AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Use Toolbar To Load Toolbar From Partial Customization Menu
Dec 19, 2013
I've tried to figure out the pattern of how the command works for inputting partial customization menu toolbar names but I'm unsuccessful.
You should be able to show and hide partial customization menu toolbars with the -toolbar command because it can hide all toolbars including my partial customization menu toolbars currently shown. I've tried the toolbar menu alias (defined in the CUI command) and the name (refer to this link to the same image embedded below) and none work.
I have a company .cuix menu that is loaded as a partial menu to the main acad.cuix file. I want to delete all the toolbars and pull down menus associated with it and leave the other stuff in place. This is in Autocad 2011 but should also translate to 2013. So far, I have tried opening the CUI menu, going to the company.cuix partial menu and deleting the toolbars. Then I hit save, then Apply. Toolbars disappear and pulldown menus go away. But when I reload AutoCAD they come back.
I have installed AutoCAD 2013 student on my Laptop (Win7 32Bit) and want to work now.
But I have the problem that my Menubar always freezes / becomes instabil.
-> When I open ACAD, the menu bar is by default on "Home", when I click on the tab "Insert", the tools of "insert" aren't visible, there are still the tools from "Home" shown (Line, Polyline, Circle etc.)
But when I click on these wrong shown tools, the tools of "Insert" become active. (Only the 'surface' doesn't react)
Well, I see always the Home-tools. All the other tools aren't displayed to me, but they work (if u know where they are, you can guess and click and hope you hit the right one )
I added the Layer group (On / Off Freeze Lock / Unlock and Layer name) to the Quick Access Toolbar. I only see the first part name of the layer. Is there a way to stretch this part of the group in the QAT tool bar so I can see the more of the layer name? The partial name and layer color may be a sufficient clue as to the whole layer name over time. Would be nice to see the whole name until then.
Inventor Pro 2010, XP Pro SP3, Compaq nw9440 laptop with NVIDIA FX 1500 VIDEO. why tools added to Quick Access Toolbar will disappear. they were here yesterday, gone today. I've reset them to see if I can duplicate the problem.
I am trying to create new custom menu and toolbar in autocad 2010 using VB.NET / C#. I tried the below URL for adding existing toolbar and menu. But i need to create new one.
I already add in the Quick Access Toolbar the "Layer Combo Control" and the "Ribbon Combo Box - Linetypes"
I would like to add also "Ribbon Combo Box - Object Color" BUT it seems impossible...
I copy it from Panels - Home - Properties and put it into Quick access Toolbar, but it never shows up and worse when I go back to CUI it has dissappeared...
The only things that works is the "color" function.
I have been having problems using my layer toolbar dropdown menu. My drop down bar will show the current layer or the current layer and the layer of a selected object. I need to open the Layer Properties Manager in order to turn on/off or freeze/thaw other layers. It seems to happen the most when I have external references loaded into the drawing.
Also, the Layer Properties Manager has a few quirks. If I create a new layer, it will not record changes to the layer color, linetype, etc on the first try. I can make these changes, but when I close the Layer Properties box, all of the changes are lost. I need to reopen the Layer Properties Manager and make the changes again.
The Layer Properties Manager also seems to have a glitch where it will deselect from the manager back to the drawing without a mouse click. Also, when I click once on an external reference layer to select, it tells me I cannot modify this layer. I would assume this would pop up if it were a double click action for modification, but it does this after a single click.
It seems that there are some major glitches with the Layer Properties Manager.
I'm having a display bug with the menu toolbar icons in Photoshop CS4 Extended. The icons don't show when mouse hovers over them and they don't show at all for the drop down menus. Can this be fixed?
I'm on WinXP, Athlon 64 4000+, 3GB ram, GeForce 6800 GT video card [driver 181.20]. I'm not sure if this is a video driver bug or CS4 bug.
Running 2014 plain Jane. I have the ribbon turned off. Sometimes (a lot) when I double click a block to edit it my Block Editor Toolbar does not come on. And it is not listed in the acad list of tool bars.
I made my first installation of Autocad 2013 on this computer. Unfortunately the quick access toolbar appears whitened as you can see in the attached picture.
We've carried out a company upgrade of AutoCad to 2014. Since then a fair few PC's display an odd behavior of rapidly flashing bottom toolbars when more than one drawing is open at a time. One PC resolved this by upgrading their video driver.
Why does the layer control toolbar always state the Xref layers by default. Is there a workaround, or a setting so the layers of the current drawing are displayed by default?
I made a toolbar button with the macros @, and tried also @ pause.
I need this in order to shorten the procedure for relative coordinate input, but, after pressing the button the last point is entered and i cannot continue entering values like in the manual input at the command like, like: @5,5
Even if i use the "@ pause " sequence it doesn't work.
On some computers I have a problem. The down arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar doesn't show. I checked that my interface is not lock too. So to customize the quick access toolbar I have to use the CUI.
I don't know if it's related, but my customize toolbar (from my partial menu) have to be displayed manually each time I start AutoCAD but not my custom tab in the ribbon.
Our office recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2005 to the new version AutoCAD Architecture 2013. I’m having difficulty finding the layer override toolbar for the lines. I have found that I can change the color and/or line type of an line in the properties dialog box but in AutoCAD 2005 there was a toolbar specifically assigned for the color, line type and line weight of a line. Dose that toolbar still exist in 2013 or do they control this in another location.