AutoCAD 2013 :: Closed When Click (A) Symbol

Apr 10, 2013

Autocad 2013 closed when I click "A" symbol, "A" symbol meaning is AUTOCAD symbol at upper left corner.

one again, why licence screen didn't display after finishing install ?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Single Click On Ribbon Is Now A Double Click

Apr 17, 2012

I have noticed that when I click on any button on the Ribbon Panels it now requires more that one click to activate the button. 

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Add A Click Event On A Symbol

Nov 13, 2013

When I try to add a click event on a symbol, I can't access to the symbol, only to the parent. For example, if on the event click on a specific symbol A I add the code

var symbolElement = sym.getSymbolElement();
It will hide the parent of A, instead of hiding A. How do I access to A?

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Edge Animate CC :: Getting Target Symbol On Click

Mar 26, 2013

How do I reference `this` when a symbol is clicked?  I have a click event on 'alien' on the stage.  In the handler, sym appears to be stage and not 'this'.

I want it to play itself (amoung other things) when clicked. gets me the element, but not the edge symbol so I can play itself. 

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Create A Symbol On Mouse Click

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to create an instance of a symbol at the mouse location when i click - anywhere on stage. I think it should be something like the following:
//stage function
// Create an instance element of a symbol as a child of the
// given parent element
//premade code:  var mySymbolObject = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_1", "ParentElement1");
var mySymbolObject = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_1", "Mouse");
This doesn't work of course because the mouse isn't a symbol.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Delete All Symbol Instances On A Click Event

Dec 5, 2013

I'd like to delete all symbol instances on a click event, the

only works on one symbol, and I've tried combining it with both


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AutoCAD 2013 :: AREA Of Closed Polyline Is In Sq In First THEN Sq Ft

Oct 31, 2013

Presently the "AREA" of a closed polyline is in "sq-in" first, THEN "sq ft".

For everything I do, and likely others, I need sq ft - without having to waste time and roll my cursor over the results.

Is there ANY way to change this default to have sq ft FIRST!??

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AutoCAD 2013 :: SurfPatch Command - Create Surface From Closed 3D Poly

Feb 21, 2013

Trying to us SURFPATCH to create a surface from a closed 3d poly (with SP1.1 applied)

The 3D poly on the left worked correctly, but when trying SURFPATCH on the right (axe head shape) the resulting surface id rectangular - why? looks like I will need to revert to EDGESURF - for now

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cannot Join Basic Lines To Make Closed Polyline

Jul 30, 2013

How do I solve this problem I cannot join basic lines to make a closed polyline as they will not join together. So i tried to use the flatten command which does not work and out puts error below:-
Command Prompt Input/ouput

Command: FLATTEN
Select objects to convert to 2d...8 found
Remove hidden lines? <No>:
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Closed Polyline Not Showing As Closed Section

Apr 10, 2012

I have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.

I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Perpendicular Osnap Not Working Correctly With Closed Polylines Grips

Dec 30, 2012

Just found the issue with my AC2013.

A bit of difference is that the polylines do not have to be even closed. Any polyline gives me exactly the described behaviour, which is definitely not intended. Appears still not resolved. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Greek Symbol Errors

Apr 18, 2013

I have one work station when you insert the greek symbol mew it comes up as M. I tried a few other greek symbols they same to work correctly. I have tried running a repiar, no change. Opening a drawing which has mew in it already makes it display as M

I have tired to insereting it  in diffrent fonts same outcome. I can inseret it onther programs like word, thinking it might be some sort of windows or operating system setting.

copying and pasting mew from word to cad works on all other work stations but this one. We are using Civil3d 2013 on windows 7 machines.

What it might be or a work arounds short of making a block for the symbol from lines.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copying Drawing With OHM Symbol

Mar 24, 2013

We used Furix BetterWMF 2013 to copy our drawings from AutoCAD 2013 to Word 2007. Never had a problem till we upgraded to 2013 for both products.  Now when we paste the drawing into Word (for our product manuals) any Ohm symbols turn into Question marks. 

I'm assuming the problem is not AutoCAD, as it displays correctly there. 

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AutoCad :: 2013 - E Symbol And Panel Objects

Sep 22, 2012

Learning to use Autocad Electrical 2013. When I edit a symbol such as a circuit breaker, I can't find the linking information for the control panel object.

I know where the panel object dwg file is for the symbols that are included from Autocad. To create a new panel object dwg for the "Panel Layout" in Acad E, I can't see where it is attached, or how it is referanced.

I not sure I made my self clear enough. I didn't see it in block edit for the symbol.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mtext Change Bullet Symbol?

Sep 19, 2012

When I create Mtext with a Bullet list, I want to change the bullet to something of my own choosing, instead of the blakc dot. I've been looking into this before, but couldn't find a solution. Some time back, I received a drawing from someone else. See attachment. It contains a piece of Mtext wich uses an alternative bullet, in this case a hyphen. So it CAN be done. Only thing is, I can't figure out HOW they did it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Perpendicular Symbol And Align To New Shape

Nov 26, 2013

I just started using the Autocad 2014, and noticed that there are a lot of symbols appearing next to my lines to show that the lines are horizontal and also perpendicular. Is there a way to switch these off? I can cross it out in every corner, but would prefer if it didn't appear to start with.

