AutoCAD Architecture :: Doors Detaching From Walls?
Aug 11, 2011
On one of our drawings all of the doors (aparently except for one) detached from their host walls. The doors were still in their places, but un-anchored. We can go through and re-anchor them, but that's a lot of work, especially since they get shifted to the point on the wall you pick to re-anchor them.
1) Is there an easy way to re-anchor them to their original location?
2) What caused this (so that we can avoid this in the future)?
We have a house plan that has windows and doors of different types anchored to their walls. It seems that whenever someone is working in a file from the network that has the plan xrefed into it and the plan is opened to be modified by another user the windows and doors randomly detach from the walls. We're getting tired of going back in and reanchoring them.
I am opening a file from 2004 and I am using AutoCAD Arch 2012. When I open the file everything is there, but the doors do not cut through the walls. The doors are still there but are not "anchored". Is there a way to fix this easily? I also lost everything out of my door schedule. I know I will get my schedule back when the doors get anchored back to the wall.
I have a model with 5 reference drawings. Everything has been going fine. I am making modifications in 2d wireframe view Then I change to realistic view and conceptual view and see that half of my windows have disappeared and some doors. I open up the first floor plan and see that most of my windows, doors, and openings are not cutting the walls. It just happened and now I cannot get them to anchor in the wall.I did purge, -purge R, audit, recover and closed and reopened the program. No Change! What could have caused all of these objects to lose their anchor?
I've created a plot style setting Black lwt. Stb ( style 1) in my table setting . I've set my plot style in my layers to this setting. In my plot setup I've selected this setting. Have the transperancy setting checked and all others uncheck so my line weights appear nice and thin but everything plots color in my pdf.
I've matched my " plot style" in my properties after selecting various walls, windows, doors and etc in properties . Yet I still get color. Particulary with all default hatches ( cmu wall ) The only thing I've done that works is Select wall> right click> Edit wall Style and then changed the style over rides. This involved selecting different hatches and etc. This works but seems excessive for something that should be simple. What am I missing here. My standard 2d items and even 3d drawings of something like a hinge.I don't encounter this.
I created a new wall type that includes Stud, Sheathing, and Rigid Insulation. I need to show the existing CMU walls cutting through the new Stud walls. Can this be done?
In a project I'm working on we have some doors in large accordian room partitions that need to appear in the schedule however they will not be hosted in a wall in our model. The walls are 2d in the CAD background from a consultant. I created a door family that can be placed and scheduled however the "Room #" field does not populate. Is there a way to add that to the family? I believe the issue comes up because the doors are not in a wall that is "Room Bounding" or in a wall at all.
When I select the doors I want to use for my floor plan I can't see the picture of the door that I selected before and after I place it onto a wall, when you usually can. You can only see it on symmetric view, but not in a floor plan bird view, all you see is a gap in the wall (looks like the wall is split into two separate pieces). This only occurs for the doors, the rest of the design tools, I can see their pictures before and after, on the floor plan. I think maybe changed some settings, I'm not use. Maybe there is a way to set everything to deafult settings?
have trouble moving doors or windows within a wall?
I am trying to move a door so that the door is flush with a face of wall. The prompts in acad do not match the instructions.
For instance; select door, okay. then from anchor panel select 'reposition within wall', okay a red line appears and prompt to 'select position on the opening'. okay so i click the face or side of door jamb then select a reference point. (guide says select point to measure to) and on and on. Door never moves.
it should be; select door, select reposition in wall, select reference point (interior, exterior, midpoint), select the desired location. Done.
Instead it is select this that and the other , measure from here, select, click.
Currently our door schedule populates when the doors are inserted into the drawing. I would like to know if I can set the schedule up so it populates when the door is tagged. Our doors are inserted into a base plan and that base plan is xrefed into various sheets.
The doors are tagged in one of these sheets and not the base plan. It takes too much time to stop and set up the schedule to schedule the doors across the xref for every project we do. I have read several articles but none of them explain how to schedule from the tag that I can see. I thought this was how the schedule was set up in a previous version.
I don't recall changing any features in AutoCAD 2013 that would take away my ability to type in the distance that I would like to place doors or windows along my walls, but now that it has been disabled and I don't have it.
When the spaces are auto created, is there a way they would include doors? I mean, doors are also floor area and they should be also scheduled/added to the space.
I've just upgraded to ACA 2012. I can see how to insert a door in either an offset "or" centered position, but not both. In my previous version, the position could be set to "center / offset" which was an "and / or" option depending on the cursor location. Is this option available in ACA 2012?
