AutoCAD 2013 :: Right Click Clipboard Customization
Jun 18, 2012
when I wanted to copy objects from one drawing to another or even inside of one drawing, I could right click, "Copy with Base Point" . In 2013 (possibly before) they moved that command along with copy, paste into another command called "Clipboard".
I've been searching for a way to customize that to remove that extra click to access a commonly used command with no luck.
My right click customization, which would bring up properties as an option, or could unlock a viewport by selecting it and right clicking. and can also select an x-ref to open, or edit in place, and modify attributes, etc.....has disappeared.
All I get now are basic pan/zoom commands, action recorder, clipboard, etc.....I checked my options, nothing has changed in my right click customization field, but for some reason, it's just not working. Any way to get that back?
When I change the User Preferences "right click customization" to "Repeat Last Command" and "ENTER" then hit "Apply & Close" it reverts back to the default settings.
So when using C3D, I have my right-click setup so that when I click on an object, say a multi-leader, surface, etc, a long menu pops up with object-specific options. Such as multi-leader styles and scales, pipe network options, etc.
So today, AutoCAD decided to be lazy and not show that menu. I've tried turning off the R-C customization, then turning it back on, switching the custom options around, applying, then setting them back to the way I had them, starting a new drawing, restarting CADD, and finally restarting my computer. NOTHING.
This has happened to me several times in the past and it just starts working properly again at some point. To draft, modifying C3D objects, without the r-c menu is such a time consuming PITA.
I have altered my CUI so when I double click on civil 3d objects it opens up their properties for quick editing. Never had a problem pre 2013 and I am sure this is something I did but am lost.
Every time I double click on any object it just opens up the properties box. It skips right over my double click customization.
In ACAD 2013, everytime I try to sync my settings to "the cloud", the pull down menu reads "Customization Syn - Error". I am signed in OK to Autodesk 360. Stand alone 64 bit installation on a single machine.
I've been using ACAD LT 2013 successfully, until the message started flashing on my screen "Sync Error, A customization sync error has occurred" It does not allow me to turn it off.
Is there any way that Autocad can have multiple items placed on the clipboard for insertion use like the Microsoft Office Word program has (up to 24 inputs). This would be a good feature to allow going to one file, copying what you need and then switching to your current drawing file and placing them as needed.
Whenever I select some objects in an AUTOCAD drawing and Press Ctrl+C to copy them for taking it to any other file, it gives error "COPY TO CLIPBOARD FAILED."
However, this error is not for all the files but in some of the files. After much tweaking and researching on my own, I found out that this happens in files in which I have set viewports in LAYOUT. When i delete the entire LAYOUT by right Click + Delete, and then go to MODEL and do Ctrl+C, the copy to clipboard happens in normal way.
Why do I get the error when I have set viewports in LAYOUT ?
You'd think that being able to copy and paste would be a fairly straightforward task in any piece of software. Not in AutoCAD 2013. The Help file says the commands are located on the 'Clipboard' panel, under the 'Home' tab. I've spent a lot of time searching and can't find them, nor can I find any information about how to turn such a panel on.
This is the sort of thing that shouldn't be a problem in a well-designed piece of software. We're finding AutoCAD 2013 to be almost unusable out of the box, and have to spend ages fiddling with the (clunky) Custom User Interface commands to make it work. Every time AutoDesk bring out a new version of AutoCAD it seems to get even worse. I could resort to keyboard commands, but shouldn't have to. I'm starting to think the best solution would be to invest in a copy of Vectorworks instead.
I've tried to figure out the pattern of how the command works for inputting partial customization menu toolbar names but I'm unsuccessful.
You should be able to show and hide partial customization menu toolbars with the -toolbar command because it can hide all toolbars including my partial customization menu toolbars currently shown. I've tried the toolbar menu alias (defined in the CUI command) and the name (refer to this link to the same image embedded below) and none work.
When I select the UCS icon and right-click, I get a right-click menu, but there is no options for UCS there. I thought it should give me options regarding the UCS and the UCS icon. Using vanilla AutoCAD 2013.
The answer to this post is not the pickfirst variable. I select text, a line, anything really then right click, copy and nothing it loses the selection set and waits for me to now select something. I know it sounds like pickfirst, but pickfirst is set to 1.
2013 Autocad vanilla.All service packs and updates.
I have attached an image...but in 2013 we had an expanded Right Click shortcut if you clicked on a line for example it would give you alot of you see in the image I do not have all those in 2014.
My "Shortcutmenu" is set to 11
Pickfirst is set to 1.
In CUI I do not see any seperate menus loaded under Shortcut.
When I go into CUI & try to customize the double click for say line & set it to bring up the properties box it works, but it changes all double click actions to do that unless there is already a default double click for a particular command. When I set the double click in the hatch command to edit the hatch (hatch box pops up) it works but it will change the line double click to do the same thing. I don't remember having this problem in 2009. I'm saving in the CUI every time I try this.
Everyone so far in the office who is using 2013 has found that intermitently but fairly often (maybe 1 in 8 attempts) when clicking on a tool button it seems to take about 3-4 goes at clicking before the command kicks in, this is with any command and there are various versions of windows and mouse hardware involved.
I just got a new pc upgrade so I'm walking through everything to see if it all works. Now when I double click my mouse wheel, nothing happens where before it would zoom extents. I'm using a MS Wireless Mouse 5000 with AutoCAD 2013.
I played around with programming the mouse buttons directly, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't see anything in AutoCAD about a setting for mouse wheel double click. All I see is that it just says that double clicking the mouse wheel should execute the zoom extents command.
I have made several modifications to my default right click menu in C3D 2103 - is there any easy way to transfer these modifications to C3D 2014? (i have posted to the main Civil board but no response)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
When I have an object selected and I want to de-select said object, I typically right-click and select "deselect all" - I have Autocad 2013 and it is telling me that this is an unknown command.
Where the paste on the mouse right click menu is greyed out? Is it maybe a system variable I am missing? Both are on Win 7 Pro 64 and AutoCAD 2013 64bit.
A while ago I found out you can deselect something from your current selection set by holding down the shift key and clicking on it. This was a pretty useful tool...but then it randomly stopped working today for me.
When zooming, I middle click the mouse to bring up osnaps, then type the letter to force the snap I want. That stopped working today: the menu pops up, I type "E", the menu goes away, but it doesn't default to endpoint, there's an "E" on my command line.
I'm not sure if this is a Service Pack 1 issue or not, but I just installed that yesterday.
How do I change the short cut keys in only the right click menu? For example I used to be able to right click then type M for move in 2012. Now in 2013, I have to right click then click V for move. I also used to be able to right click and type O for rotate. Now nothing happens. I have to click again on rotate rather than typing a key. There's a few others I'd like to change.
right clicking the mouse normally repeats the previous command. In this case I right click to repeat the "break at point" command. Instead of getting the break at point command, I always get the "break" command.
Using 2012 in my CUI I could set the general note label to use the double click function. When I double clicked on any label I'd get the editor box pop up. Now in 2013 for some strange reason that no longer seems to work.