AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Views And Dimensions Not Visible
Nov 1, 2012
I can't see them until I put the cursor over them. Enclosed is a jpg of the problem. Ram for Inventor process is at 700-800,000 k-bytes. My graphics card is a Nvidia Quadro FX 580.
How can I set the multiple dimensions "ordinates" to scale correctly in base views. The old vanilla ordinate dims work fine, but power dims ordinate give me improper scaling.
Im just starting to use autocad for a College course.
I learned building 3d shapes, inputting numbers for positioning and dimensions as you were forming them, but for some reason, the programme stopped letting me input them in boxes on each axis on the shape, I can only type them in to the status bar at the bottom. This is making it a lot more difficult for me. how to get the option back?
We have been putting dimensions on isometric views and the dimensions have been coming out fine. Now, however, we have an isometric and the dimension is about 400mm out and is not on the plane/face it should be.
I have had this several times now where I open a previously fine drawing to reprint it...(4 sheets in the .idw) and when I go back to the plotter I have dimension lines stretching off the page....whole clusters of dimensions missing etc.
If I double click on the dimension or right click edit the item...I do not have to actually do anything...just click ok after the edit box comes up on that one item edit, and ALL the dimensions come back in that view only.
I then have to go through and "edit" one dimension in each view to get all the views back to normal..
We would like to make the transparency of glass-materials visible in views and section-views by using the "realistic style". During a 3d-view our glass-material looks like transparent. Isn't it possible for REVIT to display the transparency of materials in views ?
The workaround to hide "glass" by using "overriding visibility" is not possible for us because some of our families and project families are using glass-materials inside (Showcases f.e.).
Software (German) : RAC 2012+2013 Inventor Pro 2013 AcadM 2012 MaxDesign 2013 Sketchup 8 Pro
I'm making a part and am adding features to it and using my existing sketch dimensions as my guide. The problem is that when there are sketch dimensions on the face of the part, they are difficult to read. I'm forever dragging these dims to the side in order to read them, it's just a bit annoying. I was wonering if there was a setting that made them show up as well as they do when the aren't sitting on the face of my parts. I've attached a .jpg of what I'm talking about. notice the dimension on the left side and the bottom.
I am trying to create a second base view (using Layout/Create View/Base from model space). The problem is, I need it to be rotated from the original base view. However, when I rotate the part in model space, ALL of my views change.
So I guess my question is, how do I create multiple views of the same part that are seperate from the other base views?
i have views lets say 3 views on a sheet but in the list of views theres mores that appears maybe i inserted the extra views that are showing but i deleted them to put them on another sheet
the problem is they show up in the list of both sheet and i can't delete them from the list of the sheet that they were before
I've a 3D drawing. I'm taking parts out into new layouts with the "Base" command. I place the top view but when I project the "End Views (left, right, front & back)" I can't see them? They are there, when I move my mouse over them I can see them. What's up with this?
I am working on a project that contains a main road with on both sides a bike path. From each of these thins I made a profile, alignment, etc. I made one assembly with two assembly offsets, each on one side of my main road. So far everything is going very well, but here comes my problem.
The two bike paths assembly (these are assembly offsets) I want to connect to my road assembly. I found some information about a "marked point" and the "Linktomarkedpoint" assembly. I placed the marked point on my edge of the road and placed the linktomarkedpoint on my bike path. Rebuilding my corridor and when I took a look in my sections, the line between the bike path and road ain't visible. I gave the marked point an unique name and the linktomarkedpoint I gave the same name as my marked point.
We are just in the process of upgrading to Inventor 2013. While migrating our iParts, the origin work planes from the part part suddenly appear in some of the children. In the browser they show up under the iPart parent entry and will have names such as "YZ Plane_1". The visibility of all of the origin work features in the parent are turned off. In the children I can right click on these work planes but there is no option to turn off their visibility. And of course I can't even turn off general categories of object visibility in the children because that function is greyed out.
Is this behavior normal/new in IV 2013? Is there anyway I can turn off these origin planes in the iPart children?
I am in paperspace applying dimensions to views. When making a new Mview and scaling the view all the diensions move to locations all over the drawing. Does something selected in the options I am not aware of?
While working with an Inventor 2013 *.idw some of the dimension lines, extension lines, and learders became invisible, even though you can still see the dimension values and even the arrow heads of the no-show dimensions. Even when printed, the same lines are not there. 2013 Glitch?
The problem: I add a dimension in Model Space, but it is not visible in Layout. No problem with drawing items, only dimensions. After some "floundering" (not an official AutoDesk term), I see the dimension in Layout. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, or how I manage to get the dimensions to show again.
i have a problem of net being able to view dimensions in the model space in the current view. i was not paying attention to what view i started the 2d drawing in, but right now it is in the front view. the dimensions lines gets put on a plane that the program has decided and wheather i try to dimension above or below it, it goes to that line. i have also noticed that for some unknown reason the 2d drawing gave itself depth. it is a very large drawing and i have tried to clip parts of it to put on a new drawing it defalts to the front view and i still cannot dimension on it.
I am using arch 2009, and the program did get corrupt during my work and had to reinstall. i have reinstalled several time with the same result. i have tried arch 2011 also with the same result. i think there is a setting that somehow changed and i can't figure out what it is, or should i chalk this up to a program malfunction and start from scratch in a top view (which works fine).
Autodesk Inventor 2013 could export the sketches and dimensions of a part to ProE/CREO. I've tried using an IGES format and exported the part from Inverntor to CREO, and I get the part with the dimensions and everything, but not the sketches or the extrusions,etc. Just the plain part.Also used the .g and .neu , and still nothing.
Problems I'm having with hidden lines being visible in certain viewports and not others.I've dimensioned my drawings in model space, which I prefer, and put the dimensions on a separate layer. However, including that layer in the viewport causes the hidden lines to be visible when plotted. If I turn that layer off, everything works great.
I have dimensions for the same object in plan view that I'm showing in a different viewport that works just great, but in the front elevation viewport it gets all screwy.
I can dimension in paper space just fine.I prefer to dimension in model space whenever possible.
I created Dynamic Block visible with blocks. But I don't know how dimension with Dynamic Block first rowahead (Dimension style). I very try but don't success. create dimension with Dynamic block visible. Purpose, I drawing as I sent to you. I can select from list Dynamic block visible instead go to change dimension style on the Styles bar (Dim style control).
If it is possible to create proper dimensions for 3D isometric drafting views? In AutoCAD I could set an oblique angle for a dimension but in Revit there is no setting. I can only dimension 3D model views.
I have 3D drawing. I put camera's in several places and situations. In viewports I choosed a camera in every viewport. They work nice so long the drawing is open. When I close the drawing after saving it ofcourse. When I open it again , the viewports jump to SOUTH-EAST. and I have to rearrange the view of the cammera again. Although I used the command UCSFOLLOW to solve this, but it did not work.
PS. that happens only in the viewports which based on camera's. The views in other viewports which are not based on camer's, stay without chaning or jumping.
Every time I change views in 2013, new layers added to the drawing turn off. How do I stop this? The active layer also defalts to the active one I started with.
Our engineering department users are facing this problem that the hatch patterns are not visible. Everytime they have to use the FILL command when they open any drawing. They are facing this problem with some dwgs, when anybody else opens the same drawing this happens again. After that they are unable to see the hatch patterns in any drawing. After using FILL it becomes visible but restrting the AutoCAD reverts the setting back so they unable to see the hatch pattern again. After opening that dwg in all files they are unable to hatch.
Is there a way to get proper dimensioning when generating views with the"Viewbase" command. I get erroneous results when using the dimordinate and dinbaseline commands with these views.