The second problem I have is when I try to use the align command. The boxes don't align properly, and sometimes the shape is even distorted to a rectangle.

I have attached a couple of print screens to show what I mean. In the second image the boxes rotate rather than align to the new shape.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Any Simple Symbol To Label X / Y / Z Plus Arrow

May 23, 2013

I think we keep on without an annotation symbol to label the x,y and/or Z of a point ? Have I to develop our symbol ? I'm going to create my own symbol. Using attributes & dynamic behaviours I can do it.

how to get my arrow rotates  (I move the box and I have - the arrow aligned with line1 and line 2 horizontal).I don't want to use parametrics, because I want to have a symbol compatible with versions prior to 2010.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Right-click UCS Icon

Sep 22, 2013

When I select the UCS icon and right-click, I get a right-click menu, but there is no options for UCS there. I thought it should give me options regarding the UCS and the UCS icon. Using vanilla AutoCAD 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multileader Arrowhead Symbol Not Displaying Correctly

Nov 5, 2013

I have autocad running on my partitioned mac and I have just created a multileader style with Datum triangle filled as the arrowhead symbol. In the view panel the symbol looks correct, but when I select the multileader with this datum style and add it to my drawing it appears as an unfilled triangle! 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Right Click Customization Disappeared?

Jul 3, 2013

My right click customization, which would bring up properties as an option, or could unlock a viewport by selecting it and right clicking. and can also select an x-ref to open, or edit in place, and modify attributes, etc.....has disappeared.

All I get now are basic pan/zoom commands, action recorder, clipboard, etc.....I checked my options, nothing has changed in my right click customization field, but for some reason, it's just not working. Any way to get that back?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Way To Make Right Click On Mouse

Nov 1, 2012

is there a way to make it so that i right click on the mouse, it does the 'cancel' command??

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Selection First Then Right Click Not Working

Sep 5, 2013

The answer to this post is not the pickfirst variable. I select text, a line, anything really then right click, copy and nothing it loses the selection set and waits for me to now select something. I know it sounds like pickfirst, but pickfirst is set to 1.

2013 Autocad vanilla.All service packs and updates.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Right Click Shortcut Menu

Aug 29, 2013

I have attached an image...but in 2013 we had an expanded Right Click shortcut if you clicked on a line for example it would give you alot of you see in the image I do not have all those in 2014.

My "Shortcutmenu" is set to 11

Pickfirst is set to 1.

In CUI I do not see any seperate menus loaded under Shortcut.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Right Click Clipboard Customization

Jun 18, 2012

when I wanted to copy objects from one drawing to another or even inside of one drawing, I could right click, "Copy with Base Point" .  In 2013 (possibly before) they moved that command along with copy, paste into another command called "Clipboard". 

I've been searching for a way to customize that to remove that extra click to access a commonly used command with no luck.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Double Click Settings

Aug 29, 2013

When I go into CUI & try to customize the double click for say line & set it to bring up the properties box it works, but it changes all double click actions to do that unless there is already a default double click for a particular command. When I  set the double click in the hatch command to edit the hatch (hatch box pops up) it works but it will change the line double click to do the same thing. I don't remember having this problem in 2009. I'm saving in the CUI every time I try this.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Click Taking 3 Or 4 Goes?

Apr 24, 2012

Everyone so far in the office who is using 2013 has found that intermitently but fairly often (maybe 1 in 8 attempts) when clicking on a tool button it seems to take about 3-4 goes at clicking before the command kicks in, this is with any command and there are various versions of windows and mouse hardware involved.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy / Paste - Symbol Disappeared When Moved To Another Location

May 2, 2013

When copying a symbol (control c) then pasting (control v) I can move the symbol to another location and left click to drop it. Many times when I do this the symbol disappears and you can't see it. If I re (regen) the the entire model disappears. I can close out the drawing then open it back up the drawing has been restored and the symbol will be at the location that I had placed it at. With the same drawing, I don't have these problems with 2012.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Offset Outlines On Closed Or Non-closed Path

Sep 27, 2013

i want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Double Click Mouse Wheel

Jun 7, 2012

I just got a new pc upgrade so I'm walking through everything to see if it all works. Now when I double click my mouse wheel, nothing happens where before it would zoom extents. I'm using a MS Wireless Mouse 5000 with AutoCAD 2013.

I played around with programming the mouse buttons directly, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't see anything in AutoCAD about a setting for mouse wheel double click. All I see is that it just says that double clicking the mouse wheel should execute the zoom extents command.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Right Click On Hatch -> Generate Boundary?

Jan 7, 2014

When you right click on a hatch pattern...

Is there a way to Generate only the perimiter boundary, without the 'islands'?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Right Click Modifications 2013 To 2014

Apr 23, 2013

I have made several modifications to my default right click menu in C3D 2103 - is there any easy way to transfer these modifications to C3D 2014? (i have posted to the main Civil board but no response)

IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600

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