AutoCAD 2013 :: Sheet Set Manager Views Disappear And References Lost?
Apr 16, 2013
Having problem with sheet views losing all their numbering??
Have been using sheet views since the day they came out. Great for cross referencing and not just call outs. But also lists of materials etc. as well. See attached image.
However recently when opening a drawing, boom the views lost all there numbers and restored the name back to what i originally called the view!
The problem occurs in the "Sheet View" area of Sheet Set Manager (SSM).
The first six steps describes our procedure for adding details to drawings, using hypothetical names. Layout "101" is on Drawing "100 DETAILS" and appears as sheet "101" in sheet set "PROJECT". Sheet set "PROJECT" (and associated drawings) is actively accessed by multiple users on the same network.
1. I create a view "PLATE DETAIL" in model space of drawing "100 DETAILS", and save the drawing.
2. I navigate the "Model Views" tab of Sheet Set "PROJECT" for view "PLATE DETAIL" in drawing "DETAILS" and "Place on Sheet" on the current layout "101".
3. A Sheet view is inserted on layout "101" with a View Label block with the view title "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and a view number of "___" (blank). I save the drawing.
4. I navigate the "Sheet Views" tab of SSM for view title "PLATE DETAIL(2) on sheet "101" and "rename and renumber" the sheet view, assigning "1" to the view number and changing view title to read (simply) "DETAIL".
5. After a regen on layout "100", the view label reads correctly: the title reads "DETAIL" and the view number reads "1".
6. I exit the drawing and close sheet set "PROJECT".
I believe this is the correct procedure for adding sheet views, but here's where the problems begin:
7. An hour later, I open sheet set "PROJECT" and the drawing "100 DETAILS"
8. Upon examination, I see that the View Title for the detail I placed earlier reads "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and the View Number reads "___" (blank). It appears as if I never followed step #4.
9. I navigate to to the "Sheet Views" tab of SSM, and I observe that even there, the View Title reads "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and View Number is blank, as if I never edited it. I correct the view title and view number, and the view label again reads correctly.
10. As in step #6, I exit and close the sheet set.
This is an oversimplification of one problem we are having. Imagine if this problem occurred with multiple details (up to 20 per sheet) on multiple sheets (up to 100 per project). These details are also referenced by section marks, detail marks and fields in mtext.
Occasionally we encounter another, more difficult problem:
10. An hour later, I open sheet set "PROJECT" and the drawing "100 DETAILS" as before.
11. Upon examination, I see that the view title I placed earlier reads "########" (hash marks) and the view number reads "#".
12. I navigate to the "Sheet Views" tab, as before. The view title reads "PLATE DETAIL(2) and the view number is blank, like in step #9. Only THIS time, correcting the information in SSM does not remove the hash marks. This means that the View Label is no longer linked to SSM.
13. I can re-insert a view label from SSM by "Place View Label Block" but that does not correct a wider problem: all references, such as Section marks, detail marks and text fields which appear on many drawings. All of these must either be re-inserted, or re-fielded.
We feel we have been following the correct procedures in a multi-user environment, but the results have been disastrous.
Is there a way to set the sort order in Sheet Set Manager for the Model Views tab? Seems like a few releases ago it was alphabetical - now its random and almost impossible to locate a specific drawing in a large project.
Tried changing MAXSORT and it did not have an effect.
I'm trying to set up a title block template that will be used between several different sheet sets. I have entered the custom properties, then when I go to the title block and try to insert the fields with current sheet set custom the drop down box is empty and then when I try to type in the custom property name the link still does not function. Is there some trick that I'm missing, or is this function broken on AutoCad 2013?
I'm fairly new to Autocad and getting used to using sheet set manager. What I'm experiencing is, when you insert a model view it brings in an xref of that model, but i'm then unsure how to add additional xref models into the same view.
For example I have a separate ground floor plan file and OS data file which I want to show in the one sheet view without nesting the OS data to the original ground floor file.
I accidentally click/dragged the sheet set manager palette really quickly and it totally vanished...The thing is I googled this, and every solution involved going to the CUI, expanding "Palettes" in the workspace and realigning it etc
However there is no Sheet set manager in my palettes menu..Is it called something other than "sheet set manager"?Also I've tried typing every command, even did a repair install.
My company just purchased AutoCAD 2013 and I'm in the process of converting our titleblock to work with the sheet set manager. Here are my steps I've taken:
1. Edit existed titleblock to add fields. Example: set our existing project name field to "CurrentSheetSetProjectName"
2. Create a sheet set using the titlbock DWT as my template for new sheets.
3. Typed "Test" into the default project name field that is created with new sheet sets
4. Clicked "Update fields" in the ribbon
After following those steps, I expected the project name to update to "Test". Am I missing something?
I thought when a person uses a field named CREATEDATE it would be a creation date time stamp. When creating a new drawing by layout and you check the creation date by using the time command you get the correct date of creation. The Sheet set manager field called CREATEDATE is not consistant. If I save the drawing this field changes the date to the current date. So I ask is this a flaw or should the field be renamed to lastsaveddate? Just asking because when I look for the Create Date I need the date I actually created the drawing not the last time I saved it. Just saying.
We are currently working on a big project which contains hundreds of drawings. We're using the sheet set & are very happy with with it. I have one question: How can you change the initial state of the sheet set manager. When I open my sheet set, some subsets are always expanded. I would like my sheet set to close all subset when I initially open the sheet set.
I get an error when I try to eTransmit from the sheet set manager.An error occurred attempting to create the transmittal. Please make sure the target location is writable and that the target disk has sufficient space.
