AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Link Text Items Between Pages And Items In Drawing?
Apr 17, 2013
I am hoping to link text items between pages and items in the drawing such as elevations?
So, ideally, I would have a front page to my drawing set, and this would have a 'Contents' type table on it, with the title name of each drawing in one column, then the drawing number in the next column. This is the tricky bit, someone must know: If i was to change the name / number of any item in this table, could it change also (linked to) the following items:
Drawing title (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Drawing number (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Elevation call-out (on the plan view)
And possibly:
Excel reference cell
Drawing layout tab title (this might be pushing it!!)
Perhaps this could be done by linking to an external Excel spreadsheet with these titles modified in there? I'm not sure. This would be ideal as typing into excel is a lot easier than the triple click text modify method required currently.
I waste a lot of time renaming and updating sheet names / titles / numbers. Are there standard templates for drawing sets that may have this built in available anywhere that I could try?
new to dynamic blocks but looking to streamline my wiring diagrams here and have created a block that shows the typical wire styles we use in a simple easy way. I now want to add an overall flip to the entire block and have not been able to find set this. I would prefer to use the same label and go from there. I have included the block to show what I mean. It is only working on the single visible item at the one time. I know this has to be possible just let me know what I am doing wrong. I am running AutoCad LT 2013
is there any way that Autocad can have multiple items placed on the clipboard for insertion use like the Microsoft Office Word programme has (up to 24 inputs). This would be a good feature to allow going to one file, copying what you need and then switching to your current drawing file and placing them as needed
Here's my background, im in the power transformer business, started as a winder (making the coils) but ended up making the design and drawings of them. Basically coils are cylindrical and we only make a radial cut view of it. Going from the center of the core to the outer most coil. The part list would typically have roughly 80 items for a full phase assembly, we make a drawing of the full assembly, then first winding, second winding, third winding, etc. The way i work right now is with standard drawings giving A, B, C etc dimensions, and when i make the piece for the transformer, i have to input the dimension in the excel part list by hand.
The can i do these things questions..
1-Only way to have individual items listed in the part lists would be with blocks right? The equivalent of inventor i-parts? Each block would have to be named after the item?
2-Can i add mass to the items? this could get complicated since its cylindrical, but in 2d... so i guess some math formulas would have to go in for this, as a cylinder with a diameter of 500, thickness of 5, and height of 1000 for example, would just be represented in the drawing as a rectangle of 5x1000, the diameter is the core center to the cylinder*2 (radial drawing). So the mass would need to take into account that the rectangle goes all the way around an axis.
3-I've played with autocad 2010 parametrics. With the axis as a base, i can enter the diameter of the first cylinder, then the thickness and height of everything that follows, the clearance from bottom and top also and if i change 1 value, everything adjusts to it. BUT can i change the dimensions via an excel sheet? If not, how hard would it be (i know a small bit of visual basic from excel), to make a LISP or VBA menu inside cad where we could enter the dimensions and the whole assembly automatically adjusts?
4-I make a drawing of the full assembly, then demolish it to each individual coils. The equivalent of an inventor .iam, would be xref in autocad? So i can makea coil 1, coil 2, coil 3, interwinding wraps, and then make an xref that would combine all of these into the full assembly? And also i guess if its split into 4 to 5 different drawings, the possible BOM out of there would be much easier to manage.
So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it. However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle. Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.
This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.
I created a drawing, saved it, and days later most lines have dissapear. At preview you can see the drawing is complete, but when you open it is incomplete. Checked the BAK file, same thing, and there are no layers shut down. What can I do to recover my drawing?
I have a dynamic block that contains both geometry as well as text. I don't want the geometry to scale up based on the drawing scale but I do want the text to scle according to the drawing scale. I have tried making the text both annotative and non-annotative in the block and get the same result. I can get the text to scale properly if I make the entire block annotative but that also scales the geometry which is not accurate.
I have one user who cannot plot correctly from his workstation. All of his drawings will be missing information when they are plotted although they look perfect in the print preview. For example, at the bottom of every drawiing, he puts in a single text block: "Drawn by: SLM" and sometimes the 'S' in his initials won't get plotted, etc. He can save any of those drawings to a shared drive and plot them from a different workstation and there is no issue. We are using AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 on Windows 7 32bit.
I'm attempting to change the descriptions of items in my drawing that say S/40 to S/80. It's too time consuming to individually change every description. Is there a way to change them all at once? Or maybe point to a database for the description?
I'm wanting to copy some elements from one drawing to a different .dwg file to make sure it's identical. I can't just simply use the COPY command. At least it didn't work for me.
I am trying to move a component within a part drawing, not an assembly. When I do "move bodies" it wants to move every extrusion within my drawing. If I click move face, then I have to click every face that I want to move (which is time consuming) and then it often times doesn't work? Sometime it works other times it just moves the origin indicator and doesn't move the faces I have selected.
