AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Delete Shape File Which Comes From Other Drawing
Mar 22, 2012how to delete shape file which comes from other drawing
View 1 Replieshow to delete shape file which comes from other drawing
View 1 Repliesany way to delete more than a single shape at a time from a shape collection file, other like step by step with the option key? I have one collection with about 400 shapes and would like to save it to some "groups", like people, arrows, devices..
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have gotten a drawing from another user and have managed to purge all of thier layers except for one. I have deleted everything out of the drawing, done "select all" numerous times and deleted, but this layer still won't let itself be deleted. I have made sure it is not the current layer, w blocked the whole drawing etc. There was an ole image in this drawing at some stage, could that have left this horrible layer "25L"???
I hate when i have rogue layers in my files
I'm relatively new to the software and have somehow managed to delete/remove the bar/ribbon with all of the functions related to the actual drawing of..well a drawing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI loaded a linetype (.lin file) in ACAD 2010 and it came out wrong. I would like to permanently remove it from ACAD(where it cant be seen when you go to load another type of line), how do you do that?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow to compile a "master" .shp file that would include the coding for all of my shape files for custom linetypes. I did this years ago for a specific set of linetypes but I can not remember how I did it.
I know ACAD has the linetype.shp file that includes coding for ACAD supplied custom linetypes.
I think I remember inserting all of the shapes into a drawing and somehow compiling the *.shp file. Is that how it is done?
I exported a building I drew in a program to a shape file. It produced 3 files, a .dbf, a AutoCAD Shape Source file, and a AutoCAD Compiled Shape. Can I import my exported shape file into AutoCAD 2010?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs an engineering company we have started to convert hundreds of our drawings from AutoCAD to PDF using a batch utility.
However every file that is converted into a PDF file is opened by a PDF Viewer. We want to prevent this.
I opened my *.pc3 file and removed the check from the appropriate box. See below
I press OK, then save the file and close. However when I reopen the file, I see the box for Openining in PDF Viewer has been rechecked. No matter what I do, I cannot permanently remove the check from this box.
I'm trying to repurpose some artwork and am running into an issue. In the image below, I simply want to delete the bottom right corner of the blue box so that the orange background is visible along the right edge of the curved shape and the blue box is visible along the left edge of the curved shape. But I cannot figure out how to do this. I've tried all the Pathfinder choices and none work. How can I do this? CS6, Windows 7.
View 12 Replies View RelatedSize of Drawing file is 4.33 mb. But Can not Open. A message appears " Drawing File Invalid"
Can I Retrieve the data.? No backup file is available in my system. I have tried with recovery tool but unable to get original data
for Any other option .
When I try and open a file from the network that another user already has open, I receive the following message:
"Cannot find the specified drawing file. Please verify that the network drive is available and the file exists".
This happens when using Novell Netware. Is there a resolution?
I don't know what happened, but my autocad file doesn't open up with a message "drawing file is not valid". I opened it at home once in Autocad 2012 - Student version and I open it at school usually every other day in Autocad 2012 - Educational version and it opens up properly at both places. But this tuesday I tried to open it, and it didn't open. I really need this file to be recovered because this drawing was complicated and I finished it. So, it will be a real pain to do it all over again plus the time I will waste. I am going to attach that file here.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhy plotting the drawing in pdf file produces a NOT to scale drawing?
I’m wondering if there is a way to print the drawing in a pdf file such that the drawing scale is kept correct.
For example, I tried to print the drawing shown in the screenshot in 1/100 scale using the Adobe pdf printer, but later, as I printed the pdf file, the printed drawing is not to scale!
Why the pdf file doesn’t keep the scale?
Is there a way to “preserve” the scale while printing the drawing in a pdf file?
We have a drawing that has been exploded purged, overkilled, audited and we still cannot decrease the size of it. Theres no blocks, theres no 3d, its a very simple drawing but I feear its corrupted. I've tried copy/blocking the information out of it but that just makes it crash. I cant attach it its too big! (16 meg)
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am on a 64 bit Windows 7 HP computer with AutoCAD 2010, and I am having a problem plotting a long (24" X 190") drawing file. We have a RICOH Aficio MP W3600 PS plotter. I have gone through the proper procedure through the Plotter Manager all the way to Select Custom Paper Sizes but the Add button is grayed out and I can't add a new user size. I was able to do this with AutoCAD 2004 on a Windows XP system but can't on this setup.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI saw this feature in a drawing but can not figure out how:
Within a text box is linked to the file name, if I close and rename, when I open the file name is his name changed into the drawing with DWG extension including. How do I do this?
how do I attach or insert a drawing from one dwg file into another dwg file? I'm drawing some and i want a site plan off of a different file i just want to take it and but it in my new drawing without have to draw the site plan over
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to know about the permission needed to edit the autocad file. In my folder there are many autocad files. I need to give the edit permission to one particual file to a specific user.