I am starting to use the Sheet Set Manager and I am just wondering if there is a way to "save as" instead of "rename & number".
We have drawing sets that we need to do Work as Executed drawings for which means we need to copy the sheet set and all the drawings with a "-WAE" suffix. Currently the only options I can find are
1) Copy the original drawings and sheet set, rename the set sheet, then use rename and number to rename files and paste originals back.
2) Copy and rename sheet set and files in explorer and then open new sheet set and remove old files and add new ones...
Would love to be able to just select sheet set, save as and create a copy of the sheet set and all dwgs in it with -WAE suffix.
I have a user who opens his drawings from 2012 in 2013 and they show the sheet set manager blank. He goes back to the 2012 seat and the sheet set manager displays the dwgs.
Using Autocad2013. Roughly two weeks ago we updated our company server. Since then, in the Sheet Set Manager, the 'Model View' tab is no longer in alphabetical order. The drawings are just randomly listed now, no order whatsoever.
My company has many divisions. One division developed a program to automate some designs. They asked me to try it out and it wiped out all references to iLogic in Inventor. The panel is missing in the manage tab, and when I right click to select panels it does not appear in the list. I keep the iLogic browser open at all times and it is gone too.
I tried doing a repair and a re-install and neither has worked. My next step is to uninstall and re-install.
Is there another way to get the iLogic features back in case I have to test something else?
How people deal with multiple revisions of one sheet with sheet set manager, basically I want the cover sheet of drawings to have a list of drawings including the revision letter and revision date and on each individual sheet keep track of historical revisions
There is the current sheet revision and date fields.Does everyone usually just update these and manually keep track of historical revisions else where in there title block?
I was creating a new sheet set in the sheet set manager as I have created new drawings to be added to the old one. When I do this and browse to the directory of drawings, once I hit next it only wants to create a sheet with a few drawings in the directory. There are 22 drawings in the directory and is leaving out about 18 when it creates the sheet set.
I am trying to create a sheet set with sheet set properties for title blocks but every time I close sheet set manage I lose the properties I typed in .
I am using the Sheet Set options to creat my Sheet Index. It imports everything just fine. My issue is when I want to create a space between sections the option to add a row is greyed out. For ex I would like my sheet index to look similer to the following
S1.01 S1.11 S1.41
S2.01 S2.03
S3.01 ETC.
Is there a way to do this using the sheet index option in Sheet Set manager?
I am trying to create a second base view (using Layout/Create View/Base from model space). The problem is, I need it to be rotated from the original base view. However, when I rotate the part in model space, ALL of my views change.
So I guess my question is, how do I create multiple views of the same part that are seperate from the other base views?
i have views lets say 3 views on a sheet but in the list of views theres mores that appears maybe i inserted the extra views that are showing but i deleted them to put them on another sheet
the problem is they show up in the list of both sheet and i can't delete them from the list of the sheet that they were before
I am starting over here at work. I am using and familiar with SSM. However, i want some feed back on some of your practices on where you keep the DST files and other basic setting. I want to make sure i am not missing something or overlooking a better (efficient) way to keep everything organized.
currently I have created a "template" DST file and keep it in a subfolder for the project that is currently being worked in. I like this because when we archive the job folder; everything that goes with that job gets zipped/archived.
I have been thinking about putting all the DST files in one "SSM" folder in the root folder list of our projects...
I am having trouble plotting the lines from my drawings. From sheet set manager. It plots the image, text and border xref but when the lines start to plot they turn off in task manager from gis all turn to exclamation points. These lines are in the background from gis.
When I try to select the folder where my drawings are located SSM is only showing me 2 of the 3 drawings located in that folder. I have not had any problems with other folders. I even tried moving the drawing file to a different folder, but SSM still does not add it to the sheet set list. I have tried re-booting and nothing.
I'm using Autocad LT2012 and I have a problem with the "print to PDF" from the Sheet Set Manager.
The layouts are all set to "publish to a plotter" with the Layout option (not Window, Extent, etc.).vWhen I send the print to the plotter from the SSM, they print fine. If I send them to PDF, they are printed slightly off and one side is cut out.
I have tried on one of the layouts to change the plotting device from our plotter to "DWG to PDF" and indeed the drawing results to be slightly off, because the plotting area shifts. So, I guess this is the problem.
I have checked many forums and different solutions. One solution is to use Window or Extent as plotting area with Centred option on, so to avoid any cut due to shifts of the layout.
I have two questions:
1. Is there any way to work around this problem keeping the Layout plotting area option? 2. If there is not, how can I now change more than fifty layouts, that are now set on Layout, to Extent or Window, without having to go through them all one by one? (I tried the override option, but it really doesn't work as layouts are printed with different ctb and it keeps printing off, anyway)
When I do a drawing I have about 20 different paper space tabs. I then use these tabs for floor plans, sections, details, elevations, etc.
I've tried to set up some sheet sets to use A1, A2, A3, and A10, these 4 pages go into one drawing set.
I setup a new sheet set to use A4, A5, A6, and A10, but the sheet set manager won't allow me to use A10 again because it was used already in a previous sheet set.
The sheet set manager works great for for printing all sheets into one set. But this shortcoming has forced me to use the publish command and save my sheets to .dsd files.
I have 64 bit machine, Windows 7, kipp plotter, and two sharp printers.
When I send a sheet set manager plot to any of my output devices I get an autocad error. That boots me out of Autocad. I have used this in the past with 32 bit machine, Windows XP , kip plotter and two sharp printers and have had no issues. It worked great.