AutoCAD LT :: Items Missing From Drawing?
Sep 18, 2013
I created a drawing, saved it, and days later most lines have dissapear. At preview you can see the drawing is complete, but when you open it is incomplete. Checked the BAK file, same thing, and there are no layers shut down. What can I do to recover my drawing?
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Apr 17, 2013
I am hoping to link text items between pages and items in the drawing such as elevations?
So, ideally, I would have a front page to my drawing set, and this would have a 'Contents' type table on it, with the title name of each drawing in one column, then the drawing number in the next column. This is the tricky bit, someone must know: If i was to change the name / number of any item in this table, could it change also (linked to) the following items:
Drawing title (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Drawing number (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Elevation call-out (on the plan view)
And possibly:
Excel reference cell
Drawing layout tab title (this might be pushing it!!)
Perhaps this could be done by linking to an external Excel spreadsheet with these titles modified in there? I'm not sure. This would be ideal as typing into excel is a lot easier than the triple click text modify method required currently.
I waste a lot of time renaming and updating sheet names / titles / numbers. Are there standard templates for drawing sets that may have this built in available anywhere that I could try?
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Jul 17, 2013
when I print to a pdf file using Adobe PDF printer the hatching on my luminaire symbols and the images in the legend are missing.
All are on the same layer as the legend and symbols and appear in the viewport.
It's only when I create the odf that they disappear.
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Dec 21, 2011
Trying to setup my machine at home to match my machine at work. To clear things up, I'm running ACA 2009 on both machines, both are running XP Professional, although I'm running XP Professional at home through VMWare Fusion 4 on my MacBook Pro and I really doubt that could cause these issues since a coworker is having these issues at work on a PC.
First of all when I startup ACA 2009 almost everything is missing! When I go to profiles and load the imperial profile I get the wonderful ribbon, which I immediately use RIBBONCLOSE to turn off but then I don't have any file menus. I have the large A in the upper left corner but it only has File, Edit, and Exit I believe. So I used MENULOAD to get the ACAD.cui back up and then reinserted the install CD to add EXPRESSTOOLS back (...why aren't this included to start....that's for another time).
So now I have a something pretty close to my work machine after moving some properties, xref, and tool palettes around. I don't really use any buttons so it is a pretty minimalist desktop. Now down to the real question...
Where did the Project Browser and Style Managers disappear to? I know, I know, ending in a preposition...I can't think anymore today and Autodesk you are responsible. Is it just me or does Autodesk seem to be hiding more and more from us with each release every year? I can type ProjectBrowser into the command line and it will appear but it isn't under the File menu and more and I honestly couldn't find the Style Manager command prompt so I can't tell you if that works.
How do I get these two items to reappear, neither of the two buttons existing either in the standard ACAD.cui configuration next to Tool Palette, etc
Also, why don't the profiles work anymore? If I save it under profiles and reload it the next time everything is messed up nothing happens, and yes the shortcut I use to start ACA references that profile.
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Sep 10, 2012
How can I look at a plane in custom view like I used to be able to do? I need to rotate a part to its "straight on" view.
This is from within an inventor drawing. You used to be able to select user work planes and origin planes to change the view to.
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Dec 29, 2012
I have a CMYK AI file with several objects. When I export to 1920x1080 JPG, PNG or PSD...some outlined text is not showing up but it's drop shadow is. Some objects that have transparency gradients are also missing. It is the same if I export to RGB or CMYK. I have to translate the AI first to RGB and then it works but it has never done this to me before. Il CS5.1, Mac OSX 10.7.5
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Mar 7, 2014
A netwrok group policy has kicked in on my machine (which I have managed to evade for 2 years) and the recently opened items has stopped displaying. The recent items options in Preferences>File handling is also greyed out. The recently opened items in the Start menu>properties is greyed out too. I know its the policy that is the root cause.
The list does not generate at all, even while I am active in the program.
However, Illustrator and Photoshop are still recalling the recently opened files as they normally would. While I know they are all different programs this gives me hope that there is a slim chance I can find a work around? Maybe redirecting where the data is saved or somethign along those lines?
Running CS5.5 Master Collection, Windows 7.just to add there is nothing in the group policy that is specifically directed at Indesign as i am the only person that has it.
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Jul 28, 2012
I just loaded LR4 on my new mac laptop and in Library mode, The "Folders" and the "Catalog" tabs are missing and in Develop mode, the "Presets" tab and "Snapshots" tab is missing. I deleted the progrm off my laptop completely and reloaded it and the same thing happened. How do I get these tabs back?
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Feb 6, 2012
I've just downloaded the student revit-architecture, however even after reinstalling I cannot find the elevations in 'Project Browser'. I only have floor plans and ceiling plans. Is it hidden somewhere?
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Apr 12, 2011
I have one user who cannot plot correctly from his workstation. All of his drawings will be missing information when they are plotted although they look perfect in the print preview. For example, at the bottom of every drawiing, he puts in a single text block: "Drawn by: SLM" and sometimes the 'S' in his initials won't get plotted, etc. He can save any of those drawings to a shared drive and plot them from a different workstation and there is no issue. We are using AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 on Windows 7 32bit.
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Aug 27, 2012
I'm attempting to change the descriptions of items in my drawing that say S/40 to S/80. It's too time consuming to individually change every description. Is there a way to change them all at once? Or maybe point to a database for the description?
(AutoCad 2011, CADworx Plant 2010)
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Apr 4, 2013
I'm wanting to copy some elements from one drawing to a different .dwg file to make sure it's identical. I can't just simply use the COPY command. At least it didn't work for me.
