AutoCAD 2013 :: Make Section Views From Parent View
Jan 16, 2013
I am trying to make section views from the parent view. I need to make several section view, but there is not enough room on one sheet for all of them. Is there a way to move or copy the section views to different sheets and keep the connection for when chages are made all views will update?
We would like to make the transparency of glass-materials visible in views and section-views by using the "realistic style". During a 3d-view our glass-material looks like transparent. Isn't it possible for REVIT to display the transparency of materials in views ?
The workaround to hide "glass" by using "overriding visibility" is not possible for us because some of our families and project families are using glass-materials inside (Showcases f.e.).
Software (German) : RAC 2012+2013 Inventor Pro 2013 AcadM 2012 MaxDesign 2013 Sketchup 8 Pro
ACAD 2014: VIEWSECTION ->Select Parent View: what is it that you're actually supposed to be selecting? It clearly has to be in paper space. I assumed it was a viewport but when I select that I get the message "1 selected, 1 filtered" and nothing is selected.
When making a Section view from a Base View is there a setting to make the text follow the Text Style and Paperspace text size. Everytime I create a Section View I have to change the text settings in the Properties box.
I have lots of section views with some surfaces and pipes. Unfortunately, in a number of section views pipes are not shown in full height because the section view level range is too little. What I am wondering is - is it possible to automatically adjust section level ranges so that they fully include pipe sections? Please see also the image in the attachment.
In my section editor my labels show up correctly and in all the locations I want. But then, in my cross section file, I look in my section views and they are completely different. When I try to label more points under the Code Set Styles, they won't even show up on my section views.
I have a view of an assembly where I used a break out to break through a part. I want to make a section of this, and have that view respect that the part was broken and show it as broken in the new view.
The section view shows the full part 100% unbroken. In the edit view, the only option for cut inheritance is "break". All others are greyed out.
Why I want to do this: I am unable to break it in the section view because there is no option to break through a single part a specified distance. I cannot break an area "from point" or "to sketch" because they don't let you choose a single part for the effect, and the parts completely included in the break out this way are not going to show up in the parts list, so you cannot adjust their section participation, therefore I also cannot just break an area and then choose what parts don't get the effect.
Is there any tool in AutoCAD 2014 to obtain broken section view (generated from a base view in a layout?I have some very long section views and just can't find a way to shorten them...
I've just started to do some work with Inventor 2013 and I noticed that, when creating a section view in a drawing, the preview is always uncut and shaded. Even when creating a partial section, the preview shows the full, shaded assembly. I tried playing with the "Section View Preview as Uncut" setting in Application Options, but this doesn't seem to do anything.
I have many section views of a road where I want to calculate ground volumes. I have a curb in a section view and I want that Civil showed me just an elevation at the top of the curb and at the top of the road cover. Is it possible to do that? And also distances: I want that Civil just show me a distance from the center of a road to a curb and from a curb to the edge of the road.
Any new methods for depicting flared end sections in profile views in Civil 3D 2013 or 2012? I just loaded Civil 3D 2013 last week and have been checking to see if flared end section depiction in profile views is any better than previous versions. I haven't noticed anything different. I'm I the only one wanting a easier way to depict flared end sections in profiles? In short, I have never been able to figure it out.
I am trying to create a second base view (using Layout/Create View/Base from model space). The problem is, I need it to be rotated from the original base view. However, when I rotate the part in model space, ALL of my views change.
So I guess my question is, how do I create multiple views of the same part that are seperate from the other base views?
i have views lets say 3 views on a sheet but in the list of views theres mores that appears maybe i inserted the extra views that are showing but i deleted them to put them on another sheet
the problem is they show up in the list of both sheet and i can't delete them from the list of the sheet that they were before
How do you turn off the default check for "Propigate to parent view" when creating a breal in a drawing view. I have never had the need to use this option yet it is checked by defalt.
I create an IDW view of a subassembly by inserting the parent assembly, make it a non-associative view, then turn off visibility of unwanted subassemblies. When later working in the model and adding a part to one of the non-visable sub-assemblies, that part becomes visable in the IDW views in which the subassembly was non-visable, requiting me to edit all veiws in which the subassembly was non-visible. This can be quite a number of instances. Is there a way to prevent this?
I may have a more fundamental workflow problem: I create assemblies composed of subassemblies that need to be detailed sperately. I have found that in order to correctly create a structured BOM and to have the ballon lables to correspond to the structured BOM, I create the drawing views as described above. If I would just insert the subassembly to detail it, I don't understand how to get it to relate the balloon labels in the subassembly view to my master BOM.
So, I we were taught autocad at hour school but not autocad architecture because apparently autocad architecture is too "advanced" for us. so now I need to draw window details (thermally broken aluminum frame window with insulating glass unit) but it is so much work in autocad however I was told that I can just draw a window in autocad architecture and just cut a section and just make a few adjustments to get the window detail.
I am having an issue when producing a section view with my corridor. I have a corridor and corridor surface, as well as an existing ground surface. I create a sample line group and sample EG, Corridor Surface, and Material. When I produce a section view I get 4 sections in the view: EG, Corridor Surface(with the corridor surface naming convention), and an additional section simply called "Corridor Surface".
This last section is strange in that it seems to be using the correct assembly, but not targeting the correct features. Also it has grips at all of the vertices which I havent seen before.
And the strangest part, when I click on properties for this section and go to section data, the columns for Description and Data Source are blank.
If there is no data source, then where is this section coming from, and why is it showing up when I did not specify that it be created. This is a real mind boggler to me and makes no sense. Screenshot attached.
My future ground somehow disappeared out of one section view in my group. Under the section tabs I still have my existing ground and pipenetwork but the future ground isn't there. It remains in the other section views. How do I add it back?
So I am trying to create section views that detail the correct assembly of two parts.
These parts are welded on top of each other so its important to have clear understanding of how they fit together.
So imagine a pipe bent in the shape of a circle, in the horizontal plane, then holes drilled into the top (vertically) and then another pipe fitting in the holes and being welded together. This is what is happening.
So I am trying to create a section view of one of the holes with the welding information.
When I go to create the section view, I draw a line that would pass through the center of the large horizontal circle (but doesnt) and the center of the hole I am trying to detail and through to the outside of the horizontal pipe.
Now with this line I should get a view of the assembly exactly perpendicular to the line from that point. This is what is called "Aligned" in Inventor and what I was taught as a "Section View". However, this is not the case at all. I get what is called a projected section view.
find a way to get an "Aligned" view of this without sectioning the entire assembly. I just want the small bit necessary to show the relevant information.
I am trying to create section views to track beach erosion. I have created an alignment and sample lines successfully. The shorter sections look as they should. The longer sections are a mirror of themselves (ex: a section that should be 529' in length is drawn as 1058'). Is this a matter of needing to create a corridor and going the other processes that normally have to be done for a road or is there something else I am missing here?