After Effects :: Animating A Butterfly In 3D?
Feb 2, 2013
I need to animate a butterfly in 3D. I created the wings with 2 identical shapes. I animated the wings flapping with the rotation tool. So now I have a stationary butterfly that's flapping its wings. Should I animate the butter fly on the same comp or should I create a new comp and import the butterfly into that new comp? I tried to animate the butterfly moving in a new comp, but it's difficult to work with because you're animating the whole comp, meaning when you select the butterfly, it's the whole comp you're selecting, not just the butterfly. This makes it difficult to work with.
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May 4, 2006
I wish to create a smooth transition between the Before & After of a Filter Effect. I know settings in Layer Styles can be tweaked in simple animations, how can i do it to a filter effect? I use photoshop & flash does anyone know anyway to do it smoothly? any plug-ins or methods?
the only method i can think of is to create multiple images then adding them in flash, but that wouldn't be smooth enough for me and it will make my flash file too big if i import so many images.
can anyone suggest any workaround to that? any software/plug-in that can do that? The effect im trying to create is the flipping of a page, i found a filter to curl the ends of the page already, but it only saves a image at a time.
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Jun 21, 2013
I'm attempting to animate a stroke similar to the the new Siri interface in iOS7...The stroke is fixed at both ends but bounces relative to the users voice. How I could possibly recreate this in Ae or even tutorials that exist that follow this same idea?
A video can be viewed on Apples iOS7 site URL.... Its the third phone down on the right.
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Nov 25, 2003
I have attached an image of a butterfly with a broken effect on its wings. You can see the effect inside the marching ants. How do i get this kind of effect?
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Mar 13, 2011
Usually i just do stills, but soon i maybe will have to animate the work of a robot like that one:
I can do it just manually by moving the different parts of the robot according to the needs of the animation. But is there a way to automate/ease up animation of such a robot? Because the way that i do it is just quite slow and if i have to animate 30 robots which are doing different things it would take me a century.
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Jan 29, 2013
I've seen the tutorials about using an Audio Float Controller to move a speaker cone but the sync with the music is "Meh" at best. Pretty much just animates it depending on how loud the music is at that given time and just shakes the cones wildly. Has anyone ran into a script that will follow the audio wave form more closely and would be able to distinguish and filter out just the low frequencies to use for a sub?
I guess I could make the cone vibrate back and forth and then when the bass "kicks" I could manually push the cone out at that given time. Seems like alot of blood, sweat, and tears though.
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Oct 9, 2013
We've been asked to create an animated map, of sorts. Nothing on the map really would move, but sections would start one color, then highlight and change to a different color. I'm assuming the ideal deliverable would be a HD quality movie file that they could slide the time marker back and forth to see different levels of progress.
Imagine you're trying to show a highway repaving project that will take a number of years to complete. You start with the whole highway where nothing's been repaved. Then, the first year's repaving highlights and then changes color to show that it's been repaved. It remains the new color. Then, the next year's repaving highlights and then changes to the repaved color. This continues until the whole highway is shown as repaved.
I can't imagine Map3D not being able to do this, I just want to search out the best way before we get started. Worst case, we save out a whole bunch of map images and assemble them in some other software. But it seems like Map3D ought to be able to do it.
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Mar 3, 2006
I have a picture of our fishing team holding a fish. I have taken our Team Name and animated it in Photoshop CS2.
I would like to put the animation on the photo, so.........when you look at the photo the Team Name is doing it's animation thing.
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Oct 7, 2012
At the moment I animate the weight from 0 to 1 and vice versa over a frame, but when I reopen the damn scene its all wacky. What the heck is going on here?
I tried to install ET PickUp but its giving me an error to do so.
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Nov 16, 2011
I'm trying to animate a camera lens to go from 11mm to 24mm over 200 frames. When I animate the lens and run the animation it goes crasy and gives me silly results.
