I am having an issue when producing a section view with my corridor. I have a corridor and corridor surface, as well as an existing ground surface. I create a sample line group and sample EG, Corridor Surface, and Material. When I produce a section view I get 4 sections in the view: EG, Corridor Surface(with the corridor surface naming convention), and an additional section simply called "Corridor Surface".
This last section is strange in that it seems to be using the correct assembly, but not targeting the correct features. Also it has grips at all of the vertices which I havent seen before.
And the strangest part, when I click on properties for this section and go to section data, the columns for Description and Data Source are blank.
If there is no data source, then where is this section coming from, and why is it showing up when I did not specify that it be created. This is a real mind boggler to me and makes no sense. Screenshot attached.
My future ground somehow disappeared out of one section view in my group. Under the section tabs I still have my existing ground and pipenetwork but the future ground isn't there. It remains in the other section views. How do I add it back?
So, I we were taught autocad at hour school but not autocad architecture because apparently autocad architecture is too "advanced" for us. so now I need to draw window details (thermally broken aluminum frame window with insulating glass unit) but it is so much work in autocad however I was told that I can just draw a window in autocad architecture and just cut a section and just make a few adjustments to get the window detail.
I have lots of section views with some surfaces and pipes. Unfortunately, in a number of section views pipes are not shown in full height because the section view level range is too little. What I am wondering is - is it possible to automatically adjust section level ranges so that they fully include pipe sections? Please see also the image in the attachment.
In my section editor my labels show up correctly and in all the locations I want. But then, in my cross section file, I look in my section views and they are completely different. When I try to label more points under the Code Set Styles, they won't even show up on my section views.
I've got a corridor where the section editor does not show a section that the corridor has created. My frequency is set to 25' with high/low points along curves. At station 22+75, in the model space the corridor shows a section being created (image #2). However, I cannot edit or even see that section in the section editor (image #1). The first screen shot shows the list of stations for the corridor in the editor while the second screenshot shows the model space at the problem station. This is in the middle of a region, so there shouldn't be any issues with other assemblies or regions.
In the section editor, Sta 22+74.91 is listed, skips 22+75, then lists 23+00. I am needing to manually adjust the cross slopes of my lanes. If I view the surface there is a weird dip because at station 22+75 the default slope of my lane is -2%. I cannot edit station 22+75, so I cannot adjust the cross slope of the lanes.
What is causing the section editor to not even recognize a section? How can I edit the cross slope at station 22+75 if the editor doesn't even display that section?
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
1. I had trouble with profile view of the alignment line shown. What step am i missing? Are there things that is turned off?
2. How can I best come up with the right volume to fill.
3. Do I need to learn the grading tools? or could i get buy with a section profile from the alignment. ( it is not even an alignment yet)
4. How to I render a rock fill in this cave-in.
The attached aerial image , has survey or cogo points that are imported to surface, to become surface points. . So I wanted to create a surface profile below and an outline of fill above it. Iideally the side profile would look like a trapezoid, where the base is the surface proile and top would be the design embankment.
But the reason , a surveying crew went down and took shots at the shoreline and a couple shots around the cave-in walls (higher elevation on the cave-in wall cannot be surveyed, although I coud have used a laser , did not) is so that a more accurate volume of the cave in can be obtained. I tried to label how far the road edge is from edge of the cave-in . Norice the higher elevations are the top edge around the cave in area.
The ouline for the embankment will be a mild slope then breaks to a more steep slope. like 4 :1 , then 1.5:1
We have a project where the alignment is not in the center of the section (it's along one edge of the project), but we want the Title Annotation ("STA. 165+00") to show up in the center of the sections.
If you choose "Center" justification in the style, it "centers" it about the zero offset, which in our case is actually the left side.
Is there any way to truly center this call, short of turning it OFF and manually creating separate labels?
Unfortunately, I can't use "Center" and give it a "Y" offset, because the alignment does vary slightly (±30 feet) within these 250' cross sections - which would cause the label to vary by that much also...
is it possible to export the position and elevation of points plotted in a section view to a csv or txt file? I have a surface with section profiles cut every 100 feet or so, and would like an external copy of just the data used to plot the section views to use for another analysis.
I'm trying to get rid of the section centerline (red) and magenta circle (shown in the attached image) that persistently show up only in 1 of 10 sections generated via sample lines along an alignment. How to get rid of them?
When I click view extents in section editor it zoomes to my assembly. WHen I go to my next station, it zooms out to ridiculous values. How can this be set so I can do some work? I want to view my assembly and a few feet extra left/right/above/below.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
I am working on a drawing for the COE. They require that the horizontal scale is 1"=20 feet for cross sections. Unfortunately the sections that I need to cut are so long that they don't fit on the page. Currently I am creating multiple viewports in paper space and creating split section views in that way but it is starting to get out of hand.
Any better way to handle sections that won't fit on a page? I can't change the scale.
I am trying to plot all my cross sections in a drawing, but I whant them in a vertical line. It seems that I can only plot in a horizontal line on sheets.
Is there anyway to create a section view label where you input the offset and elevation data into a section view similar to a station & elevation label for a profile view (see Station-Elevation attached)? Out-of-the Box section view offset elevation labels can only be placed on the section view and dragged to a specified offset & elevation.
Right, I'm working on a pressurenetwork for a new drinkwaterpipe. I created an alignment from network using the launch pad in the associative tab.
The alignment is crossing several other pipes and cables. What I made using the alignment is a surface profile and the profile of the drinkwaterpipe. Now I want to project the crossing cables and pipes into the profile view.
Now unfortunately it doesn't 'cut' the crossing cables and pipes at the alignment intersection, which would result in circles in my profileview. Instead it projects whole strengs of pipe.
Is there any way to create a section view from an alignment from start to end, instead of sample lines perpendicular?
I am creating section view with my road project. I successfully created center line alignment, surface, surface profile, sample line and section views on every station I needed on my design.
I want to see "subassembly" (travel lane, curb & gutter, sidewalk, 2:1 slope) on my section view. I can block, insert and copy it to my section my manually, but I know this not the right way to do.
I'm working in 2011 and I'm having a difficult time labeling the section views. Labels are showing up on the retaining wall which I did not assign any labels to in the codes. Also, the vertical faces are labeled on the wall and sidewalks. I am not sure if the assembly or corridor settings are controlling this or if it in the code.
I have attached a picture of my issue. I have a section view with pipes drawn in them. However, for some reason I am getting lines from different networks that aren't crossing my sample line. The purple pipe is a storm pipe and the green is the sewer. The blue lines you see are water lines, but shouldn't be on this section view.