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Jun 21, 2012
I am trying to move a component within a part drawing, not an assembly. When I do "move bodies" it wants to move every extrusion within my drawing. If I click move face, then I have to click every face that I want to move (which is time consuming) and then it often times doesn't work? Sometime it works other times it just moves the origin indicator and doesn't move the faces I have selected.
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Dec 16, 2013
I don't know about others having drawing that either have DGN trash like linetypes or (Cells) blocks that seem to not purge out even if you use the regular wblock command.
And if you go to purge and toggle "View items you cannot purge" you see them.
You want to clean the drawing and you want to keep all your paperspace tabs so you will end up with a clean drawing.
1) use the command -wblock
2) enter a new name
3) enter * (that will tell Autocad to create a new drawing with everything in it)
4) close the old drawing don't save and open your new clean drawing with all your paperspace tabs, your done!
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Sep 19, 2013
How do I purge items from the drawing that have $ sign e.g., DIM-48$0, DIM-48$7,
see attached
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a drawing with an XREF in it and both drawing have items on layer 0. Is there a way of freezing the items in the XREF drawing that are on layer 0 but still layer 0 on in my drawing?
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Oct 12, 2012
Is there a quick and easy way to number items in a drawing? I have attached a pdf and would like to number the seats 1-100.
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Feb 8, 2013
When I create a "Break" in a view, Inventor glitches. The other views, and even the border, title block, and whatever else is in the drawing, will disappear. The other items reappear if I "Zoom All". Is there an update?
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Jan 31, 2012
I have some hardware in my parts list drawings that has a substitute for each other. So you can use one of either item in the list. Per the ASME guidelines, those two parts share the same item number in the parts list. So my question is there any way to tell those two parts they are substitute from each other and they come into the parts list sharing that same item number. Right now i'm manually changing that item number in the parts list. But if you try to re-order those parts it's a nightmare cause it's still treating that other item as a seperate entity.
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May 25, 2012
How to I "unhide" my photo files in My Pictures?
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Sep 18, 2012
Not sure what it's called but I have a co worker that has lost the bar at the lower left corner of the window. Where it says "Text:... Dim:.... Scale:....". I have it on my computer and can't figure out how to get it back on his.
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Apr 9, 2013
I made a simple aluminum frame with clear polycarbonate shields. Somehow, when I put it on drawing sheet, some parts behind the polycarbonate are missing. If i make the polycarbonate invisible, the missing parts appear again. This strange phenomenon started today. It didn't happen before, and no parts were missing behind the clear polycarbonate.
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Apr 3, 2012
We are working on a file here and the lables on the drawing are missing. We had station offset lables in our drawings and are now missing from the plans.
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Apr 16, 2013
i am using AC2013LT and have come accross a problem with the printing. I have completed my drawings, converted them to PDF(image 1) and when i print the PDF out, there are parts of the drawing missing as image 2 shows. If i plot direct from autocad, there is no problem with the print.
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Mar 15, 2013
I am working on a large plant piping project and while I've seen this behavior before I've never seen it this bad.
Attached is a screen shot of a small portion of the assembly drawing in which you can see a good example of what I'm dealing with.
At the top you can see a weld neck flange that appears to be attached to air where there should be an elbow. In the middle you can see that on one side of the elbow there is missing geometry.
At the bottom is another flange that attached to air where there should be an elbow. This drawing is littered with these errors and as such is unsuitable for even a reference document.
I have turned visibility of these components off and on without resolution. I have turned on tangent and interference edges without resolution.
I have translated a copy to ACAD to see if it's simply graphical but the ACAD file shows the same errors. I have checked parallel and perpendicularity and all is well.
Inventor 2012 Pro 64bit (Build 219 - SP2)
Vault 2012 Pro Admin
Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Quad Core processor 2.26 Ghz
1.5 GB Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 (Driver Version
2 – 320 GB SATA drives
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Nov 5, 2013
I've got a view of a presentation in a drawing and one of the parts which is in a sub assembly.
I've checked the visibility in the presentation and the drawing and the assembly but all say visible.
Restarted the computer, but still no change.
see below a pic of the drawing, I've drawn in a red rectangle where the part should roughly be.
IV 11
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May 16, 2012
While working with an Inventor 2013 *.idw some of the dimension lines, extension lines, and learders became invisible, even though you can still see the dimension values and even the arrow heads of the no-show dimensions. Even when printed, the same lines are not there. 2013 Glitch?
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Jul 16, 2013
We want to ensure that a balloon callout exists for every item in the parts list (BOM) in our assembly drawings. Is there a way to easily do this?
Currently, if we have an assembly with 30 parts, we manually search for each of the 30 BOM balloon to verify that none were missed. Since the balloons are not in order, balloon 5 could be on page 2 while 6 is on page 8. This method is often time-consuming and error prone.
It probably goes without saying, but if ballons are missed, then assemblers have nothing to show them were the parts go and either come ask us or guess.
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Nov 8, 2012
I was opening files and autocad was telling me that some xrefs were missing from the drawing, did I want to locate the xrefs or ignore (I hit ignore and accidentally checked the always do this to these types of files). Now, when I load a drawing I can not get the building to load into the drawings.
How to turn the locate feature back on for xrefs?
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Jul 25, 2012
I'm having an issue with my 2013LT. Everytime I open a new drawing I get a dialog box that says "One or more SHX files are missing. What do you want to do?" The options they give me are "Specify a replacement for each SHX file" or "Ignore and continue".
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Jun 14, 2012
when I open a drawing that's missing an shx file I get a dialog box (see attached). I put a check mark in the "always perform current choice" item and select the "Specify a replacement for each shx file". I assume this replaces the missing shx file with the default shx file. But if I send the drawing to someone else they get the same message. Did the shx file not get replaced or do I need to do something further?
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