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Jun 30, 2011
The idea goes like this: I want to animate a set of pipes where the top half of a pipe will become gradually transparent (invisible) in the middle of the animation, allowing users to see the liquid flow inside them.
So let's say we have an animation consisting of a total of 300 frames. On frame 100, the top half of the pipe will be at 0% transparency. On frame 101, transparency is at 10%. On frame 103, transparency is at 20% etc. This goes all the way until the transparency is at 100%, where the liquid is visible within the lower half of the pipe.
Can this be pulled off in 3D Studio Max?
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Apr 22, 2011
I am working on a small animation for a piston pump. I have managed to get the shaft and piston head moving in the correct motion using an expression controller and now trying to get the arm part to work in sync is causing me problems, it just seems to be largely out of place. There is probably a simple solution for the problem although as I am new i am still getting to grips with the software. I have attached a file for the scene.
The attachment feature doesn't seem to be working therefore i have uploaded the file to this link:
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Dec 1, 2011
Is there anyway to animate anything in the object properties like visible to reflections?
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Dec 9, 2011
I'm using 3dsMax2011 and having an issue with ProBooleans not animating over time when rendering. I'm using a curved box to subtract from a curved object. If you scrub the timeline and render a single frame it displays and renders just fine, but if I render over a range, say from frame 115-160, the boolean never works. I've Started from new, Deleted the old substracting mesh and redrew Merged objects into another scene created new Boolean test with new objects but nothing seems to work.
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Feb 19, 2012
I have an image and I would like to animate it's transformation into a skewed and distorted shape, e.g.: I'd like to show the steps of a rectange being distorted into a non-isosceles trapezoid. Is this possible?
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Dec 15, 2012
I'm trying to create an animated .gif, the tutorials make it sound easy, just one problem, I can't find "Animate" in any menu. I am using Win 7, PS CS6, not extended. Is this available only in the extended version?
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Jan 1, 2013
Is there a way to put 9 separate images together to form an animation? I have them all in a psd file.
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Nov 8, 2013
i am animating film footage in Photoshop Cs6. i have used the paint brush tool to draw an image over my film, which works nicely. but i have to do this frame by frame--e.g. as i move to the next frame, what i draw is gone, and i have to reanimate every frame. is there a way to hold what i paint in one frame on to the next, so that i am producing a progressive image over the film?
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May 24, 2011
Just trying to figure out the best way in animation a block of stone being chiseled away. So the stone would be chipping away piece by piece, one after another. Is there a way to treat a polymesh so that peices can break off of it in a controlled manner? I have tried pro-boolean but it is not to effective for multiple pieces.
Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000
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Oct 18, 2012
I have an arrow following a circle spline using Path Deform Binding (WSM). I want a light to be placed just ahead of the arrow and follow the same circle so it lights anything in front of it (Which is what a light usually does) but I can't fugure out how to do it. I tried the same Path Deform Binding modifier, and I tried the select and link to the arrow, but nothing works.
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
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Nov 13, 2011
I need to animate removing material from the outside of a wooden bowl. Here is a video of what I'm trying to do: [URL]......
I've been using a Boolean difference, but I keep getting weird errors, such as random polygons being deleted and the entire bowl disappearing.
The original bowl was modeled in SolidWorks and I've tried importing it directly into Maya using a plug-in and also saving it as an .fbx in modo then importing that. Neither way of getting the file into Maya has worked.
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Jun 22, 2011
I want to animate the pf source but when i click on the Auto Key button for animate it, the ticks are don’t move, only the logo of pf source are moved.
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Apr 21, 2012
I want to animate my clock hands backwards but i have tried to use the select and rotate button from the use selection center(centre)then turning on the autokey but it's not working the handles don't stay aligned.
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Oct 16, 2012
Imagine a flat box or cube (20 x 20 x 2) with many subD's so that it look like more a 3D plane rather than a cube. Is it possible to "pinch" off a peice off a piece of geometry off of the cube corner by using a mod so that the pinched piece literally breaks away from the parent piece? It can stay as the same object or a new object piece can be doesn't matter, as long as I can animate the pinched off peice separately.
Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000
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Jan 22, 2014
I have an imported set of models. Part of the set is a rubber straw that has a plastic tip attached on one end (please see attached image). I need to animate this bending and also being clasped (squished slightly) later in the animation.
The tube and tip models are currently body objects, I am reluctant to remodel the tube as it has text detailing across it. The tube material should have a slight rigidity similar to a garden hose (ie if you held it in our hand it bend down, but would maintain it's shape more if you held it nearer the end). I don't need to animate it too much but it needs to start coiled up, then be uncoiled, then bend slighly in the middle. I have tried making a SplineIK animation which just made the tube pivot on one end. I also tried an HI solver and this did the same. I have also tried to use the Bend Modifier but this does not seem versatile enough.
The second part of the animation I need to add two clamps to the tube and show the two clamped points squishing the tube slightly, which I am also struggling with.
3DS Max 2014 x 64.
Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit, 2 x Intel Xeon 2.93GHz, NVIDIA Quadro 4000, 24GB Ram.
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Apr 30, 2012
I need to change the colour of several objects at different times.
Imagine I have 30 blue boxes that I want to change to red boxes but they dont start changing and finish at the same time. How do I do this?
One method is to have 30 materials that I keyframe to change from red to blue at certain times.
Another method is to have two coincident boxes and fade the red box out to leave the blue box. This way, I can make the fading start and finish at different times.
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010
NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM
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Jun 24, 2012
I am trying to animate a simple 3D position change in Photoshop Extended CS6 (OS 10.7.4)Here's what I do:
1. I move my object to its starting position.
2. I move the Current Time Indicator ("playhead") to the time I want the position change to start.
3. I click the Time‑Vary stopwatch icon on the Position layer of the timeline, and a keyframe is automatically created, no problem.
4. I move the playhead away from the initial keyframe to the time I want the position change to end.
5. I move my object to its ending position.
I expect to see the second keyframe be automatically created, as advertised, BUT it is not. What's more, if i move the playhead to "scrub" through the animation, I see no movement. What's happened is the position I set for Keyframe 1 has changed to the position I just moved the object to, which I intended to be Keyframe 2.
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May 20, 2012
I use CS5 + Windows 7, and I would like to make looping gifs from .mp4/.avi clips. I make sure that I set looping to ''forever'', and that I save the file as a gif. once I upload it to a site on chrome(like imageshack and tumblr), the image always stops animating or doesn't animate at all. I've tried uploading the image on Firefox, and it looped forever on the image's direct link on imageshack. But when I upload the image to tumblr on either browsers, either from my files or the imageshack link, it still stops looping. When I go to a tumblr page to mass-delete posts, a gif that has a smaller size than an older gif(this one doesn't animate at all anymore) does loop. Every other gif on the whole site I haven't made always loop.
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Jul 10, 2012
Animating HDRI process in still photo.I'd like to animate (in AE, for instance) a HDRI photo or better those 5/7 photo differently exposed to show how work this techniques, but I don't know how exactly works all cause in Photoshop and others HDRI sw you obtain directlu a blended photo from these 5 / differnt exposed photos. Above all I'd like to know which kind of blendings mode (or combination of them) these software utilize to obtain a perfect merged HDRI image.
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm trying to figure out an animation in an assembly
I'm trying to go:
with a low height, lifting it up at a defined slope, and running it to the slope going down
I know how to drive constraint, is there a drive sweep I could do?
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Sep 27, 2013
I made an animation of a small prototype engine I am designing (attached as video 3) and I would like to be able to show fluid flowing in from the injector and into the cylinder, through the dumbbell valve and out the bottom, autodesk inventor does not seem to have this capability and its looking like my only option is to learn 3ds max and rebuild my animation in that.
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