I am attaching a scroll work for doors that I am trying to draw. But I am having problem on the smoothness of the curves that I am trying to make. What I do is I draw a series of arcs to replicate the reference image also attached in this message. Also, when I print this into PDF, what happens is that the lines break where the arcs intersect in CAD, also attached here.
My scroll wheel no longer works after installing Lightroom 4.4. In all previous versions, I was able to use my Logitech scroll device to adjust the sliders in the development panel. In the 4.4 version, the scroll wheel no longer works and instead of adjusting an individual slider, it scrolls the whole development panel up and down. I did uninstall the mouse driver and reinstalled but that did not work. The mouse works just fine in all other programs. I think it is a bug with the 4.4 version. I am operating in Windows 7.
I use autocad architecture 2013 and it works just fine until the save turns to qsave whenever i want to save a drawing by save, save as and ctrl+s it works as qsave..how can I turn it back to SAVE ?
The vertical scroll bar don't really bother me, it's the bottom scroll bar that I mostly want to hide. I never use them and the horizontal one take too much space that hide some "tabs". I know I can "minimize" the horizontal one, but I have to do it every single time I start AutoCAD. So I've search a way to hide them but come with nothing.
I am using 2012 version of CAD. I usually use classic mode. My files consist of alot of xrefs which are saved in different CAD versions. Whenever I scroll on my drawings i get a fatal error. I am not sure why this happens. Everytime a fatal error appears I have recover all the xrefs and the drawings those are opened in my system. Also, If i open the file directly from folder it gives me fatal error. so i have open CAD window first and then i have to open my drawings.
Is there anyways to change the scroll direction on the trackpad of Mac 2013 Autocad? I like Autocad but I don't like how it uses the "natural" scrolling even with it turned off in OS X. It is just weird having your OS work one way but Autocad work the opposite.
I've been trying to import a Solidworks file (.SLDASM) into AutoCAD 2013. The documentation says this is a valid file type, but it doesn't seem to work The import process completes, but the following message appears: “Import failed. The specified file is invalid or unsupported.”
Why is it that when I click in the command line history field (when docked) and roll the mouse wheel I can't scroll it up or down? There is no visible scroll bar until the cursor is moved to the other side of the window (a long way on the 30" display), and grabbing this will scroll the command history, yet the wheel wont work.
If the command line is undocked and the disclosure triangle is clicked to display the history, the scroll wheel DOES scroll the list.
I have a customer who uses Solid Works and I of course have Inventor 2013. Before I get into discussion with them about software compatability I wanted to ask the experts! Can I open Solid Works drawings with Inventor?
I installed the Network License Manager in a Windows 2008 Server ( I installed theNLM using the CD of AutoCAD 2013). The AutoCAD 2013 works fine in the clientmachines, but the 2011 and 2012 version don´t. In the page of Autodesk, on ManageSerial Numbers, I can see the Serial Number for 2011, 2012 and 2013 Suites. Why theAutoCAD 2011/2012 don´t work in the client machines? Note: in the 2011/2012 versionappears the message " A valid license could not be obtained by the network licensemanager. If you are still unable to access a license, contact your systemadministrator. Error [-96.7.11001] ".
I am importing solidworks assembly files into AutoCAD 2014. They show up fine after importing them. It says the assembly is in inches but when i go into the individual parts blocks they are all 25.4 scale. Is there a way to not have all the parts scaled up when it is imported?
I have created a dynamic block which has hatchings in it.
In the block editor when I do a test of the block everyhting runs smoothly.
Howevfer when it is in model space it fails to keep the hatch boundary associativity. Even when the same dimensions are used as the block has as default.
today i decide to work in production with maya 2013 it's the begin of project 1 make one light mib amb occlusion to fzke fg one portail light for soft shadow one plane on the plane i try to apply bend deformer , don't work , all deformers don't work so come back to 2012 and now i'm very tired to see that , with the more basic tool , bug arrived so i was desapointer with this poor release but i think ok , they work to clean all the bugs.
Recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and drawings opened up fine. Now today any drawing that opens shows the plan view as last saved but then after loading takes the drawing and shifts it into a 3d view similar to a crossection. Is there a setting somewhere that has been changed? I noticed after a windows 7 update was preformed.
I have this heavy issue, i can't send to back a line, an object or a hatch under other lines. In 2012 i used this feature a lot but in 2013 it's not working very much, maybe 1 time out of 10 and i absolutely can't say why.
HPDRAWORDER = 1 seems to work with a new hatch.. but i can't redraw everything.
Let's say i put an entire floor plan into block then draw over it. (I don't want to start a Xref discussion please) i can't send the entire bloc to the back.I used to do that with 2012, 2008, 2007.. but it's 2013 it's not working, is there a way to correct that?
I recently added 2 monitors to my set up to bring my total to 3. I am trying to figure out the best way to work on one drawing, with 2 differant veiws on each of the 2 main screens.
I would like my main screen to have the plan view and the second monitor to have an isometric veiw (or whatever I need at the time) of the same drawing. Is there a way to have the same drawing opened up in another window, in one session of Autocad 2013. One on the main screen and one on the secondary.
As many of us seam to do the option to save by default to an older version of AutoCAD or universal DXF format is selected, my problem is however when you save an existing drawing a prompt appears asking if 'Drawing*.dxf last saved in AutoCAD 2004 format. Save in AutoCAD 2013 Drawing format?' this has annoyed me for years!
I have set it as default DXF 2014 for a good reason I don’t want a prompt asking me if I want to then save it as 2013 or I would have set it like that on my default setting, gets on your nerves when you are doing 100's of files.
Win7 64 Pro - Asus P8P67 PRO - i5-2500k CPU O/C@4.5Ghz- OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - 8GB Ram - GTX550 Ti - SpaceExplorer.
On one of our drawings all of the doors (aparently except for one) detached from their host walls. The doors were still in their places, but un-anchored. We can go through and re-anchor them, but that's a lot of work, especially since they get shifted to the point on the wall you pick to re-anchor them.
1) Is there an easy way to re-anchor them to their original location?
2) What caused this (so that we can avoid this in the future)?
When I select the doors I want to use for my floor plan I can't see the picture of the door that I selected before and after I place it onto a wall, when you usually can. You can only see it on symmetric view, but not in a floor plan bird view, all you see is a gap in the wall (looks like the wall is split into two separate pieces). This only occurs for the doors, the rest of the design tools, I can see their pictures before and after, on the floor plan. I think maybe changed some settings, I'm not use. Maybe there is a way to set everything to deafult settings?
have trouble moving doors or windows within a wall?
I am trying to move a door so that the door is flush with a face of wall. The prompts in acad do not match the instructions.
For instance; select door, okay. then from anchor panel select 'reposition within wall', okay a red line appears and prompt to 'select position on the opening'. okay so i click the face or side of door jamb then select a reference point. (guide says select point to measure to) and on and on. Door never moves.
it should be; select door, select reposition in wall, select reference point (interior, exterior, midpoint), select the desired location. Done.
Instead it is select this that and the other , measure from here, select, click.click click.
Currently our door schedule populates when the doors are inserted into the drawing. I would like to know if I can set the schedule up so it populates when the door is tagged. Our doors are inserted into a base plan and that base plan is xrefed into various sheets.
The doors are tagged in one of these sheets and not the base plan. It takes too much time to stop and set up the schedule to schedule the doors across the xref for every project we do. I have read several articles but none of them explain how to schedule from the tag that I can see. I thought this was how the schedule was set up in a previous version.
I don't recall changing any features in AutoCAD 2013 that would take away my ability to type in the distance that I would like to place doors or windows along my walls, but now that it has been disabled and I don't have it.