I don't know about others having drawing that either have DGN trash like linetypes or (Cells) blocks that seem to not purge out even if you use the regular wblock command.
And if you go to purge and toggle "View items you cannot purge" you see them.
You want to clean the drawing and you want to keep all your paperspace tabs so you will end up with a clean drawing.
1) use the command -wblock
2) enter a new name
3) enter * (that will tell Autocad to create a new drawing with everything in it)
4) close the old drawing don't save and open your new clean drawing with all your paperspace tabs, your done!
I have a drawing with an XREF in it and both drawing have items on layer 0. Is there a way of freezing the items in the XREF drawing that are on layer 0 but still layer 0 on in my drawing?
When I create a "Break" in a view, Inventor glitches. The other views, and even the border, title block, and whatever else is in the drawing, will disappear. The other items reappear if I "Zoom All". Is there an update?
I have some hardware in my parts list drawings that has a substitute for each other. So you can use one of either item in the list. Per the ASME guidelines, those two parts share the same item number in the parts list. So my question is there any way to tell those two parts they are substitute from each other and they come into the parts list sharing that same item number. Right now i'm manually changing that item number in the parts list. But if you try to re-order those parts it's a nightmare cause it's still treating that other item as a seperate entity.
A program that prompts:"select objects:" then I can select some objects like as text, line, circle,... after that program find all texts in selected items and swap text
swap means: xxx/yyy ===> yyy/xxx ; "/" is a divisor
I'm trying to select all Text-based items (Text,Mtext and Attribute References) in a drawing to check to see if they match a pattern in a regular expression. Although i have a block with an attribute in the drawing and the selection filter consisting of
I have two stretch parameters on a dynamic block. How can I link them together? For example if the user stretch one them the other automatically stretches accordingly. I assume 'Parameter Manager' is the key.
if it's possible to link a rotation with a stretching action. I have a text (or an attribute) inside a box that can be stretched. But if the box becomes too small to hold the text horizontally, I would like that the text automatically rotate vertically without any other action that stretching the box. If that is possible, is it also possible that instead of a text, there's an attribute, and that it rotates according to the attribute's length ?
I need to create a small table to ID the User, Computer name, Door Key, etc for a floor plan drawing of our office. I'd like to get this done in Excel and link it all so the bldg manager can make changes to the drawing without me. I have created the excel file and created a "name set" in excel for each room. In Autocad 2013 I have inserted a table from a data link and pointed that link to the named range of the room (the named range in excel is an 8 cel block with al the info I need repeated and uniquely named for each room.
This works my next step is to create a block out of the table and make the DATA LINK a variable attribute...that's where I'm stuck. i cannot figure out how to do this. I would love to be able to INSERT BLOCK and have one attribute question...ROOM NUMBER?. That should look to the excel NAMED SET the corresponds and populate the table.
Is it possible to link a parameter value to a function? I want text or attributes to never be "upside down".
If it is rotated with a rotation parameter the text would need to be automatically flipped or rotated if the angle is less than say >3*PI / 4 and < 7*PI/8.
All of the sudden I cannot double click on text to edit and I cannot select items before I use a command. If I have selected an object the delete button will not work.
I've got a block with 2 lines of text, the second line being optional. If the second line is omitted, the first line should be moved down, so it's centered.
I can handle the second line being omitted with a visibility parameter. And I can handle the first line being moved down with a move parameter. But how can I link the two?
Ideally, I'd be able to re-use the line 1 attribute and display it in whichever place was correct, but that doesn't seem to be possible.
How do I manipulate a height parameter all of the dynamic blocks in the drawing from one single field? Say a field located in the drawing properties or on the drawing itself.
For example: Multiple blocks of different walls of same height with other blocks of things on located on those walls, dependant on the wall height, all linked to and changed by a single field. Possibly a Wall Height field located in the custom tab of the drawing properties.
I can pickout each of the blocks and change them at the same time in properites menu because they all share the same parameter name. I would just like to have that height parameter of every block in the drawing, that has that specific parameter controled by a single field. Which I could enter a new height at anytime that would change every block in the drawing to that height.
How to create a piece of text art using I have been trying to create something with a variety of text element in different colors and fonts, and every time I switch to a new element, I seem to lose the ability to move and and/or manipulate the text items that I created prior. Not sure if this is clear…
I'm working in Ai but this question applies to other Adobe programs.
Is there some way to abrreviate the text menu items ("Stroke", "Opacity", "Character", "Paragraph", "Transform") to "S", "O", "C", "P", and "T", this would save space (working with two windows juxtaposed) and eliminates need to access the drop down menu on the right if working window is smaller.
Perhaps this is too deep for the Preferences to reach... (but maybe it shouldn't be)