AutoCad :: Crosshair Disappear In Isometric View When Zoom In
Sep 21, 2010
when i started using 2011. I have 2 viewports active; plan and isometric view. But when I try to navigate in the isometric view, the crosshair behaves in a way I don't understand. What happens is that when I zoom in the crosshair disappears over or under what I'm zooming in on.
It's hard to describe, but it seems that it have a different origo then the view represents. When I zoom out so much that the crosshairs are visible and I try to move them upwards, they stop in the middle of the screen and then the marker becomes visible in the ribbon part of the screen.
I have tried detaching all xref's, purged and audit, checked the elevation (0). This only happens in some drawings, not all, and I can't think of a common denominator in the drawings it happens.
I started with a Left side view of a part and created a sectioned view right down the middle so you can see the insides from another view. the part is pretty big so i used a Break to shorten it to fit the page. I also placed a smaller and separate isometric view of the same part and want this view to inherit the same break. How can I do this? If I go into the display options of the iso view, all the cut inheritance options are grayed out and can't be clicked. I've seen this done before, but i'm sure i missed a step somewhere.
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
Sometimes when I try to create a detail view of an isometric view in my IDW, the "detail full boundary" option is greyed out? Why would this be? If I try an ortho view it works fine.
I have a problem with the zoom and fill patterns in two PCs with Autocad 2012 In both, very often, when I zoom in on the design the fill patterns disappear.
After an update of the image reappear and this is a very big problem for me. The two PCs are both intel I7, one use a nVidia Geforce and other an nVidia Quadro, and I tried different driver versions but without benefits.
I am working on a 3D model using 3D solids and 3D blocks, then I make a render of a view and works fine, but if I make a zoom in to a zone and render it then the 3D blocks disappear showing only the floor (a 3D solid) and sometimes the render is just plain black, after a zoom out everything works fine. I made an Audit, exploded the blocks, even when making a crop render. Attached images explain better.
Having an issue where in a part model with the view set to "wireframe with hidden edges" the edges and hidden edges disappear when you try to zoom in on the part. Actually not working with "wireframe and visible edges only" at any zoom level either.
The edges are there and I know that there are features that should be showing up as hidden.
Running Quadro FX 3800 with the most current drivers, and I only noticed this when switching to IV 2014.
Also running IV Build 222 SP 1
This is making designing very hard as I can't tell anymore where there are instances of features interfering with each other.
Inventor Pro 2014 SP1 Vault Pro 2014 Windows 7 x64 2.53 Xeon Quadro FX 3800 24GB RAM
I have been trying to plot as a PDF an isometric view from CAD. I am using CAP Studio for these 3D symbols and for some reason even though I have monchrome.ctb selected under Plot Style Table my PDF is printing in color, not all black.
My boss said i could generate an isometric view of a drawing if i have the plan, elevation, and side views (makes sense enough). how do i go about doing this? is there an existing thread i can be forwarded to? (searching "isometric" didn't seem specifically useful.)
I have Autocad Architecture 2011 and it was working perfect until Yesterday. I Repair and then Reinstall but still the same problem.
When I have a Parellel (isometric) View and transfer to perspective works well but when I exit from the orbit function everything disappear and the cursor become crazy. I push pan and appears the drawing I release pan and the drawing disappear. The same problem in a viewport. I setup the perspective view on the viewport, lock the v-port, save and close the drawing, then open the same drawing and the perspective view become Isometric.
I use: oView.scale=oView.scale/2 to half each view scale. It works for base view, projected views like bottom view and left view, but it doesn't work for Isometric view. Which property should I use for Isometric view?
When I add dimensions to an 3d object in an isometric (or similar) view, the dimension lines get placed way off screen, and the leader lines are projected onto the x-y plane.
Additionally, when I try to add lines to an object that is far from the x-y plane, the mouse position responds to the line's location as if it were drawing on the x-y plane.
Do I have to continually make custom UCS coordinates just to draw in 3d without hassle? There are other times when this does not happen (perhaps only when my 3d object is very near the x-y plane...
I have created an object in 3ds max and exported as dwg. file to open it in autocad. The purpose for importing that shape in autocad was to set an isometric view of that object and use it in my 2D drawings for annotation and explanation purposes.
What I am trying to achieve is to have that isometric view flattened, but in top (drafting) view along my plan section and elevations so that it looks as if it has been drafted in 2D if that makes sense.
So far I have come across two commands - FLATTEN and FLATSHOT. When using FLATTEN command I get the flattened 2d splines from that object as desired, but in that orthographic view. As soon as I start rotating the flat shape gets distorted and I cant get back to it's original flattened state.
FLATSHOT immediately comes with an error saying that it is not a solid so nothing can be projected. Explode the object then use command - converttosurface this works and I can initiate the FLATSHOT command but the shape has all this extra geometry after converting it to surface and it is not what I want.
The closest is the FLATTEN command as it also allows me to hide the back edges so that I only get a clean outline of the object. But how can I rotate it and position it in a top view, flat, along the drafted elevation and plan.
Trying to dimension a shaft in isometric view with various diameters. I am unable to find or select the centerpoints at the ends of the shaft. This causes dimensions to be crooked. How can i get the centerpoints to display so that they may be selected?
From my project manager > views, I select a view, it opens in model. I change to paper space and have my plan and an isometric view (in wire frame). I go to view and select shaded with edges. Perfect, colors on both plan and isometric are where I want them, now I want to print this.
I select my print icon and change my paper size select my printer. I select extents, center the plot and fit to paper. I preview.. And my color disappears. What.. Am I doing wrong. Should I be making my paper representations from a different start?
Yesterday.. I was trying to do the same thing.. But starting with the drawing in constructs. I end up with the same, my isometric drawing looses most of its color, the windows have color as does one layer (a line showing the outline of the floor under). The plan drawing has most of the colors but some of the layers are black where in the model they have color. To further complicate the problem.. The same procedure making a first floor drawing has the plan in complete color.
I have 2 rectangles and i want to loft them by path.I want the path to be arc , but i cant draw the arc in isometric view. The objects are positioned something like thes 2 smiles. One is exactly above the other and i want to draw arc to connect them and then use loft but cant make the arc. I tried to draw the arc in Front view, but i then i couldnt use it as loft path.So how to make the arc in 3d?
I am working on 3d model of interior and I have two problems. I am trying to made similar model as it is on the first image.
After setting all render properties and turning on sky and illuminations my view on object switch from isometric to perspective view.
Is there any way to change it to isometric view so the point of view do not change position at the time of changing, because I find out the way to return it to isometric but then the point of view that was placed inside of room is moved outside and I can't render object that was inside.
Also I can't set white background as it is on the first image. Second image is my attempt that is made inside of the room.