Made same thing in ACAD 2012.
My video card is a NVIDIA Quadro 600 with the latest driver installed.
Win 7 64
16gb RAM
Xeon 3.07
I have an issue that one of my palettes when I turn it on it flashes and then disappears.
View 5 Replies View Relatedis there a way to get rid of the ucs icon/view cube thing in the top right corner?
I open up an old drawing with multiple viewports and half of them have this symbol. So I assume that there is a way to turn it off. Again, trying to make computer faster and not have a graphic symbol in all of my viewports.
Where did the Design View Representation Icon go in 2012?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am working on a 3D model using 3D solids and 3D blocks, then I make a render of a view and works fine, but if I make a zoom in to a zone and render it then the 3D blocks disappear showing only the floor (a 3D solid) and sometimes the render is just plain black, after a zoom out everything works fine. I made an Audit, exploded the blocks, even when making a crop render. Attached images explain better.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe need to xref a drawing with a different unit. When I go into the drawing file I want to xref and use the "-DWGUNITS" command I change it from feet to inches and use Architectural. Answer yes to all questions and certain objects disappear. Most of the objects are pline or spline objects. Here is what I see in the AutoCAD Text Window:
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD3C>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD3E>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD3F>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD41>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD42>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD44>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD45>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD47>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity 1956F>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity 19570>
There a lot more of scaling failed messages. too many to show. How can I xref in these drawings with different units without objects disappearing?
While creating a drawing inserting 3d blocks after closing and reopening the file blocks have disappeared from veiw. When i mouse over the block it shows but goes as soon as i move the mouse. also when zooming different blocks show and disappear?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I select more than 100 entities all of the grip points disappear. With ACAD 2002 there seemed to be no limit to the number of entities you could select without losing the grips, but with ACAD 2007 they started dissapearing though with '07 clicking "View" "Regen" would bring them back into view (unless you accidentally click on another entity). With ACAD 2013 if I go over 100 that's it. This is mostly a problem for me as I use the spacebar shortcuts extensively in creating and manipulating my drawings. I have found other ways to to acomplish my needs such as using the move command but I have much successful history using my old methods and would like to continue with them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible to have a part in an assembly and then remove it when it is not required?
I have a Skeletal assembly of a cabinet with hinges on the left hand side when facing the front. When a customer requires the hinges to be on the right hand side, I need to make the lock keep disappear from the Right hand side panel sub-assembly and make it appear in the Left hand panel sub-assembly.
At the moment, I have the lock keep, the BOM structure in the file is Normal, this is overidden in the assembly to being Reference for the first instance, the lock keep is fully constrained in both sub assemblies and both are in an array of only 1. I increase the value of the array from 1 to 2 and by a distance of zero(0), the newly added part would have a BOM structure of Normal, consequently it would then appear on the BOM. This method was something I last used when using IV2009, it was a method I used to control both visibility of parts in assembly drawings and on BOMs.
I'm now using 2013 and arraying a part with a overidden BOM structure of Reference makes the new part a reference part aswell even though the file itself is BOM structure of Normal.
Editing attributed blocks causes them to disappear from the screen. Edits include changing attribute values, moving attributes, or moving the entire block. The block is not gone, so saving and re-opening the drawing will display it again, but this is a terrible workaround when moving and editing many blocks in a large drawing.
We do not use annotative or dynamic blocks, so these are just good old-fashioned attributed blocks.This behaviour is being seen on both Windows 7 and older Windows XP systems with various hardware specs, and it is only in the 2013 product. We still have some stations running Map 2012 that do not experience this issue even when working in the same drawings.
On some computers I have a problem. The down arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar doesn't show. I checked that my interface is not lock too. So to customize the quick access toolbar I have to use the CUI.
I don't know if it's related, but my customize toolbar (from my partial menu) have to be displayed manually each time I start AutoCAD but not my custom tab in the ribbon.
I just completed my first topo using Civil3D 2013 (yay!) and now I want to send it to a client. However, when I save it as an ACAD 2007 file and go to open it using ACAD 2007 the spot elevations and all text and symbols associated with them disappear. I can't imagine that you have to have Civil3D to view a Civil3D file. Is there something I can do here?
I did not create a survey database with these points, just imported the .txt file from the field.
Having problem with sheet views losing all their numbering??
Have been using sheet views since the day they came out. Great for cross referencing and not just call outs. But also lists of materials etc. as well. See attached image.
However recently when opening a drawing, boom the views lost all there numbers and restored the name back to what i originally called the view!
See below. The circled view numbers disappear!
Civil 3D 2014 (SP1)
Win 7 Pro x64
DELL Precision Workstation T3500
Intel Xeon 3.3GHz (w3680)
24Gb Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 (1GB)