First i tried with folder level security. But i failed.
1. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete,Write Attribute) in the folder level. But when i tried to open the drawing file, it throws an error. Error: "File is currently using by the user1. Would you like to open the file read-only?"
2. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete) in the folder level. Now i could open the file successfully. But after editing, when i tried to save the document, it throws an error: Error: "Unable to save to drawing D:TestTest.dwg as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to "D:Testsav460B.tmp"
3. Now i have given full permission for the particular user including Delete permission in the folder level. Now i could save the drawing succesfully after editing.
From this , i guess, it needs delete permission in the folder level to edit and save the drawing (I understood this is for creating/deleting tmp/.bak files during saving the document.). But giving delete permission in the folder level is very risky.
keep getting program not responding message when I try to open a drawing.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have to list all object data on some 4000 drawings. The drawings have been created in an unkown version of autocad and are electrical in nature. It would be great if a LISP file could be created to extract all of this too individual Excel or text files.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan the Plot command be used to combine multiple drawing views into a single DWF file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I create a new CTB file OR insure that a drawing is supported by an existing CTB file? I have tried to start one from scratch using Plot window - when I click on file - it sends me back to MY DOCUMENTS. Is this a glich??
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes the command still exist to export a drawing to the 3DS file type? I remember doing it in 2007, but do not remember the command and can not find it in the help files.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am attempting to attach a title block into a layout. This is my process:
1. Go to Building1 drawing, and go to layout. Without any viewports created, I attach a dwg file named titleblock1.
2. When I specifiy the location and scale, I cannot find the attached drawing.
why can't I attach files larger than 1.5 KB? I can't attach anything useful!
This drawing file doesnt allow copy to clipboard or even binding on to other drawing. It was originally sent to us from another company, I have deleted all the objects and layers, purged it. If I create a new line or other object, Ctrl+C doesnt work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have determined that an AutoCAD drawing has the unfortunate ability to have Annotation Scales "hard coded", meaning they CANNOT be removed from the drawing.
Let me explain....
In a detail drawing file (i.e. my master drawing file where I keep all of our standard details), I was getting duplicate Annotation Scales. I would try to use the SCALELISTEDIT command to try and delete the anno scales not being used, but it would appear they WERE being used. (and resetting the anno scales didn't work either)
I was using a combination of tricks to determine WHICH annotation objects were using the duplicate anno scales. I would set ANNOALLVISIBLE to 0 and set the CANNOSCALE to the duplicate anno style to see where they were being used with no luck
I would then use the QSELECT command to group select each type of annotation object that were annotative, and check to see if they were using the duplicate scales. Again, no luck
THEN, I decided to cut-n-paste each detail one-at-a-time from my master drawing file to a new BLANK drawing with only one annotation scale in it (i.e. 1:1). I would paste a detail, and then enter the SCALELISTEDIT command to see which anno scales "came along for the ride". I pasted a particular detail that carried over the duplicate anno scales, but when I checked all of the annotation objects for the duplicate anno scales - NOTHING! I then deleted that particular detail, purged it, and then I was able to delete the duplicate anno scales. But no matter what I did to try and fix that detail (i.e. wblock, cut-n-paste, save-down, etc) the duplicate anno scales simply will NOT be allowed to be deleted even though i cannot find any objects associated with them.
Is there a way for xrefs to stay attached to a drawing file when using Dropbox as a network? All files are saved to the dropbox which is loaded on both computers that need to access the files. If I do work and save an xref in a file that is then opened by someone else on a different computer, the xref is not loaded and has to be re-routed. Is there a way to avoid having to reroute xrefs everytime someone different opens the file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a photograph as my background layer, and then a shape layer on top of that. I want to put a font layer on top of the shape, select the font, and then delete the selection on the shape layer, so whenever I hide the font, the photograph shows through the shape, but every time I do it, no matter the tolerance, the font that is in the shape looks pixelated. I've reset all of my settings, but I'm not sure what to do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've used Xara for a while now, but I've never figured out how to remove or delete a curve edit handle. I mainly want to get rid of ones that are created spontaneously when I add/delete other points on a shape. Attached is an example where the curved cusp of the arrow came, seemingly, from nowhere. All I want to do is restore the angular property. I've tried moving the handle to be on top of the point indicator, but that's an imprecise action ... that often leads to the shape spinning wildly.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi can delete the drawing but not the name??
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