AutoCAD 2013 :: Sheetset Deleted Views Still Appear In Sheets List Of Views
Aug 29, 2013
i have views lets say 3 views on a sheet but in the list of views theres mores that appears maybe i inserted the extra views that are showing but i deleted them to put them on another sheet
the problem is they show up in the list of both sheet and i can't delete them from the list of the sheet that they were before
I am trying to create a second base view (using Layout/Create View/Base from model space). The problem is, I need it to be rotated from the original base view. However, when I rotate the part in model space, ALL of my views change.
So I guess my question is, how do I create multiple views of the same part that are seperate from the other base views?
simple project, 2 story house, 4 generated elevations, file size 600k. ACA is very slow (+4min) to almost freezing up when trying to drag a view from the view drawing into a sheet. xml files match the drawing file. only way to get the views to drop into sheets is copy the traced over views into a clean non-generated elevation view drawing and create the model space views from there.
Working in an idw file, I have a need for two drawing sheets with the identical views of the same part. However, each sheet will need different dimensions and annotations. What I would like to do is after completing one sheet, in one step create the second identical sheet, then just edit/add dimensions and annotations. Is there a method to do this? So far, I have only been able to copy one view at a time from sheet to sheet.
Whenever I try to print sheets that contain shaded (or better) 3D views, these 3D views do not appear on my prints/Pdf's/DWFx's. I've tried different PDF-drivers and hardcopy printers that are in my office, but they all don't work.
Some things that maybe can narrow the cause down:
- Printing a single 3D view to a DWFx works
- Printing a single 3D view to PDF or hardcopy printer doesn't work
- Printing a Hidden Line view on sheets works on alle printers
- 2013; printing a sheet containing 3D views works. When upgrading the same project to 2014, the same sheet fails.
When creating cross section views ("Home>Section Views>Create Multiple Views"), my sections are being placed at the exact boundary of the viewport (viewport is per my template).
Surely there's a way to create a margin inside the viewport.
Here's a screen shot of what I'm seeing. Notice how the dotted "Plot Area Boundary line is going right thru the left axis labels and on top of the bottom axis blue line (which means the bottom axis labels will NOT be seen).
We would like to make the transparency of glass-materials visible in views and section-views by using the "realistic style". During a 3d-view our glass-material looks like transparent. Isn't it possible for REVIT to display the transparency of materials in views ?
The workaround to hide "glass" by using "overriding visibility" is not possible for us because some of our families and project families are using glass-materials inside (Showcases f.e.).
Software (German) : RAC 2012+2013 Inventor Pro 2013 AcadM 2012 MaxDesign 2013 Sketchup 8 Pro
Since the end of Aug. 2012 I've been making families for a manufacturer. I left Friday evening with good families. This morning I am finding all the families I checked with a problem.
When I move the cursor across the various views it doubles the views. Rolling the mouse wheel one click either way to zoom in or out cleans the view but on the next time the cursor goes across the view it doubles it again. Now there are 4 views overlapping each other. The next time it is possibly 8, and so on. It is difficult to count them because they are overlapping but it looks like they are doubling each time.
The software is Revit Architecture 2011 and the computer is a Dell Precision T3500.Are the families corrupted or is it the computer? Is there a toggle I hit that I shouldn't have?
Lets say I have 2 page drawing set of a damper, page 1 contains the main views and all the related part number ballons.
Page 2 contains fabrication details for the parts, brackets, blades etc.
For the parts I just inserted those into the drawing from their respective part file, allowing me to create the necessary amount of views to capture the needed dimensions for the shop.
When I go to apply a balloon to that part it wants to make it part #1 when it may be part # 7 of the assembly.
Inventor 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 16GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
I have 3D drawing. I put camera's in several places and situations. In viewports I choosed a camera in every viewport. They work nice so long the drawing is open. When I close the drawing after saving it ofcourse. When I open it again , the viewports jump to SOUTH-EAST. and I have to rearrange the view of the cammera again. Although I used the command UCSFOLLOW to solve this, but it did not work.
PS. that happens only in the viewports which based on camera's. The views in other viewports which are not based on camer's, stay without chaning or jumping.
Every time I change views in 2013, new layers added to the drawing turn off. How do I stop this? The active layer also defalts to the active one I started with.
I can't see them until I put the cursor over them. Enclosed is a jpg of the problem. Ram for Inventor process is at 700-800,000 k-bytes. My graphics card is a Nvidia Quadro FX 580.
Is there a way to get proper dimensioning when generating views with the"Viewbase" command. I get erroneous results when using the dimordinate and dinbaseline commands with these views.
The problem occurs in the "Sheet View" area of Sheet Set Manager (SSM).
The first six steps describes our procedure for adding details to drawings, using hypothetical names. Layout "101" is on Drawing "100 DETAILS" and appears as sheet "101" in sheet set "PROJECT". Sheet set "PROJECT" (and associated drawings) is actively accessed by multiple users on the same network.
1. I create a view "PLATE DETAIL" in model space of drawing "100 DETAILS", and save the drawing.
2. I navigate the "Model Views" tab of Sheet Set "PROJECT" for view "PLATE DETAIL" in drawing "DETAILS" and "Place on Sheet" on the current layout "101".