This just started happening with 2013. The doors are no longer staying put when a wall is extended or trimmed. Somehow they now move relative to exthe endpoint of the wall. Happens with windows and openings as well.
I'm trying to send a set of drawings for my consultant. They will be using it as a background for their mechanical and electrical drawings and they only need the 2d information. They want to be able to explode them and remove any items they don't need before switching all the layer colours to grey.
When they get the drawings and explode them the doors and walls explode onto the correct layer but the colour of those object and lines are now set to the actual color of the layer rather than colour "bylayer". The line actually take on the colour of the layer in the properties dialogue box. Therefore when they change the colour of the layer to grey the doors remain 'red'.
I would like the doors/walls to stay on their respective layers...AND their colour to be BYLAYER when exploded.
Okay so to start with I have a building with 2 staircores. Everything is drawn in 3d and I have drawn the 2 staircores as elements and subsequently Xrefed these elements into the relevant constructs and subsequently a 3D model view.
When I view the elements as a live drawing (ie. when I open the individual elements) the drawing views okay in plan and in 3D wireframe, hidden mode etc... no problem so far!
When the drawing is Xrefed into a construct and subsequently a 3D model all of the windows and doors disappear... but in 3d only - ie. viewed in plan mode they are fine. I have checked the display configurations in the constructs and views and they are all set to display these objects in the medium detail and high detail for the model and plan modes.
In 3d wireframe mode the windows and doors can be seen within the wall but the opening which they should create is non-existent!This occurs in teh construct and view drawings.
Here's the catch.... I have a 'West Staircore' and and 'East Staircore'. Both are drawn as individual elements. The West staircore is giving trouble, but the East is perfect. They were both set up using the same DWT file which means that the default display configuration settings should be identical.This is backed up by the fact that they view correctly in the live element drawings.
When they are both Xrefed into the same construct, one is fine and the other will not display in the 3D model!
is there a way to make walls looking same as in floor plans...(layers, colors, hatches). I would like to make a template for my walls looking same in sections as in floor plans. This image is what I get by default and I don't know how to change this.
I've drawn a residence in AutoCAD architecture using AEC walls and when I xref my drawing into 3ds Max to add lighthing and textures, the walls do not show up. I've done this on previous projects and there were no issues.
At the moment in AutoCAD (vanilla), we use different names & colors for block walls, concrete walls, etc. for easy isolation of each type, & for different lineweights (CTB). I thought of doing the same in ACA for the same reason, and so in wall styles, display properties, I changed the shrink wrap to by block.
This allows me to change the color of the walls according to the layers I put them into (in plan view). As I haven't even done a building in ACA yet, I need to find out if this method is acceptable, and what are the disadvantages, pitfalls, and if there's anything bad about it.
How can I show the CMU vertical walls in this photo butting up against the stud in the horizontal wall? Please use layman terms as best as possible in describing how to fix this problem.
Is there a trick to get spaces to be on the same level as the walls? On my 2nd floor plan located at 12'-8", the spaces are generating at the ground floor level.
We recently upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2013 from Architecture 2011 and am having all sorts of intermittent issues with walls showing up as single lines in x-refs (even though the file being refrenced has been brought into 2013 and shows correctly when opened by itself). We are also having intermittent issues with the plans and walls themselfs showing as a single line. I need assistance on strightening this out as we have several jobs pending construction that are all having this issue in incosestant areas.
After upgrading to ACA 2011 in plan view I am unable to snap to the edges of walls. Toggling the osnap setting check box to allow object snap to act on wall justification lines seems to have no effect as it always snaps only to the justification line and to nothing else. This is extremely annoying and makes it impossible to dimension to the face of a wall that is center justified. Is this a bug or am I missing some new setting somewhere? All my layers are unfrozen including layer 0.
I have a series of 3d walls in autocad Architecture 2012 and an existing CAD 2d structural column layout.
I need to remove/cut or trim the wall around the HSS columns on a floor plan. The walls show the consttruction of the wall and I can't seem to create a void or mass to cut out around the column. Is there an easy way of doing this so that I can just place this in a block to auto cut the wall. My hope was to create a column block so that I can just drop the HSS columns wherever i want them.
I know i can use a wipeout to clear the area however, that is not ideal as we have other linework that need to be visible.
I am using Autocad LT 2013 and Autocad Architecture withing the same office. When I open a file that has an Xref from Autocad Architecture with 3D walls in Autocad LT, the walls only show as 1 line instead of 2. If I open the orginal file that the Xref came from, with Autocad LT the walls show up just fine (as blocks instead of 3d walls as I expected). I am hoping to be able to veiw the Xrefs correctly in Autocad LT.