AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy The Same Workspace To Cadworx
Nov 26, 2012
We just upgraded to AutoCad 2013 and Cadworx 2013. I have set up a workspace in AutoCad, how can I copy the same workspace to Cadworx. There has to be a easy way to do this.
I'm trying to create / copy an existing workspace using c#
I couldn't find a direct way to just copy the existing workspace so I tried to add it's properties manually. The only trouble is I can't seem to cover all the settings here's what I have so far...
var userworkspace = new Workspace(cs, acadUser) { WorkspaceRibbonRoot = wsMaster.WorkspaceRibbonRoot, WorkspaceQuickAccessToolbar = wsMaster.WorkspaceQuickAccessToolbar, Name = acadUser [Code] ....
Pretty basic I know, how can I get PartialCUI tabs, palettes, etc.. applied?
The title says it all. I need to get my pipe network into Cadworx in all its 3d glory. What types of formats they accept for importing? (Civil 3D 2013)
where my custom workspace are stored. I want to copy several I created on my desktop to my laptop. Have looked extensively without success.
The ability to create customized work spaces and quickly jump between them was a major leap forward in PS. How the CS6 migration grabbed my workspace from CS5. Now I want to copy them to my laptop, too.
Is it possible to export a custom Workspace and then import it to another copy of AICS5? It would save a lot of time to be able to do this for each install of CS5 if we could swap and copy Workspaces rather than reinvent the wheel.
For some odd reason Autocad will not maintain my workspace customizations. For example I typically can customize my workspace by toggling which toolbars are shown and where they are placed. Then I can close autocad and when I start it again all the customizations are present. Now when I start autocad it loads the default workspace. I should have to customize my workspace every time I start autocad. I also shouldn't have to create any custom workspace profile or anything like that. AutoCad used to simply save any GUI customizations made automatically. I need it to get back to that.
I created a new work space and under my new workspace shows only the Express Tools. How do I load all the others? If I go into any of the default workspaces all the tabs shows.
Main issue is frequent crashes of the AutoCAD software. Sometimes 10-12 time's in a day. Unfortunately their are no error messages, and I have yet to see any pattern in when and how it crashes.
The problems I can see are the workspace, and process memory of my system. The workspace does not load correctly. The Ribbon shows multiples of the every tab at least twice. All tabs show the commands but not the pictures associated with the commands. CUIload shows correct workspaces.
Second note is that my system runs the same .dwg file's at 2/3 the processing memory than any other identical systems I run AutoCAD on.
Third, through my digging and attempted solutions I found that the AcSignCore_.dll file was missing.
I have: re-installed 3D twice, updated graphics drivers on my system and run open close save hotfix as well as AutoCAD2010 update 2 for 64 bit system.
When I switch tabs in my UI (I use Drafting and Annotation), they bug somehow and they don't upgrade visually. What I mean is that if I switch "Home" tab to "Annotate", it keeps showing "Home" tab maximized, but the if I click "Line" it would use "Multiline tool", as they occupy same space in corresponding tab. I can fix it temporarily by multi-clicking bar, but after next switch between tabs, it would bug again. I assume it is not hardware problem, as it used to work for me, then I reinstalled my OS and bug started.
Is there a way to add drop-down style buttons to the AutoCAD Classic workspace similar to the ones found in the 2D Drafting and Annotation workspace? (Ex. Drawing Circles, etc.)
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
is there a way to have the profile be on 2d drafting already as yoju open a new file or should you always open a new file and then change the profile from architecture to 2d drafting?
I have a keyboard shortcut for Copy (see directly below). This command doesn't copy multiple. But if I type "Copy" at the comment prompt (AutoCAD 2013) the copy multiple is the default. Copymode is already set to "0".
Noticed that the multiple copy option has been removed from the rotate command? It used to be that I could choose the copy option in the rotate command and set a reference angle to create multiple copies of an object based on a rotational axis. Now the command will let you copy based on a reference angle, but only once. Is there a system variable I can set to bring this option back?
I am having an issue while trying to copy/paste via clipboard. I copy (with or without basepoint) on one drawing then try to paste to another drawing using ctrl v. the first two times, the object pastes. On the third attempt my cursor looks like it is trying to paste something and if I move near an object on the drawing it snaps to points, but no object pastes. After doing so I check my layer manager and the layers involved with this action do paste. After a few attempts with no luck, a weird object I have never seen before appears.
I have tried to purge and audit as well as copying the whole drawing to a new drawing but have had no luck.
Side note, after ctrl v is pressed (or ctrl shift v) the command line says something about duplication of some block name ignored.
I'm working on a drawing that has some plan views that I need to keep.. but I would like to import views from another drawing.
Is there a way to copy views from another drawing? Would be nice if when you insert another drawing as a block, it would bring the views along, same way that it brings along blocks, layers, linetypes.. etc.
Does AutoCAD have a function to copy and increment text? Say I have a piece of text that says Area 1, I want to copy this text a number of times so that I get Area2, Area3, Area4 by just copying ..
My AutoCAD often will not copy & paste. It prompts for insertion point and when picked nothing appears. This happens on many different drawings. Windows 7.