Learning to use Autocad Electrical 2013. When I edit a symbol such as a circuit breaker, I can't find the linking information for the control panel object.
I know where the panel object dwg file is for the symbols that are included from Autocad. To create a new panel object dwg for the "Panel Layout" in Acad E, I can't see where it is attached, or how it is referanced.
I not sure I made my self clear enough. I didn't see it in block edit for the symbol.
When I try to move an object to the 0,0 plain, I get a "locked" symbol in the command line and the object does not move to the 0,0 plain. How would I be able to unlock this to move anything to the 0,0 plain.
A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.
When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...
I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!
I have one work station when you insert the greek symbol mew it comes up as M. I tried a few other greek symbols they same to work correctly. I have tried running a repiar, no change. Opening a drawing which has mew in it already makes it display as M
I have tired to insereting it in diffrent fonts same outcome. I can inseret it onther programs like word, thinking it might be some sort of windows or operating system setting.
copying and pasting mew from word to cad works on all other work stations but this one. We are using Civil3d 2013 on windows 7 machines.
What it might be or a work arounds short of making a block for the symbol from lines.
We used Furix BetterWMF 2013 to copy our drawings from AutoCAD 2013 to Word 2007. Never had a problem till we upgraded to 2013 for both products. Now when we paste the drawing into Word (for our product manuals) any Ohm symbols turn into Question marks.
I'm assuming the problem is not AutoCAD, as it displays correctly there.
When I create Mtext with a Bullet list, I want to change the bullet to something of my own choosing, instead of the blakc dot. I've been looking into this before, but couldn't find a solution. Some time back, I received a drawing from someone else. See attachment. It contains a piece of Mtext wich uses an alternative bullet, in this case a hyphen. So it CAN be done. Only thing is, I can't figure out HOW they did it?
I just started using the Autocad 2014, and noticed that there are a lot of symbols appearing next to my lines to show that the lines are horizontal and also perpendicular. Is there a way to switch these off? I can cross it out in every corner, but would prefer if it didn't appear to start with.
The second problem I have is when I try to use the align command. The boxes don't align properly, and sometimes the shape is even distorted to a rectangle.
I have attached a couple of print screens to show what I mean. In the second image the boxes rotate rather than align to the new shape.
I think we keep on without an annotation symbol to label the x,y and/or Z of a point ? Have I to develop our symbol ? I'm going to create my own symbol. Using attributes & dynamic behaviours I can do it.
how to get my arrow rotates (I move the box and I have - the arrow aligned with line1 and line 2 horizontal).I don't want to use parametrics, because I want to have a symbol compatible with versions prior to 2010.
I started an animation requiring a multitude of objects and I'm starting to find it difficult to remember which one is which when they are all called "round rect," "rect 2 copy 2," etc. I found it easier to animate if I let them remain as objects rather than symbols, but it has started to become difficult to determine which object I need to animate next. I tried turning them into symbols, but it seems to complicate things more for me.
I have autocad running on my partitioned mac and I have just created a multileader style with Datum triangle filled as the arrowhead symbol. In the view panel the symbol looks correct, but when I select the multileader with this datum style and add it to my drawing it appears as an unfilled triangle!
When copying a symbol (control c) then pasting (control v) I can move the symbol to another location and left click to drop it. Many times when I do this the symbol disappears and you can't see it. If I re (regen) the the entire model disappears. I can close out the drawing then open it back up the drawing has been restored and the symbol will be at the location that I had placed it at. With the same drawing, I don't have these problems with 2012.
I am looking to reach the Autodesk Seek function from the ribbon menu, but cannot find the Content Panel on the Insert Tab. I did a little poking around in the .cuix, through the cui customization command, but cannot even find it. Is there a way to download this, or has the feature been removed for ACAD 2013?
i have a guge artwork and i need to select a small groups (around 10-100) of objects from about 4000 overlayed objects and then group'em/split-to-layers for usability (This is a human body infographics for medical institute) There IS NO way selecting them from canvas because they are overlayed, and sometimes not visible at all. in CS5 there was a feature to select multiple objects by Alt+drag selection icon on the most right in the Layers Panel. Now the duplication mode turns-on when i try to perform it. So.. Ho do i select multiple object without need to click through thousands of them? (i need drag-select)
How to turn of the "lock symbol" from showing when you run your crosshairs (outside of a command) over a locked layer. Its annoying and i would like to turn it off.
Also, when offsetting a line, is there a way to turn off the imaginary offset line that indicates the offset side, again its annoying and i'd like to turn it off.
Is it possible to select a few objects by "sliding a mouse", on layer panel? For example, you can hold down the mouse, slide to lock multiple objects. It's fast and easy!
But if I need to select, say, only red, blue, yellow stars... I need to click the ◎ icons to select each sublayer. when I have so many objects to be selected on layer panel.
I use CS6 on Mac. Is there any secret shortcut key to select objects on layer panel by "sliding a mouse"?
I recently updated to Autocad Architectural 2013 and can't find the design panel for walls, door & windows. This panel created 3D objects and had grips to modify the object. Where do I find it?
You'd think that being able to copy and paste would be a fairly straightforward task in any piece of software. Not in AutoCAD 2013. The Help file says the commands are located on the 'Clipboard' panel, under the 'Home' tab. I've spent a lot of time searching and can't find them, nor can I find any information about how to turn such a panel on.
This is the sort of thing that shouldn't be a problem in a well-designed piece of software. We're finding AutoCAD 2013 to be almost unusable out of the box, and have to spend ages fiddling with the (clunky) Custom User Interface commands to make it work. Every time AutoDesk bring out a new version of AutoCAD it seems to get even worse. I could resort to keyboard commands, but shouldn't have to. I'm starting to think the best solution would be to invest in a copy of Vectorworks instead.
Having trouble moving objects between layers by simply dragging the right-hand dot to a new layer? CS6 won't let me drag the dot on any kind of selected art from any kind of file I've tried..
Click the name of the desired layer in the Layers panel. Then choose Object > Arrange > Send To Current Layer. Drag the selected-art indicator , located at the right of the layer in the Layers panel, to the layer you want. But method #2 doesn't work at all for me. In fact, the cursor doesn't even change when I mouse over the selected-art indicator dot.
The attached picture is me trying to balloon a part. I would like to just add some notes to the balloon so that I can update them manually but all I can find is to have a symbol. So I created a symbol, the insertion point for the symbol is shown. For some reason I get an extra number and the symbol offcenter. Why is this happening? What I'm really looking for is a balloon that is fully customizable so that I can just add text to the top and bottom and fill out the details.
I make a compound object, then when I resize it, it moves anchors around. Note the corners on the 3rd "8" -- they're pinched together. This is happening on a lot of different object
Is there a way to "eval" or dynamically set a symbol name that has been parsed from XML to build a symbol path? For example, I'm trying to dynamically set a variable to the path of a sysmbol already on the stage, but it's not working correctly:
var xmlSymName = $('symName', this).text(); // where symName = "sym4" from a parsed XML node var whatPOI = sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("sym1").getSymbol("sym2").getSymbol("sym3").getSymbol(xmlSymName).getSymbolElement();
Basically I have a lot of points on a map and I'd like to be able to name the points along with other data like tooltip callouts, etc populated via XML then loop through the XML to build the points of interest on the map. If I can get the above working I can place that variable path reference into an array and grab the data from it later. But the path is not working the way I have it.
The scenario is this, I have a symbol(TitlePage) on my main timeline. Inside the symbol(TitlePage) there is a play button. How can i set a click event on this symbol that access the main timeline(stage) labels?