3. A Sheet view is inserted on layout "101" with a View Label block with the view title "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and a view number of "___" (blank). I save the drawing.
4. I navigate the "Sheet Views" tab of SSM for view title "PLATE DETAIL(2) on sheet "101" and "rename and renumber" the sheet view, assigning "1" to the view number and changing view title to read (simply) "DETAIL".
5. After a regen on layout "100", the view label reads correctly: the title reads "DETAIL" and the view number reads "1".
6. I exit the drawing and close sheet set "PROJECT".
I believe this is the correct procedure for adding sheet views, but here's where the problems begin:
7. An hour later, I open sheet set "PROJECT" and the drawing "100 DETAILS"
8. Upon examination, I see that the View Title for the detail I placed earlier reads "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and the View Number reads "___" (blank). It appears as if I never followed step #4.
9. I navigate to to the "Sheet Views" tab of SSM, and I observe that even there, the View Title reads "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and View Number is blank, as if I never edited it. I correct the view title and view number, and the view label again reads correctly.
10. As in step #6, I exit and close the sheet set.
This is an oversimplification of one problem we are having. Imagine if this problem occurred with multiple details (up to 20 per sheet) on multiple sheets (up to 100 per project). These details are also referenced by section marks, detail marks and fields in mtext.
Occasionally we encounter another, more difficult problem:
10. An hour later, I open sheet set "PROJECT" and the drawing "100 DETAILS" as before.
11. Upon examination, I see that the view title I placed earlier reads "########" (hash marks) and the view number reads "#".
12. I navigate to the "Sheet Views" tab, as before. The view title reads "PLATE DETAIL(2) and the view number is blank, like in step #9. Only THIS time, correcting the information in SSM does not remove the hash marks. This means that the View Label is no longer linked to SSM.
13. I can re-insert a view label from SSM by "Place View Label Block" but that does not correct a wider problem: all references, such as Section marks, detail marks and text fields which appear on many drawings. All of these must either be re-inserted, or re-fielded.
We feel we have been following the correct procedures in a multi-user environment, but the results have been disastrous.
I am trying to make section views from the parent view. I need to make several section view, but there is not enough room on one sheet for all of them. Is there a way to move or copy the section views to different sheets and keep the connection for when chages are made all views will update?
I've never used batch plot before but I have a file that has multiple views set up in view manage in model space that I need to print. I've found instructions on how to do it from paper space but not model.
How can I set the multiple dimensions "ordinates" to scale correctly in base views. The old vanilla ordinate dims work fine, but power dims ordinate give me improper scaling.
I have a 3D model. I'm making drawing view, using "create view" task. Now, when i got my view in layout, I choose "edit view" and set appearance to "hidden lines". Ok. When I plot my drawing, i get all lines with the same line weight - visible and invisible lines are all the same weight. How can I make invisible (hidden) lines to be plotted thinner, while visible lines stay thick? Do Autocad 2013 have this option to make it available to change?
Having problem with sheet views losing all their numbering??
Have been using sheet views since the day they came out. Great for cross referencing and not just call outs. But also lists of materials etc. as well. See attached image.
However recently when opening a drawing, boom the views lost all there numbers and restored the name back to what i originally called the view!
in civil 3d 2013 i have a existing surface, alignment, and profile that is data linked into another drawing when i create a profile view from the profile data link when i get to the profile display options under update mode it shows as beening static, i don't want it to be static i want it to be dynamic. is there a way or setting that will let me change that to static? we show the existing grade as hidden but with the static option set the grade shows up with long and short.
My group and I are getting an infrequent but annoying problem with Model Documentation (MD) generated views in paperspace layout tabs. We all on autocad 2013, with sp1.1 installed on x64 machines.
We are seeing objects/ blocks showing in the MD views (viewbase created) in the layout that are no longer in model space. One common factor in this is that these objects seem to always be externally referenced (xref) files that have been either unloaded or completely detached (both cases purges preformed afterwards to wipe any remaining blocks made no difference). In this latest case the ghost objects show up twice (we needed 2 of the same xref) at what appears to be the correct old coordinates.
We have no work around for this and when this occurs we either have to revert to an older version from vault or create a new dwg, port all information over and recreate all views. The interesting thing about this problem is that if we revert to an older version from vault, the ghosts do not reappear/ reoccur at the same commands they appeared at previously.
Getting a lot of message pop ups about not accessible dst file. In conjunction with this is constant slow down if the sheetset is open with the blue cursor wheel constantly thinking. If the sheet set is closed, this immediately fixes this.
Ruled out network problems as 2012 works fine. I believe this to be isloated to 2013.
How could I get the idw views to name themselves? Instead of ” view 1”, “view2” why not have it name itself the file name, the same goes for a parts-list added to idw sheets? When slow clicking them to rename they already have the file name referencing the view or parts list. I have multiple views and multiple parts list on many sheets. Re-naming them is starting to get old!
I took a quick look at “ILOGIC” because that’s my “ILOGIC” speed and nothing jumped out at me.
I'm pretty new to AutoCAD,.Now I've managed to "design" a bridge and add textures etc.. Nothing as fancy as what most of you might be able to create but still learning.
Now, what i was looking to do, was print off 2D elevation and plan views of the bridge, but unfortunately the result is awful.