AutoCAD 2010 :: Link The Text File Name Into The Drawing
Feb 19, 2012
I saw this feature in a drawing but can not figure out how:
Within a text box is linked to the file name, if I close and rename, when I open the file name is his name changed into the drawing with DWG extension including. How do I do this?
Can i link several text fields to different layouts in the same DWG? I need to change the same information into several layouts, and it`s taking me too much time to do that.
eg: if i have a field "Smith" in Layout 1, 2, 3, 4 (linked between them) and i want to change from Smith to Johnson , if i change it in Layout 1, it will automatically change it in all Layouts.
Is there anyway to link a field text from one layout to another layout? I need something that when I change a title to one layout the other layouts will change automatically.
I would like to link a series of text lines in an autocad drawing to there corresponding fields in an excel sheet, I can not use tables in autocad because of the way other software uses the text in autocad. I have attached files of the text layout in acad and of the sheet in excel. One thing that keeps me from using tables in acad is that every line of text is on a different layer, with tables you can't control the layer of table its always on the current layer.
If I place a link to a dwg as a hyperlink in an Excel file, AutoCAD freezes. It opens the drawing, then AutoCAD is completely locked. I have to close it through task manager.
This has been tested wih multiple drawings and excel file and it happens in all of them. I'm using Excel 2010 and AutoCAD 2010.
I am looking into using the Survey Database for the first time and noticed it linked back to the imported file from which the points came. However, my question is when the points are adjusted within the AutoCAD file is there a way for this adjustment to link back into the imported point file. I am trying not to have a situation where the data is different between the imported file and the autocad file.
I am hoping to link text items between pages and items in the drawing such as elevations?
So, ideally, I would have a front page to my drawing set, and this would have a 'Contents' type table on it, with the title name of each drawing in one column, then the drawing number in the next column. This is the tricky bit, someone must know: If i was to change the name / number of any item in this table, could it change also (linked to) the following items:
Drawing title (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Drawing number (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Elevation call-out (on the plan view)
And possibly:
Excel reference cell
Drawing layout tab title (this might be pushing it!!)
Perhaps this could be done by linking to an external Excel spreadsheet with these titles modified in there? I'm not sure. This would be ideal as typing into excel is a lot easier than the triple click text modify method required currently.
I waste a lot of time renaming and updating sheet names / titles / numbers. Are there standard templates for drawing sets that may have this built in available anywhere that I could try?
As an engineering company we have started to convert hundreds of our drawings from AutoCAD to PDF using a batch utility.
However every file that is converted into a PDF file is opened by a PDF Viewer. We want to prevent this.
I opened my *.pc3 file and removed the check from the appropriate box. See below
I press OK, then save the file and close. However when I reopen the file, I see the box for Openining in PDF Viewer has been rechecked. No matter what I do, I cannot permanently remove the check from this box.
I have over a 100pg plan set and have changed page numbers and added more drawings and deleted a few. so now we have to go through the entire Table of Contents and drawings and renumber everything. Is there a way to link the fields in the Table of Contents with the page numbers on the drawings?
Currently we create presentation documents InDesign. Each presentation page is a linked Illustrator file (the file contains drawings and description texts). We write the text in Illustrator instead of over it in InDesign because multiple designers/writers will work on each page. We have text that sometimes appear on multiple pages, this text has previously been copied and pasted into each Illustrator file that it needs to appear in, this is inefficient and prone to error.
Is there a way to link to a text file in Illustrator that remains updatable? I poked around here and found information relating to Variable Data – things similar to Data Merge in InDesign. This isn't the solution I'm looking for however. It seems like a plugin or script is the solution.
I have a drawing with numerous text fields that I'd like to replace. For example, there are 30 different text fields showing a dimension of 19.298". I need to replace all of them so that they show 19.125" instead. Is there a quick way to swap out the text without having to do it one field at a time? Is there something that would allow me to do it globally rather than individually?
I have a drawing which has hundreds of levels on and i'm trying to establish what the MEAN level is and the AVERAGE level. I thought the best way might be to extract the text to excel and perform it there but at the moment the only way i can do it is to copy and paste the text and its taking me forever. Is there a way to either a) extract text to excel or b) calculate a MEAN value based on texted selected?
I'm the IT nerd and haven't used autocad before, but i'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with one of our users who is having this issue. From what I have seen, when he loads a drawing, I can see a whole heap of unidentified object messages down the bottom. The drawing loads, but it's missing all the text (mostly the dimensions).
He's told me that he can load it 4 or 5 times, and it will show up, but it fails more than it works.
When I went to convert my finished CAD drawing into a PDF the text came out blurry, information was missing, and the lines were also blurry and still colored, even though the plot style was set to greyscale. I tried opening the file up on another computer and it still did the same thing. I ended up copying the drawing into a whole new document and messing around with it to get it to finally print to PDF properly, however, I would like to know why this happened and how it can be fixed if it happens again. I have attached an image of the PDF that printed out poorly, and the final proper PDF so you can see what it was supposed to come out as.
Size of Drawing file is 4.33 mb. But Can not Open. A message appears " Drawing File Invalid"
Can I Retrieve the data.? No backup file is available in my system. I have tried with recovery tool but unable to get original data for Any other option .
I don't know what happened, but my autocad file doesn't open up with a message "drawing file is not valid". I opened it at home once in Autocad 2012 - Student version and I open it at school usually every other day in Autocad 2012 - Educational version and it opens up properly at both places. But this tuesday I tried to open it, and it didn't open. I really need this file to be recovered because this drawing was complicated and I finished it. So, it will be a real pain to do it all over again plus the time I will waste. I am going to attach that file here.
Why plotting the drawing in pdf file produces a NOT to scale drawing?
I’m wondering if there is a way to print the drawing in a pdf file such that the drawing scale is kept correct.
For example, I tried to print the drawing shown in the screenshot in 1/100 scale using the Adobe pdf printer, but later, as I printed the pdf file, the printed drawing is not to scale!
Why the pdf file doesn’t keep the scale?
Is there a way to “preserve” the scale while printing the drawing in a pdf file?
We have a drawing that has been exploded purged, overkilled, audited and we still cannot decrease the size of it. Theres no blocks, theres no 3d, its a very simple drawing but I feear its corrupted. I've tried copy/blocking the information out of it but that just makes it crash. I cant attach it its too big! (16 meg)
I am on a 64 bit Windows 7 HP computer with AutoCAD 2010, and I am having a problem plotting a long (24" X 190") drawing file. We have a RICOH Aficio MP W3600 PS plotter. I have gone through the proper procedure through the Plotter Manager all the way to Select Custom Paper Sizes but the Add button is grayed out and I can't add a new user size. I was able to do this with AutoCAD 2004 on a Windows XP system but can't on this setup.
how do I attach or insert a drawing from one dwg file into another dwg file? I'm drawing some and i want a site plan off of a different file i just want to take it and but it in my new drawing without have to draw the site plan over
When I purge a drawing, the text styles are not a selectable option (as if there are no purgeable text styles). if i use (-purge), it will purge the unused text styles. I can also go into the Styles dialog box and delete the styles. It happens in all drawings and nobody else in the dept has the problem. I can't find any settings that would exclude any items from the purge dialog box as well. Autocad 2012? windows 7 64 bit.
I would like to know about the permission needed to edit the autocad file. In my folder there are many autocad files. I need to give the edit permission to one particual file to a specific user.
First i tried with folder level security. But i failed.
1. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete,Write Attribute) in the folder level. But when i tried to open the drawing file, it throws an error. Error: "File is currently using by the user1. Would you like to open the file read-only?"
2. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete) in the folder level. Now i could open the file successfully. But after editing, when i tried to save the document, it throws an error: Error: "Unable to save to drawing D:TestTest.dwg as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to "D:Testsav460B.tmp"
3. Now i have given full permission for the particular user including Delete permission in the folder level. Now i could save the drawing succesfully after editing.
From this , i guess, it needs delete permission in the folder level to edit and save the drawing (I understood this is for creating/deleting tmp/.bak files during saving the document.). But giving delete permission in the folder level is very risky.
I have to list all object data on some 4000 drawings. The drawings have been created in an unkown version of autocad and are electrical in nature. It would be great if a LISP file could be created to extract all of this too individual Excel or text files.
Which settings or where do I go to set my drawing Style, Text height and line space factor on all my drawings in one shot. It is frustrating going through many drawings changing it.
I created some custom linetypes. When I copied them over to my drawing, the text in the linetypes came in extemely large. I really need to get this figured out as I am setting up a template for a new customer, and they want all these included.